v1.1 Added SteamTrades support for Better Comment Chains and Reply From Inbox features.
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Are you using the latest version of the script? It should show a message "Reply sent!" with the link to the reply if successfully sent, and "Failed!" if not. Or did I not understand your suggestion correctly?
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It's possible to do it (there are actually two ways I can think of), and it's not that difficult. I just don't know if it's that needed. I mean, I personally mark all my messages as read after replying to them. Wouldn't it be easier to do that?
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It's not time consuming at all, I actually already implemented it on my side. I could push an update for it later. :) But the way I did it, it will only work on future replies.
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So... I'm not that awesome anymore. I had to remove that feature in the latest version because it wasn't working well. Sorry. :/
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Where do you get the error? Can you try disabling the Whitelist / Blacklist Highlighter feature and see if you still get it? I'm pushing an update to that feature tomorrow that hopefully will fix these errors.
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seems i get it working with Tampermonkey, copying the content and paste it in. let me use it for a little while to see. actually the only feature i was interested in it's the reply messages (that i'm using right now) GREAT feature"!
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v1.2 Made some major improvements to the Whitelist / Blacklist Highlighter feature, added a menu that allows you to choose in how many days to run the automatic scan or manually scan it yourself, and added SteamTrades support for it.
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Seriously, that reply from inbox is a godsend. Thank you so much, you're amazing but you already know that <3
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Hi revilheart, and thanks for your good script. I removed the old instance of whitelist/blacklist indicator and installed the new script. I tried the Notes system and it's working fine, however I have a problem with wl/bl indication. Nothing is displayed if a user is in wl or bl, the Settings page shows Last scanned Wed, 28 Nov 2063 02:46:48 GMT. Of course I tried the update button next to it, it shows "please wait" since about an hour (around 500 entries total in wl+bl). I'm using Firefox + Greasemonkey by the way.
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Thank you for the script. I'm having the same issue on Chrome, the WL/BL indicators were working in the prior version, but after updating to 1.2, they don't appear to be showing any more, and the settings page shows the November 2063 date for last scanned.
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Hmm when you installed the new version, did you got to the settings menu and scan it for the first time? Was it showing "Last scanned never."?
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i love cinnamon, imo its the perfect middle-ground resource weight. not as light as lxde or some of the other light ones, but not nearly the heft that kde or gnome carries. xD
most of it i can get by with already with just a quick google search, i know most the terminology already, just can't ever remember the actual commands most of the time. for example, i just made a symbolic link to the dropbox folder on my windows partition so they both just sync to the same place & no matter which os i'm in, if i store stuff to its folder it will be clouded right then and there. but i may still consider that really, certainly am rusty. xD
edit: oh, and ofc i edited the fstab and added in the windows partition to mount at boot.
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Sorry for late reply. No, it was not. But I installed 1.3 a few minutes ago and "never" was indeed displayed. I ran the manual update and it's working for the whitelist only. I tried a few pages of discussion until I found a thread started by someone blacklisted: there was nothing displayed. I ran a manual update again, but it seems the blacklist part is broken (I can totally live without that anyway ^^). Thanks again !
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Now I have no idea what's going on. o.O You're positive the person is in your blacklist?
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100% positive :) I just checked again, after installing 1.4 and doing a manual scan again.
Anyway, don't lose your time on this if I'm the only one reporting this behavior. The most important things are working. I'll try to have a look to the code / console, if I find something I'll post it there.
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More info: I opened the DB file to see what data it contains. I guess I found a clue: while the whitelist array seems complete, the blacklist one is not. My BL is not huge, but it's more than one page, and the stored data stops at a username which is the last one of first BL page. Something is probably blocking the script from parsing every BL page, while it's working fine for WL.
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Found the issue: I was looking for the class ".is-selected" to know if there are more pages to scan, but that class is used by other elements in the page, so they were conflicting. I've made it so that it looks for that class only inside ".pagination__navigation" now. :) New version is up.
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I tested version 1.5 and I can confirm the issue is fixed ! Thanks again :)
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v1.3 Fixed a bug in the Whitelist / Blacklist Highlighter feature and added a permanent "Replied" message to comments already replied to in the Reply From Inbox feature.
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v1.4 Fixed a bug in the Reply From Inbox feature on SteamTrades.
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v1.5 Fixed a bug in the Whitelist / Blacklist Highlighter feature.
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v1.6 Fixed a bug in the Reply From Inbox feature that cut out replies containing "&" and removed the permanent "Replied" message. Added "Last Saved" information to the Permanent Notes feature and moved the notes to a new variable that will make importing / exporting easier in the future (the notes should be automatically moved to the new location). Fixed some bugs and made some improvements in all features.
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Skipping from v1.6 to v2.0!
From now on I'll also use different naming for the versions: it will go up one v2.x level when a new feature is added or new functions are added to current features or there is a major improvement, and it will go up one v2.x.x level when there is a bug fix or small improvement.
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Endless Scroll Support for Whitelist / Blacklist HighLighter doesn't work for me. :( I cannot see the either your indicator nor Blacklist/Whitelist Indicator in the topics. Or does it work only in the list of topics?
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Hmm it worked in my tests. What browser are you using? Unfortunately I can't check this right now because I'm away on mobile.
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Oh wait, stupid question first, did you enable it in the menu? The default is disabled.
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Ah I didn't test inside discussions, maybe I missed something there. I'll check when I get home. :) The other indicator doesn't support endless scroll, by the way.
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Hey, so the reason it doesn't work is because of how Extended SteamGifts implemented their endless scrolling, and adding support for their implementation is not really in my TODO list at the moment. So you could use SG++'s endless scrolling for now, because it works well with that one. I'm also implementing my own endless scrolling feature and it should be coming soon. :)
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Thanks for letting me know, I'll see if I can check it out later. Does it happen randomly or always to the same users?
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Yes, I changed it to that side because I'm going to implement user tags on the right side.
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The modul Better Replies breaks comment formatting from the script Extended steamgifts.
Could you please fix it?
Edit: it brokes the comment formatting also when I want to edit a post.
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I'm guessing it will be Bladito who will need to adapt his script to mine, because I would have no control over that. Will check when I get home. :)
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I cant fix this since you add your code to the html from the scratch which doesn't contains my comment formatter. Only thing can came to my mind for you to check if the "main textarea" contains a div named 'comment__tools' and if yes you have to copy it's html to yours
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What I had in mind was you using a MutationObserver to check for new objects, since my boxes are dinamically added, and then add your code to it. But we have a bigger issue, because I'm assuming your script doesn't run at "/messages", does it?
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So because it runs on document-end, MutationObserver wouldn't work? Well, I'll see if I can do anything about it when I get home.
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Hello! Thank you for the amazing work!
I don't know much about programming, so I'll just ask, in case it is easy to make. Is there a way to make SG game filter switch to turn it off sometimes? Or maybe transfer it to the outside database, what can be "switchable" and clear it from here?
The reason is - I like conversations in group and whitelist GAs, but most of them gets filtered out, and it would be great to have a way to see them. I know it's probably not a very popular demand, but I've seen people asking for it from time to time.
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You're welcome! Are you talking about the games that you've hidden?
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Yes. Filters
I mean I could unhide them all manually and then add again through already existing scripts (I think I saw one, that keep filter list off site), but with about 8000 hidden games it'll take too long. So in hopes there is an easy solution I came here :)
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Ah I see. I'll check it when I get home, I'm not really familiar with that feature. :)
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That's Google Scripts for the Username History feature, since they're stored in a Google Sheet.
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OK, thanks.
IMHO this is not a good idea to put there some external scripts like that when a window like that appears. It is quite terrifying when the browser show a page where it says something like "you should know what exactly this script do, because it sure would not be good if it is, for example, would take your money".
Most of people are not javascript programmers to check the script and find out whether it is a save code or not. I think it would be better if you did it without it.
I didn't know if it is really your script or it is an injected script by a bad person (because I didn't see this window before). I tried to refuse it temporally andhttps://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/TDyzv/revilheart-scripts-v20-major-improvements-new-feature-functions/search?page=2 it appeared again and again. Really a terrifying experience.
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I didn't think there was a need to because that confirmation window pops up for every single request that the script makes for me. It only popped up for that one for you?
Well, sorry it was a terrifying experience for you, I would never add anything harmful to my scripts. I don't think there's an easy way to make the code from the sheet visible, but if you copy the sheet to your account I think the script carries over and then you can check the code. If you feel uneasy about it, you can of course just disable the Username History feature. I'll add about the confirmation window to the OP.
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It's ok for me since I already know about it.
I went to my profile page and it popped up, I was supposed to choose one of, I think, 8 confirmation buttons and I choosed one for temporal blocking that script (I thought it would block it for at least few minutes, until I am sure the script is save), but it popped up after few seconds again. So it seems it blocked just the one request and after the script made another one, it popped up again.
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Unfortunately, the window popped up even after I chose "always allow". Then there is one last choice "always allow for the whole domain" but I am not sure if it is save to pick this opinion, because I don't know if they mean for all user scripts, or just for the one of yours. If it is for all user scripts, it doesn't look too save since it would allow anything for everyone from the whole domain.
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I just pushed a fix update that shouldn't ask you for the confirmation anymore. And I also added support for Extended SteamGifts' comment tools to discussions (it's not possible to add it to the inbox from my end).
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I can't because the comment tools aren't available in that page. That has to be fixed from Nandee's side or I have to implement my own version of the tools.
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v2.0.1 Fixed some bugs and added support for Extended SteamGifts' comment tools.
v2.0.1.1 Fixed support for Extended SteamGifts' comment tools.
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Sorry, I don't even know how to check that. :P I tried looking at Network from Chrome's Developer Tools, but it doesn't look like the request is logged there. You could just disable the feature while you're there.
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Bump for some great changes and additions coming soon. :)
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Not really a bug, it's just that the Better Comment Chains feature doesn't support endless scrolling yet, so it only runs once when the page loads. You'll also notice that my "Reply" links don't appear if you use endless scrolling on the inbox page. All the features will have endless scrolling support in the next version. :)
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more of a incompatibility then a bug but i just realized that with "better replies" turned on it removes enhanced comment formatting but if it is disabled it still seems to have the "preview" button and works just fine with the other script..
1st screenshot is with better replies enabled & enhanced discussion enabled
2nd screenshot is with better replies disabled & enhanced discussion enabled -- it merged the windows as one and allowed both scripts to work together
(both screenshots are "reply to someone" not new comments)
edit: oh... preview button isn't even from your script.. i have no idea what is adding that atm.
edit2: sgt frog is what added the preview button, not your better replies.. so it doesn't really allow them to work together as i thought. -- just overall better replies is not compatible with comment formatting script. -- sorry that was added today though and made me realize the incompatibility.
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Compatibility for that is coming in the next version. :)
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awesome, so multiple reply boxes will be able to be opened and each one will have the enhanced comment script enabled (or your own version added, either way)? if so, deff will turn it back on then. xD
& yeah on below.. some of the scripts have 1/2 their features turned off, but there's at least something from each that's making me keep them.
edit: on yours though only feature i don't have enabled is perm notes (i just don't need), & for now the better replies till compatible with comment formatting script. xD
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Yes. I've considered implementing my own comment tools and I'll do it eventually, but for now I'll just add support for others'. This is already possible with Extended SteamGifts, by the way, because I added support for that one a while ago.
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It appears it won't be possible because of the way Bladito implemented their comment tools. When I copy the tools to each reply box, they don't work. You could try Extended SteamGifts' tools or maybe ask Bladito if they can add the compatibility.
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that's okay, for now i'll just keep it disabled. it's not really a big deal to me on that feature, i'd rather not install extended sg tho cause that would be the only feature i need from it since i use sgt frog and your script that has everything else i need that extended sg contains really. i can still multiple edit replies at the same time, which is all i truly need.
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I'll be slowly updating everything that I have to update, so here's the first one of those updates.
v2.1 Added SteamGifts & SteamTrades Profile Buttons and Whitelist / Blacklist Checker features. Revamped Username History feature.
v2.1.1 Fixed a bug in the Permanent Notes feature.
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Wow, that's a lot. xD I only have mine and Sighery's OnDemand Image Loader installed.
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Enhanced SteamGifts & SteamTrades (ESGST)
An extension / userscript that adds some cool features to SteamGifts and SteamTrades.
If you find any bugs or have any feature requests, please file an issue here.
Tested and confirmed as working:
Not tested but should be working:
Not supported:
There are two different ways to use ESGST: extension or userscript. You can choose which one you want to use, but the extension is a lot faster and has a better peformance than the userscript, so I recommend it, although there is no major difference between them, except for a few options that are only available in the extension because of limitations in the userscript.
Option 1 - Extension
It should be possible to install the extension in any Chromium-based browser from the Chrome store (such as Opera, Vivaldi, etc...), any Firefox-based browser from the Firefox store (such as Waterfox, etc...), and any browser that uses the Phoebus system from the Pale Moon store (such as Basilik, etc...).
You can also use the extension on Android through Firefox for Android, but some features might not work or not be optimized enough for mobile.
Option 2 - Userscript
To install the userscript, you must install Violentmonkey, Tampermonkey, Greasemonkey or some other userscript manager first. Then click here and you should be prompted to install it. I recommend Violentmonkey or Tampermonkey, because the userscript uses the GM_addValueChangeListener API to communicate changes in the storage between tabs, and that API is not available on Greasemonkey, so a polyfill is used for Greasemonkey, which is not very effective and can affect the performance.
You can also use the userscript on Android through Firefox with Violentmonkey or USI, but some features might not work or not be optimized enough for mobile.
Beta Versions
The latest beta version for both the extension and the userscript is always available in the latest pre-release in the releases page.
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