Pretty simple, they want to crush Steam. Greedy bastards.
I much prefer having all my games on ONE platform thanks. It's too much hassle installing everything separately, starting up and logging into every client. Uplay coming up with Steam games is a pain in the arse too.
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Tages was used by Ubi at a time when it was very much normal in the industry to use Tages, SecureROM or other some sort nonsense. At least Ubi was fairly easy to get extra activations of when they used it, unlike most other studios.
Studios decide themselves where they want to order their products, not like there's not several non-Steam DRM or DRM-lite options in use alongside or combined with Steam. Competition is always good for consumers at that. Unless you want prices to rise without reason explosively of course..
Extra layers of DRM aren't in use on uPLAY, Steam versions use SecureROM/TAGES and 3rd party DRM for games when Ubi and others have long since not used them.
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What's next? uPlay and Origin get merged into one client?
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That actually sounds pretty probable..
And they'd be like "Hey indie developers, if you release your games through our service, we will give you sweet bonuses!"
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Proof that nobody cares enough to read the news rather about topics they claim to care so much about.
It's like telling somebody they should go to Africa to learn about ebola because they don't watch/read the news and blaming them for not having been there when they ask..
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I seriously dont understand what is going on with you guys. What is the difference in having Steam open the Uplay/Origin client to launch a game, or making a shortcut in steam that you click that opens the clients? Are you really so horny on having a game in your libraray for some reason, that you forget about the game itself?
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that's beside the point. they (EA and Ubi) want to stop Steam from taking a cut from their games. and they won't until they have a good replacement...
Hell, maybe steam will be cheaper due to the competition. i welcome it (Have both Uplay, Origin and Steam - and use all three)
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I want all my games in one place. If the game not on steam and i want to play it i play it anyway, but not paying for it.
And other thing is that i can't choose. I either can play through steam using uplay or using uplay/origin only. I want to choose whether to play the games on origin, uplay or steam.
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I dont get your point. Why do you illegally download games when they are not on steam? They are not in your "one place" then, aswell? Also, try out the "Add a game->foreign game" feature in your library, you can "put the uplay games in your steam" then, too.
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'try-before-you-buy' is the only reason I'd consider a good reason to pirate games. Studios don't see the need for realistic game-potrayal in demos, if there even is one.
There's always people who'll buy trashy games but at least they won't be scammed into buying them (Aliens: CM, anybody?). Let's Plays are very limited and not relevant as a demo which leaves playing an actual level or two from the real game as a demo.
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like you, im also looking forward these clients to have in my pc:
i think to be really fair to all the developers, each developer should have their own client so as not to let that greedy valve eat all the 30% profit. EA and Uplay showed that when developers each have their own clients without 30% cut to valve, they can give better prices than valve.... NOT
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Ok, BUT if I really appreciate a game, for example "The Crew", then I have 3 options:
So, I think it is good to have these options. It makes the whole life more "Pay-what-you-want" AND you can decide how to split the cake. I mean, ok, you need to have the dev's games on steam, too, for this one, but there is nothing that speaks against having them have their own portal.
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Of course option 3. And this option will help other developers, because i will spend money buying their products instead of buying ubisoft products.
I buy my games on steam, i even pay a full price sometimes, it's not a problem for me to buy a game if i like it, but i don't want to waste my money on origin/uplay games anymore. Not even a cent. Blood dragon was the last game i bought from ubi.
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lots of ppl have the logic "big company, good graphics = deserve to buy", and then they pirate indie games like BOI Rebirth, Super Meat Boy, etc. because by their logic this means "indie = bad graphics = not deserves to buy" even if they will spend a lot more time and enjoy more these indie games.
In reality indie devs are more harmed by piracy than any money grabbing companies like EA, Activision, Ubisoft.
Others like some of ppl I know are PC gamers, but have a console too, they only buy games for consoles from 50-70€ each game, and for PC mostly only buy multiplayer games on good sale, and pirate all others, their logic is "Well it's PC I can get it for free without problems", and even for bundles like the Humble WB Bundle, when I told one of them "You have Batman, Fear series and more for just 1$, and for BTA even more", he just said "well I don't have money now, but why would I get it if I can just get for free all these games?". So these ppl instead of spending 50-70€ per console games having a gaming PC too, they could just buy tons of games including these they buy for consoles but are on PC too, even for the price of one 60€ game.
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I wouldn't make a general statement about that. So many super crappy indie games do crowdfunding, then go early access and then still try to milk the game through DLC and transactions, or just never bother to finish it, but keep the money. Indie is also just another excuse for making games that suck in presentation quality while not necessarily delivering any content or innovation.
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That "news" was from February 2013... so yeah, that really didn't change much since almost no one noticed. :P
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Shows how much people care about those 2 storefronts if no one noticed this had happened over a year ago.
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4 - Steam
If ever they stop releasing their games on Steam then I simply stop playing them. There's no lack of other games to play anyway so they will not be missed.
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In a perfect world that would be pretty good if Origin and Uplay get merged together -- Steam might finally get a strong competitor and healthy competition is always good for market. But, I'm afraid we live not in a perfect world, so instead EA and Ubi most likely will force prices up using exclusives.
So I'd pick option number 3.
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Well, I for one like not having a fully centralized market, it does however sound stupid to pull one competitor just to post another.
They might just realize they don't have enough product to justify a platform, and swapping doesn't solve that.
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Well Ubisoft has been going down the toilet in recent years so I'm not surprised at all (actually kinda saw it coming) that they'd be getting into bed with EA.
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I am a Pirate's bay kinda guy ...those guys are reasonable :p
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Anyone notice that the current situation in the gaming industry is like the Warhammer 40k Universe?
You've got Steam which is essentially the Imperium of Man where we all worship a being as a God Emperor (Gaben). It's the Client we all believe we should know and love; and to not love it is considered HERESY! Despite the fact it had flaws, a rough start and that it appears to have fallen into a state of decay (a lot of people are not happy with the direction Valve is taking with Steam) we hold onto it as our only hope since we could arguably do a lot worse.
Which brings me on to the next point, The Forces of Chaos. The Ruinous powers. Your Ubisoft and EA pretty much with their Uplay and Origin. Also can kind of include Activision in this. They offer shinny titles and try to undermine Steam at every turn with their tempting AAA games full of shine. But if you sell your soul to them you find there lies a bug riddled mess. While it may look pretty the gameplay is often shallow and repetitive and you never quite get complete satisfaction from them. Before you know it you seem to be shelling out $60 for an incomplete game each year and a further $60 of DLC. Constantly repeating a cycle for a game you thought looked good but once you play it, it appears to be a linear experience offering very little in terms of gameplay. These are as such the ways of daemons, to lie and mislead us!
Now you got Indie Developers, the Orkz. They can be a lot of fun and can be a good cheap laugh, but left unregulated they can mess everything up. Think your average Kickstarter/Early Access with good reputation. Not to be confused with the next group.
The Shovelware Developers. These guys are your Tyrannids and their only purpose is to make a buck by sucking your wallet dry. Essentially your typical Steam Greenlight Game (yes I know there are good titles but unfortunately there are far too many terrible ones). They copy/steal an idea and reproduce it cheaply to cash in on the current trend while producing a minimal viable product.
Next you got GOG which are essentially the Tau (i.e Weeaboo Communists) who offer something refreshing; DRM free games, fair regional pricing, refunds and games you actually want to buy which will often or not work on any system. They are you up and comers but since they rarely can sell those big AAA titles people turn their nose up at them.
Then you have the Eldar played by Nintendo. They seem to be either arrogant towards the current games market or ignorant of it. Either way they want to stick to their old stubborn ways and appear to be dying off (but never really fully for some reason). While they do have some good stuff people seem embarrassed to admit it.
The Dark Eldar seem to be Sony in this situation. People kind of like them and they are like that person that has those weird fetishes, willing to experiment. For that people consider them cool even if a lot of time it doesn't pay off and confuse the hell out of people why they would even consider attempting that in the first place. While in trouble overall financial they seem to be surviving from sucking the life out of Playstation.
Then you get to Microsoft who for all intended purposes are those damned Necrons! They come and screw you over, they don't die no matter how many loses they take, they just don't care! Seriously Microsoft just won't die! They seem to mess up consistently but no matter how many kicks in the teeth they get they just will not die! They do whatever they want and there really is no stopping them, so they never really care! Even their Games for Windows Live isn't really dead yet!
In the Grim Darkness of the 21st Century, there is only DRM!
Thoughts? Or am I just drunk?
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Write it in stone , this must be preserve for the future generation
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Having preordered Inquisition, it seems I've already sold my soul to the Forces of Chaos. Oh well, BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD.
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Origin works fine, competition is good anyway. Take off your pink glasses, Steam doesn't even have money-back guarantee yet and dead slow support line, where Origin and GOG offers both. Also, it's BS to collect games on digital platform, which I do believe is part of the hate, as many think they need to collect 'em all on Steam.
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Just a little side note, Origin only have a money-back guarantee on EA titles. To match that, Steam would have to offer a money-back guarantee on Valve titles only.
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After the news that upcoming ubisoft products are removed from steam, comes another unbelievable news.
It's getting interesting
So, in the future, which service are you gonna be using?
EDIT: this was meant as a joke because this "news" was actually posted on February 2013, but I think I will let this thread go on for a little longer :P
More jokes: EA - Ubisoft - Valve
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