I specifically avoided writiing Steam in the title to not cause that confusion. If they still get confused, their fault.
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Here is a 72 hour giveaway; level 3. Reverse this: oAgy1
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For what it's worth, I quite liked this game when I played it. Would recommend giving it a whirl if it looks interesting to you.
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I've heard about WB purging a bunch of movies and TV shows from streaming services after merging with Discovery, but I wasn't aware that they had started to also pull games from digital stores. I hate the fact that they're axing all of this stuff just because it's cheaper for them to delete stuff than to maintain it, such a callous disregard for media availability and preservation.
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The worst I heard about WB's recent shenanigans was how they pulled Discovery documentaries from peoples accounts, like stuff that supposedly had been purchased as a lifetime license and they just deleted them anyway. And it wasn't even because the service itself had been discontinued or something.
Let's hope they don't try to pull something similar with games, there's actually quite a few games I really like that were published by WB.
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I think "purchased" games should be fine. Tv and documentaries are costing them per view because of residual agreements. That's why they were pulled.
Until devs get paid when we play their games, we'll be fine. The money's been made at purchase so they can't even get a tax credit out of it XD
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Possible but doubtful. When asked about this the dev responded "Publisher controls the sale price".
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Oh, nice one! I actually entered dozens of giveaways for this game, so thanks for the information!
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A dev makes a paying game free and there are actually people bitching that it won't make a +1 on their Steam account XD
Only on Steamgifts...
Sad to see Discovery is now scrapping games as well as tv shows in order to make an extra buck for their shareholders. I hope devs bear that in mind if they consider publishing with those a$$wipes
Thanks for the tip, Damianea :)
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To each their own I guess. I used to collect fruit labels. I never threw a fit if someone gave me a piece of fruit because it didn't have a label on it though XD
Kinda disrespectful to the dev in this case really. He's obviously getting screwed by Discovery and choosing to share the game for free so people will still be able to enjoy it. Steam or not, it's irrelevant at this point. Oh well.
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Sorry this is happening, but thanks for the alert. Already own it on Steam, though can't grab it on PS4, seems NZ didn't get a local PSN release.
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It says that the game has cards, but it seems that they don't drop. I can't see any trace of cards having ever existed in the market, or people crafting badges. Do you know if it's bugged?
EDIT: It seems there's a discussion about it.
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Kind of a crazy scenario. The lesson there is to be careful with what publishers you sign with as a dev if you're not able to self publish.
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Obviously it required the dev signing away any control over his game.
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Unless your game is so outstanding that a publisher is willing do to anything to get you on board, I don't know where you'll find a publisher that just does charity . They also don't want you just jumping on the bandwagon of fame and then 2 weeks later you go rogue to self publish to get your full profits. To me that's the whole point of a publisher, that their name is what helps sell more copies of your game because they have a standing in the industry and people can recognize them, so it's easier to trust than some new random name. You also have an idea of the quality of the games they publish, despite that many publisher get a lot of hate. Take EA for instance, with all the hate they get plenty of it deserved, but did you see them get bankrupt or shut down completely? No because somehow they still deliver alright big games in the end.
If you were a publisher and a dev came to you, you wouldn't give them free reign over it too, as then everyone would just use you to boost their name up and ditch you right after. At least that's my opinion but I know a lot of us like to pretend we'd do cute things if we were in power. Kinda the mentality of "If I had a million dollars I'd give most of it away.". Sureeeee, we'd all do that right? Right?
PS: He was allowed at the end to make it free on a site of his own choosing, and despite what contract he signed, he probably could list it again on steam under his own name, but my guess is that he wont do that because it wasn't the biggest seller. Game only has 77 reviews, so my guess is he maybe sold 1500 copies of it? Maybe gave more away in bundles for cents so it didn't net him any profit, etc. Would it be in the best interest of this dev to relist it again on steam and pay the fee? Would he make that back and more? Seems like he has quite a bit of freedom regarding the game depending on how you look at it.
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Savvy devs sign publishing deals where they don't hand over all control. In reality, a publisher's primary jobs are promotion, maybe QA, and possibly extra funding to make the full release possible. For which they earn a percentage of the sales. By the standard you set forth, wherein we presume only 1500 copies were sold, the publisher definitely failed the dev. But, the dev probably wasn't aware that he didn't actually have to give up so much of his creation to a publisher who didn't, again according to your presumption of sales numbers, do their job.
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It still isn't to any advantage for a publisher to just promote with nothing to gain if a dev can walk out at any time and go independent again without some repercussion from a contract. At any point of business it's likely any party is trying to gain something otherwise one party is just doing charity, the publisher has to gain something too. If people could just use it to promote their game for a month and walk away, they would, because then add maybe 30% income from the game.
As for the publisher failing the dev, that's not right. Just because those are the numbers, in the end the game just wasn't that interesting. If you look at the publishers next game which is published by a much lesser known publisher "Alliance", it only has 13 reviews, so going by the same measurement I'm assuming around 300 copies sold. So just by going with the WB publisher they sold 5x that amount. From my pov the publisher did their job, the game just wasn't there or launched against something too competitive. It's a low poly very simplistic point and click 2d puzzle game in a 3d environment. It's not a very complex game, doesn't offer a lot of replayability and the graphics look pretty flat. The game also seems to have a length of about 2 hours. Not saying it's a bad game, but those results are to be expected.
As for the dev not knowing they have to give up so much, that's either ignorance or bullshit. They are given a contract, and the contract outlies what the terms are. If the dev just signs stuff without reading then he can't blame the publisher.
To add to this, I wouldn't recommend going with a publisher or sending out review copies to anyone if what you really want to do is make great games and enjoy them with others and you are bothered by others using you. But if you want to make more money, it works, although some of that goes to the publisher, but you will still make more than you would by individually putting your game out there. There are very few exceptions where this is not the case and those unicorns are not a standard. You even have many youtube channels who try and make years of dev vlogs to promote their game in order to replace a publisher but again, that's not enough to replace publishers.
Also as I already mentioned, this dev likely can list their game again on steam as I don't see WB DMCA'ing him for putting it for free on his own site, but they'd have to maintain the steam page and of course pay the fee to put it up on it. However, I don't think this is worth it to this dev as in 8 years he sold enough to maybe make like 7k for himself. After steam fee, publisher fee, tax, that's what he'd be left with, this not including refunds since the game is only 2 hours, so people can maybe finish even earlier and refund before that. Maybe less than 1k a year and that amount going down every year isn't worth to this dev especially now since they'd be going independent and they'd be worse than the 5x less with the "Alliance" publisher, estimating maybe actually in the lower hundreds of dollars.. So I doubt this dev signed all their freedom away, as again they're giving it for free on their own website, maybe just to keep it preserved in time. I respect that and I understand why he wont go through the effort of bringing it back on steam on his own name, it's not a very successful game. Cool to have for free, I mean nobody can complain there.
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Pretty sure the game was in a Humble Bundle, and it was always part of the Adult Swim complete the set. It just flew way under the radar for most people.
WB wasn't doing too badly when he signed the contract with Adult Swim Games. No one expected the publisher to start doing this to games, but considering how that Zaslav asshole is systematically DISMANTLING the studio from top to bottom, I'm not surprised their gaming division isn't safe. Especially since Suicide Squad did terribly.
I wouldn't be surprised if several other games published by WB are taken down just so they don't have to pay any royalties to developers.
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I've mentioned above how the dev's newer game with a much lesser known publisher got 5x less reach, which to me makes sense, indicating the reach would be even less would the dev go fully independent, and I've also mentioned that this game probably went under the radar because it isn't some hidden gem. 2d view in a 3d environment with low poly assets with a flat tone to it and 2 hours of content for $12.
I don't see why the publisher should keep the game up indefinitely and from what I'm seeing the dev is free to do as they wish since they are offering it for free on their own site, so technically, they could relist it on their own if they wanted but mentioned how it doesn't seem to be worth it for the dev. So is the publisher at fault? Should the publisher pay the dev 3 billion dollars(obviously a joke) for the dev to relist their game on steam so the community feels happy or something? I'm curious what's your take on this. They told him the game is getting delisted as it's likely not bringing them any money in. Chances are the dev isn't going to relist it as it's not bringing him any money in either. I can't blame them for that but I appreciate the dev making it free on his site. Or what people wanted was for WB to tell the dev to make the game free and keep it up so they can get a +1? I don't see the problem here.
As for not paying royalties to devs, if the game gets taken down, what's there to pay I agree with that too. I'm certain they paid what they agreed to however. It probably saves them time too from sending this dev a $20 check every month. If it was your business too linked to a company that makes millions, you'd want to make it less complex for an amount as little as $20 a month too.
As for the game being in HB that's likely how I got it too.
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WB just told the Fist Puncher developer that they won't give the game back to him so he can self publish. This is 100% a tax dodge by them, just like the bullshit they're doing with the movies.
I can't believe you're defending this. If they don't want to publish the game anymore then just give the game back to the developer.
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The post is from 17 hours ago, which is after I've made my post. Sure crappy move on wb, even more so to not give him proper reasoning and solutions, but the dev isn't without fault either. He signed with them in the first place, and he had a contract, he knew what power they had, and should've made the stance 8 years ago if the studio decides to retire the game, that he'd get his rights back to self publish it(although it isn't confirmed he doesn't have them, it's just confirmed WB doesn't care to transfer the page to him, not the same thing esp when the dev is self publishing right now on his own site for free).
It's not that I'm defending them, I'm explaining why they don't care if they look at the big picture. Why should they give up the IP on their own, when they could retire it and bring it back later maybe under some pretext. It's like someone makes you a bracelet you wear and when you decide to take it off for a bit and that someone wants it back and you say no that's not what we agreed on. At the same time, they don't care to have someone do this transfer, as the dev himself said in some article that his connection at adult swim had long been gone and he didn't know anyone there anymore who worked when his game got published and the publisher had basically vanished/slowed down.
Regardless he was allowed to publish outside of steam it seems, and tbh I don't know why he can't just republish himself then on steam. Maybe he wants an easy transfer with little to no work(as he says in the forums about 2 minutes on wb's part) and transfer of the rights, although he signed a contract with wb 8 years ago waving these away, at least on steam, since he has made the game free on his site, his contract does not seem to extend to other platforms like itch, gog, epic, xbox for instance.
It is what it is, it's an unfortunate situation, but as I said before, this is why I never recommend using a publisher and also I don't recommend sending out review copies to curators as a indie dev if you don't want your keys listed on grey markets.
So while you think I'm taking sides, I just want you to acknowledge that this dev gave them this power 8 years ago. Whether he expected his game to eventually be retired from a platform or by the publisher idk, but would you assume at some point some game will be removed from steam? My assumption is that many more games will be removed from steam. So read the contract if you make one. I see both parties at fault, not just wb. They just protect their interests and brand, the dev wants to protect his interests and brand now, but didn't care 8 years ago. So I think both are at fault in different ways, but the dev signed the contract.
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The big ones are the worst. They used to only care about their bottom line and that was bad enough. Now all they care about is what the bottom line is going to look like to their shareholders, and they're ready to do anything to make it look good even if that means setting the servers on fire to collect insurance. It's getting ridiculous.
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At this point we might need to set up a thread with WB shutdowns 😅
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Wayback Machine archive in case the original upload goes down.
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I don't think OP made the game. And the dev is no longer in the business.
"" Deery essentially retired from game development following the launch of their last project, Radio Viscera, after experiencing burnout and feels the delisting is reflective of the industry's disregard for digital preservation.
"It's an insane amount of work, for years and years, with only a very small chance any game will succeed. I put 110 percent of myself into the launch of Radio Viscera but the game basically disappeared on release and left me totally burnt out," they added.
"So rather than being shocked to receive the news about Small Radios Big Televisions, my first reaction was 'Yep, that sounds about right for the games industry.'" ""
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Fist Puncher is being removed. Guess this confirms all of Adult Swim Games' are in danger.
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Goddamn, thank you, i'll change the thread name to encompass the whole topic.
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Hmm, it is unusual. But there are a few games of mine which could be prone to be removed: Fist Puncher, SHODN and Big Radios - Small Television are those I have from Adult Swim + RWBY from RT.
I wonder if they are just delisted or vaporized out of existence. As an achievement hunter, I would be slightly mad if they took away my SHODN 100 %. That was painful to complete :P I also just noticed, I have a 1st global rank on at least one of the Fist Puncher maps single player O.o
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They are just delisted. I don't think there's been many cases on Steam where games are removed from your library permanently.
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Zaslav would probably love for them to be vaporized but I don’t think Valve would allow that.
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New article on the subject, seems to be certain now:
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23 Comments - Last post 45 minutes ago by lycankai
51 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by Axelflox
399 Comments - Last post 4 hours ago by ViToos
29 Comments - Last post 8 hours ago by Vahl
209 Comments - Last post 9 hours ago by cdr955
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35 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by evilcat610
211 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by GuiDoteiro
Latest update: 4 games are being removed, see here for more details.
Final update (hopefully?): Looks like the games are being handed back to the devs, great to see.
UPDATE: Another game facing removal, Fist Puncher. So it seems all of AS's games are in danger.
"WarnerBros Discovery have informed me they will be 'retiring' my game Small Radios Big Televisions from both Steam and PS4 stores.
I've made it free to download here: https://fire-face.com/games/srbt.html
Thanks for all your support."
So, if you want it on Steam, it seems like now's your last chance. The game will be removed from sale "within the next 60 days".
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