Steam does allow 18+ content sometimes. For instance, Ladykiller in a Bind was recently added.
On the other hand, it was a long journey; it only became available recently, and Steam blocked it for a long time. So it feels like they're slowly changing their policy. Also, one of the things that article mentioned was that it was easy to get the game on there once they talked to an actual person (but talking to an actual person at Valve is obviously ridiculously hard.)
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"sometimes" being what, twice, once? Of the how many censored VN's out there? Sadly a sole exception doesn't make the rule. And there's no indication Steam is anywhere near changing it :/
Nekopara is a hot seller on Steam, it would make sense to make the exception there (and raise Valve's cut from 3 euro/dollar to 6 euro/dollar). But nope.
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The question probably wasn't for me, but -
I actually prefer these games censored. I don't really care about "the scenes" , which probably really don't add into story, and when you share your room with brother and sister (younger), adult stuff is not what you want to randomly show on your screen.
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Seconded, sometimes they even buy fan translations because their professional ones are utter shit.
Not to mention separate paid patches which add just a few scenes.
By the way, setting the slider for them to $0 -and not selling cards/emotes/BGs- would be enough to do the trick.
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I perfectly understand your point, but if not for them I would still be waiting for a fan made translation of Grisaia series. Given that, I can't completeley agree with with you.
It's funny that a lot of games have actual sex scenes or a lot of unnecesary violence and thats not a reason to censor them. Show a 2D girl tits and they are like: "Oh god! How can it be?! Blasfemy! Outrageous!"
Pretty much nonsense up if you ask me. How can you have sex scenes in Dragon Age or The Witcher but not in a VN?
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Well.... I see a VN more as an enjoyable way of reading a novel than as a game. In that aspect I can understand why most people wouldn't consider them as games.
On the other hand whether they like it or not, this are still games. You could say the "difficulty" lies in the patience of the reader in order to reach the end.
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I've only played Root Double out of the games in this bundle, but I think the translation was very good - on par with any other VN translations.
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Just to contribute, the lowest BTA was USD $5.88, in other words, the starting value, afterwards it skyrocketed like crazy. Right now it's at like 9 dollars or sp the BTA.
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Nah, I don't think so. Maybe it will border Tier 3? But above it? Naaaah.
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It's probably because they put the best games (Root Double and World End Economica) in the highest tier.
Also, Tier 3 has a lot of value overall - most bundles put most of their value in Tier 2. Look at the poll, too - most people are either "not buying" or "tier 3"; very few want just tiers 1 or 2.
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Yeah, not questioning the quality of the bundle. I'm going to get Tier 3 myself, and I reserved another bundle with the initial BTA value for a friend in case he's interested in a specific tier.
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I know, thanks for your concern, it's just that other users had to complain negatively that made me close the thread myself, just because I was waiting for a chart, even if I would thank the person who did it, because I would gladly appreciate that.
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You know? That's a good question, I suppose the correct sentence in my case was "negative response", not complain, some things that people said were valid complains, like, the lack of a chart for the collectors or to see the rating reviews of a product, but the main issue is that some other people were being jerks, feeling like someone else should be entitled to a chart, and complaining about asking myself for a chart and didn't see that I would be very thankful for that.
In any case, that's a part of the past and I'm moving on from this issue. Lesson learned: You can't please anyone, and I don't think I'll bother doing a thread like this again.
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In my opinion, the problem with what you did was that people were already making threads with charts which they had to stop when you posted yours with what looked like a lazy "make the chart for me" message. So rather than waiting for someone to post a "complete" thread you posted yours and asked someone else to do the work to update it, rather than waiting 10 minutes and letting them post it whole in the first place. Which is why my reply to you was that you could easily learn how and make the chart yourself rather than expect someone else to do it for you since you understood that the thread would be better with one.
entitled to a chart
Yeah, they are used to it and knowing that if you hadn't posted your thread they would have gotten one it's easy to see why people might be annoyed.
"The road to hell is paved with good intentions" after all.
You can't please anyone
You can, some people were happy to just see the bundle shared. If you had waited someone might have done the chart for you as well. You just didn't consider that people take a bit of time to complete the charts.
In any case you can always try again, maybe with the chart to placate the masses., or just leave it to the people that already do it regularly.
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Yeah, that's fair enough. Sorry for all the problems I caused to the people who were waiting for the chart. I'd better leave the job to the people who can do this task better than me, instead of doing an incomplete thread. Thanks for the feedback anyways.
And regarding myself, yeah, I could have waited, but I was feeling terrible in that moment, so I decided to close the thread myself and let other person doing it for the sake of everyone, I think. Maybe I could be wrong with this.
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Thank you Reforced and I bought tier 3 for sure! <3
Maybe another tier 3 to gift as these are wanted games. ^^
I only owned fault milestone one and WORLD END ECONOMiCA episode.01.
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Could always have been like a $20 tier. But yeah, probably not risking that people send it not to Sekai. Even though likely everyone who really wanted it already got it on launch day. Oh well, maybe next time a bundle comes around in 2 years or so :/
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The other one (from the artist) was in Japanese but people said it said end of the year.
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Are any of these games like the Ace Attorney or 999 in terms of narrative and story quality?
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:bite: :bite: :bite:
But srsly kinda dispointed fruit of grissaia wasn't in it and the one I'm actually intrested in (root) is a game I got previously and haven't played yet
...ah well I've heard good things about economia
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Same here, they tease us with 2 spin offs but don't give us the main games. Well, Michiru is the female character I liked most of the series so it isn't a total bummer.
Maybe, just maybe, we might have a bundle with the 3 games in a near future.
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Yuck, no thanks. But I know this stuff is popular, so I hope Humble and its charities get lots of money for it.
Not that it stopped me from saving a browser tab with a decent BTA...I can't help myself. :p
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###**Tier 1: $1**
:- | :-: | :-: | :-: | :-:
**[fault - milestone one](http://store.steampowered.com/app/286260/)** | 95% of *1,289 Reviews* | [❤](http://www.steamcardexchange.net/index.php?gamepage-appid-286260) | [1](https://isthereanydeal.com/specials/#/filter:search/faultmilestoneone,&bundle) | [$14.99](https://isthereanydeal.com/#/page:game/info?plain=faultmilestoneone)
**[KARAKARA](http://store.steampowered.com/app/487430/)** | 95% of *400 Reviews* | [❤](http://www.steamcardexchange.net/index.php?gamepage-appid-487430) | 0 | [$9.99](https://isthereanydeal.com/#/page:game/info?plain=karakara)
**[NEKOPARA Vol. 0](http://store.steampowered.com/app/385800/)** | 94% of *8,175 Reviews* | [❤](http://www.steamcardexchange.net/index.php?gamepage-appid-385800) | 0 | [$2.99](https://isthereanydeal.com/#/page:game/info?plain=nekoparavol0)
**[Ame no Marginal -Rain Marginal-](http://store.steampowered.com/app/348950/)** | 91% of *122 Reviews* | [❤](http://www.steamcardexchange.net/index.php?gamepage-appid-348950) | 0 | [$12.99](https://isthereanydeal.com/#/page:game/info?plain=amenomarginalrainmarginal)
###**Tier 2: BTA >= $5.88**
:- | :-: | :-: | :-: | :-:
**[NEKOPARA Vol. 1](http://store.steampowered.com/app/333600/)** | 95% of *11,881 Reviews* | [❤](http://www.steamcardexchange.net/index.php?gamepage-appid-333600) | 0 | [$9.99](https://isthereanydeal.com/#/page:game/info?plain=nekoparavoli)
**[Idol Magical Girl Chiru Chiru Michiru Part 1](http://store.steampowered.com/app/377710/)** | 93% of *75 Reviews* | [❤](http://www.steamcardexchange.net/index.php?gamepage-appid-377710) | 0 | [$19.99](https://isthereanydeal.com/#/page:game/info?plain=idolmagicalgirlchiruchirumichiruparti)
**[Narcissu 10th Anniversary Anthology Project](http://store.steampowered.com/app/426690/)** | 99% of *136 Reviews* | [❤](http://www.steamcardexchange.net/index.php?gamepage-appid-426690) | 0 | [$2.99](https://isthereanydeal.com/#/page:game/info?plain=narcissui0thanniversaryanthologyproject)
**[Narcissu 10th Anniversary Anthology Project - Season Pass](http://store.steampowered.com/app/439510/)** (DLC) | - of *8 Reviews* | (Base game has cards) | 0 | [$29.99](https://isthereanydeal.com/#/page:game/info?plain=narcissui0thanniversaryanthologyprojectseasonpass)
**[fault - milestone two side:above](http://store.steampowered.com/app/344770/)** | 98% of *692 Reviews* | [❤](http://www.steamcardexchange.net/index.php?gamepage-appid-344770) | 0 | [$14.99](https://isthereanydeal.com/#/page:game/info?plain=faultmilestonetwosideabove)
**[Sound of Drop - fall into poison -](http://store.steampowered.com/app/383460/)** | 92% of *159 Reviews* | [❤](http://www.steamcardexchange.net/index.php?gamepage-appid-383460) | 0 | [$12.99](https://isthereanydeal.com/#/page:game/info?plain=soundofdropfallintopoison)
**[Highway Blossoms](http://store.steampowered.com/app/451760/)** | 98% of *327 Reviews* | [❤](http://www.steamcardexchange.net/index.php?gamepage-appid-451760) | 0 | [$9.99](https://isthereanydeal.com/#/page:game/info?plain=highwayblossoms)
**[Japanese School Life](http://store.steampowered.com/app/555640/)** | 92% of *39 Reviews* | - | 0 | [$9.99](https://isthereanydeal.com/#/page:game/info?plain=japaneseschoollife)
###**Tier 3: $12**
:- | :-: | :-: | :-: | :-:
**[NEKOPARA Vol. 2](http://store.steampowered.com/app/420110/)** | 97% of *6,647 Reviews* | [❤](http://www.steamcardexchange.net/index.php?gamepage-appid-420110) | 0 | [$9.99](https://isthereanydeal.com/#/page:game/info?plain=nekoparavolii)
**[WORLD END ECONOMiCA episode.01](http://store.steampowered.com/app/269250/)** | 84% of *433 Reviews* | [❤](http://www.steamcardexchange.net/index.php?gamepage-appid-269250) | [2](https://isthereanydeal.com/specials/#/filter:search/worldendeconomicaepisode0i,&bundle) | [$12.99](https://isthereanydeal.com/#/page:game/info?plain=worldendeconomicaepisode0i)
**[WORLD END ECONOMiCA episode.02](http://store.steampowered.com/app/368160/)** | 95% of *126 Reviews* | [❤](http://www.steamcardexchange.net/index.php?gamepage-appid-368160) | [1](https://isthereanydeal.com/specials/#/filter:search/worldendeconomicaepisode0ii,&bundle) | [$12.99](https://isthereanydeal.com/#/page:game/info?plain=worldendeconomicaepisode0ii)
**[WORLD END ECONOMiCA episode.03](http://store.steampowered.com/app/527190/)** | 97% of *79 Reviews* | - | 0 | [$12.99](https://isthereanydeal.com/#/page:game/info?plain=worldendeconomicaepisode0iii)
**[Idol Magical Girl Chiru Chiru Michiru Part 2](http://store.steampowered.com/app/377720/)** | 92% of *27 Reviews* | [❤](http://www.steamcardexchange.net/index.php?gamepage-appid-377720) | 0 | [$19.99](https://isthereanydeal.com/#/page:game/info?plain=idolmagicalgirlchiruchirumichirupartii)
**[Memory's Dogma CODE:01](http://store.steampowered.com/app/386970/)** | 88% of *63 Reviews* | [❤](http://www.steamcardexchange.net/index.php?gamepage-appid-386970) | 0 | [$14.99](https://isthereanydeal.com/#/page:game/info?plain=memorysdogmacode0i)
**[Root Double -Before Crime * After Days- Xtend Edition](http://store.steampowered.com/app/438130/)** | 95% of *105 Reviews* | [❤](http://www.steamcardexchange.net/index.php?gamepage-appid-438130) | 0 | [$34.99](https://isthereanydeal.com/#/page:game/info?plain=rootdoublebeforecrimeafterdaysxtendedition)
**[Sunrider: Liberation Day - Captain's Edition](http://store.steampowered.com/app/358750/)** | 85% of *420 Reviews* | [❤](http://www.steamcardexchange.net/index.php?gamepage-appid-358750) | 0 | [$24.99](https://isthereanydeal.com/#/page:game/info?plain=sunriderliberationdaycaptainsedition)
* Tier 1 = *$40.96*
* Tier 1 + 2 = *$151.88*
* Tier 1 + 2 + 3 = *$295.8*
* Tier 1 = *6.144*
* Tier 1 + 2 = *22.782*
* Tier 1 + 2 + 3 = *166.702* ~(If Tier 3 stays non-bundled, otherwise it is 44.37)~
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Poetic justice that you should post this. I love it! And thanks.
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I think that the guide for using it is pretty straight forward and gives clear indications, making your script accessible to everyone who wants to use it. I had a small problem identifying where exactly the ITAD API key was found on the page, but it worked out in the end after a page refresh. Thank you for the huge amount of work that you invested into this!
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A couple of questions about Japanese Visual Novels:
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From the above bundle:
Yes, some of them are pretty realistic. Root Double especially, and World End Economica. There /might/ be huge eyes in some of the art but that's it.
Yes.... though I think that's NEKOPARA's new technology of sorts... they stand and blink but it's full model figure and react (to touches/petting/other things). Most of the VNs are the older animated artwork though.
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1) Animamundi Dark Alchemist comes to mind in that regard. Trailer It's a pretty good read and as far as i remember playing it doesn't contain any flat out hentai, but has some images that might be considered a bit spicie. And contains stylized gore, not much of it and you can choose to have it filtered out if you want.
2) Hmmm, School Days HQ comes to mind. It's like watching an anime where you can affect how the story plays out. Wouldn't recommend if you have a low tolerance for violence and erotic scenes. Also has huge eyes art style. Trailer
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Though Animamundi in English is pretty hard to come by legally nowadays. It was only ever released physically, not digitally, and it's been out of print for years (the localization company left the VN business). The English version also has some of the gorier scenes cut out/altered, but there's an unofficial patch to restore them.
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If GOG has ever had a policy like that, it's not one they follow anymore:
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re there any where the characters look like regular humans (i.e. no cat ear or huge eyes)?
Not in the sense of photorealistic. Stuff like the ones I'm gonna attach down below(they're from a very good and VERY disturbing VN named Swan Song) are pretty much the closest you're gonna get. It's their "artistic identity" if you'd like and actually have interesting roots in their views of beauty. Wide open eyes for women for example are considered an attractive trait in Japan and Korea. You'd be shocked to hear the amount of money spent every year in South Korea for plastic surgery to "enlarge" their eyes.
Are there any where the characters are fully animated and not just frozen figures with an occasional blink?
No, not to my knowledge. That's literally the Telltale games, and it's a completely different genre. With VNs you can expect around 50-100 sprites for each "central" character with different stance and different facial expressions and that's about it, at least for the most part. Constantly switching between those between lines does manage to breathe life into the characters though if the text is decent.
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Are there any where the characters look like regular humans (i.e. no cat ear or huge eyes)?
There aren't too many Japanese VNs with particularly realistic art styles. The Silver Case (available on Steam) and the Jake Hunter series (English release on DS only) might be up your alley. The Flowers games (first game is on Steam) have an anime style, but it's more painterly than most VNs, while Hashihime of Old Book Town (English release upcoming) has a kind of pop-art-y aesthetic. Psycho-Pass: Mandatory Happiness got a Steam release only a couple months ago. There's also Hatoful Boyfriend, but I don't think that's what you meant...
More realistic art styles are more common in English/other non-Japanese VNs. See Cinders (available on Steam), Coming Out On Top (supposedly getting a Steam release), Cupid (free, available on Steam), The Falconers: Moonlight (available on Steam), Fever☆Dream Saga, Ladykiller in a Bind (available on Steam), Mystic Destinies: Serendipity of Aeons (available on Steam), One Night Stand (available on Steam), Starfighter: Eclipse, Solstice (available on Steam), Sword Daughter (available on Steam), This, My Soul (free), Walkerman (available on Steam), Where the Sun Always Shines (free), Wilder. And Aviary Attorney for the lols.
Are there any where the characters are fully animated and not just frozen figures with an occasional blink?
Not too many, and they don't overlap with your previous question. :P eden* (available on Steam), School Days, Corona Blossom (available on Steam). And, uh, Nekopara.
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Fully animated characters aren't common in VNs; the most common animation other than occasional blinking is lip sync. School Days is a rare fully animated VN in English.
MissMokushiroku mentioned some good VNs with a more Western art style (in particular, Sword Daughter reminds me of classic WRPGs like Baldur's Gate). Photographic character art is sometimes used, particularly for free, short, experimental/joke games. There's also a sizable community of 3D CG artists making visual novels and RPGs (mostly niche fetish porn); for example, Lesson of Passion (NSFW), Starship Inanna, Gazukull, probably the majority of Patreon-based creators listed on VNDB.
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Ffs, no more anime please. The steam store can't handle any more. ;_;
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If steam can handle all those early access game then sure as hell can handle this.
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Damn it. I actually want Narcissu. I played the free Narcissu 1st & 2nd and they are really good.
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Yeah, I guess it a no-brainer for VN enthusiasts but I'm really only interested in the one game for now and I'm way too lazy to start trading or selling stuff. It would just have been nice to catch the good price but I'll probably get the whole packet in the end :)
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Humble Sekai Project Bundle
3 tiers, 19 games and 1 DLC!
Bundle ends in 14 days.
Tier 1: $1+ (Pay what you want)
Tier 2: Beat the average (BTA)
Tier 3: $12
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