I've been eyeing Risk Of Rain for quite some time, and I was curious about how you all felt about the game was it worth the ten bucks and is it fun and are all of the reviews well earned?

10 years ago*

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It's alright, haven't played much of it yet though. And just fyi, you can get it much cheaper on SteamTrades. :)

10 years ago

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Yes it is really fun, especially if you have a friend to play co-op with. It's a rogue like so if you plan to complete it till the end you can expect alot of hours worth of gameplay on it. There are also loads of characters to choose from so theres alot of variety.

10 years ago

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I'm interested in getting it someday.
Check this. His videos are always good for getting an impression of the game.

10 years ago

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It's really fun, but I am terrible at games so after 10 hours I've only unlocked 3 characters and have not even beaten the game

10 years ago

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surely there's a game type which you're remotely good at! ;)

10 years ago

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None, I am terrible at everything, even TVHM in Borderlands 2 is hard for me

10 years ago

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I have two separate "saves" on different computers, given that it has no cloud support, and 4 characters unlocked on each, with 17 hours on the game. You cant really expect to beat it with so few hours unless you're really good at roguelikes and plataformers.

10 years ago

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Dude i'm terrible as games as well, it might give me and my friend another game if she gets it as well, We're excited for Don't Starve Together, But Risk of Rain will be a great distraction if we're able to play it long enough without dying. it does work on permanent death right?

10 years ago

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100% PermaDeath.

10 years ago

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It's a fun game. It get's kind of easy once you unlock huntress character and the command artifact.

10 years ago

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It is fun but i have seem to have gotten unlucky as i experience quite a few glitches in my game for unknown reasons. Other than that it is fun.

10 years ago

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one of the better roguelites currently on the market

10 years ago

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I have a key for the game that I can give you if you'd like. Just add me on Steam if you want it.

10 years ago

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I would be interested if it doesn't get taken already. This looks like a pretty fun game. Everyone says its great coop, but how is it single player?

10 years ago

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I'm afraid I already told someone else on Steam that I'll give it to them if TC doesn't express interest in it, sorry.

I've not played much of it myself, it didn't really hit the mark for me, but I think that's more a personal taste issue than the fact that I was playing in single player.

10 years ago

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It's like if Mario and The Binding of Isaac had a child. It is a very hard game and you will die... A LOT!

If you like Rogue-likes then you will like Risk of Rain

10 years ago

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It'a a fun game. You also just missed it on hunble bundle.

10 years ago

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I love this game, if you buy it, add me on steam so we'll play together

10 years ago

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I can honestly say it's one of my favorite games ever, so far I've played it for 99 hours and it's still fun. I recommend you to find someone to play with because it makes the game even better ;)

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

10 years ago

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Co-op gives so much fun. Das ist gut spiel :D

10 years ago

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I played it offline for over 70hours and I might say it's AWESOME! Like really, get it.

10 years ago

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It's great, but not sure if you should pay 10$ for it, as it's often bundled/discounted. I have completed the game in like 99% (missing few monster cards) and I really enjoyed playing it for most of the time. I have a review on my profile if you want some detailed information.

10 years ago

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