If it were done like that, people who give out bundle keys from bundles so new the site hasn't adjusted the contributor value yet get a gazillion of points.
Also, from a programming standpoint, the current system probably is simpler than the system you propose.
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No, it isn't.
Let's say HIB 99 come out this minute. You'd either have a mod on watch 24/7 looking for new indie bundles so the value is lowered immediatley, which is impractical, or you'd have to go ahead and reduce the value of all individual giveaways that were started from the time the bundle came out to up to the time Steamgifts adjusted the value for new giveaways of the games in question.
That's a lot more complicated than the current system.
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I like how you act like an elitist on a forum. It's not like a two-year-old thread or anything.
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So grab another one if u so much like it.
Do u do like that in all sensles topics and posts on the whole forum ? Why here ?
I tried to search the rules and i couldnt find a word saying that i cannot write in old topics. If im blind im sorry, i wear glasses so it colude be my fault.
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I still think there's a better method to do this. Perhaps only bundle games adjust. The dates that you did a giveaway should be logged, so if someone does a giveaway of a game on or after a certain date (i.e. the date of the bundle release), then the games given away after that date could be programmed to automatically depreciate to a certain level. Surely there's a way to program it so every single game doesn't have to depreciate just because of bundle games, though.
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Doesn't work that way at all. The value for games is stored in one place only. It's not stored with every giveaway. When that only value changes, it automatically affects everyone. It's the easiest system to manage since you have only one place to take care of. Your way would be much more complicated.
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Please dont speak,
1) because u havent even touched QUAKE COLLECTION
2) because u havent even given a bundle..
so it doesn't affect you
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The moral of the story is give away games that take forever to see price drops. Call of Duties!
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Doesn't seem very fair, after time passes your ability to enter higher contribution requirement giveaways will slowly decline...but for giving away even one game that was a nice thing to do.
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I didn't even know that's happening. Sounds really bad and dumb
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There should be a price/date lock, so people giving away a 60 dollar game wont have a 20 dollar contrib one year later
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Or, bridging from your idea, differentiate between total $ donated and total converted game value.
The contributor value is something that increases by 60 (or whathaveyou) at the date of donation, but because the number is static, compared to a dynamic price market, the game given away may show up as 20p a year later, although your total contribution will remain 60. This may also refer to games before they become included in an indie bundle.
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A) If you're a steady contributor, I doubt something like that will even be noticeable. That said,
B) If contributor values can be handled differently for a game pre- and post-inclusion in a bundle, I see no reason why something similar couldn't be coded for price drops.
All in all, I generally regard it as a non-issue.
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As you know I contribute a fair amount but it was easy to notice when $60 of credit vanished but past that I agree its not a huge issue it was just an interesting point I thought. This isn't really a complaint thread it was me noticing something.
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To be clear, I wasn't trying to imply you were whining or anything. I actually wasn't even giving much consideration to your situation. I like to play SteamGifts on hard mode sometimes. I know that some day that $50 pre-order I did a giveaway for will no longer register as $50 and I've made my peace with that. That's more what was going through my mind.
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How's that unfair? Contribution value is always a relative value. Lots of people having a high contribution value will be the same to anyone as lots of people having a middling one. What you get from high values is getting into some giveaways others can't get into. Obviously if the contribution value drops for everyone after a while, then the entry threshold goes down as well.
Bottom line: It doesn't matter. It only means you won't be able to get too much of a headstart vs. new people coming to the site.
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I don't have any issue with this. If anything, if encourages continued gifting, to maintain a healthy contrib level (if that's something you worry about).
More often than not, contributor credit is artificially high anyway, as the game value does not take into account current sales (ie Rome: TW for $1 earned gifters at least $10 credit). For example, I might be wrong, but I would be surprised if you paid $30 apiece for Deus Ex (HR). If you're like me, you nearly always get games on sale. First rule of Steam: NEVER pay full price for a game, unless you REALLY, REALLY want it IMMEDIATELY...
Contributor level equalling what you actually paid? Be careful what you wish for...
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I agree with your points but the game was STORM I did get the Deus Ex on sale for 7 a piece. But you bring up very interesting points. I also agree it encourages continued contribution however in my case when I did pay full price I was a bit annoying but I defiantly see where you are coming from.
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Contributor level equalling what you actually paid? Be careful what you wish for...
Trust me when you figure out the numbers this system is better then giving you what you paid for it.
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How can the algorithm know how much you paid for it? There are other stores outside steam, like amazon and toys'r'us doing REGION high discounts. CDKey stores all around the globe, keys gifted on magazines and events or even by the developers. Giveaways on other sites,... it's impossible to know.
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Since the same rule applies to everyone it doesn't bother me too much but it could keep potentially people from giving away more expensive games.
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I think it's completely fine. I'm sure I'll get a drop in contrib soon for The Darkness II or The Walking Dead but it's not too big of a deal. Very few giveaways are ever posted that are out of my contrib value range, and the ones that are are usually so far out of my range that a price drop in my giveaways wouldn't affect it.
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Yeah I already got a contributor drop from a Witcher 2 copy a gave away not too long ago :/
oh well, its not really that big of a deal. I wouldn't mind if a change was made to this, however. I can see this being more of a problem as more and more contributors start popping up on Steamgifts in accordance to the contributor-only giveaways. People are going whine because they can't enter contributor giveaways anymore even though they may have been able to in the past due to a lessened value. And blah blah blah blah......
So yeah, just some thoughts, I guess.
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Yeah I dont think this works out particularly fair especially when you take in to account people who would buy the said $40 dollar game at a sale price of $20 and still get the full contrib. The same thing but the other way around, i saw this got exploited those train simulator games around the winter sale time, but hey i would like to think people submit a giveaway for more than just their contrib value.
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You never know at what price a game has been bought - some giveaways are made from keys that developers gave out or from promotions (e.g. graphics cards) - how should those be valued, and how would you know how a key has been obtained?
You say that the Railworks giveaways did "exploit" the system - I say the people still invested their own money to buy those - and in my opinion it does not matter either if they bought the game in the Australian store or the Russian store, since the contributor value is always measured at the US store prices.
I trade my TF2 items for games, because games are more expensive or not available in my region - you can't even put a real contributor value on those then.
In my opinion the system is okay the way it is - if the contributor value is determined by the game's store value at the point of the giveaway creation, that would be fine with me, too.
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I didn't even know SG works like that... 0_o Though I'm not sure how serious problem this really is. Do game prices get reduced often?? I don't remember ever noticing a price drop unless it was a sale (and sales don't affect your contributor value).
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Well, if the permanent price drops are somewhat predictable (usually happen with $60 games) and not very frequent, I don't think this is such a big issue. It would be a whole another story if every game had their price changed randomly.
This is just something we'll have to live with. It seems annoying, but there's really nothing we can do about it :/
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It would require storing an history of values for every game, which is not in place at the moment. Curently there is a single list of (current) values against which all giveaways are linked.
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At one point I bought two $39.99 games and gave them away here on the site. However their price was reduced to $10 so that my contribution level was lowered as well even though I sent both games before this price reduction. What do you guys think of this? Fair not fair? I don't really care about the credit or what not, it doesn't effect me too much I think it is an interesting thing to note.
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