Hey guys, it's been a while since I last posted in the forums.
I've been getting really into Battlefield 3 lately (I got it in when it was free) and I really enjoy it, and I found out that I can get the Premium Upgrade for a little less than 5 euros. So, my question is: Is it worth getting the Premium Upgrade for that price? If you have bought it, what is your opinion about it? Does it give a lot of content? Does it contain good maps, which are often played? etc.
Thanks in advance!

9 years ago

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Is Battlefield 3 Premium Upgrade worth buying?

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Doesn't that contain all the expansions in it? If so, yeah I'd say less than 5 euros is a good deal.
I haven't played Battlefield 3 in ages mind you, but if there are still people playing it and you are having fun with the game then go ahead and buy the upgrade.

9 years ago

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If you play it a lot it is, i really enjoyed the extra modes and weapons that came with it. Not sure how many players are still active though. 5 euros is a good deal.

9 years ago

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I've upgraded my BF3 when I got it from Origin and I got to say its pretty sweet deal but a disclaimer regarding servers hosting it, they're quite few to none that hosts other game modes.

9 years ago

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its ea, so no...

9 years ago

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Why not BF4? :|

9 years ago

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About content, sure, it worth... one of them I really enjoyed.... Armored Kill, that was I start to play with tanks, and became really good hahaha

But I'm not sure about active in these days.... I played it once more in October and find out some full servers, so, maybe you can find it too. Anyway, for 5 euros, yes, is a good deal... buy it!

9 years ago

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Yeap premium service is a must for bf series if you ask me =) You will get big amount of maps, weapons... Its worth it. Although I am not sure how many people still play it since I am rocking Bf4 =) Just checked at battlelog, you can still find some servers with premium maps, but much more for standalone game. If you enjoy playing bf3 I am sure you will love bf4 more, so maybe its better to save little more money and get bf4 =) Cya on battlefield!

9 years ago

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worth every penny. I have it since PSN and had A LOT of fun.
bf4 is interesting... but not as good as bf3. don't know exactly why.

9 years ago

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Depends. Content was quite good, but only shortly after their launch as later finding servers with DLC maps became a problem. Even about two years ago they were mostly empty with only Close Quarters being popular. If there are lots of servers with different DLCs, go for it. Otherwise nope.

9 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by ferszabi.