What is better skyrim or witcher 3?
I've had the same issue with every preset used. If you find something useful, let me know. =)
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Syke-rim is practically an infinite game when adding mods ...
don't know about Witcher 3 though, didn't care to play it yet
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Skyrim. Then again I've not played witcher 3 yet so yeah.....
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Well, everything about it is better. The gameplay, the graphics, the story and characters... not to mention way better quests. I can't remember a single character from Skyrim. Guilds were a god damn joke too.
Skyrim was a downgrade over Oblivion, except on the graphics part, even though it looked like ass without mods. Oblivion wasn't exactly the greatest game ever, yet it felt more engaging than Skyrim. Remember the assassin's guild with Lucien Lachance? That was something!
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+1000 Interesting if is one of your first RPG games, but boring when you have played tons of RPG games along your life. It needs more powers or when you upgrade a power unlock interesting things more than simply "X more damage" or force you to use diferent combinations of powers each battle. Now it only has a super repetitive gameplay with a boring skill tree.
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You use literally one combination to kill a giant, dragon, several bandits and to assasinate someone in the city? So bad of you then...
Everything in this game is up to you. Want to boring devastate everything with a single axe - ok. Want to live a game socium - you're welcome.
And about the skill tree. What do you need instead of X more damage? Poison hits of a weapon? Then skill an enchanting and charm your sword or whatever... Ok, may be it'll be great to add some more hit combos or special hits (I duno if there are some modes like for Oblivion) but after Chivalry:Medieval warfare I fight a bit different in Skyrim - again, its up to player and his abilities.
From my prospective - if you want to have a exciting time spent in this game you need to dive deeply in its atmosphere. Ind its able to give that 4 U.
P.S.: Besides, I play Skyrim not on a boring monitor with a headset but on a 46 inch TV with a 5.1 audio surrounded. And its... more than amazing. Unfortunate 4 me - my wife doesen't understand me and we often argue because of gaming :(
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I know is up to you, but there are games "well" done that force gameplay and other games that lets you rush with minimal effort. Skyrim is the minimal effort one. Skyrim is ultra easy and is too bad for the game that you can kill a dragon, a giant and someone in the city with the same combination without having a bad time. Skyrim is the typical game where you collect throwable weapons and healing potions and you rarely use them because of the boring gameplay.
Also, a game that has tons of catacombs and all of them are equal and rushed the same way... that's boring too. They are all the same, just copypasted rooms each time.
I played Diablo 2 a lot, it has a huge skill tree with different attacks and combiantions (when you upgrade a skill, you get a completely new attack instead of "X more damage". Imagination, you know?), and each catacomb was different from each other instead of recilying rooms, altough it needs more levels for my likings (not everything is good xD) that's balanced with the vast skill tree where you can have tons of different gameplays depending on the class that you select and also the skill tree that you select inside that class. And the vast amount of weapons with different attributes lets you have different sets of items depending of what do you want to do.
Skill tree can be better because there are games with better skill trees (demonstrated), items can be better because there are games with better item variety (demonstrated), catacombs can be better because there are games with better catacomb styles (demonstrated), and obviously the combination of all this can make the gameplay better.
In summary, Skyrim can be better.
Btw, is not a bad game. I had fun discovering it and killing monsters, but when it got repetitive I missed variations in the gameplay. Just exactly the same as Assasin's Creed where you notice a repetitive gameplay when you climb a building for the 10th time to discover your 10th watchtower while you killed your 100th enemy running towards him and attacking to make an stealth attack (without effort, again).
Another thing that will make Skyrim better is to have tons of different monsters with different skills/weakness and discovering them while you play, so each mission (or 2 missions, or whatever) you will discover new monsters that needs to be killed in different ways (forced) that will "unlock" and roam around the world each time.
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Meh... Worshiper conversion failed :-P
I see, we have really different sights on what RPG should be. I stand for the atmosphere, relations with NPC society, selfliving world etc. You - for abilities, fights, monster hoard slash, etc. :)
Besides - killing a dragon or a giant on a master level in Skyrim is not so trivial objective even for level, lets say, 50.
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Yes, when I play a game I want gameplay xD
Btw, yes, for a few years now I don't care about history anymore on games, just gameplay. I can't talk about history in Skyrim because I don't focused on it, but that's true that it seems very complete.
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Well, I also played D2LoD a lot - it was a cool (and very popular) game for the time, but ... not that good nowdays as some people want it to be. First of all, Skyrim also has a lot of possible builds, but since MP is not possible, it doesn't really matter. It's campaign is not that easy on the hardest difficulty, but since there aren't many active combat skills to, it is very repetitive (that's why I didn't even bother on high difficulties in this one). In Diablo the difficulty is just fine and while there are a lot of active skills, you will only focus on a few for a specific build. Battles are indeed more demanding than in Skyrim, but at some point you will just faceroll. Diablo has a rather short campaign (if you know what to do), while Skyrim's world is huge. The whole "grinding" ideais appealing for some people, but not for all. Also, considering that a lot of D2LoD equipment is visually different only in inventory, I'd say that there are not many more items that in Skyrim, but that there is a lot more variation on a specific item. Catacombs are not that great in Diablo either - if you've been in a place for a couple of times, you have an idea where to look for the objectives. I would say that even in early 2000s, Diablo's strongest "feature" was the grinding system (and of course: good graphics, music and overall atmosphere): BG &co / Fallout had a better RPG-aspect, Revenant - better ARPG aspect , Dungeon Siege - more tactical / better general gameplay with less faceroll, Sacred - huge world. Comparing these games however isn't really right since they are better than others in some aspects, and worst in others; same for Diablo / Skyrim, which really are from different "eras" and have very few things in common.
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SW:KOTOR 1+2, fable 1, Jade Empire, DA:O, F3+NV, Oblivion (though the last one is cutting hairs)
I think all of those games are better than Skyrim :P. Skyrim is pretty fun though.
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SW series and F3-NV doesn't counts - are not fantasy medieval-like worlds (besides I like F3-NV wery much and play it if I want some hi-tech weapons).
Fable stright as a line, no open world and 3rd person view. I'll rather play NWN of this kind.
DA:O - considering to try it instead of old NWN. Again - 3rd person view, orders and tactical pause.
Oblivion? It's a previous version of Skyrim :D
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Skyrim is not even the best Elder Scrolls and is far from the best RPG.
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I dont know about witcher 3 but skyrim is RADICALLY EXTREMLY 420 BLAZETLY AWESOME, and if the first game in the saga indicate something about witcher 3 (that i know it doesnt but i dont care) then Skyrim is obviously better
edit: the only thing that could make it a better game than skyrim is THAT IT DOESNT CRASH SO FREAKING MUCH... but i moded the hell out of the game so i dont blame it, i am just angry
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Witcher 3 can offer a way better combat system, environments, characters, graphics, but it won't have that big mod community like Skyrim has, and I could find much more fun, laughing moments and way more hours spent playing Skyrim with mods than Witcher 3, which is still awesome, but more limited.
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By facts Witcher 3 should be better, Skyrim has much longer playtime, I still didn't do tons of things, also Skyrim is one of the games where lots of bugs make game experience even more enjoyable.
I saw lots of gameplays of Witcher 3, gameplay is a way better than Skyrim....but game is still limited, which is all about to me when comparing these games.
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This argument is not valid yet. Wait until there are witcher 3 mods (devs will release a toolkit for them) to even mention skyrim mods.
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Dude, witcher 3 has ALOT more playtime. All your doing is using the tons of mods skyrim has to add "gameplay".
We arent comparing who has more mods especially since witcher 3 just came out. We are comparing games, and skyrim doesnt even come close to witcher 3 in any aspect.
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Because you didn't play Wild Hunt ;p
It's the biggest and the best of the series, imo.
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The Witcher 2 was the first Witcher game I played, and I didn't like it at first. It only got cool for me after finishing the first episode. But I have to admit that it was awesome, so much that I played it four times to earn every single achievement. Then I played The Witcher, which was pretty cool too, and now I'm playing Wild Hunt, and I have to say that it's the best game I ever played.
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Lets see. the quantity>quality game with a "Spam left mouse click to win" combat system that ruined everything that was good about the elder scrolls franchise, not to mention it rolled out the least interesting main storyline I have ever played in any RPG.
Or a quality>quantity game with motion-capture recorded ARPG type combat with all those fancy witcher abilities thrown in as well as a fairly unique storyline, world, and lore that I honestly just wish they made 10000000 movies out of.
Gee, I can't decide.
Cue the skyrim fanboy that takes my opinions as a personal insult to his self-worth; then berates me and blacklists me.
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Love the Witcher Series more than the Elder Scrolls, though both series are great.
Have not played yet the Witcher since I am not at my house for a long time and my laptop can not play the Witcher. So I cannot say if it is better than skyrim, but if it is even a bit better that the previous games of the series then it is much better than skyrim
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Never liked the Witcher franchise. Story was OK imo, but hardly comparable to TES. TES has been re-defining the RPG genre for the past 21 years.
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I personally can't choose which one is "better" even though Skyrim would be my favourite of the two, I feel like I should try to get into the Witcher franchise but never really had the motivation. The combat has never appealed to me and for what they're both like I'd sooner play DA:O.
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I'm saying none of them appeal to me, except for 3, which does look promising but as I haven't completed 1 or 2 I neglect to pay attention to.
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Maybe I'll try it then, to be honest I have noting against the franchise, it's just never been at the forefront of my gaming ideal. Maybe that's changed.
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Skyrim never was the best RPG, it was very popular.
go for the witcher 3, i you want a good rpg witch character creation i would say pillars of eternity, fall out new vegas or morrowind.
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Is Skyrim no longer the best RPG. I think witcher 3 is just better then skyrim.
Are any elder scrolls games RPGs?
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