I'd hoped that, apart from spurring some interesting discussion, there might be interest in starting a sort of collaborative "bad game" giveaways. I was also optimistic that 2013's most critically panned, and cited by some as the worst game of 2014 as well, Ride to Hell: Retribution might be available, yet it appears that it's been removed from Steam. Consequently, I'm providing Day One: Garry's Incident.

Infamous for censoring the reviews of both gamers and critics alike, including a WTF is... by YouTuber TotalBiscuit, citing copyright claims on fair use materials, sponsoring false Metacritic posts and allegedly contributing large sums to their own Kickstarter campaign in order to generate interest, Day One was released in a crash-prone, bug-ridden state that prevented those brave enough to try it from playing more than an hour or two.

Whether you'd like to contribute a giveaway of your own or not, what do you believe is the worst game on Steam?

10 years ago*

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i would never do a giveaway with a really bad game as i don't like the idea of paying for it and thus supporting the devs (i also wouldn't like anyone to play such games, not even my enemies).

personal crap-list, all disappointments when i checked gameplay vids before buying: sacred 3, flatout 3, command and conquer 4, raven's cry
and deus ex: the fall is already in my library, i trusted the franchise and it failed me :(

10 years ago

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Of those, I only played Deus Ex: The Fall. Even wrote a review for it with my opinions on the title.

10 years ago

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A fair and justified review, which I applaud as a fan of the series, although personally I'd have taken a harsher stance on the inventory adjustments (particularly the modified microtransaction system that allowed players to acquire weapons at whim).

10 years ago

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I honestly never used it for that because I was non lethal stealth runs the whole time, leaving weapon purchasing unneeded until I wanted achievements. :P

10 years ago

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Hahaa... aye, that's probably the best way of going about it. ;)

10 years ago

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As someone who is willing to play so called terrible games, I didn't think Ride to Hell: Retribution was utter crap levels of bad. Mediocre, sure, and even at its best it could never be called anything better than poor, but while cutscenes might be laughable and the gameplay uninspired, the game worked. Never had random crashes, constant glitching or anything that would prevent me from playing the game.

Revelations 2012 was supposed to be rather poor, and while I own it, I've yet to make a start on it.

10 years ago

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I actually wanted to try Ride to Hell. It seemed the ideal kind of bad: functional but poorly made on every level. It tends to get lumped together with games that are simply broken, though, which these days would include more new releases that include online play.

9 years ago

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Bad Rats is fucking heinous.

It's a game whose badness will last throughout the ages.

WGOTY 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015....

When the planet is burnt to a crisp, and discovered by a band of roaming aliens, they will nuke us all over again once they discover Bad Rats...

10 years ago*

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I like the fact that a sequel is in the works because so many people bought the first game as a joke.

9 years ago

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Guise of the Wolf

got glitched inside the stairs at one level, 10/10

10 years ago

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Never heard of this one, the concept of which actually intrigued me, at least as a fan of werewolves. Had to look up a few videos to appreciate the extent of its flaws.

10 years ago

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Did you try to jump to get out? The stairs behind the kitchen are broken and you have to jump to get up. The game is a broken mess, but it's like a trash movie: It's so bad it is entertaining again ;) I'm trying to reach the end just to see how bad the story really is.

10 years ago

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As far I as I can remember I tried to, but it didnt worked, had to load a save fle
i got pretty much bored of the game at one of those werewolf sections, I smply couldnt take it anymore <,<

funny thing is: the old man at the kitchen completeley disappeared for me somehow XD

10 years ago

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and i got all these games :'(

10 years ago

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gta 5, alan wake, portal, portal 2, half-lie, half-lie 2 etc etc ... ...

10 years ago

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View attached image.
10 years ago

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Nice try.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

10 years ago

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Orion Dino Horde is the worst steam game I've played, the fact that people think it's decent at worst is confusing.

10 years ago*

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I think it's the worst game for me too (without considering most greenlight games) lol

10 years ago

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yeah, i have it too, it was worst hour i ever spent on a video game, but then the T-Rex started to moonwalk, instant 10/10
Btw, the name changed to Prelude, for whatever reason

9 years ago

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Uriel's Chasm is the worst game on steam ever.nothing can be worst than that..

Overwhelmingly Negative (1,836 reviews),i have never seen another game getting overwhelmingly negative reviews

10 years ago

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Shovelware Queens says it all, aye?

10 years ago

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Magical drop V, prone to bugs, localization is more like a butchery, only game I regret buying.

10 years ago

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Uriel's chasm, got it for free, I still think i payed too much

10 years ago

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The only thing good about Uriel's Chasm was that it was free and has cards. Just read the reviews. I don't think that a single person gave it a thumbs up unless they also included a comment about it being free, having cards, and uninstalls easily.

9 years ago

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a quick search sorted by reviews shoes the worst game on steam to be Airport Simulator 2014 with 87% negative reviews. Uriel's chasm came in close second with 86% negative reviews.

10 years ago*

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I want a pair of review shoes! D:

10 years ago

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Now I guess it's not available anymore, but what about Air Control?

10 years ago

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Sniper elite? WHAT?...

9 years ago

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It was horrendous. Felt like low budget garbage. And controlling the character was a joke, I felt like I was skating on ice all the time.

9 years ago

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It was a playstation 1 game... How old are you?... Is and old game...one of the best multiplayer sniper games of that time... Take in count that... If you are 15 of course you will not like it...is near 17 years old game...or near that..

9 years ago

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Hahah, I'm 25.

I know it's old and I love old games (even more than the new ones) but I hated this one. Looked and played amateur as hell.

9 years ago

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8 bit commando? why? game looks quite nice at first glance...

9 years ago

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It's Contra rip-off. Unplayable. Look at Steam reviews, it should come as no surprise as to why it's on my list.

9 years ago

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The Cursed Crusade was an okay game for me, but why all the weapons broke after a few hits?...

9 years ago

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It was the worst hack'n'slash game I've ever played. Tideous, boring, bleak, with horrible dialogues, tons of boring and ugly cut-scenes, stupid plot, horrendous ending and tons of bugs. I had to replay one level around 30 times (I'm not kidding) because my partner would get stuck and I couldn't trigger cut-scene leading to the next scene. I can honestly say it's one of the worst games I've ever played.

9 years ago

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McPixel is funny/amusing in the right mood, especially with the right friends.

9 years ago

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I haven't played it, myself, but Alpha Zylon looks like the worst game I've ever seen. O_o
(Watch the gameplay trailer if you dare.)

9 years ago

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Instead of doing that, I checked youtube hoping Jim Sterling covered this. I didn't leave disappointed

9 years ago

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Wow. Watching that, I felt his pain. XD

9 years ago

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If you watch Jim Sterling, you know just how bad some games on Steam can be. Some examples of terrible games nobody seems to know about are Accidental Runner, Zen Fish Simulator (removed), The Interview, EARTH: YEAR 2066 (removed).

9 years ago

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awful awful The Slaughtering Grounds not even their own screenshots look good....

9 years ago

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Careful I hear the dev(s) ban/blacklist anyone who states anything bad about their game.

9 years ago

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War Operations

9 years ago

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I'm not being very original by mentioning Air Control, but then I created a fresh new cathegory, called "Fucking Piece of Garbage" only for that game. I was looking for a laugh, and all I found was depressed rage.

9 years ago

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Into the War literally does not work, and yet it is still being sold.

9 years ago

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well i have a place in my library where i put the worst games i played... there are those

1.-Call of the Cthulu: Wasteland (so fuking bad port to pc)
2.- Legends of Persia: Wow this game... fails in all... bad graphics, horrendous gameplay...
3.- Iesabel: As a diablo 2 clone i expected a lot more from this game....not really garbage but a bad game for sure
4.- Realms of Arkania: Blade of Destiny: I love rpg games but this... combats are really really bad... the game too... i will never play those games again in my life...

5.- Cold Contract; get it in a bundle, love turn based games, but this... crashes so often make him unplayable and a bit bad too

9 years ago*

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Day One is definitely bad. I managed to get into an infinite loop, cause I got killed right after the auto save.
But the worst thing is that the scripts sometimes won't work if you load the game, so you need to load another save file, hoping for the best.

Guise of the Wolf... bad, but not the worst. I actually made it to the end, that's something you most likely can't do in Day One.

9 years ago

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I'm going to add this Steam Heroes. I really wasn't expecting much because its a match 3 but 30 mins to complete the story line is a bit mah!

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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DotA 2. :L

...Okay, I'm joking, but Reaper - Tale of a Pale Swordsman was... mediocre and boring, so does that count?

9 years ago

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Dead Bits.. it can be worse than Bad Rats..

9 years ago

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