I'd hoped that, apart from spurring some interesting discussion, there might be interest in starting a sort of collaborative "bad game" giveaways. I was also optimistic that 2013's most critically panned, and cited by some as the worst game of 2014 as well, Ride to Hell: Retribution might be available, yet it appears that it's been removed from Steam. Consequently, I'm providing Day One: Garry's Incident.

Infamous for censoring the reviews of both gamers and critics alike, including a WTF is... by YouTuber TotalBiscuit, citing copyright claims on fair use materials, sponsoring false Metacritic posts and allegedly contributing large sums to their own Kickstarter campaign in order to generate interest, Day One was released in a crash-prone, bug-ridden state that prevented those brave enough to try it from playing more than an hour or two.

Whether you'd like to contribute a giveaway of your own or not, what do you believe is the worst game on Steam?

10 years ago*

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I found Gun Monkeys to be rubbish. Cool premise, but it really doesn't play well.
There's also Space Hack, the worst Diablo-style hack&slash I've touched, Bad Rats, Chaos Domain (which looks good but is ruined by awful controls), Carmageddon TDR 2000 (the turd in the series. Some of the vehicle designs are cool, but gameplay-wise it's the worst bits of Carma 2 with sloppier controls & camera)...

9 years ago

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The fact that this is even on Steam is bad.

9 years ago

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