I'd use the power of time. Silently watch them as they wither away from the ravages of time.
That's the beauty of it: it's the perfect crime, I could leave the evidence out and nobody would suspect me
I would never confess
I could live with myself
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Killing's easy - getting away with murder ain't as much. The best option, to me, would be poisoning with a nicotine OD, caffeine OD, or something else readily available / easily synthesised in lethal quantities / somewhat innocuous looking in tox. reports. Advantages would be not having to be in the vicinity when death occurs, less chance of investigation into foul play, no worry about cleanup, and it can be done in a public place if planned properly. All this, of course, would not be done if the target was someone close / known - it's far too easy to trace back to you, and always requires an alibi, which is usually where people fail and get caught - when they seek corroboration on your story (which requires a friend or two to lie, which they might suck at / not be willing to do without all the details, which when told, can make them nervous). Hence, if it was someone know to you, you need to get in touch with some shady people (a risk in and of itself) that are prepared to drop some stuff into someone's drink / food that have 0 affinity with the target, and have enough brain power to think on their feet / potentially talk to the target / gain trust / get in and out quick, for cash.
Better yet, don't kill people. From what I know from people I've met who have killed (for various reasons including military service in varying branches), it grates on the soul, regardless of your motivation / sense of being in the right, and eventually can often break a man down mentally. Aside from that, shit's just wrong, unless you yourself are under mortal threat. In which case, you'd better have a good way of dealing with shit (so a van, 2 friends you can trust fully, and a lot of nature within a 70-or-so mile radius, preferably a very deep lake) after the easiest part's done - the killing itself. Which, again, I recommend you avoid.
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And I must ask OP - why this sudden morbid line of questions? What made you think of this / think of posting this here?
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There's a lot of ways to kill someone. The best method in any case depends, as usual, on the circumstances.
If the subject is in or near a rural, suburbian area, the best choice would be to stalk them, garrote them at close range, and then deal with the body as follows:
Saw body into small parts. Put body in biodegradable plastic bag. Smash plastic bag with hammer until most of the bones are no longer identifiable as human. Fill bag with yogurt culture and bury somewhere deep. If the area is rural enough, you may hunt an animal and place it on top of the body before burying that to distract any police who dig it up.
Urban areas are trickier. Often there'll be a witness if you're doing this in public, so the general strategy is to do a hit and run, or let the assassination method also carry out the body disposal. For this reason, car bombs and incindiary devices (often rigged to the car's axle or the like) are incredibly useful. Car bombs are pretty simple to make if you've ever taken an elementary chemistry class and aren't a retard.
If you'd prefer not to have potential collateral damage (because you're a moral killer, and professionals have standards) then you may either opt for the close technique wherein you stab and run a la Caesar, or where you get close, shoot them and run, or you can be fancy and use the ricin pellet umbrella, but that's a little trite now.
It is exactly as easy as it sounds. Walk up to target in crowded area. Stab multiple times. Flee, change clothes, wrap knife in old clothes and set fire to it in a dumpster. If using a gun, you may either steal one or build a 9mm handgun with a 1/4 inch steel pipe, and end fitting, and a nail. Disposal of this is even easier because said gun will become scrap fittings and trash after disassembled.
If you want to be really really fancy and do the whole suit and rifle thing, please note that this hardly ever actually works and most of the time you get caught running out of the building with a freaking hunting rifle behind your back. However, if you'd like to try it, it's still possible. Get a messenger bag, briefcase, or some other nondescript, inconspicous container. Disassemble rifle. Most rifle barrels will not fit into a briefcase, which means that you'll actually have to use a carbine length barrel, which makes the sniping worse. Bring parts into the building one by one, and hide them above the ceiling tiles of the uppermost floor's bathroom. It is assumed that this building gives you a clear view of the target's place of work or residence. You now need a way to the roof - a small crowbar concealed in the briefcase may do the job. An alibi is incredibly useful - acting a little sick and telling someone in the middle of a meeting you're going to the restroom is good. You're not even lying either because you are going to the restroom. Assemble all the parts, get to the roof, aim, accounting of course for bullet drop, windage, the carbine length barrel, the angle of elevation, and don't forget your skinny trianges. Fire. Take the rifle, disassemble, store back above the bathroom, and go back to work. Act surprised when you find out someone's been shot.
At this point they'll do the ballistics testing, figure out that the bullet came from your building, and learn of the caliber of the rifle. You're probably screwed at this point if your gun is registered to you, which is why you have to steal one. Any police rifle in 308 will be fine, preferably with ball ammunition instead of JHP due to the fact that you'll be shooting through glass. Getting the police rifle is your problem.
Enjoy your NSA raid, you edgy 13 year old kid.
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How would you kill them (were, when, with what)
Using my Death Note (anywhere, anytime, heart attack)How would you get rid of the evidence?(so the fuzz cant get no damn clues)
Evidence? What evidence? >:)If you got away would you ever confess
Never!Would you be able to live with your self?
Why not?
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So say if one were to want to kill someone. (hypothetically) Just any one. Not even someone you know say its joe blow in the brown suit that dances on the side walk.
How would you kill them (were, when, with what)
How would you get rid of the evidence?(so the fuzz cant get no damn clues)
If you got away would you ever confess
Would you be able to live with your self?
This is all hypothetical for fun not planning to kill anyone like really not don't get that idea you sicko. (that's a nice knife)
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