Postal 3 ;
Duke Nukem Forever ;
Battlefield 3 (single player campaign) ;
Peekaboo ;
Left Behind 3 Rise Of The Antichrist ;
bonus: Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2
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Yep BF3 campaign I ONLY FINISHED in order to cry/laugh some more. EVERY SINGLE THING ABOUT THE SP experience WAS WRONG.. it was a REALLY LONG TECH DEMO FOR THE MP!!!
And yeah Postal 3 was for me the worst game of all time. I LOVED the original Postal when it came out, precursor to GTA 1 back in 1995/96.. then Postal 2 was funny and gross but I loved it because what other game could you pull your thing out, have a female cop come up, try to arrest you, you pee in her face and mouth, she gags and vomits, you douse in petrol, set on fire and she's running around screaming and puking everywhere, then pull out your shovel and decapitate, then puke still coming out the mouth, neck stumps.. then use the kick button to play soccer with the flaming/still puking head, while other onlookers start running for their lives. Now, compare that sort of gameplay to the Segway battle and even the tutorial of Postal 3.. urgh. I mean, I thought Unreal engine looked way better than source. And move from 1st to 3rd person.. urgh. And every single possible thing was wrong with Postal 3~!! Worst was the Ron Jeremy imitation and the sucking up cum-soaked tissue mission.. And I actually was hoping for something half decent :(
and yes COD single player has ALWAYS been trying to be cinematic, from COD 1 & 2 it was like playing 'Saving Private Ryan' in a video game. On rails but nice bells & whistles and visually interesting scripted events. In BF3, they even ripped off how BLOPS would have the interrogation sequences between each mission. Then there was the way enemy waves would ENDLESSLY respawn until you moved up.. or you could just stay back (in the earlier unpatched retail) and your bots would roll through eventually. You could clip through areas of the map to get to where 'enemies' and emplacements were meant to be and there was nothing there but some explosion effect. You could NEVER progress unless did EXACTLY the way/thing wanted for each mission.. totally unforgiving and uninspired, giving no room for any tactical thought.. just a practice for the MP really. Then there's the jets.. in the SP mode, waiting all the time for the start of those missions, I was looking at the cockpit interiors. They have the SAME CRACK TEXTURES on EVERY SINGLE PANEL!!! Very likely I was in EVERY plane in the game and managed to crack EVERY display panel.. the exact same way!!! I COULD NOT put BF3 campaign DOWN once I started.. I played continuously for about 3-4 days, laughing and crying at every flaw. For me, it's was THE most painful gameplay I've EVER encountered. Mostly because it is considered AAA title.. and the MP is fun and refined, I play BF42 since back when it came out.. but damnnnn DICE make a SP campaign something good and memorable.. not a really really bad and lengthy tech demo!!!!
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am i the only one that noticed that AC series becoming like cod?
they milking the series like hell...
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Numbers are irrelevant if a series maintains as high a quality level as Assassin's Creed.
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Same game, different name is what he's trying to say, he wants changes to the AC series
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Brotherhood and Revelations were really just story updates, with cool gadgets to mix it up (but only a little). Assassin's Creed III, with sparser settlements, and the usages of trees, promises to change the game as much as the change from I to II did.
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cod 4 was fine and mw2 was ok... the rest was pretty much a monkey dragging its butt across the keyboard and them saying a new game! GIMME $60
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There was no "Battlefield". The series started with Battlefield 1942.
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this post shows that you don´t know what you are talking about... the first one was Battlefield 1942, and btw, there are more than 3 games in the Battlefield franchise, there are 7 Battlefield games...
Btw, my top worst Games (1999-2012):
.Big Rigs;
.Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3;
.Farmiville (How did everyone forgget this?)
.Duke Nukem Forever
.Postal 3
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world at war was actually good but the rest were shit
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Today is in to hate Call of Duty. Call of Duty games are not best games but they are far from worst games today.
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COD's where pretty good tho, but im not goin to judge you like the rest hundreds of people are doing (OMG WHY U HATE COD ITS SO GOOD AND U HAVE BAD GAMING RIGG AND YOU LOVE TETRIS GAMES, ASSHOLEKILLINYOURFAMILY)
let them judge, its your taste, i like puzzle games and FPS's.
So, COD trilogy for me personally was good, or, well made if i say so myself ^^
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Call of Duty, MW2/3 Postal 3... erhh all i can think off
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Mechwarrior 2 & 3 were awesome games :)
MW = MECHWARRIOR! Always will .. :)
Otherwise you gotta say CODPIECE-MW hehe
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I guess I'm an 22 years old WoW kid then. :P
I really think people are a bit(a lot) paranoid when it comes to Blizzard.
All company is in the business for money, Blizzard just happened to be one of the most successful.
But each to it's own I guess.
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Blizzard is successful today because of Diablo 1/2, Warcraft RTS games and Starcraft 1. If WoW was released without the previous warcraft games it would be just like every other MMORPG flop out there. Their company is running off 10+ year old franchises that will get old eventually and then they'll be gone.
I fell for it and bought their WoW games (quit ~3 years ago), Starcraft 2 and Diablo 3 on release days... No more from blizzard.
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Well it's never good to hear if someone isn't satisfied with what he bought, but personally I don't buy my Diablo 3 CE purchase at all, and the game while not rapidly, but still is improving, so I'm looking forward to the future. About WoW, well...
I bought the base game and Burning Crusade, with my own money. From then, all my playtime was bought with gold, and so was WotLK. I bought Cataclysm with my own money again, and also paid for Annual Pass, which was well worth the purchase as I was going to play anyway, and due to that I also got 4 extra months from the D3 CE. So all in all I'm satisfied with the value I've got over the years, and WoW still is the most solid and polished MMO out there.
TERA did go to the right direction though, it just needs better quest design. Still tempting me to leave WoW eventually though.
(And honestly I just don't understand the hate around D3, it's not flawless, but the core gameplay is so damned good and satisfying, it blows every hack and slash out the water. if only the loot systems were managed better. Point is, it's not even close to a terrible game, yet everyone treats it like that. And honestly, who can live up to such expectations.)
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On another note, checked ebay today... I've seen completed auctions for $60-$150 for just the D3 CE skull. Thinking about taking it off my desk and storing it for a bit.
Diablo 3 isn't THAT bad, just didn't keep my interest after a few weeks.
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Well, i myself used to be a WOW player for 5 years (since its release) but after Cata hit the globe, meh, it went from a decent P2P into a ... lets just say it is a horrible game now.
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The quality of Blizzard games had gone down alot, but that does not mean that their marketing is not great!! but those 1.2 million wow players in US/EU sure give them money for nothing.. The Asian pay the real price (around 85 cent a month)
So do remember that income and most sales don't equal quality! unless you think Fiat is a better car than Ferrari
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Any of them. Living in the age of over produced crap.
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Hipsters love over-produced crap, plaid shirts and glasses are made in excess. If anything I'm a cynic or nihilist. Try to get your branding in working order next time.
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Exceptions to prove the rule. Might be a misused cliche but I think it applies here easily.
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You seem to imply that all 300 games are all triple AAA published and that Steam doesn't offer earlier games. I think I reserve the right to think there's a current school of game design that I don't like which has spilled over to almost every single modern AAA publisher and not to be branded a ridiculous constructed branding.
Although it was a rather extreme hyperbole it sums up my feeling for the current trend of major budget games in which I haven't had a single interest in for a long time. Even if a game was to elevate from the gameplay elements I don't like I still have to deal with DRM, price gouging, DLC and terrible services. As you can see I find very little to redeem the current state of gaming so in short; fuck modern gaming. fuck everything about it.
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I don't know why you said that. 90% of his games are quite good actually. Yes, I checked.
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Stating something is the worst game is entirely up to opinion. I was a huge fan of the original Diablo. I wasn't as big on Diablo 2 because of the change to how they approached development. Diablo 3 was just worthless, since it didn't even meet the quality level that Diablo 2 had at release (which wasn't that great). At least Diablo 2 had a fairly captivating story.
I'd actually rather play Jagged Alliance: Back in Action.
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I played each game at release, and I'm sure that I'll give D3 another chance later on in the cycle (like I did with D2).
I'm just not a fan of Blizzard's approach to development. The quality at release doesn't seem to be a high priority for them now.
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I'm sure quality if of high priority for them, but they have to squeeze it somewhere into their enormous moneymaking scheme. I bet when they canned the first version of D3 and later on started developing what we can see now the first thought they had was "how can we make a game that doesn't have WoW-like monthly subscription but still give us constant revenue?"
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You gotta understand though the pressure they had on them. People kept playing the beta and saying "It's fine, release it!" And Blizz still wanted to take their time and released the game a half a year, or a year later. You really can't say the rushed it, or wanted a quick cash-in.
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I can still claim they rushed it. It doesn't matter whether they delayed it once, twice or a billion times. If the end product failed to meet the standard of quality of previous releases, then it was still rushed...or just bad.
But similar issues have come up with other Blizzard products, so it's more likely that it is a development approach issue. They know they can get away with putting more time into refining the game after the release. I don't like that dev approach with a non-MMO title. So D3 goes to the bottom of the barrel.
Though I doubt they'll patch a better story in any time soon.
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Back in Action isn't that bad with the patches, it's nowhere a worthy JA2 successor but it's quite ok on its own. I liked Plan & Go and the maps which are the cores of the game. Didn't like merc management and all the things they simplified compared to JA2, so yeah, the game has its issues but its nowhere near a worst modern game.
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It's one of the worst modern games I have personally played, which is all I can comment on (unlike a few people in this thread that just assume games are terrible).
And personally I don't think BIA should be judged by itself. If the devs wanted to avoid people comparing to the previous versions, then they should have developed their own IP. The system is changed enough from the original that they probably should have done that anyway.
I hated the plan & go compared to the original system. Especially since their options for auto-pause were buggy as hell even with patches.
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I wouldn't say Skyrim is the worst, but it is very disappointing
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SKYRIM?!?!? :O
Can you tell me what you didn't liked in it?
I think its great game with very good system of open world + steam workshop
I can't find anything wrong about this game
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diablo 3 isn't really the worst. It was just disappointing
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Skyrim, Diablo III, Borderlands, Dead Island... No idea about number 5... but seriously hated those games. :| (Don't played CoD or Battlefield, so can't say something about em')
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Why would you buy dead island if you hated borderlands?, and How can you possibly hate borderlands? Today on unsolved mysteries.
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Got Dead Island for free when some keys were released and played about 30 minutes... Tried Borderlands the free steam weekend and don't liked...
Maybe i'll give it some time when i get new comp
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Borderlands? I feel like this forum is filled with braindead idiots, hate to say it, but some of the hate is just too dumb.
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To be fair borderlands isn't all that good when you look at it in terms of replay value. I feel like this forum is full of people who can't accept others opinions...
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The problem with Borderlands is that it doesn't shine until you reach the second map and beyond. When you start finding class mods, elemental mods/weapons and got enough skill points to spare on, the game is boring because of the limited things you can do. After that, the game skyrockets on the fun department. Depending on the class you pick it can even be a bit hard to beat the first boss and enemies.
And once you beat the game, you can do new game+, alike diablo2 and it's kinda fun fighting all those big mutha :P everything is beefed up and you only see explosions everywhere. Also playing coop is x10 better
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Duke Nukem Forever is underrated, it wasn't a great game but it did not deserve the 0/10's and 3/10's it got, a 6-7/10 would have been fair.
Also it was not in development for 15 was put on hold many times, probably only a couple years.
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Lmao yeah, try the DLC if you liked it, its better then the main campaign.
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Auction House 3 (Diablo 3) - CoD after MW - BF3 (same case as in Diablo 3, the greed of the company alone was a turn down) - Command And Conquer 4 - Revelations 2012.
(Note: Last 2 were actually bad, first 3 were simply disappointing/boring/repetitive/other)
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Below COD4=Alright, remember playing one on my Wii (I hate Wiis, this is when they first came out) and I have another one, the first one (I think), on PS3 and I enjoyed it
COD4=Good and fun
WaW=Alright, WW2 Setting wasn't that good but zombies was
MW2=Ok, kinda the same as COD4 but with some new features and memorable maps and missions
COD:BO=Good and fun, Loved most of the maps and missions and zombies made it a lot more fun
MW3=Shit, looks the same as MW2, EXACTLY THE SAME, missions feel like a chore, maps are plain and boring
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As far as I am concerned, Cod MW2 and MW3, Diablo 3, DNF.
But that's just my opinion! I know people can get good fun from those and all, I have some friends who thou thoroughly enjoyed Diablo 3, but when I looked into it, it wasn't that good apparently as I had heard. Well com to think of the Diablo 3 hype and fun quickly fell if I recall...
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Actually Wheatley
HoN is not much like Dota. You see HoN might be visual a full copy of Dota, but the super fast pace and dumbed down gameplay (that makes items useless as countering) is nothing alike Dota.
Dota and HoN is kinda a battle between Fast and Normal Pace - Countering with items or farming fast with ganks ^^
So they are literally nothing alike when it comes to gameplay :)
On another matter. HoN is a coding mess thats made by amateurs!
LoL on the other hand is great for casual players, I might not like it but its a quality game for casuals.
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"LoL on the other hand is great for casual players, I might not like it but its a quality game for casuals."
And that's why it's a competitive game.
I don't even know how can a multiplayer game be casual, when it's basically always tied to the players skill level. Yes, I know, DoTA has creep denial and whatnot, I still don't think that's gonna make it hardcore, LoL has many other things to watch out for.
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LoL is not really about skill.. sorry but even my casual friends that play LoL agree...
But that does not mean it can't be "competitive" all games are in general competitive... Just take old board games like Ludo.. thats very competitive aswell if you want it to be.... do it require skills ?? thats something we can argue ^^
Hope you see the point.
You can't counter anything with Items in LoL (you really can't) you can't spoil the enemies farm and you don't have full acess to all heroes (imagine playing counterstrike back in the day but you had to pay to get the colt/ak etc. ^^
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No, I don't see your points, as the "easy to learn, but hard to master" applies to basically every game. You know what is a casual game? Sims. But LoL? Please.
Just because you can't deny creeps, you still is able to deny farm. You just have to be smart with picks, which is another layer to MOBAs that adds depth to it.
And frankly, skill lies in how well do you react to chaotic situations, of which LoL has plenty.
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gta 1 and 2 is great...also san andreas is one of best they made
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More like, "Says a person who loves to use his brain"...well, to be honest, that is just my oppinion, i never liked GTA's and Elder scrolls, those games are horrible.
I enjoy old classic's and HARD games, as in, really HARD games, like meatboy...
those games which i like or dont like is not your's to decide :)
It only shows your lack of brain activity ^^
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Big Rigs: Over The Road Racing (Seen a friend play)
Stolen (I own that game)
Duke Nukem Forever (Multiplayer is populated by 12-15 year olds, No, seriously.)
GT Legends (Because it had a grudge against my computer and looked very pixelated D:)
Prey (I couldn't bring myself to finish the game, at all.)
EDIT: Linebreaks!
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Terraria. I know I'm gonna get hazed for saying this but Minecraft is much much better from the content down to the damn controls.
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Preferring 1 game that to you is god's own creation to a, what you infer is a crappy copy, does not mean its the worst game ever. This is assuming that you have played more then just minecraft and terraria. Its fine if you dont like terraria, but to say its the WORST game ever? ISHYDDT...
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Here are Mine
Take 15 centuries to make turns to be the stupidest game of all time. :)
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