And then bragged about how he stole it here... Didn't he get perma'd?
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I just think you have a durty mind... Dutty cow ;3
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What is the best thing about the person you like the best?
The simplest and most fundamental of things. He gets me. And that's no easy feat.
Who do you think has the most whitelists and the most blacklists here? (excluding CG)
WL: Tough one. Archi must be a strong contender but I think I'll go with a support member, probably PeteOzzy
BL: well let's leave the obvious one(konrad) out of the running and remain in non banned members. Hmmm lots of candidates, I'll just go with a recent one, what's the name of the one with all the shitposting lately? Strawberrysomething?
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What is the best thing about the person you like the best?
That person actually cares about people and not only tries to be nice and helpful, but actually succeed in helping people.
Who do you think has the most whitelists and the most blacklists here? (excluding CG)
I would Guess Jatan has the second most whitelists behind cg for both being staff and being very visible in the community with his daily threads.For that reason probably a lot of bl too, but I wouldn't guess the most.
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What is the best thing about the person you like the best?
-Well, one of most important thing as of today..compromise and understanding.
Who do you think has the most whitelists and the most blacklists here? (excluding CG)
-WL: Hmm..that is indeed a toughie, maybe Jatan or any other support member. But also i think Witte is close enough to that
-BL: Konrad of course, but as for others, there are few candidates but it's not polite to give names. Many are BL'ed coz of those 100p Humble GA's. Dunno really, hard choice..
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What is the best thing about the person you like the best?
How passionate she is about what she likes. It actually makes you invested and it's a pleasure to talk with her. Cliché, but whatever.
Who do you think has the most whitelists and the most blacklists here? (excluding CG)
Don't really know because I'm not that much active on the forums, sorry. (I'm trying, tho.)
Dat mood music, btw.
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Did some people actually get angry at you for that stab thing? I only remember seeing it once. Strange that anyone would get pissed over something so small and meaningless.
The most whitelisted person I've seen was a staff member, I believe. Can't remember for sure if it was Khalaq.
As for blacklists, could be a few but I think Konrad wins this one.
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It's not uncommon on the internet. Memes are exactly that; pointless, meaningless, silly repetitive things people say or do online. And yet rare are those who get tired of it. :P
I don't see how it would make sense to get angry over it, since it's harmless and can be ignored instead of making a big deal out of it. ^^
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Kidding aside, you're most probably right. Still though, looking away and ignoring other people when they annoy you, when it doesn't hurt anyone, seems like the best idea. ^^
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People got very angry about it! Like mass blacklists... At the time I always asked why, every time they said I was annoying with my persona on the forums (supposedly I seem arrogant, even though at least one person unblacklisted me because they said they were wrong) and they hated the whole stabbing thing xD
Like all I wanted to do was do something other than bumping... Idk... People got angry over a 4 letter word shrugs
Yeah I thought it was either staff or Archi :P
Salute ;3
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Wow, that's so weird. I mean, people spam "bump" and it's okay, but try to be original and that pisses off a big bunch of people? :P
Well, either way, we still love you - stab or not. ^^
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Yeah thats why I was so confused! Like go on any thread and there will be mass amounts of just "bump" comments. As soon as I want to add a little "sadistic spin" to make it less boring... All hell breaks loose xD Meh, I'll stab, bite, scatch, punch, plain bump or whatever, I'm not arsed anymore xD
Well I love you guys <3
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Yeah, I learned a long time ago (well, okay, not that long ago) not to care what people think of you, sometimes. ^^
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Like all I wanted to do was do something other than bumping.
Personally I've always preferred "Blimp" over "Bump"- that is, a framework built around a lack of solid substance with the primary intent to cause something to rise. (Likewise, unlike other dirigibles (zeppelins, for example) which have solid frames and thus don't lose their form when their lifting gas is removed, Blimps are essentially giant balloons- they're fully reliant on that non-solid substance to have any impact at all (and any contribution they offer is quickly reduced to nothing if that non-solid substance is removed). I think that adds a nice extra emphasis to the metaphor/play-on-words.)
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They're trying to make the entire world realize that we can have a healthier / greener world without fossil fuels.
Can't remember who's given away the most amount of games but they're probably the most whitelisted after CG.
Most Blacklists? Despite being permabanned it is probably konrads6, although it's weird that you can even WL or BL a banned user.
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I had no problems with stabbings. Other people did? D:
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Hmm.. the best... probably that's it's completly different character than me
I can't enter because of few things, but I'm here not about that, I have few questions to these questions as I'm starting to participate in community little bit more recently :P how much wl/bl is many for one user to consider as 'many' :P because I am bl here for everything (probably for this comment too) and I'm curious if I have to worry
And why Konrad is so b/l'ed :D
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Its good to see people who normally lurk comment!
That comment ratio... Black Mesa - 100+ and this thread - 30 +
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Also, I miss stabbing.
And it is nice to see that more people started using the (my restriction on giveaway category)÷(total cv)=0.xx formula to think of those who may not had a giveaway sent/won in that category.
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Yeah see I feel like if Rachel was still active it would be her! Pretty girl + she is super duper nice = many WL xD
But yeah I totally agree with you! I think either staff, Archi or dev key givers!
Yeah stabbing was fun, added something to the table for me anyway!
Yeah honestly, I seen someone else do it and now if I do an SGtools I will always do it!
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Staff is not necessarily popular; I think they could confirm that they have quite some run-ins with people who are not okay with the site's stricter rules and their enforcement.
As for Archi, he is known on the forum and in a few groups, but that is all.
Dev key drops, on the other hand, are featured on the main page, they are often advertised outside the site, and many, many, waaaaaay too many groups have formed around individuals or small core groups that do nothing but do indie key drops/giveaways for sheer popularity. (This underlying society is also the reason why I decided to start distancing myself from Steam in general, sticking mostly to those micro-cosmoses I am familiar with.)
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The traditional ratio rule you see even in the top GUI box when creating a rule won't let anyone in with 0 wins since it uses the won games as a divisor. Same problem if you go by the usual "sent 5 times more region-free than won" rule type or similar. By creating a formula where the possible zero-value data is the dividend and your criteria is that the resulting fraction is lower than a certain number,meaning if the dividend is 0, then it will pass.
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I guess you are also quite good candidate for WL winner :) (have +1k of WL as well, right?) :)
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I saw it SG Achievements :) at the point of filling, Millie was behind you, and I guess we will not know about Rachel,
so hail talgaby? :P
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Doubtful. That list only has a handful of users even by active forum member standards, and even less of us seem to be actually updating it still.
Not to mention that I have a fleeting feeling that some large-scale dev key dropper accounts are at five digits in this regard.
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yeah, I guess they could have the hearts of silent ppl that never visits forums.
I guess we could ask cg for nameless list of top5 for both but that's just silly way of grabbing his time
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No clue about the BL/WL thing, I don't do too many comments.. And I know it's a cliche, but I can't really just pick one thing that's the best about my girlfriend. It's a whole combination of things you know. But I'm pretty happy that she can stand me, so I guess that's something :P
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This is the sweetest comment! Awww :3 I'm happy for you :D
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