can someone please tell me rules for steamgiveaway cv distribution... i know how the level system works...
i just bought 3 copies of a game on steamstore and checked it wasnt bundled via steamgifts site...
i wasted 108 bucks on the games and in gave me no CV
can someone help me?
P.S the winners have marked the product as recieved too

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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108 inr... i live in india
last giveaway region restricted was game originally 10 usd each
costed me 36 inr each

7 years ago

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That giveaway with 3 entries?

7 years ago

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this? it's $0.56 in india...

and $0.42 in russia, so it's over 95% off and it counts as bundled (gives 15% cv).

7 years ago

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So they spent $1.59 There's a pretty big difference between $108 and one buck and some change..

7 years ago

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$108 or ₹108 ?

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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The giveaway must have at least 5 entries, yours had 3 entries.

7 years ago

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was a public giveaway

7 years ago

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Region locked giveaway need at least 5 entries to get CV (although it's public giveaway)

7 years ago

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nope, as long as its public entries doesn't matter

7 years ago

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I won a region-locked giveaway few month ago and since it's DLC giveaway, it doesn't got a lot entries
The gifter decided to refused to give the DLC gift because he said that

Plus it's 5 copies, and all the winner marked it as "Not Received"

7 years ago

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Every single giveaway need at least 5, including group, whitelist, region locked to get CV so it's not really a special case :)

7 years ago

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And by that, you mean $1.68 in total. Just for the record.
You need 5 entries in a giveaway, unless it is a region-free public one, where you only need 1 entry.
Also, it will be on the bundle list anyway, since a sale of 85% or greater in the Steam store will trigger that due to the prices in Russia (or India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Turkey, Mexico, Brazil, or China, but it is usually the Russian price that is the lowest).

7 years ago

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let me guess, the one with 3 copies and 3 entries?

7 years ago

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was public giveaway

7 years ago

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still, it is region locked and you need 5 or more entries.

7 years ago

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The moral of this story - don't make short-term region-locked giveaways.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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April 26, 2016
Region restricted giveaways now require 5 entries or more to increase levels.

7 years ago

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but i did a GA for amok 4 months ago in which 3 people participated nd got cv for that

7 years ago

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Except it clearly had 5 entries.

7 years ago

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lol dint read that properly- i am in a little panic right now

7 years ago

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No need to panic, next time just run them for a week or two so you'll get more entries surely. This can happen to anyone and then you learn from it.

7 years ago

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Adding to that: if you really want CV, buy cheap bundles that have ROW keys (IndieGala, OtakuMaker, and DailyIndieGame have dirt cheap bundle keys that can give you up to 8 CV for every US dollar spent, with an average of 3CV/$) or don't buy any games from the India Steam store that have ever been on an 85% sale or more. (Use IsThereAnyDeal or SteamDB to check price history.) Or, if you do buy from the India store, run it for 3-4 days minimum. India is still has a small number of users here—it is not like posting a RU-CIS giveaway at level 0 that will have 5 automatic bot entries in the first 15 minutes.

7 years ago

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the thing is i dont own any credit cards or online bank accounts.... i can just buy from steam store that i charged last year nd have some credits left on...

7 years ago

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Yeah, I was expecting that. Indians rely way too much on paper money, especially outside urban centers. China has a similar problem, but it is getting better as they are urbanising more rapidly.

Then make sure to run the giveaways for several days and also try to include weekends in the time span.

7 years ago

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well i am not adult nd thats why dont have accounts etc...
my parents have obviously

7 years ago*

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Over here in the privacy-conscious Free Western World, I get a phone notification mere seconds after I pay in the supermarket, and afterwards I can even scan my receipt with my phone camera so the companies that'd love to sell my data can haz my data.

7 years ago

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sells all of Luckz's data to the highest bidder

7 years ago

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o/ *offers 0.01$*

7 years ago

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the only thing this thread helped me to do is get blacklisted.... had only 1 b4 now i have 10XD
wow 9 blacklist in a day; is it that annoying?

7 years ago*

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Some people might blacklist you for saying you spend 108 "bucks" which most people would assume are dollars while you meant rupees (which are much less valuable). Some people blacklist others for giving away mostly region restricted GA's while winning region free GA's. Some people will simply blacklist you for complaining.

I'm sorry you got blacklisted, I wanted to inform you how this site works and what to possibly look out for if you don't want to get blacklisted, but in my opinion it's best not to care too much about getting blacklisted :)

7 years ago

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but buck is acceptable for inr also as stated by cambridge dictionary-

7 years ago

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You mean this one?

View attached image.
7 years ago

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read above

7 years ago

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well i requested to delete GA... under the option did not know how it works.. as 1 of the three winners has not accepted friend request on steam so.... lets see if i can save 1/3 of money

7 years ago

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well i requested to delete

Why? Giveaway ended and you can do this only if all winners agree with deleting.
Close your support ticket, give last game to the winner and forget about this 😮

7 years ago

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last winner is my friend from steam... he told me he doesnt mind so...

7 years ago

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Wow.. The rules are made for these purposes you know that right. Maybe you should consider reading FAQ once again. There were some instances were some GA creators involved close circles of friends and they gave away games within themself, exploiting the system. It wasn't, giving away its was trading. Hence the rules.
So I would give you a good advice cancel the ticket, let this one go by.
First of all there isn't any valid reason to delete GA and you won't be granted it by support.
Second even if the support grants you to delete GA, all the winners seem to have received the keys so most of it might be activated till now. You can't create new GA with it.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

7 years ago

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yeah i know the exploit but u can just check in game library of people nd check if they r cheating
2 out of 3 gifts i have sent... they rnt keys but gifts
nd gifts cant be exploited cause they show in ur inventory nd if used in library

7 years ago

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what does gift vs key have anything to do with it? and gifts don't tell you when it was "used in library" it only tells you when it was accepted by a person.

7 years ago

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once used they come in library,i.e they dont show in your inventory.... nd keys have a random code which cannot be seen by others while gifts can be checked on steam account; my steam account is public check in it^^
nd another thing... due to these scams only sgtools was has the option to let only those people participate who have activated all their won games...
i am not at all in favor of the scams or any cheats... nd i won 3 steamgifts today^^ (my karma are balancing now)
so.. after a day i will take back my ticket!

7 years ago

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once a key is used, it shows in library also.. it too can be checked on steam account.. i honestly just don't see the difference between the two as far as removing it or not. i get that the gift will disappear from inventory when the person accepts it, but accepting it doesn't mean they did what they were supposed to and actually applied it to their library also. gratz on karma for ya though. ^^

7 years ago

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BASICALLY- " you can check in both the cases gifts or keys by checking a person's gaming library"
yeah it doesnt make a difference
thinking to switch to steamtools nd make invite only GAs but then again... the games i will buy will be region locked to india nd very less indian steamgifts users and then even more less indian steamgifts users who check discussions
the only way for me to make public-nonregion restrict is by playing games on tremor and redeeming keys

7 years ago

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ahh okay, that makes sense. ^^

on top of tremor stuff, you could do any bundle sites also for regionfree keys. (humblebundle, bundlestars, indiegala, etc) ^^

7 years ago

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If you have to make region-restricted GA then just make sure you make it run long-enough that at-least 5 users enter it. At least 24 hrs not just 1hr like you did. And if you are creating invite only GA/whitelist/Group why not run for atleast a week. (5 entries rule doesn't apply for public GAs)

I understand the restrictions for buying games at your country. But still its far more better than in my country. At least some banks give you the options to buy steam wallets. There is also paytm or something like that.

What I usually do is ask my friends who are abroad to buy me giftcards or purchase bundles for me and pay them back through western Union or by cash when they are back in country.

What I have now started doing now is I found some freelancer with paypal account. I ask him to buy the games and pay him back in local currency. This way there is no issues with region-restricted GA.

7 years ago

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your karma is balancing? so you see this site as a place where you should receive equal value games won for equal value games given away?

Congrats on winning 5x more giveaways than I have! It would appear you are certainly getting your money's worth here... so why the complaints?

7 years ago

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WOW; never seen a profile like yours
a salute to you! ^^

7 years ago

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I see 2 winners have already activated their gifts/key. There won't be any help from anyone. You are just creating unnecessary ticket for a thing that can't be reconciled. Cancel the ticket.
The thing about gifts/keys you are trying to say, I can't understand at all.
If you are trying to say that we can see if the gifts are activated or not.. then yes we can see that but does it matter? They are already activated.

7 years ago

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There were some instances were some GA creators involved close circles of friends and they gave away games within themself, exploiting the system. It wasn't, giving away its was trading. Hence the rules.
First of all there isn't any valid reason to delete GA and you won't be granted it by support.

Thus presumably why region-restricted giveaways had a 5 entry minimum added to them. Past that, they are open giveaways, so no form of exploitative game trading was occurring. Even if the low giveaway duration may have been an intentional method to stack the odds favorably, that's not against site rules. Likewise, there's absolutely no helping if their region is so weakly represented on SG- and given how word-of-mouth can help bring people to a site like this, it's actually completely normal for friends to compose a large part of any region newly representing itself upon the site. Whether exploitation was intended or not, the rules aren't in any way against having your friends enter your publicly listed giveaways, regardless of if they are region-restricted or not.
Likewise, I've firmly been given the indication by staff that they'll agree to a deletion under any circumstance where both winner and GA creator agree to it. Unless you've staff indications to the contrary, you may be mistaken in your rather certain-seeming declaration. That said, pretty sure cg has to manually edit out deletions within multi-copy giveaways, so it may take some time to get such a deletion resolved.

Regardless, the winner always has the right to refuse a gift, and lacking any additional entrants, the OP can easily clear up the matter with having their friend put in a reroll request.

7 years ago*

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Not cool at all mate. Feel free to add me on your blacklist as well

7 years ago

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For NON public giveaway (which are: invite only, group(s) and whitelist restricted) you need at least 5 entries to gain CV.
I assume you're talking about 3 copies of Beautiful Japanese Scenery - Animated Jigsaws, where you got only 3 entries; you're missing two more entries to gain CV.

EDIT: ouch, shorter comments are faster to write, I see >_<

7 years ago

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was public giveaway

7 years ago

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Oh, sorry. I literally woke up 5 minutes ago. -_-
I got the "region restriction" message page but I didn't read and moved one with my hypotesis.

Mihey3Z gave you the right answer right above me.

7 years ago

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Locked to one country. Meaning people living in the other 194 countries in the world could not enter. Interesting definition of "public".

7 years ago

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when asked public or private - it was public......

7 years ago

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Kind of my fault for that as I keep forgetting about region restrictions and didn't add that option to the list :\

7 years ago

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I bought 3 walnuts with 11 space bucks. It gave me no CV as well :( Damn lying squirrels.

7 years ago

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difference is I bought games from actual money; nd lost it all .....
was so excited will be getting to lvl 3 in an hour... came online sent gifts nd no CV :(

7 years ago

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Guess what? You always lose money when you give away. That's the whole point of the site in the first place. If you can't afford to do so, don't. Easy as that.

7 years ago

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loosing money and investing money has a difference;
hope u know what i mean

7 years ago

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You invest money into something so that you can earn back. If that's your purpose here, I'm saddened.

7 years ago

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thats why u have donate/win ratio almost 0.5?

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

7 years ago

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How does my send/win ratio has anything to do with that?

7 years ago

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according to your "OWN" thoughts... u should give more nd take less; nd not vice-versa which is the thing that your profile is stating!

7 years ago

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According to my thoughts, you should give as much as you will and expect nothing back. If while giving you've got that mentality, then good. Yet as it seems you don't. The leveling up is merely there to somehow reward the givers. Plus, if I was interested in investing, as you seem to do, I'd have stopped giving away when I reached level 3 or 4 (which I suggest you to do, if you want to profit).

7 years ago

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i admit right now its greed that was driving me crazy;
but look my recent GAs... nd b4 that you will understand
i will still do giveaways after reaching lvl5 but it will be like once or twice a week...
read above comments u will understand the whole scenario

7 years ago

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You don't have to explain yourself and I am not here to judge even if you did while lacking critical information which may had changed your opinion.

The point I was simply trying to make is, do as you feel like doing. If that is giving away, then expect nothing back.

7 years ago

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your first 2 comments were a taunt to me; i simply did the same thing... wasnt meant to be offensive in anyway
u know the rest.... is there anyway to chat on steamgifts except at forums cause i know people will be getting disturbed by seeing this page whenever i write a comment

7 years ago

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Fortunately or not, there isn't one.

7 years ago

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Of course his purpose is to make cheap crap ga's with high CV so he can enter into more GA's and PROFITZ. This guy has no intention of giving anything away for the sake of charity.... he even stated in an earlier comment about how his 'karma is equaling out since he just won 3 more games'.

7 years ago*

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If you think getting to a higher level will yield you more wins, then no, it will not. Giveaways past level 5 are incredibly rare. Better chances with more wins are in the small groups, but they also require a heftier money investment to get in.

7 years ago

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I was amazed on how few lvl 5 giveaways there are. Not that i really mind it.

7 years ago

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3months ago i'd of agreed, but higher level GAs have been becoming more and more popular. particularly lvl 7 GAs lately. (past that is fairly pointless though)

7 years ago

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i am active on steamgifts... and really against bots.. and all the active discussion i see are generally lvl3++ so i just want to lvl up;
thats all.... lvl 5 is my current stop
anyways i made this mistake cause of my greed; so its alright now^^
i just lvled up to lvl2 yesterday and what i just saw---> winning chances increased like anything!
u know the feeling when u lvl up and realize u left 90% of people in last level... nd now u have better chances

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

7 years ago

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yeah now i know that... :( too late though

7 years ago

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Only buy games to giveaway for cv?

7 years ago

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the games i am interested in are like 3k inr... i have 500inr left.. had 600 but bought these games to GA....
was excited will become lvl3 in an hr..

7 years ago

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Don't get too excited. You'll reach there eventually.
Real cost for game that you giveaway doesn't always equal to same CV values.
There are various factors such as

  • Bundled/unbundled games. Unbundled games accounts to 15% base price of the game.
  • Copies of game given - Read "What are levels, and how can I increase my level?" on the link provided
  • No of entries in GA based on public, private/invited, group or whitelist.
  • Mass givaways on other sites. > If you happen to create GA for game that was recently given away, the GA will be deleted and no CVs.

If you want to increase your CV. Rather than buying games on steam look out for bundled games by indiegala, bundlestars, humblebundle etc.
Or you can check good deals that are running right now on SGTools deals

7 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

7 years ago

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That is if you take what he said at face value... which this being the internet and all is quite gullible of you to have done so.

7 years ago

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From what I can gather is that none of this matters, because he probably wouldn't have been lvl 3 for very long. Game's supposed to be marked for bundling. So honestly it doesn't matter. Also with the influx of humble monthly's getting to lvl 5 has to be easier than it was previously. So, either there needs to be a retooling of the lvls, or Humble monthly's become a special class of bundled.

7 years ago

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the humble monthly early unlocks are giving full CV unless I misunderstood.

7 years ago

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My point is for 12 dollars you can get 100 of dollars in CV, getting to lvl 5 on SG is like twenty-four dollars maybe thirty-six dollars if it's a particularly bad month. I'm saying that it's far too easy to get to lvl 5 that doesn't have you breaking the bank.

7 years ago

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the same could be said about any level using that logic - so I am not entirely sure what your objection was to what I said in my post about taking someones word at face value about who they are in real life is gullible. That really doesn't have much to do with CV or levels ;)

7 years ago

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My original point was this even if he is india, and the whole goal was to reach lvl 3 quickly he fails at it because even if he's lvl 3 now the game is marked to be put on the bundle list because of regional pricing.So he honestly could be telling the truth, I mean it seems an odd thing to lie about. The guy openly admits to wanting to lvl up with cheap games so he can enter for better things. But given how things are going right now that logic is faulty because it's incredibly easy to get to lvl 5 so if the idea is to win more games, it's not happening because there will be an increase in lvl 5 entrants due to more lvl 5s. So I'm also saying that his attempts to be lvl 5 for potential profitz is silly.

7 years ago

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some times humble bundle tier 1 for $1 is still dirt cheap to create GA while pumping enough CV for your account. for example, current intergalactic bundle tier 1, sins of solar empire and galciv 2 can give you 20 point/each

7 years ago

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When you say "20", you mean "20 * 0.15" = 3.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

7 years ago

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How does one even get that game? Not even GMG has a preorder price.

7 years ago*

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The winner will wait to mark it until it's delivered after release.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

7 years ago

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I made the experience that release is not necessarily release, but my question was more about the method to, uh, buy or otherwise acquire it.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

7 years ago

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Hm. A company registered to a Hong Kong address that also houses about thirty more companies. Either that is the most spacious office building in the world (not so much according to street view) or it is another tax-evading company from Eastern Europe that will send you a scanned/photographed key code from a DVD box that was "found lying on the street".

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

7 years ago

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Hahaha owned by Tempy. :C

View attached image.
7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

7 years ago

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No, but I know how to edit the actual ticket itself :X

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

7 years ago

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How did you not know how to do it? -_-
Peasant status: rising steadily.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

7 years ago

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You don't need to know, just type it directly into the console

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

7 years ago

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The console is in another castle.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 years ago.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

7 years ago

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As others have mentioned, the rule in question is that you need at at least 5 entries to get CV unless the giveaway is public and has no region restriction (the region restriction part is easy to miss). Sorry you had to learn the hard way. At least you didn't spend too much money (but, as someone who grew up in the 3rd World too, I understand that it's more for you than for those who earn dollars).

The moral of the story is that if you're making a region-restricted giveaway then you should let it run for a few hours at least, so that there's time for enough people to enter.

7 years ago

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Confirm, no reason to panic at all.) or...

View attached image.
View attached image.
7 years ago

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You have multiple GAs with the same winner often region locked with under 10 entries. You probably shouldn't attract to much attention with that stats, because it LOOKS like you try to cheat the system.
Stating that one is "a friend from steam that don't mind if you delete it" doesn't make it better.

7 years ago

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1hr GA ran; 3 entries only... even if i were running the GA for a week not more than 25 entries.... only few people actively do GAs so thats why repetitive winner nd the giveaways were always public(except 1 time)... yeah i asked the friend who won the GA; not everyone is greedy!
nd if i was trying to cheat the system then probably the winners will regift it? in that case why am i causing a world wide attention to them and myself?
in case of regifting i would anyways get my gift back which isnt the case so... U R TOTALLY WRONG!

7 years ago

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That's a different exploit.

The exploit in question works as follows:
Friend 1 wants Game A.
Friend 2 wants Game A.
Both friends get the game in a bundle. Instead of activating the games, they put it up for CV, and get each other's copies through the site.
With 5 friends involved, they can all ensure they get a copy (as the other friends just reroll on grounds of having already won a copy).

While region-restricted giveaways are less easily exploitable, putting up short-duration ones could be seen as trying to improve odds of your friends winning. It may not qualify as breaking site rules, and normally wouldn't be an issue with public giveaways- but with such a low entrant pool, it does come across in the same dubious way that 'game trading' groups do, and is likely to get you comments like the one above.

So, for the sake of minimum entries and community appearance both, it may be worthwhile for you to consider doing multi-day giveaways, instead. That said, not everyone is going to make assumptions about you- though phrasing like 'u r totally wrong' really does encourage less positive assumptions, so maybe avoid that- so if you know you're being honest, then don't feel you need to yield for the sake of others' misconceptions. Of course, it would be to your benefit to acknowledge the perceptions of others, and doing so would really only put a demand on your patience, so there's really little downside to it.

in that case why am i causing a world wide attention to them and myself?

I take it you're not familiar enough with the forums to realize just how often that happens, here. :P

View attached image.
7 years ago

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i have never won a game that i have given away
nd attention? seriously? i thought someone might tell me what to do in this situation; thats why i posted!
nd many people did do help me by telling the restriction rule!
attention for what being blacklisted? had previously been bl by only 1 person... now by 18
this comment will probably bring more bl though

7 years ago

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I mean I don't get CV for games like Dishonored 2, GTAV etc and don't care... if a winner gets a game that's all that matters... just make another giveaway and get 5 entries if you want to level so badly!

7 years ago

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that's the spirit! that's actually a beautiful way of thinking ^-^
CV is nice and all, but it's a by-product of gifting a game to a stranger and hopefulyl making his day. What's important is that someone out there now got a new game that he'll probably enjoy more than you'd have enjoyed it, if it's bundle leftovers for example.

7 years ago

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In my opinion, aslong as they enjoy the game, I'm fine, the CV is just a very nice bonus.

7 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by satyam001.