Don't let the name of the train fool you: these games are not trash (well, a few of them are, but most of them are pretty legit)! It's named the way that it is because you're dirty Weeb Trash for playing this stuff. I mean, I never touch this stuff. Oh, wait... [shuffles through library and completed games] (sigh)...dammit. Well, just go ahead and mark me with a scarlet "W" like everyone else in this thread. 🤣

There is a broad variety of games in the train, and each became a cart via any of the following qualifications:

  • Clearly authored by a Japanese developer
  • Contains ridiculous pseudo-romantic scenarios involving vaguely sexualized characters
  • Contains overt, graphical sex scenes (you know that you downloaded that 18+ patch) featuring Japanese characters or heavily stylized characters of other ethnicity based upon a Japanese developer's stereotyped view of that ethnicity
  • Characters so painfully/preciously cute that you want to go out and choke a puppy
  • Disturbingly cute characters that are overly sexualized for all of the wrong reasons (people or animals)
  • Rainbow powers! Giant fluffy monsters that fight! Tiny people with enormous eyeballs!
  • 80s/90s JRPG/Metroidvania/bullet-hell mechanics or art
  • Games authored by white or brown people that were clearly inspired by and employ any of the above qualities (i.e., the dev is likely a dirty weeaboo 😅).

The train is all level 3+. If you haven't given much, sorry, you'll either have to fix that (you have a week...level 3 is easy to do in a week) or catch the next train.

FYI...I added most of the carts and randomized them...but saved a really nice (previously bundled) game for the next-to-last cart. And, more importantly, the caboose may just be one of those mystical unbundled games! You'll just have to ride the train to find out.

"Wow, Grez, this is just crazy. How did you come up with this madness?" Well, that's a great question. Let me tell you about it. 😉 I was going through all of my keys and trying to think of something entertaining to do for my next train...and noticed that I had a few bundles laying around that were mostly visual novels or other weeb fodder. So, I dug through a bunch of other stuff and came up with a few more one-off keys and realized I had the makings of a pretty sweet sushi roll train. Enough already -- why don't you stop kidding yourself that you're too good for these games and just hop on board?

62 carts -- 88 keys (playin' you like a piano 😍) -- have fun and good luck!

Ahh-Choo-Choo! 🚅🚃🚃🚃🚃🚃🚃🚃🚃🚃🚃

Disclaimer: No Japanese people or animals were harmed in the making of this train, which was brought to you by Kawasaki™.

Note: for any of you who don't understand what's going on here, a weeaboo (or "weeb") is someone who is not Japanese and is obsessed with Japanese culture, usually misusing words from the Japanese language or emulating stereotypes (usually inaccurately) of the culture. In case you're one of those people who is hyper-sensitive about any vague racial discussion or joke and think some white dude just came in here and made fun of Japanese people, please be informed that you have it backward: I'm making fun of non-Japanese people (mostly white people) with a sly wink-and-a-nod to my brothers and sisters of Japanese descent who have to witness weeb travesties on a regular basis and roll their eyes about it. So before you get all wrapped around the axle, let's pretend for a second that we all love and respect one another and are just having a good time with a strange cultural phenomenon, ok?

5 years ago*

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Are you a filthy Weeb?

View Results
I'll be riding this train one-handed. That's all you need to know.
Oh please, that crap is just riculo...wait, does she have giant boobs, purple hair, AND a tail?!? Excuse me for a minute, I need to be alone.
No, seriously, I can't stand those people. The fact that I've 100%-ed 25 different visual novels with 18+ patches was just for the achievements.
I just like JRPGs. Preferably with jiggle physics. And swords that represent phalluses. And plot.
I'll just take the potato long as it's a Japanese potato! All potatoes must be Japanese! EVERYTHING MUST BE JAPANESE!


5 years ago

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Bump :)

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Beep boop.

5 years ago

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Thanks for the train!!

5 years ago

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Grez, here's a 1-year-after-Harvey bump. You stared Mother Nature down, and while she got some good shots in, ultimately you came out on top. :)

5 years ago

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Ha, thanks. Nice to be back in my house. It's pretty much done now other than some punch-list stuff...but it's all very first-world problems again now, so it's all good. :)

I need to post a pic of my piano art...yes, I took our destroyed piano and, with a lot of help from a couple of buddies, turned it into wall art (230-lb. wall art :D ). I should share that with the site...remind me later this week and I'll do it. :)

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Bumping a nice train.

5 years ago

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Thanks for the weeb, the not-so-weeb, the trash and the not-so-trash!

5 years ago

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one-handed bump!

5 years ago

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Bump and thanks! :D

5 years ago

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I entered one or two so thanks and bump

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Bump :)

5 years ago

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Thanks for the ride! Have a bump-arino! :D

5 years ago

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Thanks for the Train Ride 😊 👍

5 years ago

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Thanks for the train!

5 years ago

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Thanks great train

5 years ago

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have a bum

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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