Do you think Pride Month is stupidty
They're just another homophobic snowflake crying for their safe space.
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Through the ages people always needed fantasy substances whether these were deities, genders, legends, historical theories or other mysteries (I'm sure the same is relevant for India as well), but you can choose what do you want to believe in nowadays. Otherwise, humanity would have lived too boring. Just imagine you would just be working and playing videogames while raising your kids with your husband/wife. Who would want such a simple boring life?
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So basically JUST TRY to be "normal" and you will be accepted by moronic bigots with neandertal worldview, k.
That's exactly WHY it's in-your-face - because of your traditionalist violent stupidity which must be broken once & for all to end the dark ages.
You answer your own question by..... putting it that way, you see?
No of course you don't, because if you could comprehend this paradox, you wouldn't have posted this topic in the first place.
The basic paradox of consciousness here)))
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Oh, name-calling is here!
By Normal, I meant not looking like a mentally ill or a sexual predator. You know, like this:
Or this:
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Ayyy, weird and freaky...but also almost entirely harmless. You think no kid has ever seen their parents naked (or half-naked) before? Or accidentally seen or learned of the weird kinky stuff their parents get into while in bed? Kids these days have stronger sensibilities than you think they do. I know I've seen weirder and freakier stuff off of dial-up internet.
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I wasn't ever bothered by this sort of stuff when I was younger and I was hella sheltered as a kid as is. Kids do not care nearly as much about this sort of stuff as you think they do. The thing that horrifies kids is the fact that it's something old people (their parents) do to make babies due to the existential crisis that follows (had a similar existential crisis when I was 8 and learned that the sun would expand to swallow the earth in 6 billion years). The sex itself and specifics thereof are largely afterthoughts until they reach puberty (at which point the parents should probably start explaining if they haven't already).
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There used to be something called common decency. One of those aspects was wearing appropriate attire while out in public.
Publicly inappropriate behaviour and sexual perversion is more rampant, and Pride parades are unfortunately one of the biggest offenders.
It's still not considered an acceptable thing in your average community, irrespective of your sexuality.
Whether or not you agree with everything (or anything) shivam has said, he does raise some valid points.
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You...don't live in a rural area, do you? The decency in what you assume is common decency isn't as common as you think it is. Eh, it mostly depends on the setting. So long as boundaries are set beforehand and no one intrudes past those boundaries, making a fuss just isn't worth the trouble of making it into a problem. It's one month of whatever telegraphed well in advance. We had something similar for getting drunk in public the month before (I don't drink) so I don't see why I should care about people being weird in public this month. There's no fine or penalty for nor participating.
Publicly inappropriate behaviour and sexual perversion is more rampant
I...can't help but feel this might be a loaded question. Can you be more specific?
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The thing is LGBTQ+ deep down know that they are wrong. That why they trying to get justified through law and acceptance. Did you see straight people set up straight month or cry when people do not accept their views. If you think you are right, you do not need to force your view on anyone to accept them. Just tell them off and continue with your life.
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well, I not sure about terrorize. Imagine acting weird and doing indecent acts in public and expect people to treat them like nothing has happened. It is because they do those stuff in front of other people that's why people call them out? Baseline is what they are doing is against the nature regardless their argument therefore they always have this hollow feeling and guilt, even law pass to say they are legal, they will not be at ease.
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Oh wow. This is so absurdly wrong, as if you had tried to make a best-of-nonsense collection.
They seek acceptance because there is a huge history of minorities or those considered social misfits getting mistreated.
And it isn't about accepting any views but about accepting that other lifestyles or choices exist and that they are equal to yours.
And as you asked: Yeah, I've seen plenty of straight people crying when their "views" aren't accepted. You in this thread would be an example. And there are plenty more.
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yea there are plenty of social misfits getting mistreated in our world but you didn't see them set up a month to justify their action. What is the purpose of pride month but to get in everyone face and shouting the society accepts me even when the law justify them, they still feel not enough.
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Dude the thing is there will be always be people not accepting the view of others. Doesn't mean need to set up a month just to get the feeling of being supported. You no need everyone to accept you. If you feel you are in the right, just live your life the way you want and not try to force your idea on other people that do not want to accept you. By having Pride month, they only shows how insecure they really are.
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If you feel you are in the right, just live your life the way you want
Listen clown, if that would be an option they'd happily embrace it. But somehow you can't figure out that is far from being a realistic option for most of them. It surely wasn't in the past and it's becoming increasingly difficult again for some in the present. Because alienating minorities always was and always will be the perfect tool for some power-hungry demagogues.
But to react to your master class finishing line: By whining about Pride month you show how insecure you really are.
And contrary to you, LGBTQ people have plenty of good reasons to be insecure about their standing. So what's your excuse?
Edit: I'm done here. Too much effort is wasted for zero progress.
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"or cry when people do not accept their views" isn't this what OP is doing in this thread?
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Btw, ain't your idea of 'normal' include a widow going to be burnt alive because her husband have just passed away?
Maybe girls being married at 12 by parents' choice?
Maybe varna system where you must silently suffer in a ditch waiting for next rebirth because you was born in a outsider family?
Tasty stuff, we all dream so much of "getting accepted"!
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Posts like this make me even happier I've already learned my lesson in life to seize the good opportunities to shut the hell up.
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Can you source "woke mob who like to wear sexually explicit clothes in public places and especially around children"?
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God, I did not want to search for this:
Look, what I'm saying is, sexuality is supposed to be private. Sure, you can hold hands or kiss if you are from LGBT+++. I mean, no one bats an eye here so I guess the US should be more progressive than India but these things, are disgusting!
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If that is the "bad" you are complaining about, I do not see the point. Children will not associate this stuff as sexual, the child in the first one probably thinks along the lines of "funny dog people".. Teenagers that might do, will probably have access to porn on their phones.
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Do you have numbers about psychological trauma caused by watching pride parades?
I do not, I tried to find sources right now. My gut feeling tells me that you have much more trauma, due to war, violence at home, poverty, and many other reasons.
Please try to take into account that "weird" from your point of view is not weird from someone others. Just because one thinks something is weird, does not make it bad.
Following your arguements, children should not be allowed in or near churches, as there have been many cases of abuse by priests in the past 1. Would you support a motion to ban children from places of worshiip for all religions?
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I kinda see where you are coming from, even though you've worded it horribly. So horribly it comes off as hostile and whatnot. But I do agree that I don't need to experience parades with giant shiny colorful rubber dicks flopping around, as a statement of freedom and acceptance.
I wholeheartedly think that personal choice in any matter, should be respected. Wether it be sexuality or whatever else. Just tone down the ass-chaps and flaming cocks a bit please 😆👌
Might validate the message a smidge more ey.
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Two things called out my attention from your post so let me repeat them:
I don't know how to handle the first one, because it has been used in so many bigotry homophobic discourses that it's stale now. Really? People which, in your words, are not "normal" (what is normal nowadays, I hope you don't get to decide it) want everyone to be like them? How stupid, really.
And about the second, why should anyone keep private those things. Yes, surely there will be the odd person who goes overboard with this, but generalization is the worst way to be stupid. Not everyone behaves like that, AND not everyone has to please you. Would you like that all those people (including me, tho I'm not LGTBI) tell you to close your eyes and stay home? I thought most people in this world had the right toi free speech, and that doesn't cover only words.
Don't bother answering, I'll not even read it.
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I have added this before so I'll add it again. By Normal, I meant with behavior, like you would not dress like you are going to BDSM in public places, right?
I think I worded this poorly and will try to rectify it.
Yes, it should be private. I don't have to know about your sexuality unless I specifically asked for it. Like, a straight person would not just randomly say, yeah, I'm straight and I'm proud of it. It does not make any sense!
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As a last note, I don't care if your sexuality is different, just keep it private. Try to be normal and you would be accepted.
Why are you so sure about that? In how many countries do same sex couples have the same rights as heterosexual ones? The ability to legally marry, adopt kids, etc. Even where it's possible it's a very new development and they fought hard for their rights.
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In my country, it's legal.
Though, Marriage is not legal (I don't think it should be in current laws, there should be new laws for that). I think (please correct me) in the USA, even marriage and adoption are legal, which is fine but again, a child will not get the love of both a motherly and fatherly figure, and that is going to be a problem (we don't know the long term psychological reasons yet)
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I never get the "love of both a motherly and fatherly figure". Grew up with hetero parents and never received the "fatherly love" I needed. And it's the same with many other people who have distant parents. Instead I got the parental love I craved from my aunt and grew into a very well-adjusted adult with two loving motherly figures who cared for me.
This is such a narrow view of families and parental love, I'm honestly shocked.
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Yep. Here's one, actually, for anyone in doubt. This is an article, but the research it's based on is here if you want to go directly there to confirm it.
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Yeah, I wish it worked like that. Almost all the problems would have been resolved.
instead, it's like this (too lazy to create a meme)
A: I do not like this thing -> B: OK
B: Hey, Do you like this thing? -> A: I still do not like this thing
B: Why do you not like it? -> A: I just don't
B: Do you like this thing now? -> A: NO
B: Bigot, Transphone, Nazi, etc etc...
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Don't take this meme the wrong way, i'm not agreeing with the OP in any way here, rather making fun of this post.
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IMO the best balance between celebrating diversity and not pissing people off would be a single day. Same as mothers day, fathers day, earth day ... and pride day. Because a month is almost intrusive and perfect opportunity for corporations to use it as reason to rake in money.
Because no matter what members of lgbt will do, those who are intolerant to them will never change their mind. Period. Generations and cultural values change only with time. Not by pushing them on.
Of course equality should be present in todays world and someone should not be afraid for their safety or be discriminated against due to their race, orientation or gender... I mean anyone with half a brain supports that. For example my country just elected first gay president. A super experienced cool guy, who is openly gay but doesn't make his whole personality about his sexual orientation. And even now those who are against lgbt shit on him despite him being a brilliant politician for decade if not more. But still - he got elected and the fact he's been openly gay for 10 years, he still got the presidents position. So its not that bad. And don'f forget that a lot of negations against minorities come out of not homophobia, racism or sexisms but from those few select people just being horrible human beings.
Fight for being equal to the other part of society instead of trying to be "more equal". I personally have a feeling, and I don't doubt others also have the feeling, that the fight is for being treated with higher privilege then others. Is it like that or isn't it doesn't change the fact that it is the affect that has been created. I of course support the fight for being equal - for example for having rights to marry. So don't misunderstand my point here. It simply is not "if you aren't with us, you are against us" case.
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Being extreme and going into absolutes is the problem we have. Those who support these movements try to make it the "new normal". And those who oppose it act like the other side are not humans.
We know that part of lgbt fights for not being discriminated against. But they are overshadowed by those who go in extremes and push sexual topics on children for example. And of course the normal part of the movement falls out of the view. Same goes in the other direction - many people support the fight for rights, but dont want to see this oversexualization which I used as an example. But this part of people is overshadowed by those crazy few who say that gays for example are not human and deserve to burn in hell.... And in the end we have a view only on the extreme loud minority and the calm rational majority sits back while everything is going to shit.
And this applies to pretty much anything. Politics as well.
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"I personally have a feeling, and I don't doubt others also have the feeling, that the fight is for being treated with higher privilege then others."
Your country only approved same sex civil unions in 2022. Shut the fuck up.
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What does my countries legislation matter towards my opinion? Does that somehow invalidates that I support same sex marriage? Not really the way to earn support or have discussion. Or are you the extreme minority that is ready to kill anyone if they are not 100% in support of your ideas?
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"I personally have a feeling, and I don't doubt others also have the feeling, that the fight is for being treated with higher privilege then others."
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And if you've read my comment I said I don't support extremism. Yes, I have a feeling the fight from LGBTs side is over the top in some topics, but totally legit in others. That's why I think the movement doesn't deserve unconditional acceptance. But I am all for getting rid of discrimination and hatred. Hence I think both sides should be open for discussion.
And just a little correction. My country actually doesn't yet have same sex marriage issue solved. The new president will try to solve it now.
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I don't have time to read all the ramblings of a chronically online and very much mentally disturbed person, so let me just say as an Indian you should be ashamed of yourself for rejecting the beautiful inclusive history of our culture and instead adopting the hateful bigotry of a colonial power which have beamed pure garbage into your brain and corrupted it from within.
Shame on you, and don't insult the nation of India by conflating your American right wing nonsense with anything remotely Indian.
Jai Hind.
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So only your opinion is correct and anyone opposing is "mentally disturbed person" who is rambling? How is that any different then homophobes, racists and sexists belittling those who are different? These are the extremes that both supporters and opposers go into which ruins any constructive discussion possibilities and solution that could be had in these sensitive topics.
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That's the problem with the world these days... every dumb opinion is put on Social media and now people have to discuss it. Why discuss it? Why discuss something so basic and rudimentary? If I had an opinion the sky was green would reasonable intelligent people discuss 'solutions and possibilities' for it?
Let me give an example- 100s of thousands of people celebrate a dip publicly in the holy waters of the river Ganges everyday and have done so for 1000's of years. Should American and other colonial powers have a say on if it's allowed or not on the basis of their weird sexualised values? Whether it should be done for 1 day a week or a year or a decade? Whether kids bathing next to naked saints is 'perverse'? Why even give any time of day to these stupid opinions which would never exist without the effect of pervasive Social media.
Pics are very NSFW
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That hardly is relevant with the lgbt discussion though. I don't see anything NSFW or wrong of what you posted. Also nothing that would be relevant to lgbt discussion. And of course stuff should be talked out, discussed, understood.. Without throwing insults. I am not supporting hate speech towards gays. But I support the talk of how right it is to teach about sexual orientation to kids who don't even know what sex is.
You think slavery was simply abolished out of thin air? It had to be discussed and agreed upon even though something like that SHOULD be outright illegal. The issue of racisms is still ongoing because such an ideological thing doesn't magically go away.
There is no need to go in extremes. OPs really didn't say anything that bad. And I didn't as well. These are not "sky is blue" topics.
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You think slavery was simply abolished out of thin air? It had to be discussed and agreed upon even though something like that SHOULD be outright illegal.
There is no need to go in extremes.
There had to be llteral wars fought about/against slavery and you really think "It had to be discussed and agreed upon"? And you call this "extreme"? You need to be taught about a lot more than just about sexual orientation, kiddo.
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Genuinely wondering how this is up on the forum or if the mods just haven't seen it yet. How does this not break the hate speech rule? "Personal attacks or hate speech. Threats, harassment, and slurs (e.g. insults towards a user's race, sexual orientation, or gender) are not allowed." Does that have to be directed AT a specific user to count?
Anyways, for people who are wondering about gender-affirming care for teens, congrats, I have a bunch of resources for you!
Puberty suppression in trans teens results in better mental health outcomes
Wait, just in case, here's another one linking hormone therapy to lower rates of depression, suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts
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i love canceling your culture and silencing your voice.
your god is fake and your ideals of freedom are pathetic.
it makes me happy you get tilted this time of year.
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oh dear
all this from a country where children are sex slaves, forced to marry in young age to other person they dont know
where women rights dont exists, they are mass raped
and on top of that Caste system in India
pro tip
dont go to the beach, naked men and women there...
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Surely not you are gonna define 'illness', 'normal', or 'natural' - these are creations of historical context, and no one knows what's coming. At least human reproduction is not a problem anymore in this ~8bln pops world, so no pressure from reality to be a hetero-breeder.
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I thought June was play a game you won on Steamgifts month
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You know, if everyone just accepted everyone else for who they are instead of trying to oppress or change them (or write uninformed hate speech about them online) maybe they wouldn't need to have a day/month/whatever to feel accepted. Maybe if the US taught about our history instead of trying to suppress it in many places, we wouldn't need a black history month. Maybe if it didn't take women so long to get equal rights in the US, we wouldn't need a women's history month. Maybe if US hadn't chosen to celebrate a guy who went on a murderous slavery voyage in search of India we wouldn't be celebrating Indigenous peoples' day instead of Columbus day in a lot of places.
Not saying everything is about the US, that's just the perspective I happen to have.
In short, those people who tend to need a voice more than others, due to oppression or otherwise, will find a way to get it. And the more people there are complaining about it, the more it just shows that we need it.
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I don't understand the purpose of this thread. Apart from wanting to bring in argues, negativity, and place where minorities are preemptively attacked after being labelled as "not normal".
"Normal" differs depending on country and culture. I don't find it normal for a 6/o kid to shoot a teacher with a mum's gun that was easily accessible, and there are people who lobby against any gun restrictions in the USA. I don't understand how parents can force kids to marry old guys, and there are places where it's considered normal. I don't have a single scratch on my phone, and there are people who break their screen week into owning a phone, and then walk around with web on the screen. "Obviously" it's not normal, as I have it or like it otherwise? Having a set of rules and believes that are rooted in your culture and upbringing does not give you the right to attack others you deem "not normal".
I will respond to only one point, as I have biological background.
Finally, there is nothing to be proud of your sexuality. Every species (that I know of anyway) has sex. Whether with the opposite sex or same sex but that's natural and not some superpower so when you celebrate a whole month of something, it looks fake, validation seeking, and that my friends, will get you rejected harder from society.
Googling for 5s would give you an answer:
Parthenogenesis is a form of agamogenesis in which an unfertilized egg develops into a new individual. It has been documented in over 2,000 species.[21] Parthenogenesis occurs in the wild in many invertebrates (e.g. water fleas, rotifers, aphids, stick insects, some ants, bees and parasitic wasps) and vertebrates (mostly reptiles, amphibians, and fish).
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So, June is here and I would like to say it, is a month that is destroyed by a woke mob who like to wear sexually explicit clothes in public places and especially around children.
It is supposedly a month to celebrate sexuality, which I don't know why because what is there to celebrate?
Like LGBT+++ (So many letters, there's a word for it) want to live like normal people but then they are infuriated that they are NOT special and require a special month to celebrate. Ironic. I don't see a straight month.
When people complain about this, they are called the names like bigot, homophobe, nazi and so many more without realizing that by doing this insanity, they are literally making more people angry.
If you want to live like a normal person, just... be normal. Wear normal clothes (by that, not sexually explicit. This is for those weird straight people as well), have some personality outside of your imaginative gender, and keep your sexual fantasy private and far away from kids.
Yeah, kids, these people want the kids to change gender at a younger age because... reasons? We can all agree that kids can't consent, right? So, how are they allowing these gender-affirming hormone therapy on the kids?
How is it legal and why are normal LGB people against it?
For example, A kid would like to become like Godzilla, but that does not mean you actually go and make him one, right?
I mentioned in your face and I've just got an example on the first day. This is a funny one if you use Windows 11:
The funny thing is if you criticize LGBT on Reddit, you'll be banned but you can hurl all the slurs at straight people and will be fine.
So, Why does LGBT++++ require a whole month of this stupidity? And what the heck is in-your-face type? Like, do you guys don't know how to live without calling out your sexuality every 10 seconds?
So, this was a small rant. I know many people would be afraid to speak something about this because of band, blacklist, and stuff but I'm not afraid of speaking the truth. I'm tired of this stupid ideology thrown on my face and I'll speak louder now.
As a last note, I don't care if your sexuality is different, just keep it private. Try to be normal and you would be accepted.
Edit: I think my post comes as hostile so I'd like to make it clear here.
I really don't care who you love (as long as it's of consenting age). I would appreciate it if when we communicate, we communicate on a specific subject and not your sexuality (this happened quite a few times with me).
Another thing is, (This is for corps mainly) not everyone wants to wear or see the stupid rainbow flag forcefully (sorry, it is stupid) if they do not want to. Not everywhere (Games, Movies, TV, Media, newspapers, DMs - Really?).
Finally, there is nothing to be proud of your sexuality. Every species (that I know of anyway) has sex. Whether with the opposite sex or same sex but that's natural and not some superpower so when you celebrate a whole month of something, it looks fake, validation seeking, and that my friends, will get you rejected harder from society.
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