Hello guys.
As you know, the game Chivalry: Medieval Warfare - is now on sale.
That play Team Fortress 2 I wanted to make some money on it - the game itself now comes the 3 keys Team Fortress 2, but not really worth it to me.
And my question:
Is the promotion of the game in the form of price tf2 keys to jump up? -Is it worth me to buy this game? (Even for yourself if it does not sell more expensive)

11 years ago*

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11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

11 years ago

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he says, if after sale ends the current price for Chivalry that is 3 tf2 keys, will rise to more keys.

11 years ago

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when is summer sale ?

11 years ago

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The Summer Sale will happen whenever Gaben feels like it.

Letnia Wyprzedaz bedzie kiedy sie Gabenowi zachce ;)

11 years ago

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Ill translate it for you guys since he wrote it in Polish and Google Translated it.. ;)

Hello guys, as you may know, Chivalry: Medieval Warfare is on sale now. I also play Team Fortress 2 and I can get it for 3 keys. My question is, should I buy it for 3 keys or wait for the Summer Sale?

He also wants to buy it cheaper during the sale and sell it higher later.

IMO : The games Ok.

Jak dla mnie gra jest ok, nic wspanialego. I ceny Trejdowe itp. przewarznie sa najnizszymi cenami z wyprzedarzy. ( Wiec jak teraz mozesz kupic za 3 kluze to za 3 miesiace pewnie tez.

11 years ago

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Natural Selection 2 is better. :D

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by LordofHell.