Is it that important, though? If you want to search something and don't want to use it, the page will have to be loaded anyway, so it will be gone.
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I could add a button, there's no problem, was just trying to see if it was necessary because I plan on adding a button inside the popout so that you don't have to go back to the input field and hit Enter to search something, so it would be 2 buttons to click. You have discussions on the sidebar, right? I hope the popout isn't being enabled if the discussions are on top.
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I am not having discussions on side/top, just default on the bottom :) So i can understand the need for popup on sidebar discussion, just checked them, but i guess there is no need for that when someone is not using it :)
edit: Also just an idea that came to mind when i saw sidebar discussion, to somehow collapse "Browse" and "My giveaways"(sorry if there is already similar option for those, didn't check them all) :)
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Ah, then the problem is it's being enabled when it shouldn't.
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A little bug in the decrypted giveaway's window, the number of comments and number of views is changed, so the win ration and win chance is also wrong since it's using the number of comments.
In the image above you can see that the giveaway in the background has 4 comments and 1 entry, yet the same giveaway in the decrypted window has 1 comment and 4 entries, so 20% win chance.
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Yeah, I noticed they were reversed, will fix it in the next version.
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SG colors that on featured columns. The picture is too small to be able to tell if ESGST is using that class where it shouldn't, not that it matters. I would guess that is in the decrypted giveaways since ESGST does have the SG colors there.
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It gets different colors based on the image of the game when you're inside a giveaway, I think. I'll remove it later, doesn't look good on light background.
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I can't seem to find an option to clear the list of encrypted/decrypted giveaways - I've already seen the giveaways it has to offer and some were even above my level (doesn't seem to obey the main search filter?). Perhaps hide all of them behind "load more" after the first viewing, or put in a clear button so we can clear the list out when we're done with it?
Also it would be neat if you could make it obey the hidden status of the game so it only notifies us about games we haven't hidden.
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Yes, it doesn't follow the main filter, and I wouldn't want to implement that because some users might not want them to be filtered by the main filter options.
If by notify you mean the green icon, it's not possible. The script only gathers information about the giveaways when you click the button.
I'll look into options to hide the giveaways.
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So now that our SG overlords have given us more space, i think it is time to have options on the spacing around the grid containers. That has been a request for SG++ since day one as peeps were missing the slider the old version had, but really any option to adjust would benefit any script with a gridview.
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I know what it is, I meant what would it do? Select the margin between the giveaways?
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Nice but giveaway filters entries, copies, points values need some tweaking.
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That's because you have a large max value. Try decreasing it as the tooltip says.
Odd that your points appear as NaN. Even if you try changing them, they get back to NaN?
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it was Nan because it had gf_minPoints": null, in the cache, same for maxPoints but even after setting to default values in cache the filter does nothing.
Derped again, it does filter but you need to go below 100 points as that is the max for a giveaway
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but giveaways range from 0 -100. The entries/copies if i set the max to 100 the slider on the min value increases by 1, if i set to 1000 it jumps much higher.
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Are you absolutely certain of that? Still, the range shouldn't affect anything. If you select points from 30-300, for example, it should work just the same as if it was 30-100.
I don't think I can do anything about the slider jumping too high, except for increasing the width of the sliders, as it determines how much it jumps, but then the other filter columns will collapse. Still, if you want a specific value it's much faster typing it in the input fields.
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100% certain a giveaway can not be more than 100 points no matter the dollar value, and yeah pretty much have to type in values for the entries/copies or you will never get where you want it.
And yes 30- 300 is the same as 30-100 but if you want to filter the max value you have to go below 100 so you waste 2/3 of the slider :P
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Ah, okay then, I thought the points filter wasn't working. Will lower it to 100 in the next version.
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i have another problem lol. When i set min points 99 and max points to 100 it filters correctly, but if i leave the page and come back min is 1 and max is 100 and chance is set to min 99 max 100. That behavior applies to the other filters too if i change something and refresh it alters chance.
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I set points to default values in the cache and that works now, but entries/copies first value from slider is 3333333
correction the points values show correct but filter does nothing.
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I'm actually decreasing the size of the popout at this very moment. :P I'll add an option to keep it big and will implement your suggestion there though, for those that dislike it small.
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If you shrink the popout I have no problem with it, i just don't like the empty space that there is with the options i have activated :P
so i enlarge the enter/leave button to make it easier to hit it and to cover the empty space.
so no need to do any change on it's behavior or appearance because of me :D
(specially because I also need a custom rule to fix one thing in the dark theme i use :P)(before SquishedPotatoe asks, it's not yours :P)
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the desing of yours SG Dark Grey with the collors of the SGv2 Dark (also yours) would be very good too, i like the flatter looks of the dark grey one more :P
if I would find a easy way of merging the there of them(probably never) i would probably create the perfect theme!(at least in my opinion :P )
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One day when i don't have to re-do the gridview poput :P i'll post the version that uses CSS variables so peeps can change to their hearts content.
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that change by itself is quite easy anyways for me. i also recently started changing the highlight color for threads to a bright red, but that one wasn't quite as easy so i didn't bother trying to explain it.
otherwise there isn't anything else i'd want to change or i'd of already tried to figure it out. i also switched from using the script to actually using userstyles since it loads faster. (finally got past my stubbornness there xD)
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You know, you can always suggest stuff. :P Have you tried checking the console for errors?
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As far as I know, they do work the same way. Are you sure you have the correct settings in the menu? Entering giveaways with no description should work with 1-click if you have that option disabled.
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Try clearing cache, disabling/enabling Tampermonkey, or something.
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I had a similar issue, but with Firefox.
From time to time all scripts stopped working completely although activated and no errors where shown. The problem for me was, that the RAM usage of Firefox went too high (2,5gb+), at which point no more scripts. A fix was to either wait a while, during which some RAM would be freed up again(some script functions seem to eat quite a lot of it) or restart the browser completely.
I now switched to Chrome for my SG tabs and couldn't obverse any more issues, but i also have way less tabs open which may also cause a difference.
So should you run into such problems again, maybe have a look at the RAM usage.
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Hi, have some more stuff to report ^^
Why do popup__keys__list non-mebers have no css class? (minor)
Could Steamtrades get separate option to have reply box at the top? (also the "Click here to see your review for this user." note)
Want that on st but not sg.
Reload button on discussion threads is missing when opening the last page directly.
"click in the search icon" oh yes, can that be activated for all search fields?
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I don't know, should they?
It's in my to-do-list to separate settings between SG and ST, but don't know when that will come.
Yeah, that's because if you open the last page, there's nothing more to scroll down to, so it makes much more sense to just refresh the page using the browser method.
I'll look into it.
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I don't know, should they?
easier to style ;-)
Then again, why was the display of the group popup changed (like missing group pictures). The 'Shared Groups' checker looks far better.
more sense to just refresh the page using the browser method.
Which is slower and more disruptive. Also when coming from the 2nd last page to the last one through endl.scrl all button including reload are there.
I'll look into it.
nice ^_^
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Because the feature no longer requests the groups every time, but stores them once forever, so it doesn't store images because those might be outdated. But I do plan on making Avatar Popout work for group names.
Yes, because like I told you, if you load the last page there is nothing more to scroll to and you didn't scroll from anywhere else, so that is a single page. But when you come from 2nd last page, there are 2 pages loaded, so if you were to refresh the page using the browser, you would lose one of the pages. The issue is Endless Scrolling is not activated at all if there isn't pagination in the page, I'll see if I can change that later.
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doesn't store images because those might be outdated
Can't it just store the link to the image and update it during sync? Those don't get changed that often.
Also aren't the group names taken from the ga page where the pictures are included? Maybe it wasn't clear, I mean the group popup for GAs.
And just noticed, you made the same mistake like cg once by removing gifter avatars (in gridview) :-(
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Is the image that necessary? I can see the importance of avatars for users (kinda, I remember users for their names personally, as avatars can change any minute while names can only be changed yearly), but for groups I don't see much importance. Updating links to images during sync would cause a lot of unnecessary requests, especially if the user is in a lot of groups. Yes, but like I said, they are taken only once, they are not refreshed ever because giveaway groups don't change.
I wouldn't call it a mistake. :P That was to make Grid View smaller as the avatars take a lot of room, but they can be easily added back. Although Avatar Popout works great for those places where the avatar isn't present.
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Looks good, but what if the user doesn't have enter button/chance/ratio enabled or only one of them? :P
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if none avatar gets centered, if 1 prob could also have chance or ratio center vertically.
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That would leave too much white space, I think. Maybe in the same place as "by ..." on the right would look better, but then there is the issue of overflow depending on how long the username is / the giveaway has too many comments/entries.
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Could go with a smaller image there yup, definitely possible just a matter of how small for those really big names.
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Are you familiar with the maximum username length here? I think it's 20, but not sure.
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I wouldn't call it a mistake. :P
Just wait till others update and notice.
remember users for their names
Most by picture first, it's faster to recognize.
This is an essential element. Cg was quickly to revert that.
if you load the last page there is nothing more to scroll to and you didn't scroll from anywhere else, so that is a single page.
The only thing I'm missing/requesting is the reload button to exist on the last and single pages. (Kinda thought that was a bug before)
group etc
To make it clearer, here a picture:
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I meant that I intentionally did it, so it wasn't something that I mistakenly did it for it to be considered a mistake in that sense. :P I'm sure people will come yelling at me later.
There's no need to make it clearer, I know exactly what you're talking about. :P And like I said, that group data only gets requested once and never again, so if I were to store images, they would probably be outdated if the group changes them and would also add more to the size of the storage, and if I were to update them on sync, that would be a lot of unnecessary requests. I'll look into things, but I'm not promising anything to bring group images back.
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mistake in that sense
mistake in judgement :P
group data only gets requested once and never again
Why do pictures work for the shared groups checker then?
Why did they for GAs before but not anymore? Especially considering the source-page to request them ( example ) contains them too. Just link them on the fly.
Or are you loading and saving groups of all GAs now?
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i can answer these.. probably not as well as revil, but it'll maybe give you the gist in reasons. ;)
Why do pictures work for the shared groups checker then?
because those are pulled from not and revil has no issues making as many unlimited requests as necessary from valve. it's the requests from that needs to stay limited so sg servers arent overloaded with requests and cg remains happy. ^^
it's not like gaben will come in here to complain about requests. xD
Why did they for GAs before but not anymore? Especially considering the source-page to request them ( example ) contains them too. Just link them on the fly.
because before they werent stored like they are now and it was a way to save more request pulls on average. the groups pages are not requested 10-15x a day on average like the giveaway pages are.
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the groups pages are not requested 10-15x a day on average like the giveaway pages are.
I'm talking about GAs here, the groups the GA is for:
Look at the link. The images are right there. They are hosted. Why the hell can it not take those. That hasn't been explained at all.
because before "they" werent stored
What exactly. Please be very specific what & how.
not like gaben will come in here to complain about requests
he'll ip/api ban you instead
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The basic answer is Shared Groups Checker retrieves results in real time, there's no cache. Giveaway Groups Loader saves a cache when requesting the giveaway groups, that never expires, and it does not save images in that cache, because of the outdated and space reasons I mentioned above.
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Giveaway Groups Loader saves a cache when requesting the giveaway groups, that never expires
ok, that explains one part. But, "never expires" for every ga ever checked? So it will trash the storage with months and year old GAs that are never requested or relevant anymore? Not a good design imo.
But why the caching at all at GA front-page level, not like those are likely to be requested more than once.
Also when doing it manually requests happens either-way.
On the first non-cache request it loads the pictures always as well, so can basically display them too.
does not save images in that cache,
At least those groups one is in can get the image link that the group pages ( ) show. That can be stored on sync without additional requests as it is there where the script looks already.
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So it will trash the storage with months and year old GAs that are never requested or relevant anymore?
groups data not expiring =/= giveaway data never expiring ;)
though i wonder if the same can be said about decrypted saved giveaway data. if that never expires then the same could be said about it storing irrelevant data.
as for the image location storing part, i actually don't see much harm there either. sure the image could be outdated, but only until a re-sync occurs.
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The feature is not months old yet, so I can easily add an expiring date later on, that's not urgent.
The caching is because of the default Giveaway Groups Loader behavior. It shows the groups below the giveaways, so every time you visit a page that has giveaways with groups, it needs to request those groups, which is why it only does it once and stores it forever. When people asked for the popup back, I then simply shared the default cache with the popup instead of allowing the popup to request the groups in real time, to save requests.
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shows the groups below the giveaways, so every time you visit a page that has giveaways with groups
In those cases it makes sense. Using grid view I didn't know it's doing that for every ga on the front page.
I couldn't imagine that before as it means 50 extra requests per page when opening the group filter. In general that function seems enormously heavy for relatively little gain.
Are people checking groups that often and especially for every GA?
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It's not doing that for every giveaway. Only if you're using the default behavior of the feature. If you're using popup it still requests only when clicking the button, but uses the same cache as the default one. And like I said, it only requests them once, so those 50 extra requests only happen once and never again. It's a huge gain, in my opinion, as you don't need to go around clicking the group button in every giveaway in the page if you want to see them, you can see them all at one glance. It's not about how often they check it, it's that every time they go to a page with groups, it requests them (so it's an involuntary check, they can't prevent it from happening), so to prevent additional requests the script just caches that.
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In that context, for that feature, caching makes absolutely sense.
Using the popup, as it is far more limited as you described, can then again be exempt from the caching.
As a middle ground then the partial solution: groups one is in, can get the image link from the group pages acquired on sync. No outdating or request-spam issue there then.
Actually the groups one is not in can be lazy updated when encountering them on later GAs or when using hover-popup. But really, group pictures are hardly ever changed and the "would also add more to the size of the storage" argument doesn't pull either when now tons of GA group data is being stored without expiry.
those 50 extra requests only happen once and never again.
Every time new GAs show up. Basically every few days 50+ extra requests seems still much to me.
you can see them all at one glance
Is that needed/used for all GAs even when not entering most?
I may be too little of a "group person", but I check the groups of less than 10% of all group GAs, so it just seems overkill to me.
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There's no need to pull the expiry card again, I already told you I plan on adding an expiry, but it's not currently urgent. And every bit helps, the links to the images are very large, so if you consider someone with a lot of group data, that would increase their storage by a lot. I also try to keep only what is 100% necessary in the storage. That's the group code and name for group data, images aren't necessary.
If you're using popup, you clearly don't need it, but other users might. I personally like seeing all groups from all giveaways at one glance.
Which is exactly why you use popup, and the overkill doesn't affect you in any way, then.
And yes, I could make images appear for popup upon first request. If you only use it once, then that solves the problem.
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someone with a lot of group data
Let's say 500 groups, 121 char length per img (unoptimized), makes 60KB. Seems bearable.
clearly don't need it
More like I consider it relatively resource heavy. Not a bad feature.
I could make images appear for popup upon first request.
or exempt the popup completely ;-)
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when people click on giveaways it doesn't take them to the groups page, so it's requested maybe 5% as much as the giveaway pages are. the images are indeed steamcommunity hosted, but the only way to locate where those images are is to pull the groups pages which are located on that's where the extra requests are that is what he's trying to keep to a minimum. he can take those, it's not a matter of not being capable of it, it's a matter of him not wanting to.
when you sync your data now, it takes groups name & their associated 5digit id and stores them into the cache for faster retrieval. prior it didn't store anything and made the request every single time.
well sure, but it would take a whole hell of a lot to get noticed by gaben enough to get a ban/suspension.
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when you sync your data now, it takes groups name & their associated 5digit id and stores them into the cache for faster retrieval. prior it didn't store anything and made the request every single time.
I think the groups were already stored on sync since a long time
it would take a whole hell of a lot to get noticed by gaben enough to get a ban/suspension.
asf users already succeeded ;-)
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you're right it was already storing that for some other feature. that's what made the change an easy decision.
that's not surprising really though, since that directly communicates with steam servers consistently. this script directly communicates with steamgifts consistently instead though, so that's why our fear would be CG coming and and shutting this down instead of gaben. xD
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Not officially but SG likes to get the party started early ;)
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Are you sure? How? Try the latest version for the filters, there was a conflict between points/chance filters. Or was it not those filters?
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saving is working just fine now, but just going over to the search box and pressing enter still gives me the same results my filtered settings give. and the settings still feel very off to me. it's currently supposed to only filter out lvl 0, 1, & 2 (with most exceptions enabled), and it seems like it's filtering way more then it should. (43 filtered giveaways, when it should be only 10-20 filtered)
ignore the second strikeout part. i didn't know about this "chance" filter, and it somehow was set on 3. changing that fixed the over-filtering.
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I keep trying your userscript and it's awesome but I always go back to steamgifts++ just for one single feature.
If you could add something similar it would be awesome :)
In the discussion area, it displays on a red label showing how many new comments there are in the threads that you already visited. It's a great way to see in one glance all the threads that you have already read and how much movement have been inside. I attach you a screen of how it looks like.
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Is that not the same as his comment tracker just not standing out as much.
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Comment Tracker kinda does that, but it doesn't show the count since the last visit, you have to actually mark the comments as read. But I think I could add an option to consider all comments as read upon every visit.
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I tried Comment Tracker and have it activated right now, but it's kind of the opposite. Instead of giving those threads more visibility, they are more hidden because of the fading effect.
Assuming all posts that existed when you visited a thread as read is what SG++ is doing indeed. Thanks for reading the suggestions!
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I could add an option to disable fade and change the color of the counter to red to give more visibility as well.
I'll add some options when I have the time and then you can decide what you like best. :)
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I added a simplified version of Comment Tracker that behaves the same way as you mentioned. I think this covers your suggestion, but let me know if not.
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Dear Rafael, have a happy factory day!
Thank you very much for being around and do this f* awesome job improving our experience on SteamGifts to the maximum possible. :D
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Hi, I don't think that sliders are good for ranges such as 0 - 999999999. The sliders basically don't, or more precisely cannot work with high numbers like that. Or are you able to set a random number with your mouse? For example, 80, 250, 500? The first number I am able to set is 3521127. Unfortunately, for entries and copies, it is quite unusable.
The chance slider has similar problem, but it works approximately at least. To set an exact number is in most of cases also impossible. It could be more precise there were used whole numbers (what a paradox). But it is not so bad because it doesn't matter if I set, for example, 5.25 or 6.1.
It is usable and cool for the level and points, though. :)
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You can enter precise numbers in the input fields and limit the range of Entries/Copies sliders by doing that as well, as the tooltip after "Basic Filters:" says.
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Yes, I know but the sliders doesn't have meaning there when they are not usable in practice. No one ever will use them because it is not possible to use them for such small numbers that are used for the settings. As I said the minimal number I am able to set is 3521127. Numbers that are needed are in tens, hundreds or thousands.
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Like I said, you can lower the range, which makes it more usable. For instance, if you enter 1000 in the max field on copies, you will see that you can get lower numbers when using the slider.
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Happy cake day and thanks for your work on the ESGST script!
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Enhanced SteamGifts & SteamTrades (ESGST)
An extension / userscript that adds some cool features to SteamGifts and SteamTrades.
If you find any bugs or have any feature requests, please file an issue here.
Tested and confirmed as working:
Not tested but should be working:
Not supported:
There are two different ways to use ESGST: extension or userscript. You can choose which one you want to use, but the extension is a lot faster and has a better peformance than the userscript, so I recommend it, although there is no major difference between them, except for a few options that are only available in the extension because of limitations in the userscript.
Option 1 - Extension
It should be possible to install the extension in any Chromium-based browser from the Chrome store (such as Opera, Vivaldi, etc...), any Firefox-based browser from the Firefox store (such as Waterfox, etc...), and any browser that uses the Phoebus system from the Pale Moon store (such as Basilik, etc...).
You can also use the extension on Android through Firefox for Android, but some features might not work or not be optimized enough for mobile.
Option 2 - Userscript
To install the userscript, you must install Violentmonkey, Tampermonkey, Greasemonkey or some other userscript manager first. Then click here and you should be prompted to install it. I recommend Violentmonkey or Tampermonkey, because the userscript uses the GM_addValueChangeListener API to communicate changes in the storage between tabs, and that API is not available on Greasemonkey, so a polyfill is used for Greasemonkey, which is not very effective and can affect the performance.
You can also use the userscript on Android through Firefox with Violentmonkey or USI, but some features might not work or not be optimized enough for mobile.
Beta Versions
The latest beta version for both the extension and the userscript is always available in the latest pre-release in the releases page.
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