m a n d a t o r y


🌈 Ended- You Suck - Ended

👉🏼 baobabs mausoleum ep2


m a n d a t o r y 

hi SG!

i have somewhat technical problems so that can't (but also won't) create 4 weeks giveaways. is too much of time and really dunno if i'll be available in a month or so. one week giveaways are a tad too long, also.

i (still) do use Whitelist a lot (cause i'm terribly lazy) but giveaways are quicker. i used to think about that 1-2 weeks giveaways would allow all folks (included those that were actually working and not checking SG daily) but not anymore: SG has tons of giveaways to join, full of chances to spend your points, each and every single moment, 24 hours a day, 365 days and more per year.


tldr: do you think 4 weeks giveaways are still a thing?

thanks so much as usual

4 days ago*

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I guess it makes sense if it's part of a large train to give everyone enough time, but otherwise I'd agree it's way to much time.

4 days ago

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You do you.

4 days ago

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so, so very sure!

(also was thinking joining community train by creating subways ...and that first one should start from one of yours gibbbs :D)

4 days ago

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well, like I say, you do you.

4 days ago

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I make mine short. Only a certain number of people can win, so everyone else is just wasting points. It's a little different in groups. You need to make them long enough to get entries. Agreed with above, you make your own choices.

4 days ago

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1hr giveaways... is a bit to short though, ultimately its more likely to go to a bot on super short ones.
then again... when your basically just moving a free key from one place to another /shrug.

4 days ago

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An hour is fine. I've won several from icaio that were only for an hour. As I said, making them last longer just takes away more people's points without letting them win. Seems pointless, pun intended.

For my own GAs, another advantage of making them short is being online so I can send them when the GA ends.

4 days ago

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making them last longer just takes away more people's points without letting them win

oh wow.
this is completely new to me. thanks so much!

4 days ago

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Most days when I wake up, I'm sitting at 400 points. So I disagree about points being wasted if a giveaway gets too many entries because the other option is to lose them to the points cap.

4 days ago

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There are certainly people that are very selective about what they enter, or just have a lot of things already, but I never have any trouble using all my points.

4 days ago

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found that shorter giveaway windows tend to have auto joiners win them most of the time. i make them about at least a week to let real people join who will actually play

4 days ago

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I can get a bit anxious with giveaways lasting more than a week so I tend to prefer doing ones that last just a few days, you can usually get a nice amount of entries in 48 hours anyway, although I guess trains are a valid exception since entries are naturally going to be much slower unless one brings attention to it frequently.

4 days ago

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the very long ones... definitely only good for events(like a community train, more difficult puzzles on discussions, things like pagywosg, etc...)
but regular giveaways... its definitely way to long, only reason I could see keeping them that long is promoting social media/curator/etc...
I have found myself sometimes forgetting when I make super long GAs... just to get surprised by a "your giveaway has ended" popup.

around 1 week is more ideal imo, all active/semi active users would have a fair chance at entering that way, would say a minimum of a day so people actually get a chance to join/manage their points appropriately(assuming they aren't sitting at/near 400p all day like some of us).

4 days ago

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I usually make short ones, because in most of time I have to wait days anyway until the key is used/marked as received, and I have many other things to do besides staying on SG XD, I do them short so I won't forget about them (I know, I'm old).
I bet I missed many giveaways for the games I wanted, so it's all about luck and good timing.

4 days ago

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I don't see how a giveaway can last "too long". Unless participants or creators actively check in during the giveaway, biting their nails till it's finally done.
Personally I just let all my giveaways end on Thursdays 7PM every week, for many years now. And I completely forget about them in the time between. If they last 1 day or several weeks is irrelevant to me.

4 days ago

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same here, been doing it at 16:59 every Friday cause of TGIF. this way you also give the chance of a multi-Spacecat.

but checking entries is one of my preferred e-sports, guess we're a tad different on that side :P

4 days ago

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IMHO 24 hours is a good compromise too give enough people a chance to enter.

4 days ago

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Ratio Groups - longer. I'm considering using a week as a standard for group giveaways because it helps the group stay active since there are more giveaways available at any one time. Anyone else think this is a worthwhile reason?

Public - extremely short, but a little longer for higher level ones. People here brought up a good point that long giveaways can mean lots of people wasting points as the probability decreases. Any level 0 giveaway, 1 hour is all you need.

4 days ago

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4 weeks are too long for MY taste.
I prefer 3 days (and when i don't get then 5 entries in a group, then it is what it is. Better chances for the ones that entered the GA) or max. 1 week.

If someone want to promote/advertise something, then are longer GAs maybe smart.

4 days ago

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Depends, but on average my sweet spot is 5 days, enough time for all active people to have a chance to join, and not too long for me to forget about it if something were to happen.

4 days ago

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I don't like to make giveaways that last longer than one, maybe two weeks, unless they are for a scheduled event. Tbh I'm not fond of too lomg goveaways to enter, mostly because they take up space on the main page, and I prefer it to be cleaner :P

4 days ago

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prefer it to be cleaner

the messier, the better!!1

4 days ago

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Closed 4 days ago by icaio.