Edit: I've changed how I'm trying to explain this.
If there's no description, and you click enter giveaway, with the comment popup inclusion toggled to true, you should not have to click a second time to enter the giveaway.
For example https://i.imgur.com/jrjATQb.png
I understand the addition of a second click for giveaways WITH descriptions -- even though I don't agree with it since 99% of descriptions are worthless and I preferred the popup that didn't require an extra click to enter -- but you shouldn't have it included for giveaways WITHOUT descriptions that's only added because you want to leave comments (if you disable the comment popup inclusion it reverts to normal entry without popup).
Hope that explains it.
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I didn't update until today, before that it worked fine. I have the latest version, it is broken as I explained above.
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If the giveaway has no description, but you have the "Popup reply box when entering / include it in the description popup." toggled, you have to click twice to enter the giveaway and then once to dismiss the popup. That's an additional click added to every giveaway entered.
I'd prefer it returned to how it was, the giveaway is entered BEFORE the popup is displayed so you don't have an extra unneeded click if you want to MAYBE SOMETIMES leave a comment. If you disable that popup reply box toggle, and disable the descriptions, it's one click for everything -- so why make it less user-friendly for someone who's trying to be a good person and read every description for giveaways that do and say thank you when it's appropriate? Instead it's just bloated the entry process.
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No problem, sometimes it's hard for me to explain certain things and I try my hardest to communicate what I'm talking about. xD
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I thought it was 1 click enter button > popup 1 click enter button again and pop up closes so to total 2 clicks, before it was 1 click enter and you were entered > popup 1 click dismiss popup total 2 clicks as it is currently.
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Well, you're wrong, because it's the same amount of clicks as before (one to open the popup and another to enter the giveaway, which automatically closes the popup). But I do agree with the idea and I'll implement it.
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My bad, it is the same amount of clicks but the time it takes for the popup to close via Entering Giveaway makes the popup stay up for so long and factoring in that with every giveaway entered w/ description and the total time increased is wayyy too much to be comfortable -- it's almost comparable to just opening the giveaways in new tabs.
Thank you for the consideration though. <3
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Changed it. Giveaways with descriptions still require 2 clicks though. That might take more time to enter if the description is not relevant, but it's really the best way to do it, as there isn't a way to determine if the description is relevant or not and immediately entering a giveaway if it has a description could be bad, in case you have to remove your entry (that would also mean 2 useless requests).
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I think that there is a bug in the bookmarks feature, it isn't completely removing them from the storage, when I remove the bookmark although they don't show up in the bookmarks popup anymore.
shows in the popup
"giveaways": "{\"cwYC0\":{\"code\":\"cwYC0\",\"endTime\":1497909540000,\"bookmarked\":true}}",
doesn't show in the popup
"giveaways": "{\"cwYC0\":{\"code\":\"cwYC0\",\"endTime\":1497909540000}}",
Is them staying in the storage intended behavior?
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There's no bug. The giveaway storage is used by multiple features, so the giveaways need to stay there.
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understood, that does make sense, I'm probably just not using any of the other features that stores data there.
on a related note, is there a timeline for this being implemented: https://www.steamgifts.com/go/comment/mE6Suap ?
remembering you as i think you probably forgot about it :P
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You're right that I forgot. :P I'll try to do it by tomorrow, but I got other stuff that I'm working on right now.
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as you may have forgotten about it again 😅 i opened an issue on GitHub https://github.com/revilheart/ESGST/issues/188
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Actually didn't forget it, but was focusing on other stuff, but thanks for opening the issue. It's easier to track it that way. :)
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Hello, I'm kinda new to this Tampermonkey thing so I am asking what do I copy for the userscripts?
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What do you mean copy? You just have to install Tampermonkey and then click on the link in the OP to install the script.
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But what do I do after I install this? http://prntscr.com/flecze
Is there anything else I have to do?
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It appears to be already installed, what's the issue?
Edit: Ah nevermind.
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Automatically load real CV and show it on the profile isn't working for me. The loading circle starts spinning and never loads anything. This started about a week ago.
I disabled all other extensions and scripts, but the same thing happens.
There is no error popup, but this is what it says in the console
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token o in JSON at position 1
at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)
at eval (eval at E_c (:3:221), <anonymous>:15168:30)
at Window.eval (eval at E_c (:3:221), <anonymous>:2651:21)
at <anonymous>:2:398
at e.string.k.function.c.(anonymous function) (eval at exec_fn (:1:108), <anonymous>:54:352)
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Does it also happen to other user-related features? User notes, user tags, etc...
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Most of those are working like they should.
Whitelist/Blacklisht Checker and Whitelist/Blacklist Highlighter Give an error popup when I enable them.
SyntaxError: Unexpected token o in JSON at position 1
at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)
at addWbcIcons (eval at E_c (:3:221), <anonymous>:17034:30)
at Object.loadWhitelistBlacklistChecker [as load] (eval at E_c (:3:221), <anonymous>:16467:13)
at loadFeatures (eval at E_c (:3:221), <anonymous>:1990:33)
at loadEsgst (eval at E_c (:3:221), <anonymous>:1953:9)
at eval (eval at E_c (:3:221), <anonymous>:412:9)
at Window.tms_76291f6a_d608_411a_b9a9_c5e3bdcf873b (eval at E_c (:3:221), <anonymous>:21876:3)
at <anonymous>:2:398
at eval (eval at E_c (:3:221), <anonymous>:3:1)
at eval (eval at E_c (:3:221), <anonymous>:4:3)
VM4539:1998 SyntaxError: Unexpected token o in JSON at position 1
at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)
at Object.loadWhitelistBlacklistHighlighter [as load] (eval at E_c (:3:221), <anonymous>:17071:30)
at loadFeatures (eval at E_c (:3:221), <anonymous>:1990:33)
at loadEsgst (eval at E_c (:3:221), <anonymous>:1953:9)
at eval (eval at E_c (:3:221), <anonymous>:412:9)
at Window.tms_76291f6a_d608_411a_b9a9_c5e3bdcf873b (eval at E_c (:3:221), <anonymous>:21876:3)
at <anonymous>:2:398
at eval (eval at E_c (:3:221), <anonymous>:3:1)
at eval (eval at E_c (:3:221), <anonymous>:4:3)
at Object.eval (eval at E_c (:3:221), <anonymous>:21878:6)
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What I believe is happening is that your user storage didn't upgrade to V6, or you are caught by a bug that was caused by Unsent Gifts Sender and was fixed in a recent version. Did you use that feature recently?
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Another user had this same issue and there were some complications with their storage. Hopefully there aren't any for you.
Can you first tell me what is the console output if you add
at the beginning of the script (let me know if you don't know how to do that and I'll explain).
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I don't know I do that.
I can see the script. Do I add it on the very first line or somewhere else?
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Before (function() {
. You can add it to the empty line 41. Then save, load any SG page and open the console.
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The exact same error as before happens. Would it help if I reset or reinstall the script?
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But there's nothing above the error? There should be a log there.
Reinstalling wouldn't change anything, but deleting the user storage would, although you would lose all user data if you do that (unless you have exported it as backup before).
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There is one empty line.
A second line says:
Object {users: Object, steamIds: Object}
The third line is the same error as before.
I don't mind losing user data. I don't want to take up your time and if that fixes it, it's fine with me.
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I don't mind time.
Here's what you have to do:
Worst case scenario you will have the same complications the other user had, but if you performed step 1, you won't lose your data.
Here's the code:
function fixUserStorage() {
var users;
users = GM_getValue(`users`);
GM_setValue(`users`, JSON.stringify(users));
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this error occurs on all user profile pages
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at filterGfGiveaways (eval at E_c (:3:221), <anonymous>:20829:50)
at Window.addGcCategories (eval at E_c (:3:221), <anonymous>:17580:17)
at <anonymous>:2:398
at e.string.k.function.c.(anonymous function) (eval at exec_fn (:1:108), <anonymous>:54:352)
no known side effects from the error though for me, i just happen to see it when trying to test for the above bug. i suppose it may still be related though.
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yeah it seems to be something to do with filter (from error) and probably some certain category or lack of category via the giveaways listed on profiles. i ruled the icon thought out after going thru a few more random people and found a few exceptions.
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Why does this script always give me the "do you want to leave this page" warning on SG?
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You're probably running a check or the script is syncing in the header.
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Yes, but it's not really my priority right now, since the current confirmation window works just fine.
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Well, it seems it doesn't work fine since people even don't know what it means. :D But you are right, it is not so important. If you make it someday, you could also use it when people started to write something and click on close window or on a link.
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You are talking about a confirmation window to perform an action. Those do work fine and are very straightforward. For example, if you try to delete a template, you get a confirmation window asking "Are you sure you want to delete this template?". If people don't know what that means they need help. xD
What NameBadge is talking about is a confirmation window to leave the page, and like I just told you, Chrome (not sure about other browsers) does not allow that window to be customized in any way, not even adding a custom text to it.
Hope that clarifies it. :)
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Entered giveaways are being filtered fine for me. Do you use another script?
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Book mark bug on https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaways/entered.
View bookmarks error if chance or ratio are enabled, plus enter button does not show even if chance or ratio are disabled.
Bookmark button is present beside giveaway name yet entered giveaways remove bookmark, so not much sense having it on that page.
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'getElementsByClassName' of undefined
at Array.addGwcrHeading (eval at E_c (:3:221), <anonymous>:20938:19)
at loadEndlessFeatures (eval at E_c (:3:221), <anonymous>:5178:37)
at eval (eval at E_c (:3:221), <anonymous>:20361:33)
at Function.onload (eval at E_c (:3:221), <anonymous>:2687:17)
at <anonymous>:2:398
at eval (eval at exec_fn (:1:108), <anonymous>:31:494)
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Should be gone.
My take on the bookmark button in the entered page is: you want to remove an entry for a giveaway you had previously entered to enter another giveaway, but you want to bookmark the giveaway you just left so you can enter it later when you have more points, so you can do that from there, instead of having to open the giveaway in a new page.
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That would make sense if it worked but currently bookmarking the entered giveaways does not add them. As it is now a user could bookmark a entered giveaway on that page then click remove thinking it was bookmarked, when it actually is not.
Reminder: https://www.steamgifts.com/account/steam/groups group stats is still completely fubar with endless scrolling on.
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I don't really know where the issue could be with this but the script was running like usual earlier. I just restarted my computer because my wifi disconnected // it's a usual occurrence for me and of course doesn't have anything to do with the script //. When my computer turned back on, I reopened all my old tabs and for some reason, everything the script had installed is gone. Tamper monkey still says that ESGST is on but the button for it that is usually to the right of the Help button is gone. I tried to reinstall it but nothing has changed so far. Where do you guys think my issue could be?
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Go to https://www.steamgifts.com/account/settings/profile#ESGST and enable the button or any other settings you had before.
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The link just sends me back to my steamgifts account settings. there is no button there to enable anything.
The only buttons there are are to sync my account and save the changes of my personal information
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Hmm, I'm not sure. I don't think those errors are from my script. What about clearing the browser's cache?
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I actually feel kinda stupid now. After doing what you had suggested, it occurred to me to just uninstall tampermonkey, re-enable it, and install the script again and it worked. I apologize for taking up so much of everyone's time with this.
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That was going to be my next suggestion. Glad it's solved. :)
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A lot of features in this script should be built-in, unfortunately.
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Disabled Giveaway Bookmarks for giveaways that have not started yet because the feature is not configured to work well with them and will always alert that they are ending (I'll figure out a way to make it work later).
I hope you will find a way how to solve this one day because the feature would be most useful in this very case.
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Just pushed a solution, it's the best I could think of. Hope it's good.
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the giveaway bookmark button doesn't seem to show up on the main pages, or profile pages, and possible even a few other place. the only place i can get it to work now is here inside of a discussion. and it's also missing one of my active bookmarks with ~2weeks remaining.
(no errors though in the console)
edit: i'm not worried about the missing bookmark, i could relocate that private giveaway again. but i stated it cause i think it's just being filtered again.
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There is no way they could be filtered after the update that fixed it. Could they be giveaways that have not started yet?
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no, it's been actively going for 1week with 2weeks remaining. (lostsoul's sgtool choo choo ~50-55 carts into)
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Ahh, I forgot to include something major in the last update. Have you relocated the private giveaway again? It would be better if you waited until the next update so I can know if it fixes it.
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Also, are your hours for the feature working okay from the settings menu? There was a bug that was saving "undefined" instead of the hours, quite surprised no one noticed it until now.
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i'm fairly new at using endless scrolling and still only use it on a /discussion/ page, but i'm pretty sure a few versions ago when i scrolled into an additional page it would also load the "mark read/unread" buttons. if i'm correct, then it's no longer working. if i'm incorrect, could it be done?
(didn't know if anything could be done, so didn't want to bother with github on this one)
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Am i blind i can't seem to find Multi-Tag on any page.
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(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ thats it time to riot, i'll bring the pitchforks.
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It was disabled when User Tags and Game Tags were upgraded to v6 because I have to rewrite it for v6 and it's quite a complex feature, so I need some time.
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Nuts i already loaded the pitchforks into the van, oh well maybe i could sell them to trump haters.
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The "Visible Attached Images" is great, however it gave me the false impression that the gifv extension is supported, while I now heard it isn't (after posting some of them before already). Perhaps the supported filetypes can be matched with those that SteamGifts supports. Example attached (doesn't display without ESGST).
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steamgifts.com doesn't support gifv at all, but the feature does take any gifv's that people slapped up there thinking they would work and makes them work for ESGST users by loading the gif version anyways. afaik it's only compatible for imgur, and only esgst users will see them properly.
so it's not a good idea to link gifv's, it's just good for correcting others mistakes visually for you.
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The script already automatically renames ".gifv" to ".gif" if you are using Comment Formatting Helper with Automatic Links / Images Paste Formatting on. I'm not sure what you're suggesting.
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Not sure about completely disabling it, since some people might want it to be displayed, but I'll see about adding it as optional.
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What about having it change to gif 100% of the time no matter what settings, that way it will always be visible to those that do not use the script.
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The user would still need to have at least Multi-Reply or Discussion Edit Detector enabled, as the script does not manipulate SG's native "Submit" button. And it would be hard to tell what needs to be changed from the post. What if the post contains a text that has ".gifv" that should not be changed to ".gif" for some reason? Using Comment Formatting Helper, the user is aware of what they're pasting and what settings are on.
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Everyone typo's 😛 put those fat fingers on a diet.
if (savedTemplate.type === `everyone`) {
details += `, rveryone`;
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Nope, I'll have to fix it later. Giveaways are supposed to be unbookmarked when entering them.
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The group giveaways list page, for example: Steam Gifts group
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Ah, yeah, the filters only work in the main giveaway pages at the moment. I'll expand it to the group pages in the next version.
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The closed group giveaways has <div class="giveaway__column--width-fill text-right">
moved into <div class="giveaway__columns esgst-giveaway-panel">
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Bug: 100% chance to win Brazil if i only had enough points :(
chance/ratio and enter button present on region pages
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Wasn't even aware of that page's existence. :P How you can you go there? I mean, in what page is it linked?
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First thanks for the great work! (^_^)
Is it possible to deactivate the "ESGST has failed to load. Check the console (F12) for errors and report them in the script's discussion/GitHub page." message when I'm not logged in? It's annoying, everytime I log in and out it pops up and I can't check bundle deals logged out properly. Same issue with SteamTrades ;_;
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This is probably a stupid question but why are these buttons here?
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More bugs of giveaway features appearing where they shouldn't that I have to fix.
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but it actually isn't cut. if you look super closely you can see there is "¯\_(ツ)_/¯, lenny, sad face, & probably a cple other things i can't see very well. it's just not compatible with that theme due to font colors used.
however @revil..... please fix the "¯\_(ツ)_/¯" guys arms.. poor guy has super stubby arms as is.. (it takes more arms then you would normally think) -- it looks accurate on the selector, but shows up as ¯\(ツ)/¯ on use.
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play with contras on the first screenshot and show me red face there.
i showed screenshot that you played with for comparison how full table looks like,
as you said it is not cut on first one.
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lol, my bad as well,[sorry] as I did not notice, that when it is /cut/ there is scroll added - edited main comment
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Stardate 47634.44 bug report:
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Enhanced SteamGifts & SteamTrades (ESGST)
An extension / userscript that adds some cool features to SteamGifts and SteamTrades.
If you find any bugs or have any feature requests, please file an issue here.
Tested and confirmed as working:
Not tested but should be working:
Not supported:
There are two different ways to use ESGST: extension or userscript. You can choose which one you want to use, but the extension is a lot faster and has a better peformance than the userscript, so I recommend it, although there is no major difference between them, except for a few options that are only available in the extension because of limitations in the userscript.
Option 1 - Extension
It should be possible to install the extension in any Chromium-based browser from the Chrome store (such as Opera, Vivaldi, etc...), any Firefox-based browser from the Firefox store (such as Waterfox, etc...), and any browser that uses the Phoebus system from the Pale Moon store (such as Basilik, etc...).
You can also use the extension on Android through Firefox for Android, but some features might not work or not be optimized enough for mobile.
Option 2 - Userscript
To install the userscript, you must install Violentmonkey, Tampermonkey, Greasemonkey or some other userscript manager first. Then click here and you should be prompted to install it. I recommend Violentmonkey or Tampermonkey, because the userscript uses the GM_addValueChangeListener API to communicate changes in the storage between tabs, and that API is not available on Greasemonkey, so a polyfill is used for Greasemonkey, which is not very effective and can affect the performance.
You can also use the userscript on Android through Firefox with Violentmonkey or USI, but some features might not work or not be optimized enough for mobile.
Beta Versions
The latest beta version for both the extension and the userscript is always available in the latest pre-release in the releases page.
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