After rewatching some old movies this weekend I would like to ask: What is your favorite old movie? (1940's-2000) lets say.

One of my favorite movies growing up and that I rewatched was Stand By Me, with River Phoenix when he was a child. That movie is so real and brings out your emotions and keeps you gripped with happiness and sadness, and its just a roller coaster, but really holds a meaning to it. Another one of my favorites is The Naked Gun, a comedic detective spy movie that's always held a place in my heart. So the question stands, what is YOUR favorite old movie?

4 years ago

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I watched this last week and it's pretty nice.

I also watched Ben-Hur (1959) long time ago, don't really rembmer the detail anymore, but I would recommend it.

4 years ago

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Batman (1989) Batman Returns (1992)
Murder by Death (1976)
Back to the Future Trilogy (1985, 1989, 1991)
(Almost any Jackie Chan movie, but especially): Drunken Master 1, 2 (1978, 1994) Who Am I (1998), Gorgeous (1999)
Men in Black (1997)
Mortal Kombat (1995)
The Mummy (1999)
Torrente (1998)

There are more but these came to mind first.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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The Mummy - The Mummy Returns

4 years ago

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4 years ago*

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damn where do I begin :D
I always recommend the thing with russel crowe, dude, there is no better movie for anxiety, you can feel the paranoia seeping from the screen, it's glorious

the godfather is always up there, due to the sheer fact that it will always stand the test of time

back to the future is another that I enjoy

I"m into old movies and movies in general, I bought a "500 movies you gotta see" kind of book, so I wanna watch those old essential ones that I haven't seen yet

4 years ago

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Spaceballs, Airplane, and the Police Academy movies.

Especially Spaceballs. Mel Brooks, Rick Moranis, and John Candy in one movie? Can't beat that. It even had an appearance by Michael Winslow, the "sound effects guy".

4 years ago

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The Hustler
The Goonies
The Blues Brothers
The Terminator 1 & 2
The Matrix (according to the OP, that's now old)
Rollerball (the 1975 original, not the 2002 shitshow)
Bad Taste

4 years ago

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To avoid redundancy and plagiarizing myself from another thread... CLICKY! But only if you're morbidly curious. 😛

4 years ago

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Hard to choose just one... A short list for me can be the next:
Rebecca (1940)
High Noon (1952)
Vertigo (1958)
Some like it hot (1959)
Yojimbo (1961)
The good, the bad and the ugly (1966)
The Gooodfather (1972)
Young Frankenstein (1974)
Taxi driver (1976)
Unforgiven (1992)
Lost Highway (1997)
Memento (2000)

And out of category, the Alfred Korda's The four feathers (1939)

4 years ago

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The Great Escape (1963)
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964)
2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
Slaughterhouse-Five (1972)
Blazing Saddles (1974)
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)
Alien (1979)
Apocalypse Now (1979)
Monty Python's Life of Brian (1979)
Airplane! 1980)
The Blues Brothers (1980)
Caddyshack (1980)
Blade Runner 1982)
Léon: The Professional (1994)
Jackie Brown (1997)

There are more I just can't think of them currently.

4 years ago

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The Goonies is one of mine - not least because I have actually done the truffle shuffle outside the house they filmed it at :P (yes I was that sad) - but also because I was younger when I saw it on a screen located in a large old playhouse/cinema, the screen size of which dwarfed what we laughingly call a cinema screen these days :)

4 years ago

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1974 Blazing Saddles
1981 Scanners
1981 Time Bandits
1981 The Cannonball Run - Dom Deluise
1984 The Last Starfighter
1984-85 The Tripods - British mini series 100 years after an alien invasion of earth
1985 Legend - Early Tom Cruise film
1986 Flight of the Navigator
1986 Clan of the Cave Bear
1987 The Lost Boys - 80s Vampire movie. Back before they were "sparkly"
1987 Real Men - Fun comedy involving aliens, conspiracy, and a simple guy just trying to live a normal life
1988 Willow - Val Kilmer
1989 The Burbs - Tom Hanks
1990 Loose Cannons - Dan Aykroyd
1990 Flashback
1991 Hudson Hawk - Early film in Bruce Willis' career
1995 Johnny Mnemonic - Keanu Reeves
1995 Harrison Bergeron - Future society, where everyone is implanted with a device to keep them "simple"

Animated films
1982 The Last Unicorn
1981 The Fantastic Adventures of Unico
1978 Lord of the Rings
1977 The Hobbit - still like to rewatch it more than the recent version

Animated Series
David the Gnome - Spanish anime from the early 90's that's great for kids, and involves European mythology.

No doubt there's more to add, but that's what I came up with, in 15 minutes or so.

4 years ago

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So.. You (tentatively) looking forward to the Flight of the Navigator Remake and The Last Starfighter Remake/Sequel, as well? ^.^

Two of the top things on my own radar. :)
Hoping it'll not only improve on the earlier films (which were admittedly a bit shallow in places, despite their great concepts), but also (positively) introduce the IPs to a new crowd. ^.^

Willow was painfully cheesy, but a rare fantasy gem of the era, and probably one of Val Kilmer's best performances [in the sense of really solidly portraying a distinctive character concept]. Last Unicorn is in a similar place, also being a bit hard to watch with modern perspectives, but definitely having a solid legacy and also fulfilling a then-rare entry into that same general style of fantasy. Both are definitely recommendable to fantasy fans who don't mind cheese.

The Rankin-Bass Hobbit was, in many ways, a masterpiece, and far surpasses the later LoTR films, nevermind the rather lacking Hobbit films. Well, it feels cheesy (that's kinda an issue with any old film, really) and rushed to modern perceptions, but the artwork, setting, music, and plot progression are all top-tier, and thereby stand the test of time. Sadly the live-action films- which already have issues with appeal due to their dubiously draggy, action and CGI-focused, character-neglecting story presentation- stripped out a lot of the highlights of the animated film, which makes the animated film just that much better by comparison.

Rankin-Bass's Return of the King is rather good as well, but even more cheesy and- as I now only vaugely recall- perhaps also less polished [ie, falling short on detailing within the artwork, steadiness of pacing, engaging presentation of plot highlights*, etc]. Totally worth it just for this scene, of course. Bright side, you can now watch the two live action films in-between Hobbit and RotK, instead of simply having to jump directly from Hobbit to RotK. After all, the alternative is watching Ralph Bakshi Lord of the Rings (which also fills that two movie gap), but that's not.. something I'd at all recommend. :X

* Though RoTK always struck me as a rather less rich novel than The Hobbit, so a lot of the difference in how engaging the story presentation was may just be due to the difference in source material.

4 years ago*

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Wierd Science one of the best 80`s movies ever! 💔😂💔

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4 years ago*

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4 years ago

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Rashômon (1950)

4 years ago

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Probably my most favorite one is Alien (1979).
I rewatch it almost every year.

4 years ago

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My favorite movie of all time.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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So many good movies to pick from, that time range is so wide.
At the beginning of your indicated time period really had something outstanding:
Casablanca (1942)

4 years ago

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Gotta cast my vote for the Marx Brothers. Especially Duck Soup

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Not in your specified bracket, but I love The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari. It's a silent film from 1920 (that was 100 years ago!) and it's really quite something.

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4 years ago

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4 years ago

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First thing that came to mind was 2001: A Space Odyssey simply because I have yet to find any other movie that makes me feel the same thing as that film, but it honestly feels disingenuous to pick that one cos I've only watched it in its entirety once.
Actually, every movie that comes to mind I have some sort of objection, maybe I don't have a favorite movie after all.

4 years ago

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From old movies I cannot praise enough Casablanca. What a masterpiece, don't remember to see such fluid movie where you just cannot get bored. 12 Angry Man would be next to it and still need to watch the remake of it.

4 years ago

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My favorite horror movie ever is The Exorcist

4 years ago

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Jurassic Park

4 years ago

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Big Trouble in Little China. Absolutely cheesy, but I loved it.

4 years ago

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