Nothing more to say. Nirvana was my favourite band for like 15 years and now a pseudo musician ruins one of my favourites songs of Nirvana.

I'm not proud of being spanish for things like this. I want to do the same as Kurt Cobain and blow my head up.

1 decade ago*

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Europe > Nirvana.

1 decade ago

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As long as there are great songs there will be awful covers of them. Saying "here, this one is worse" when someone posts one is pointless.

Which is "worse" is all relative anyhow. It's personal opinion. I'm sure there are people out there who actually like them.

1 decade ago

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Interesting story you've got there.

1 decade ago

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Why? It's true.

Is that just your generic sarcastic answer for lack of anything better to say or...?

1 decade ago

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You're mad, and this has me wondering why, brother.

1 decade ago

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Not mad at all, just wondering what they meant by their response.

I'm not a "brother" either. It amuses the hell out of me how so many people on the internet automatically assume everyone else is a guy...

1 decade ago

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This is not a cover. It's a try of making a new song just translating the lyrics from english to spanish and adding some words.

1 decade ago

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cover song
a recording of a song that was first recorded or made popular by somebody else; "they made a cover of a Beatles' song"

Covers don't have to be in their native language and they don't have to sound just like the original (I actually prefer for covers to be a bit different, otherwise they seem pointless).

You just said "this is not a cover" and then went on to describe something that very definitely falls under the definition of a cover song.

1 decade ago

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nothing... NOTHING can be worse than this

1 decade ago

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In your opinion. I'm sure there are people who like that and I'm sure plenty of people think there are songs that are much worse.

That's why I hate the terms "best" and "worst" when applied to things like music (or movies, books, games, TV, anything regarding personal taste). It's completely subjective and relative, a personal opinion. Something you don't like, other people will like. Aside from personal views on such things, there's no such thing as universal "best" or "worst".

To a lot of people there are plenty of things worse than that.

1 decade ago

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Nice speech, you really made your opinion.

But when I said "NOTHING can be worse than this" I wrote it to be something ironic. But stuffs like music, movies and books can change a person's mind to something bad or good, and in my opinion that music is... degrading. It's because you can't understand the lyric and I can't translate it here because it's something really... dirty... *sigh
And musics like that really spoils the band/artist's name.

So my opinion is a lot of people likes musics, movies or books just because they are popular and that makes them alienated to the fashion and that's not good when the fashion is something like that.

But as I said before I really liked your speech, you doesn't seem to be a prejudiced person.

1 decade ago

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I think I see your point but it's very odd and slightly prejudiced sounding (to me at least) for you to say that having something translated into another language makes it "dirty" to you because you can't understand it, or that it spoils the artist's name.

I think it's really interesting. Personally I love hearing covers of songs I like because it's interesting to hear a different take on them (plus I love when they're very different, because in my opinion if it's done too closely to the original, it's pointless to cover it at all). I don't think a song needs to be in a language I understand for it to be interesting or good either. I have lots of songs on my iPod, original songs and cover songs, in languages I don't understand but I still find them very interesting and good to listen to. I think covering a song in another language adds to the interest. People shouldn't have to cover a song in English just because it was originally written in English. I love when artists cover songs and make them their own in any way they please, including singing them in an entirely different language.

A lot of things, songs and books for example, were originally done in foreign languages (foreign to English speaking people, that is) and later went on to be translated into English in some way and ended up being extremely popular and well known in their translated form. Sometimes translating things into another language ends up making them more successful and better known.

I agree that a lot of people like things because they're popular and that might limit their knowledge or range of opinions on things such as this. I definitely don't dislike things because they're popular, and I do like some of the newer, popular, top 40 type music, but for the most part it's not my thing. I'm the type who literally listens to any type of music under the sun, mostly lesser known/less popular genres (post-punk, new wave, gothic rock, shoegaze, indie rock/pop/folk, 80s/90s alternative rock, whatever) so maybe enjoying such a wide variety of music makes me more open minded to things such as songs being covered differently. I don't know.

Long story short, my point is I don't quite agree with you on your stance regarding songs being covered in different languages, but I respect your opinion and everything.

Hopefully none of this came off as too rude or anything.

1 decade ago

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I'm not saying songs covered in different languages makes it "dirty" to me. What I said was you don't understand how degrading is that lyric (especifically that lyric from the video I've posted) because you don't know what he said. If you hear what that guy (from the video) says, you'd understand what is my point.

I don't know if I can do this here, but here we go: In the most "innocent" part of the lyric he says how awesome he is when he f***s a girl who has a husband, as I said: This is the most "innocent" part of the lyric. So when I said "dirty" I meant almost a porn lyric.

Well, when you cover a song from Nirvana to what that guy said, don't you think he spoiled the artist's name?

1 decade ago

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Don't feed the troll.

1 decade ago

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Having an opinion makes me a troll?

Haha you're funny.

1 decade ago

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Thanks. I know that I'm funny.

1 decade ago

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I don't think it's soiling the artist's name per se, I think they're just being creative and making the song their own in a way. I don't always like what people do with songs when they cover them, but I respect that they're being bold and taking that creative license.

1 decade ago

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Didn't Miley Cyrus cover Smells Like Teen Spirit live once? I think so...

Anyhow, you're being extremely melodramatic. You don't actually want to shoot yourself due to a shitty cover of a song you love. The song isn't ruined either. The cover sucks, so don't listen to it and continue to enjoy the original.

1 decade ago

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This. Also, the portfolio of Kurt Cobain's music is now pretty much controlled by music label executives, who look to exploit these properties in any manner possible.

1 decade ago

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that's actually Courtney's job... :-/

1 decade ago

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^This. It's not the end of the world. Avoid listening to this... this thing and move along.

1 decade ago

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Wow. That's just...

1 decade ago

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It sounds so weird. Like it doesn't know what genre it wants to be.

1 decade ago

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It's trying to be 'rumba', or how they call it here in Spanish, 'rumba rock'.

1 decade ago

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rumba la rica rumba (!?)

1 decade ago

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Oléeeeee, vamonos a ver los toros y luego a bailar rumba. (?)

1 decade ago

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No, soy argentino.

1 decade ago

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Don't like it but its a cover so ehh whatever.

I don't think he would care to much but I cant say for sure...

1 decade ago

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He's death, of course he don't give a shit. xD But I do, because Nirvana was my favourite band as I said. I don't want to see this kind of covers of one of my favourites bands. T^T

1 decade ago

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I also like Nirvana a lot, and yeah I know he is dead...which is why I said I don't think he would care much if someone shitty covered his song but obviously cant say for sure...since he is....dead. Especially since its this song...actually he hated the whole album and I agree with him, its the weakest of the bunch.


1 decade ago

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Kurt knew how to "ruin" a song as well.
Bowie is still alive 20 years after that, though. This clearly proves that funny clothes are good for your health.

1 decade ago

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David Bowie is immortal.

1 decade ago

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Of course he is. He is the Goblin King.

1 decade ago

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David Bowie is the Chuck Norris of music.

1 decade ago

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Except Chuck Norris is a homophobic, bigoted prick and David Bowie is just awesome.

1 decade ago

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Here's something to cheer you up

Saw them live in sweden a few years ago, blew me away and made me buy a ukulele :D

1 decade ago

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Awesome! At least this is a cover and not a try of making a new song only translating an original song to spanish.

1 decade ago

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Making a new version of a song is what a cover is.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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:oh god why:

1 decade ago

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No you don't, don't be silly. Oh wait no giveaways created by you, yes you do, yes you do.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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*The fuck.

I'm simply trying to push you that little bit further so you actually go through with it.

1 decade ago

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Que bien, eh?

1 decade ago

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No hay de qué ^^

1 decade ago

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Not all of it is bad man... Check it out. Or... perhaps chellos aren't your thing? Maybe you're one of those people who loves dubstep?

I think the one thing we can all agree on regardless of personal genre preferences is that Nirvana is worth paying homage to.

1 decade ago

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listen of wierd alyankovic(smells like teen spirit)

1 decade ago

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Or Richard Cheese ;)

This one is for the ladies...

1 decade ago

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This song is TOO epic xD lmao

1 decade ago

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: |

1 decade ago

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THIS is a nice parody of this song by epic Al Yankovic

To any other rock=>pop covers... burn it with fire, now.

1 decade ago

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I Don't want to live on this planet anymore. :(

1 decade ago

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Unless it takes off and becomes popular I don't really think you'll be forced to listen to it.

1 decade ago

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Who cares? It's not like there weren't any good covers out there.

1 decade ago

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Wow... I'd never heard their cover... that is surprisingly faithful to the original... like... frightfully similar.

1 decade ago

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Like I thought it was a lip-syncing of the original.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Vain92.