Hello, I was pointed to this group. I'm interested in giving away games to people that will appreciate it! :) Also I've been tempted to giving away multiple copies of personal favorites like life is strange and csgo. I just want to make sure people play it so I can pass on the awesome experience I had with them. I also have about 250+ bundle keys and of course some of those aren't the greatest so if they don't really play them it's cool.
Option 2 of course!
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I have had the virtues of this group extolled to me in steam discussions...well, not always to me, but I've read them!!!!
So, I would like to join if that's OK.
I will happily give away a decent game when I get the chance. I sub to H Monthly, so there is quite likely to be one in the May bundle that I have, or don't want, so I will donate that to the group cause...if that's OK.
Happy Gaming one and all,
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Sorry, I couldn't find them if I spent all day looking. I'm a member of lots of groups, most rubbish but some useful and good, and I use external sites as well, where they could have been. I like to spend at least as much time reading about steam and everything about it, and playing with tools, as I do playing games.
As for the giveaway, as I said I would wait until the new Humble Monthly comes out; it's very likely that there'll be a decent-good game in there that either I don't really want or that I already have. If that is the case I would be happy to use that, and if there's more than one to use...well..more than one.
Unless you prefer I played a game...which is fine, not sure how many won games i haven't played though. I can go through them and provide a list if you like, shouldn't be more than a handful, excluding the last week's wins as I haven't had a proper go on any, except Vive le Roi and even that I haven't done half the levels.
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Forgot to say, are you happy for me to add you as a friend on Steam? Feel free to say no....it's not a problem, I don't offend easily.
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Hi, your free to add me on Steam (everybody is). You indeed either must create a giveaway after joining (so waiting until the next Humble Monthly would be an option) or playing one of your previous winnings. 29 of your winnings don't have a single achievement yet, so it shouldn't be that hard finding one ;) Please comment the game here before you start playing, so we can write down your idling time.
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Well, I am happy to do both...how about that?
As for achievements...I only look at those for my favourite games tbh, like Train Sim etc, and I only do hundreds of TS ones because they're actually the main aim of the scenarios anyway, which I love.
I shall take a look at that list and pick one and have a go later. i am currently reading the thread Archi created about changing SG, but it's getting longer the more I read so I will soon have had enough of that and try one out. And I shall make sure somehow that I can demonstrate my game playing; I'm not what you'd call a games playing star, so I might have to do something like screenshots if I fail totally when going for achievements. We'll see! Any recommendations for game to choose?
And I shall add you as a friend on Steam...thanks, always nice to have another friend who actually talks.
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I chose Numberlink, and have so far completed 10 levels. It's really rather good...I shall have to have another go later.
If you require it, I have the screenie of 0 achievements completed - it now shows the ones up to and including level 10.
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Agreed, have fun finishing Numberline then. Just as a note: you start off with 4 achievements and 3.5hrs playtime (2.3 hrs idled). Please check back here when you've finished the game.
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Sorry, I have no intention of just playing games to finish them and get achievements. If you're chasing achievements then that's not for me...count me out.
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You misunderstand. We are not chasing achievements, but when you regular play the game you will get them. In case of Numberline you will have them all when you finished the game. You indeed must really want to play the game until the end, although we will approve it if you played it for 50% if that happens not to often. We don't like people who just like to own the game, idle the games for the cards or use full games as a demo.
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So, just for your own personal LOL....I played some more Numberline. It has "issues" - not least of which is the fact that if you go back to....say level 1, as I did to show a mate as it's not bad fun...it totally wipes all your progress.
Also, some of the puzzles can only be solved if you leave the correct tile until last which you might say sounds fine, but it's not. Because if that tile did have the last number in it, the solution would be wrong.
Still, fun game...
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Numberline indeed resets if you go back to level 1, and many people don't seem to notice that there's a limited undo feature on the right mouse button, but otherwise it's a strictly logical affair and quite playable.
The level sometimes ends one tile or so before you did the last click you had to do, but you still have to solve the level correctly 97%.
Personally I advise playing it in one go (takes an hour and half or maybe two for all 60 levels), otherwise players often lose their concentration on the precise approach needed to solve the puzzles. As long as you're keenly aware of the rules to solve them, it's smooth sailing.
(I gave away a whole bunch of Numberline copies in this group, so I've heard all sorts of praise & complaints by now)
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Like I said, I don't dislike it and would happily recommend it...but when you're some way in and you just click on level one to show a friend the first one to easily get the idea....that hurts lol.
Have to disagree with you about the last tile though....that's a total failure of each level where that occurs. There simply is no solution if you take the last tile into account, which obv. you should given that the puzzle is not complete until the duplicate image has been created.
As for having another go.....I will, but when I've had a little time to forget the levels I have to repeat.
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You're not reading what I am putting, or more likely I'm not making it very clear.
On some levels, when the game ends it does so before or as you put the last tile down but it does NOT alter the tiles around it, as it should. If it did do this then you would have a wrong solution. If you didn't notice or think about this when playing, go take a look at some of the reviews and some discussion threads. Some of the comments are mine, some are others saying the same thing.
The game just glosses over this failure to stick to its own rules. It's basically allowing you to cheat. There are also, so other say, two levels where an incorrect pattern is accepted as a correct one - I have seen one example of this but others who have completed the game say there are more.
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Sounds good. I got Evoland 2 from user PrinceOfJerusalem from this discussion: https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/VJ9sQ/you-just-cant-win#eFs2AzZ
I know it is not a game officiallly won from giveaway here but it was given away to me on steamgifts so I think It should count. I play it when I have some time and after that I am going to play Murdered: Soul Suspect that I won recently. I would like to join the group and enter giveaways only for my wishlisted games.
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Hi HellsRANGER :) Your welcome to join, however you already started playing Evoland 2 on 16 April, that one cannot be used anymore as entry game. Murdered: Soul Suspect will be fine however; have fun playing that and please check back here when you did :)
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I've been on SG less than a month and I'm still on the lookout for interesting groups to join, and I'd like to join this one!
I haven't won any giveaways yet, but I only enter giveaways for games that are on my wishlist - that is, games I actually want to play. My big focus on steam is achievement hunting, so I want to keep my percentage as high as possible. It's hard to do that while playing games I don't like!
I have a rather expansive backlog I'm working through, but I'm more than happy to put whatever game I win at the forefront and play it within a month. I've also subscribed to Humble Monthly and would be more than happy to share any games I'm uninterested in with the group.
Thank you for your consideration
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Hi, Reforced!
In a crazy turn of events, maybe about an hour after I made this post, I won a game! I won Wild Animals - Animated Jigsaw Puzzles .
I'll reply to your post here again when I've 100% completed that game.
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Hi :) How nice to hear! Have fun playing Wild Animals - Animated Jigsaws then and please check back here when you've finished it :)
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I'm interested in joining, now that I feel like I've made good progress on my SG backlog. Next game I'll play will be Hyper light drifter, which I'll start soon.
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Alright, have fun with Hyper Light Drifter and please check back when you have finished it!
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Hi Fnord, we are currently in the process of clearing out all our old join requests and I came across yours. I would like to know if you would still be interested to join the group?
If I won't get a reply in a week I will simply mark you as not interested to join on our list, but you would still be welcome to join once you have beaten the game :)
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Ok, if you ever decide you want to join the group again feel free to reapply (with a different game)! :)
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I'm willing to participate in either the first category or second category(of course I only enter giveaway of games I'm interested on) and promise to play them.
On the other hand, when I get some good discounts and buy a decent game, I would like it to be won by someone who wants to play it.
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Hi Nergeyn :) You're welcome to join, please let me know how you would like to enter (by playing Switch Galaxy or creating a giveaway for the group after joining).
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Hi, I wouldn’t mind, but I'm currently playing Gods Eater Resurrection and Monkey Island series. I'm the kind of guy that won't start a new game until I finish the one I started before. I could start by playing the next game I win or when I finish the ones I'm already playing.
Actually, since I'm pretty new making giveaways I can't make many and can't create a new one.
I could also try joining again later if you want. It's all up to you.
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Good to hear! You still are still welcome, the rules are still the same. Please pick a game from your unplayed winnings and comment that here before you start playing it (fault - milestone one, Jurassic Park: The Game or Switch Galaxy Ultra).
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I already played "Plague Inc: Evolved", finished "A Wild Catgirl Appears!" and "Nekopara Vol.0". Also started "RIVE: Wreck, Hack, Die, Retry!" yesterday.
When I finish it, I think I will continue with ..... "Sword of Asumi" or "Switch Galaxy Ultra", depends on which one interests me more in that moment.
Having said that, you could count Rive if you want.
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Sword of Asumi or Switch Galaxy Ultra will do fine. Have fun playing one of them and let me know once you've finished.
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Me again. Reporting status... again.
Rive, checked.
Sword of Asumi, checked (going for the remaining achievements).
Switch Galaxy Ultra, will have to wait till I finish God Eater 2.
Since I'm used to making reviews for the games I play. I'm more of the type who enjoys playing older games or playing games when the fever for them has long since passed and then give a simple review with my opinion.
Also looking forward to create giveaways from time to time, but don't expect much, haha.
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Believe it or not, we just had a Bad Rats giveaway and still 12 people entered it. I guess they have to learn the hard way, so feel free to make any giveaway you want ;) Curious to see your first giveaway. Invitation was send, welcome to the group!
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Haha ^^ I've heard about that indeed, he talked about it in the group chat. He should have known you already owned it and send you the Bad Rats Show instead :-P Although you'd probably still wouldn't accept ;) In any case, now Goldes must play it, so let's see how he'll do it :)
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Nope, I wouldnt accept that either. I cant imagine it being any better than the 1st one.
I feel really bad for him, but then again he decided to join by himself soooo... :D
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Hi aran1988, you're welcome to join! Vampire Legends: The True Story of Kisilova will do fine, have fun playing it and please comment again when you have finished it :)
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Hi Ospry! Your welcome to join :) Have fun playing Metro: Last Light Redux and please check back here when you did.
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I did not see anything like that before. In any case I can tell we don't make announcements/events like this, so it's not a notification from our group. Also we give our members a month time to play their winnings. Perhaps you subscribed on a discussion topic? There are some members who like to see a maximal winning quota per month who are discussing this at the moment.
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Hi :) Your welcome to join. As spoken via the group chat, have fun playing CONSORTIUM and please check back here when you have finished it (or if you want to pick another game). Just as a note: you start off with an idling time of 2.2hrs.
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I would like to join. As a general rule, I have always only entered giveaways of games I plan to eventually play.
Lately, I started only entering whishlisted ones.
Yes, some of my won games haven't been played yet, but it will happen. It needs to feel like it's the right time, that's all.
Since I am often quite busy, if I am admitted into the group I will refrain from entering GAs unless I am absolutely positive I can play them that same month.
I am know to be busy, I will not enter, even if the game is high in the wishlist.
As for making GAs, I normally don't mind if and when people play them, is that fine or do I need to be super picky about what I am giving away?
I can't really give away unbundled stuff, I don't even buy them for myself 😅
Concerning the admission requirements: I was thinking of going with Option 2, with a bundled game that has pretty good reviews.
I assume it should be group-exclusive?
Are there rules for the duration and level requirement?
PS: I am in BLAEO so if I ever win a game from the group, it should be easy to track my progress.
I do not idle games, and do not care for cards. With the unfinished ones I got stuck for one reason or the other, and couldn't move forward.
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Hi llewxam, you sound like a fish in the water for this group. Don't worry about making giveaways, we are no ratio group. Just only joining giveaways is fine too, although giveaway creators are free to set a level requirement. Your welcome to join via option two, a bundled game with good reviews will do fine. Please make it group exclusive indeed. Every giveaway will be tracked via our group tool, but nice that you track your own games via BLAEO :) Invitation was send and curious to see your first giveaway!
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Hello, i finished Pahelika: Revelations HD, it was not the best HOG game i´ve played, but it was entertaining :).
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Hi Resoula, Legends of Eisenwald will do fine. Hope you will enjoy playing it and please check back here when you have finished it :)
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I would like to join. I'm planning on playing psychonauts which I won a while ago. It looked like a decent game but I was too lazy to play it :).And yes I know I already have 2 hours on it, I was a filthy idler ;o
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So after playing for a while I realized it wasn't my slice of pie... is it okay if I give away Else heart break for the group to play instead? or is what I played in paychonauts enough?
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The game takes 13 hours to finish, so your current playtime isn't enough. I've heard Else.heart.break() is not as easy and nice as well, but more important it has no achievements - so it cannot be used as entrance giveaway. You can pick another though if you like.
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After 6 hours of cluelessness I give up and my eyes hurt. Is it okay if I switch my game to trianguluv?
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Sure :) Have fun playing Trianguluv then and please check back here when you did. Just as a note, you start off with 11.8 hours.
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You don't know how hard it was to beat the 30 levels with those wonky controls haha, thanks for the invite :)
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you have to play it and show some progress of it valvin, you don't need to finish the game,just show that you have make a considerite amount of progress of the game, archivement and screenshot is use to check upon your progress, come back once you have play a good amount within the game pal, also i think reforced will come here and comment here soon, so give you a head start for it
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i maybe wrong about this so please don't take my word as fact as i don't remember the exact word use from reforced
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Listen, I just played the game 'cause I won it in the group. I really enjoyed it, but I have to give you a little warning before you play:
Your companions are stupid. SO stupid. You have never seen an AI so stupid before. They will constantly run out of cover and get themselves killed. In the later missions you get stronger so it's easier, but in the early stages - If you hear a teammate shout "I'm moving up" or anything like that, IMMEDIATELY press space and tell them to get back in cover, otherwise he's just gonna die.
Or just play on the easiest difficulty, that's also an option :P
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Hi valvin, we are currently in the process of clearing out all our old join requests and I came across yours. I would like to know if you would still be interested to join the group?
If I won't get a reply in a week I will simply mark you as not interested to join on our list, but you would still be welcome to join once you have beaten the game :)
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Of course! Chronoclysm will do fine, have fun playing that and please check back here when you did. :)
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Hello. I would like to join. I recently win prime world. I make lot of success and try to finish it.
Unluckily, I wont have any progress for 2 weeks cause my netbook for holliday refuse to make it work.
I also finished completly Timeframe that I win less than 2 mouths ago.
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Hi! Your welcome to join. You didn't win Prime World from SteamGifts and already played it allot, so that one does not qualify. Timeframe is already completely finished like you said, so that can't be used to enter either. Please pick a game with achievements you won that you haven't played yet.
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Hello, just found about this group. Can i join please?
I never won anything on steamgifts. Would Rebel Galaxy be cool as achievements?
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I have keep my profile public and i list rebel galaxy as my game. Did i miss anything?
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No, thanks for adding that :) Have fun playing Rebel Galaxy and please check back here when you did.
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just came back to check with you
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Hello. I have finished Rebel Galaxy and would like to join the group please.
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I'm interested in joining this group but I'm currently playing the heck out of one of my previous wins and trying to 100% it. I'm just leaving this comment here as a reminder and placeholder for myself, and I'll be sure to swing by at a later time/date to show some commitment by playing a game I've won here that I haven't touched yet. :)
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Playing Appreciated is a group for members that like to play games they win and for giveaway creators that like to see their games getting played. This sounds simple, yet requires committent and dedication from members by filtering out games they like to play from all group giveaways and when won playing those within one month. In return members will get higher chances of winning games they want and creators will know their giveaways have a high chance of getting played. The group has more than 1000 members and over 25000 historical giveaways.
Group rules
How to join
Final notes
More information and a FAQ is available via the Steam group. Current group giveaways can be found here on SteamGifts. Feel free to comment below if you have any questions!
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