I've used isthereanydeal.com and gg.deals , but both sites have a lot of limitations (I can't even figure out how to delete more then one game from my wishlist at a time on gg.deals...), and I know some people just use steamdb.info , but was wondering if there's any other sites people recommend for this sort of thing?

3 years ago

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have a lot of limitations

Other than those three, I don't know of any others. What sort of limitations are we talking about?

3 years ago

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Things like importing wishlists from text files / spreadsheets / etc. is very poorly supported (would love to just drop a list from barter into them but never gotten it to work), ability to organize or group by rank / interest level, and a few other things like that.
Strangely gg.deals lets you select more then one game, but has no options that work with it (such as deleting all selected games). Seems to be an incomplete feature they forgot to finish. ITAD last I checked didn't support thumbnails and only provided text lists, which when synced to a steam wishlist would often include the wrong games (since it used names instead of IDs to identify them).

3 years ago

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Why would you import wishlist from barter when integration with Steam works just fine?

3 years ago

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Seems to me like it's more of a trade thing than an actual personal wishlist thing he's wanting (they only have a few items on their steam wishlist).

EDIT: My comment still stands.

3 years ago*

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Actually I mostly use barter because it's the site I've found easiest to organize my overall wishlist on, while I only use the Steam wishlist for the games I want the most.

3 years ago

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Because barter is MUCH easier to organize then anything else I've found, thus I use it for my overall wishlist instead of Steam. My Steam wishlist only contains the few games I want the most.

3 years ago

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There's no better site other then these three to be recommended

3 years ago

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i like to use my Ouija board.

if i knew of a better site i would tell you. and only u.
i would like to know the answer as well

3 years ago

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I can recommend using wishlist itself and augmented steam, if your list is reasonably long, loading is quick and shows cheapest site at the moment.

3 years ago

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I have been almost exclusively using Fanatical... mostly for their bundles, but I've gotten a couple individual games from them. They have an add-on for Firefox (and other browsers) that imports your wishlist and keeps an eye out for anything on your wishlist to go on sale (through Fanatical, Steam deals are not included).

3 years ago

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