Do you waste to take your first gift won game :D?, i have 100 tried already still nothing.

10 years ago*

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Keep going! ;)

10 years ago

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1 Planck time < time to my first win < 1 Hubble time.

10 years ago

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100 entries is very low. Just think ussually giveaways have ~600 entries, that mean you have a (in normal conditions) chance to win 1/600, that's a win at 600 entries

10 years ago

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no hidden giveaway, so you mean this serious?

10 years ago

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Sigue en la lucha compañero, si ves en mi perfil tengo mas de 4000 entradas y sólo he ganado 11 juegos (10 recibidos). Tardan, pero llegan. Te sugiero subir el CV dando juegos que no estén en bundles, te dará acceso a sorteos con menos entradas, y de vez en cuando hay grupos buscando integrantes con un CV alto y que den juegos regularmente. Suerte!!!!

10 years ago

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Esperabas un Skyrim en una semana? 700 y fue fake.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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I entered over 700giveaways before my first win. I have seen some people win after just 1 or 2 giveaways. I have also seen people win their first giveaway after entering over 4700 giveaways and even then it was just down to a special giveaway that only had 2 people in it.

Your chance to win depends totally on how many people are in the giveaway. Giveaway unbundled games to get your CV up and you can enter giveaways with less people in them which will mean you have a higher chance of winning a game.

10 years ago

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Thank you for all the comments!, I just want to know how much times it takes but if you say about 600 as minimum i will be patience.

I gave 3 games already i will try donate more in the future but if you dont donate like 1000 dolars in games its doesnt work true?

10 years ago

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As I said, I have seen people win after entering just 1 or 2 giveaways, I have also seen it take over 4700 giveaways. Its random.

There are other ways without giving away games to get into giveaways with smaller amounts of people in them.

Watch the forums for when private groups advertise that they have an opening. They usually have lots of rules though.

Join public groups.

Watch the forums for private giveaways. These can sometimes be tricky to find, people love to hide them and put links to private giveaways into puzzles to solve, some easy some very very hard, some just annoyingly long.

Watch for developer giveaways. These usually have 50+ codes to give away. But these usually also have the highest amount of people entering.

Giving away more games is always a way to be able to get into high CV giveaways. But you can't just giveaway games that are in bundles. You have to giveaway games that are not in bundles and that will raise your CV. Though if you giveaway both bundled games and unbundled games you will get some credit towards CV for the bundled games.

You don't have to buy games at full price, many people around here buy games when they are on sale. There have been quite a few 90% off deals as of late. 10 bucks worth of games that have never been in a bundle can get you in some cases 100 CV wroth of credit, sometimes more if the discount is higher then 90%

10 years ago

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Depend on the giveaways that you enter. In the long term all is about statistics.

If you always enter in giveaways of about 100 persons, you will win 1 game each 100 entries that you do. If you enter in giveaways of wanted games with 2000 persons, you will win 1 game each 2000 entries that you do.

EDIT: Y ahora veo que eres español xD

10 years ago

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depends on luck. statistically speaking there's same amount of chances for every participant.

but from karma point of view, try to give some and it'll come back to you :)

10 years ago

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I had at least 680 entries before I won my first giveaway, which was The Ship and it only had 139 entries total.

Your best bet is going to be being active in the forum, looking for puzzles and trying to get invited to a private giveaway group.

There are some awesome groups out there, but they don't let just anyone in, you have to give them a reason to invite you into the group.

Enjoy the site and stop worrying about winning a giveaway, it will happen eventually.

There are some rare cases where people have joined over 4,000 giveaways without winning a single one though. o_O (Very rare, I think I've only seen 2 people so far with 4k+ entries and no wins)

It's also good that you've already created giveaways, it shows that you're not just a $0CV leech. (⌐■_■)

10 years ago

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A lil bit over 1300 for a public givaway.

10 years ago

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Around 150 entries, so you can say I was a bit lucky :)

10 years ago

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I seen someone win their first entry after just joining the site. I forget who that was now, but I know there was a post about it on the forums here. For me I think it was a little over 1000 before my first.

10 years ago

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Giveaways Entered
1,548 zero wins...

10 years ago

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1868 and still nothing:(

10 years ago

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100 is damn lucky. My first win is at 600+ tries.

10 years ago

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100?! Dude, I've entered 1,380, and the only one that I've won, was a developer thing, where they gave away 10,000 copies...

10 years ago

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If you still haven't won a giveaway after 2000 entries, you should examine your method.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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995 and won one :)

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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1309 entries and still nothing...

10 years ago

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Ups so bad luck

10 years ago

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So all depend of the luck i see.
Well i never was a lucker in things like that so i will spam a lot of giveaways until 5000 k :D.
Thanks for all the comments

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by Mareares.