Today I made a giveaway and turns out steam is kinda weird right now, not letting me send gifts to others due to price or region restriction. (good thing mods here are so kind enough to help) So I just wanna know because I'm planning to make another giveaway with Region Restrict on "Philippines" only, so we can avoid problems sending gifts to winners.

Just let me know, I'll add you to my whitelist.

and here's a small giveaway

View attached image.
7 years ago*

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Lived in the Philippines for two years. Great country, great people. I am sure that you will find some of your fellow countrymen here :)

7 years ago

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Thanks, and cool to know that you lived here for years, if I may ask where you from? and why did you live here in the Philippines? I mean was it because of work? or you got some friends or relatives here?

7 years ago

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I am from Czech Republic. My father used to work there and he took the whole family with him. I went to an international school there. Made a lot of friends with whom I keep in touch even today. Overall it was a great experience :)

7 years ago

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I'm glad you enjoyed your stay here in the Philippines. :P

7 years ago

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I've never been, but had a couple of friends from the Philippines, but sadly lost touch with them over the years :(

7 years ago

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you met them online games? I used to have friends from other countries too thru online games back in the days, but yeah I lost touch with all of them either, I barely remember them to be honest, I guess it's part of virtual friendship, but I have one real online friends for like 8 years now, and we still talk a lot and I have never seen him in person, we use to help each other out in life, he's more of a friend to me than my friends in real life.

7 years ago

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I don't really play online games ^^ It was through deviantArt, many years back. I even exchanged phone numbers with one of them, but then I lost my phone and none of us are active on deviantArt anymore either and so we just lost touch eventually :(
I too have an online friend who is more of a friend than my friends in real life. I may be visiting her in her country later this year though, so we'll most likely properly meet :)

7 years ago

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Just found out about this

"It is based on the price difference after currency conversion more than a country specific restriction.

Check the prices on this site...

When you view a game page, click on the "Prices" tab on the left side of the page, like this for GTA: V...

I hope it automatically sees your country location, but if not, you can change the currency to PHP to the right of where it says "Store Prices." It is a dropdown menu.

When you do, look for the "CONVERTED PRICE" part of the graph and look for all countries that are 10% and less. Those are the ones you can gift to.

I understand this is long and tedious but that is the easiest way to find out if you can."

And confirmed by other members on steam, I might delete they giveaway and start a new one with more people can enter.

7 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by monsp3.