Looks to be a round of layoffs rather than shutting down: https://www.theverge.com/2018/9/21/17888162/telltale-games-layoffs-the-walking-dead
Still sucks though :/.
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Yup. Started in Nov of last year with 90 devs being laid off, though they've had peeps being poached by other studios for a bit before that. Looks like they are gonna be on a skeleton crew while they restructure so I doubt we will see/hear about any new releases from them for a few months/year.
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Man I hate managers sometimes :)
Yep I agree completely :/ Telltale's games were great and loved by many. Really can't fault the developers for anything. This one is entirely on management.
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...though they've had peeps being poached...
Fixed it for you.
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I was really hoping that it was a massive restructuring since I love their games. What started out as a good start to a weekend just took a turn for the worse. I just hope someone out there (i.e. THQ) ends up picking up the games and maybe some of the devs to continue their work.
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Actually I'd prefer if the creative minds would manage to open their own studio, maybe with the support of Netflix. Those already gave their feedback on this news and mentioned that they'd look for new "options" for their Stranger Things game.
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It's true. The news was on TheVerge and Polygon too.
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you mean the verge like in this ?? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vmQOO4WLI4
i don't think they are really reliable now
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Still remember the first time I watched that. Wanted to headbutt my screen. It was painful to sit through.
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last games where only repeats. they just used the same formular over and over again
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I don't say that these are bad games. But they could be better with little effort.
The Puzzles could be a bit better, the Story could at least build up more so you think your choices matter and the engine is just so bad.
I don't need a fancy looking AAA-Telltale Game but just take a look at Life is Strange for example to see, how this could be done.
And as much as I liked the last Telltale game I played (Guardians of the Galaxy) I always felt like the answers and options I had to talk about did not interact with the last actions I did.
And yes, I would love to see a Wolf Among Us 2... But it should improve because stagnation means regression
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Never understood why stagnation means regression. Everything I ever loved (games, food, places) as soon as it gets "improved " I no longer like it as it changes to to something worse. If it does get better it means I did not like it completely before that. But he, apparently I am the only one.
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*Telltale fans will remember this*
"I don't know why do we support or even listen to that [MachinesAreHuman] fellow! They are a disruptive, negative person who recently called out [Telltale studios for using the same formular over and and over again], why do we tolerate that from common haters?
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I'm not a huge fan of their formula - the most off-the-beaten-track game of theirs, Tales from the Borderlands was one of the best of their games, and would love a season 2 of The Wolf Among Us... while I kinda hated Michonne.
I just feel there is a huge gap between TT having financial problems and between the people telling "choices doesn't mattur". Choices do matter, but they don't change the story's flow / storyline in a meaningful way, though they chan change the tone a LOT. I don't want rnandom deaths because of what you said 3 chapters before, but " follows you because loves you " / " hates you as fuck, but still follows you while alone would be better off" is such a ridiculous excuse to make a kinda different, but still the same scenario.
Good thing that they improved shitloads since Jurassic Park, and based on discussions, people (incl. me) had completely different opinions about an NPC in TWD New Frontier - entirely based on how they reacted to our choices. So they indeed got better.
Now they just need to change that archaic engine, because it needs changing, and IS broken :D hopefully they get through this somehow. I really wouldn't have expected them having such financial problems.
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Now they just need to change that archaic engine
Didn't they actually change it for the The Walking Dead: The Final Season? I could swear I read somewhere that they did.
EDIT: Disregard, they were going to switch to Unity for their Stranger Things game.
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Indeed a very good reason but I don't have the feeling that the fans are done with it. As far as I can see also their new games are very popular. Ofc there are a lot of people who want it completely different. You love or you hate TT games. What I ment is what is wrong with serving a big group of fans what they want. It's impossible to make a game everyone loves. So stick with a working formula and let the others buy their 1000th fps.
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But if you keep doing the same thing over and over, inevitible it starts bleeding people not interested. It's why games like CoD or WoW are "still popular" yet suffer less interest and thus try to make changes to keep the topdog.
Battlefield surely would have surpassed CoD this year if EA didn't EA it up. Rock Band died entirely due to this. And it seems games like GoT and Batman did put people into a lul for Telltale Games content.
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I did not play these completely, only a part. I don't own Batman yet so only played a part at a friend.
I did not like the overall vibe of GoT and it was confusing and complex. Batman felt like a cheap knock off of a TT. Quite boring, no engaging story and it felt stretched for no good reason. I mean, if you make a game with almost no game play you need an engaging story. Never felt bored before but I can not put my finger on it what exactly changed. Still buying it ofc if it gets a decent discount as I want to play it completely to have a better opinion.
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With GoT, they had a lot of separate stories intertwine, which is similar to the books, but different from the regular TT formula of one ongoing story.
My issue with TT isn't the formula, which I liked, but the volume and the writing. They kept pumping more and more games, which (a) meant the writing started to suffer revolving-door employment may also have had a hand in that, and (b) the novelty wore off real quick. Playing one or two of those games a year, they're great, but playing them back to back to back to back is a bit much.
It's a problem a lot of game developers / franchises have - the more popular it becomes, the more they pump out, until everyone's sick of it. Compare COD or AssCreed to Nintendo's top franchises, which only release new games out every few years and even though the formula hasn't really changed, each new iteration gets rave reviews and is beloved by fans.
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I don't think so. Probably just layoffs. It hasn't had such a terrible series and not succesful games that they ran out of money.
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is it fake or it's for real?
appears to be closing its doors,
seem to indicate that the studio is shutting is shutting down or experiencing large-scale layoffs.
It has to be true that they are guessing and extrapolating from what info they have :)
But anyways, TT needs new blood, they are the end of the life-cycle of what they are doing - I hope they can pull off a change similar to the one from point and clikcs to "interactive stories" (and let's forget about Jurassic Park that's QTEs were a malicious joke)
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from 250 people to just 25, thats pretty dramatic, also wolf among us and stranger things cancelled. Hard to believe that a company that was pumping games left and right from a lot of well know IPs is in economic problems.
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The flip side is that they must have been paying a lot out to to licence all of those well known IPs that they have been pumping out games left and right for. It's plausible that they could have overextended.
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I think overextending themselves is exactly what happened. Not so much in terms of paying out royalties for licenses but rather their manpower and human resources for game development, trying to grow too fast, and working out contracts for or planning too many games too quickly.
Excerpt from this article:
following The Walking Dead Telltale suffered from a constant culture of crunch that pushed employees to release games as quickly as possible. In addition to overbearing management teams that oftentimes meddled in projects, the Telltale Tool proprietary engine was prone to bugs, making development even more difficult.
^ I wouldn't be surprised if this is absolutely true.
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My point was that just because they were using well known IPs and making a lot of games that doesn't necessarily equate to equate to economic success - it's a double-edged business model. You also make excellent points. I'd imagine it's all part of a bigger picture.
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Seems natural. Only need one person to copy/paste the same game with new franchise graphics.
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right now im waiting for a reply from support so i can get guardians of the galaxy working
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I sure as hell hope not. Telltale games has made most of my favourite games.
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pocked all the money i could well playing that game and super pissed i couldn't use it to help anybody
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it seems it was not noted but Poker Night 2 was removed from sale.
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I can't say I was interested in any of their games since Walking Dead season 1. Everything else looked basically the same but with a different coat of franchise paint on it. We got three more Sam & Max games thanks to them though, hopefully they can work something out and get back to making games.
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option 1: don't close telltale
option 2: close it
option 3: i will buy telltale and keep it alive!
option 4: ... ... ...
option 1 result: TELLTALE CLOSES
option 2 result: TELLTALE CLOSES
option 3 result: TELLTALE CLOSES
option 4 result: TELLTALE CLOSES
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Telltale, closing down: the game (episode 2) - Reopening Telltale
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aha so true :)
In my opinion i don't care about this closing , not a big fan of telltale's games (and the fake choice it"s one of the reason )
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Can say I really started to loose interest in them due to their slightly interactive movies, never like TWD Season 1 as much as other people. Still, generally beat the actual movies made nowadays, and if you had one it wasn't a bad hour or 3 watching it.
Still sucks for all those employees. Hopefully they can find work at companies that match story with actual gameplay.
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Для русскоязычной аудитории ^^
" Telltale fired almost the entire staff, canceled future projects and filed for bankruptcy
The Wolf Among Us 2 and Stranger Things, according to numerous publications, will not see the light. "
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Update 3 [2:35pm PT]: Telltale has issued a statement announcing that a small team of 25 will stay to "fulfill the company's obligations to its board and partners." No word yet on Telltale's other games, but the company says it will explain in the coming weeks. Here's the full statement below:
Today Telltale Games made the difficult decision to begin a majority studio closure following a year marked by insurmountable challenges. A majority of the company’s employees were dismissed earlier this morning, with a small group of 25 employees staying on to fulfill the company’s obligations to its board and partners. CEO Pete Hawley issued the following statement:
“It's been an incredibly difficult year for Telltale as we worked to set the company on a new course. Unfortunately, we ran out of time trying to get there. We released some of our best content this year and received a tremendous amount of positive feedback, but ultimately, that did not translate to sales. With a heavy heart, we watch our friends leave today to spread our brand of storytelling across the games industry.”
Telltale will issue further comments regarding its product portfolio in the coming weeks.
Update 2 [2:10pm]: Telltale co-founder and former Telltale CEO Kevin Bruner has posted a blog calling the layoffs at Telltale a "closure." Seemingly confirming the fate of the studio he co-founded.
Update 1: USgamer learned from multiple anonymous sources familiar with the layoffs at Telltale that employees laid off today will not receive severance pay.
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I smelt something fishy only from last year when reportedly the studio was lacking funds. Then the Co-Founder/CEO was sacked due to poor management, it did not go down well. The Co-Founder then sued the company for damages. The company reforms with several sackings. They also dumped their in-house developed software and opted into Unity this year.
At that point of time, I thought it was a sense of stability and they are in a direction to maintain and grow. As subsequently there were news of Wolf among us 2 and Stranger Things announce. Personally, I thought, are you serious? You are lacking funds yet announcing a new game in Stranger Things? Looking back, I guess that was maybe to entice investors to invest in the company. Noone probably was interested. Recently Poker 2 was removed from sales.
Thus today, we read of the news from major gaming outlets that they are closing down. It appears so, with 90% sacked/removed without severance of the 250. 25 remains to finish and support the running "The Walking Dead: The Final Season", from the reviews below: Episodes release dates are Episode 1 - Aug 14th, Episode 2 - Sep 25th, Episode 3 - Nov 06th, Episode 4 - Dec 18th. It will not take too long to tell if its true.
Reference from Wikipedia
On September 21, 2018, multiple Telltale employees stated that they had been laid off as the company was shutting down.[34] Subsequently, >the company stated that they had reduced their staff of approximately 250 people by 90%, to a core team of 25.[35] The let-go employees >were informed that they would not receive severance.[36] The Wolf Among Us: Season Two and the untitled Stranger Things game were >effectively canceled, while the remaining team would finish the final season of The Walking Dead.
My personal opinion is Telltales started off as an interactive way of telling a story getting the player involved and immersed in a written plot. The interaction was unique, however it did not evolve with time. With other RPG games with similar mechanics and story plot, the ability to roam a free world, its not a hard decision to move along. I am not blaming the previous management but there has to be changes after a certain stage. Twitch is one of the reason blamed for poor sales as once viewers viewed the content and subsequently become disinterested either in the plot or purchasing the game since the plot had been revealed. Although, you can usually play the game with different paths for different endings, that is not enough of a draw for the company in this case.
They will be missed, they have great stories. Hopefully, there comes some resolution or else AND of what's the industry in recent years, they will be buried in the heap of games/studio of the past.
Edit: Its official https://twitter.com/telltalegames/status/1043252010999410689
Warmest Wishes, Cruse~
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I'd be fine with it. they'd gone from being a really interesting, creative company to a cookie-cutter developer. they get the licence, then just pump out the quickest most generic games they can with them. A shame, really... not a shame that what theyve become is in trouble, but because of what they could have been if they'd focused more on building quality than quantity.
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So what do you think?! is it fake or it's for real?
Update : Sadly turned out it's REAL!
The official Telltale Games Twitter account has confirmed the studio's closure in a tweet with a statement from CEO Pete Hawley, who issued the following:
"It's been an incredibly difficult year for Telltale as we worked to set the company on a new course. Unfortunately, we ran out of time trying to get there. We released some of our best content this year and received a tremendous amount of positive feedback, but ultimately, that did not translate to sales. With a heavy heart, we watch our friends leave today to spread our brand of storytelling across the games industry."
The tweet also confirms that a small group of 25 employees are staying on to fulfill the company's obligations to its board and partners, and will issue comments regarding its product portfolio in the next few weeks.
Update 2 : Thanks to "KillingArts", here is a petition that might help to save the final season of WD :
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