Weird, a lot of my early memories are in 3rd person too. It's as if I'm invisible watching myself grow up. I do however have memories before age 12. Memories from my early childhood are jumbled and not in chronological order though, but I do have memories of preschool, kindergarten and going to day care. I think my earliest memory, again I don't know how old I was, I'm still in a baby bed, with the sides, but I'm old enough to be standing up in it.
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I have a few. Mostly theyre me getting in trouble or getting hurt. Though I do have one memory of when I was in 3rd grade and my little group of friends and I decided to "prank" the teacher by throwing alka seltzer tabs in a bottle with some soda, giving it a shake, and putting it in the teacher's desk while everyone was at lunch. Course we got caught and it was the first time I got detention lol Probably why it stands out
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I think my oldest memory is either the 1 time when i clog the Washing machine , and literally flooded the house , or when me and a classmate beat the rest of the class cause the put some waterpaint in the hair of the girl we both liked.
I guess there are bits and pieces , but its mostly retarded stuff i used to do ... which was plenty :D
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I remember me asking my family to put their hands on their ears so they wouldn't hear when I ask my grandmother for chocolate (I was maybe... 5ish?)
I remember a vacation when we met a nice family who spent some time with, and I remembered the father's name as it was very similar to the hungarian variation of Santa Claus. This was surprising to remember to though, I was around 3 or 4 when it happened, according to my mother.
I remember how happy I was for finally reaching the elevator-calling button when I was 5-6 :D
Same-ish age, got so scared by a dog when we went to our garden that I spent most of the time on a tree (yes)
Stealing a bubble gum from a store that my mother never bought for us, then feeling literally sick for days because of how bad I felt about it later...
In kindergarten explaining the nurses (?) that the toy I was playing with was already almost broken as it was all white at places where it shouldn't be (I think it was a lego, they indeed go white if you twist them) and it just snapped when I slightly moved it
What games we played in schoool, some of the books I read in that time.... quite a lot of things :D
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I still have some pretty early memories, back from when I was two/three years old. I remember bits and pieces of the drafty old house my family had; hiding sugar under my bed; chasing the cat with salad tongs; my mother pregnant with my sister. Still remember what written language looked like before I learned to read. I have a lot of good memories from back then.
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I have memories of driving around in my Kettcar, with my cat, at the age of maybe 3 or 4.
And I have so many memories from wandering through the woods (and a destroyed WWII bunker) with my 2 brothers, at the age of 7-10. And I was the oldest.
I remember visiting my mom's family, by a 1.300km travel by car. With an endless stream of traffic jams. How we played in self built cars, made out of cardboards. And how I had to wash my clothes by hand there, with well water.
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I think I was 3 years old and I remember not wanting to take a bath without a hat on my head, for a few days, because my parents thought it would be a good idea to show me the mirror after giving me my first ever haircut. I have tons of memories of growing up but this is the earliest, I think.
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Mainly just the freedom and feeling that time lasted forever... During the summer when school was out, leave the house in the morning on my bicycle and just ride all over the city, exploring new streets and places I've never been. Sometimes meet some other new kids and make a new friend, play basketball or some games like that... when it starts to get dark, head back home so I'm not late for dinner... :) Nowadays parents are too afraid of everything, if their kid left by himself they'll probably call the police to report a missing person :P
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Sadly in the US parents can get arrested for even letting their kids play in their own yard unattended.
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Yeah, I've read some other stories like that, too. The funny thing is that the parents who are so overprotective are probably ones who are raised like I was and they somehow managed to survive. Riding bikes with no helmets. No cell phones (they didn't exist). No teachers emailing daily updates. etc.
Back in my father's day, kids 8, 9, 10 years old would hop on the subway and go to watch a baseball game (pro) all by themselves... and get into all kinds of mischief along the way. :)
There is so much FUD on TV and spreading on social media these days, people are afraid of their own shadow... Politicians will exploit that, as they always have. The reality is that this is the safest time ever to be alive in America. Basically I think that people need to chill the fuck out in general and learn to relax a little.
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Funny thing is that, even though I have a bad memory in general, I can remember some moments forever, no matter how old they are. xD There are some moments that just got stuck in my brain and I can never forget them. And it's not like that they were that important. But well, they're MY memories, so I won't share them. >:( xD
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The sad thing is that all our memories die with us and after all the people that we shared memories with are gone all the memories are erased forever, so think about it like this, if you share some memories here today, there is a possibility of it lasting way longer than we do, maybe someone will dig through here someday and they'll find entertainment or comfort in your memories, you have nothing to lose anyway.
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But why should they last? Did I climb Mount Everest and I want this achievement to be remembered? xD They're just some random memories that I can never forget. They're neither traumatic nor that exciting. But hmmm, entertainment or comfort in my memories? Would my memories affect anyone? :O
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By lasting I meant they will be here on the internet for a while, it doesn't have to be an achievement, maybe you have one that can get a laugh out of somebody or any other emotion, or a memory that someone else will find similar to their own, that's what I meant by comfort or entertainment, I don't know what memories you have, it was just an assumption. Also as I said you have noting to lose on the contrary, maybe it will serve a purpose (as little as it may be) long after you're gone and won't disappear in vain. It's not like there are corporate spies around here ready to use your memories for evil either, like in science fiction movies, I don't see the point of getting defensive, I'm not forcing you to do anything it's your choice, I was just trying to give you a reason.
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I didn't get defensive. xD And this part:
But well, they're MY memories, so I won't share them. >:( xD
...was supposed to be a joke. :P
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I have a lot of memories from when I was growing up.
These are from about 76-78
My mum taking me to Kindergarten in summer
Watching Star Wars in the british Army cinema, must have been about a year or 2 after the initial release, so I was 6?
I got to choose a Star Wars jigsaw puzzle in the NAAFI when it was my birthday.
Watching Superman in the same cinema
Having a crush on one of my school mates in primary school, god she was cute ;)
Playing outside with my matchbox car and then someone saying "isn't that your dad?"
I suddenly ran like hell to hug him in our flat. He had just came back from a tour of duty in Northern Ireland. I think I have never run do fast in my life.
I can remember a lot of things. Just don't ask me about the last 10 years when the Steam games addiction hit ;)
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The thing with really early memories is that they are usually not real, they are constructed by our brain at much older age based on adults' stories, pictures or even dreams. For many years I'd been thinking that I actually remembered my grandfather who died when I was about 2,5. And then I was once looking through an old photo album at my grandmother's place, and here it was, exactly the scene from my memory - right up to the angles. Then again, I think I have some memories os my sister as a baby, and we've got only 17 months between as. More or less solid memories start about the age of 5 in my case, I think. At least I've got a few really ugly ones of me getting abused by other children in a kindergarten. There was also that horror of day sleep in a kindergarten, I knew that women got pregnant when they slept with men, so I was terrified that I could get pregnant by sleeping in the same room with boys)) I remember the pain when my grandmother's cat died giving birth (according to my mother, I was 5). And I remember that tiny weird creature, my newborn baby cousin (she's still my baby cousin), and my dire and fruitless attempts to persuade her mother to let me hold her (5 again). Actually, I've got tons of memories of pre-teenage period - and very few after the age of 12 or 13 (basically, when my rich and merry history of depressions started). Still, it got a bit better as an adult.
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Seeing the previous answer that is kind of "ugh" ;)
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I can still remember as far back as when I was 3 years old. But I can't remember what I ate for lunch 2 days ago. My long term memory is gold, and my short term memory is complete garbage. Honestly, I blame my short term memory on prescribed drugs I was given for insomnia a few years back, as that's when the issues began.
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Mine is like Kamarae's. Most of the childhood memories I actually remember are me getting hurt or getting into trouble. Like kicking a friend in the shin when I was mad at her. Or a misunderstanding with my classmates that made me cry when they thought I was the one that wrote a "K.I.S.S.I.N.G." note. Or getting called an orangutan by my dad because I liked playing with and hanging from the bunk bed bars.
On the other hand, there is one memory that isn't like that. It was a funny little thing where my friends and I had climbed to unused floors in school and my friends ran down screaming "white lady", but I was left behind wondering what they meant cause I was only seeing a white bug floating around. ("White lady... bug?")
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Share childhood memories if you wish to do so
I don't really remember anything before a certain age but I feel like I don't have a lot worth remembering anyways
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