Would it be possible to perhaps implement a restriction on giving away AAA titles to those who haven't either A. gifted at least 1$ in games or B. made at least 100 (maybe 50, just some number to show they understand how this site works) comments? It would stop so many of these giveaways dead in their tracks as 90% of the 'givers' are either A. new users, B. have no contributor value or C. have no comments.

1 dollar is easy to give away, especially if you're truly about to give away a 60$ game. I don't see such a rule deterring people from giving the game away because they have to had given away a dollar to someone to prove it's not a fake.

Likewise, 100/50/x number of comments is easily done, and in doing so you'll likely understand how this site works.

It wouldn't stop everyone, but it'd surely stop a noticeable amount. I don't know how difficult it would be to 'grey out' titles above a certain amount of money to new users, but surely it wouldn't be that difficult. D:

It would only of course restrict new users solely from AAA titles, or if it goes that way, games over a certain cost on steam. They could still make giveaways for whatever they'd like, but..it seems that so many people seem to fall for the 'thx for farcry 3' giveaways.

12 years ago*

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I've seen legit AAA giveaways from people who just registered.

12 years ago

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I don't consider fake giveaways such a big issue. It is, although when someone is trying to promote himself by doing so, but as a general rule it's something not that importan in my opinon.

Moreover you can make fake giveaways of any game whatsoever, not neccessarily AAA titles.

12 years ago

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I don't comment on shit--why would this be considered an acceptable metric for reliability? There's guys on /b/ who have written thousands and thousands of posts, does that suddenly make them trustworthy? Perhaps you'd like to import folks' Reddit like karma as well, just for good measure? I know, let's have folks get bloodtyped, because we all know O+ and AB- are the most trustworthy folks!

Bad ideas are bad, yo.

12 years ago

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just do something much easier and make a all red big letter thing show that makes it extremely clear they are giving the game away. make it so it shows when they press the button to create the giveaway and do it in more than one language. ive noticed most of the time this happens it is people that come from non English speaking countries. make it so they have to press ok or something to aknowledge the message
if it still happens then just ban them if they obviously ignored the warning

i would rather see this than more rules being imposed on everyone

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by Leires.