Have you viewed every single title on Steam and marked everything as wishlisted/followed/not interested?
Twenty three thousand five hundred and forty games on Steam, and there are only 76 more you'd like to own?
I have to check that wishlist. It's the best curated one there could possibly be! Now if only our tastes would perfectly align, that'd be the best...
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Lol, go for it. It's got some weird stuff on it, though. I largely play simulators and strategy games, with the occasional indie title thrown in. That's one of the reasons it's so short-- I don't care even one bit about FPS, horror, RPG Maker, or shovelware titles.
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Weird stuff is good, I like weird stuff. There are plenty of conventional games and bandwagon followers out there to keep anyone who doesn't satisfied.
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My games list is virtually the same, i added you on steam if its ok
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I don't recall if the queue even offers you movies, software and all the other non-game stuff out there. I can't even recall having seen DLC. If OP only got his completed queue by marking every game, it might be a representative number. I get 21,129 titles offered if I search and limit the tag to "games", and while I know that still includes some incorrectly tagged stuff, and excludes some restricted stuff, I don't think it's too far fetched to say Steam has passed the 20K mark for standalone games. You are, of course, always free to go off and tag even more, like you have. :-P
And yeah, a WL is not a good way for someone else to pick games.
In plain terms of genre/taste, you're right, but at least curated wishlists from people who've seen a lot are very unlikely to include pure garbage, which unfortunately the Steam store does, in spades. They're also the most likely to include that one game you would have never found on your own.
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Yes, I forgot the queue has settings for what you want to see. I turned off "Software" and "Videos" a long time ago, I'd forgotten it was there. :-)
I still never browse it except during sales... I don't have the time to root through that much trash if there's no reward at the end.
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If I'd exhausted the queue I'd probably keep up with it (because it'd be a shame to lose that 100% completion thing), but I honestly couldn't bring myself to do it knowing that I'm nowhere near the end of it, and every day will just have more trash piling on. More power to you. :-)
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My hat goes off to you. Bravo indeed! You're right that the number includes other IDs. I wonder why your number is so much higher? Maybe it only pulls up DLC for games that you own? Apart from Train Simulator (trash), most of the things in my library don't have any DLC to them. I don't think that would account for all of them, though.
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I'm pretty sure there is still less than 20k games on Steam
There were 11,181 games (not including DLCs, movies, and packages) on Steam by end of 2016. 2017 saw over an additional 6000 added. So no, not quite 20k yet. However, if you include all Steam Queue-viewable items (base games, major expansions, packages which act as base games, non-soundtrack audio releases, VR Games, and movies), then that total (relevant really only to us crazy enough to actually stay up to date with Queue) is actually above 30K.
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i feel like this should be impossible
i feel like crappy asset flip 99 cent games are uploaded the steam at a rate faster than you could look through them all
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i wonder, can you get back a game in the discovery list that you've already seen/ignored/classified before ?
What happens if you browsed all games and you've to discover new ones to get the steam sales cards ?
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Stuff that you've seen just doesn't come up in recommendations and things like that. You can still browse products on sale or search for titles. As far as those sale cards go, when something like that is going on, I just go through as many as I still have remaining and get a screen that basically says, "Uh... well... here's the rest of your cards, I guess."
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Thank you !
i would like to get back some games in the discovery list, the ones i'm indecise about...
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That's a good idea because you're enough strong to resist ! (i prefer to keep my wishlist as short as possible to avoid being tempted)
And... Congratz for the achievement to have browsed all, it's not easy !
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I know exactly what you mean. Right now, it's some garbage strategy game that keeps popping up. What you can do is this: click the button to view another queue. It will probably spit out an error. Go to the homepage. Open a new queue for either new titles or recommended titles. If it comes up with that, click to view your queue. It should come up. If you still get an error, click the one (new or recommended) that you didn't click before.
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This, I completed mine once when I was sick for two weeks, bored to death... just to find it littered with junk again only a few weeks later. The queue always bugging out when you come close to completing it, forcing me to refresh it several times before I get displayed anything, makes completing it even more tedious and convinced me to just give up on it.
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My first year here on SG, I managed to catch up with all the items in Queue just with casual goes of it. It was a challenge "saving up" enough for Steam sale queues after that. Now, even with Steam Sale queues, I find myself regularly falling behind. It was bad enough when they added VR (and the cheaply made releases that dominate that label) and movies (which may be even more regrettable, given how poorly implemented Steam's player is), but Steam Direct seems to have opened the dams for shovelware releases. We're seeing more ports and software and the like as well but, nevertheless, Queue is overwhelmingly filled just with exploitatively bad releases.
And yeah, Queue is a buggy mess but, well- Valve.
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...and excluding any of it still isn't an option since the customization feature doesn't do anything, at least not to the discovery queue - except breaking it even more ;D (well, and the partly mind-boggling labeling on many of the new releases also doesn't help that much either :>). Oh, Valve... <3.
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the partly mind-boggling labeling on many of the new releases
Wait; You mean not every new multiplayer release is Co-Op?! =O
...also, people need to seriously stop applying all of Strategy, RTS, and Turn-Based Strategy to the same game, especially when that game is actually a tactical combat game. -.-
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Wait; You mean not every new multiplayer release is Co-Op?! =O
I'm still stuck in limbo on some of the games' main menus, trying to find the pixel that allows me to go co-op. Store page stated it's possible, so somewhere it must be hidden... it must be. I strongly believe so. I believe it. I want to believe...
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Well, if we can't find the co-op that absolutely certainly must be there because the internet never lies, there's clearly only one thing left for us to do. :loads up the game page: :eyes the tags page for the game: :applies the 'Psychological Horror' tag:
There, whew. I've done my part to make sure people understand what a lie this game is. Now I just gotta leave a review that tells people absolutely nothing about the game or its developer/publisher, and I'm set for another Steam Merit Badge.
I hear that if a million people get a million merit badges, we get Half-Life 3! Onward! For the glory of Gaben's gold-encrusted beard!
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So if you want a winter sale card and there is no queue to view then what happens?
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Really? I wonder if that's new. They didn't give me cards at all when I was caught up for a sale, before (so I've been making sure not to be before sales, since then; though these days, there are enough releases per day that one is likely going to be okay either way).
Being Valve, it coulda just been a bug for one or the other of us. >.>
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This is just amazing! I hadn't come across any one who has done this until now. Congratulations!
I'm a pretty big fan of ETS2 myself, it has to be one of the most peaceful games I've played! How is ATS? I'm looking forward to picking it up in the next Sale.
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ATS isn't quite as good, imo. The trucks are much more sluggish, and a lot of the scenery is very bland. It still is a decent experience, but they only have Kennworth and Peterbilt, as opposed the broad array of trucks in ETS2. If either of those were as good as the Volvo or Scania, then that would be fine, but they definitely are not.
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That is really helpful, thank you! I shall wait for a bit more time, then. Hopefully, they add much more trucks to the game.
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Only went through the queue when it was offering cards for doing so. I think it's a pointless waste of time going through so many games just of the sake of marking them in "not interested" category, I don't care about the storefront and what it displays, all I check, once in a while, is my wishlist, which currently has +700 games in it and it's getting quite difficult to manage and keep track of everything, I am not actively looking to add more games to it.
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Hmm. I've never been a fan of marking explicitly 'Not Interested' since I might change my mind in the future about a lot of them. And I think unless you explicitly mark that option (or already own the game) it will show up again sooner or later. I'm pretty sure I've seen the same game more than once after a while has passed. Then again, I only ever view the queue when there are seasonal trading cards involved.
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+1 (though with the last sale I found out that ASF got an option to do that for you. YAY)
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423 in library, 0 being followed i guess, 3000 or 4000 games viewed and 1693 on my wishlist. And all of them are good games.
Update: 423 in library, 0 being followed, 4232 games viewed and 1695 on my wishlist. Still they are good games.
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Yes. Please send help.
What help? I dont see the reason for this thread.
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I am not yet through it. Still have a long way to go.
4186 viewed at the moment, 70 on wishlist, 612 following (it's my to-wishlist-or-not-to-wishlist-list :p) and 3423 marked as Not Interested. I don't mark all as sometimes I am not sure if I like it that much to put it on follow or dislike it so much to mark Not Interested. Future me is way better in deciding so I leave it to her in those cases xD
And oh yeah, currently 1037 in library :|
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There are some very interesting games on that wishlist. Sadly most of them haven't been released yet.
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That is definitely not your everyday WL you've got. Managed to add another 67 "not interested" to my extended list, 12 already there and than all of the sudden we got a wl game in common. You actually made me look at that game again. I just could not believe we had it in common. But we do! I guess it's safe to say we've got a slightly different taste lol.
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I couldn't help but check because it was also the only game I had in common with him. :-)
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Does the Discovery Queue ever suggest free to play games? If not, you have a bunch more games to evaluate...
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Free games, base games, movies, non-soundtrack audio releases, VR games, software, major expansions, and packages which act like base games.
Really, I think the only thing Queue doesn't list is general DLCs and packages which share a store page with their base game. As I noted in a post above, non-base-game releases account for perhaps a bit over a third the total offerings in Queue. Add VR games over to non-games, and I think standard games might end up closer to half the total. Add in asset flips, and we're down to.. maybe 1% of the total? :S
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Yep, I've gone through it all. Took several months (would have been faster if the queue wasn't such a glitchy mess).
Have a bit under 300 games wishlisted, with about 1/3 of that being games that haven't come out yet.
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Next time, you should try to watch all videos in a site.
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So, has anyone else on here gone through the Steam Queue so many times that you've actually viewed every single item on Steam? When you do, there is a message that says the following:
You have viewed all that Steam has to offer!
We are out of titles to show you! You may be able to get more titles by changing your customization options - or come back later, new products are released daily.
Right now, I own 350 games, with 76 on my wishlist, 1 being followed, and...
Why would I do this thing, you ask? I used to do some pretty boring research in a lab that had frequent amounts of down-time for short bursts. You run a Western blot wash for 10 minutes for several repeats, and it's not really enough time to get a lot of work done in between. So what did I do? Well, it's obvious. Now, 3 years later, I've been going through the queue to see what's new every day. I weed out everything that looks like I wouldn't like it, and I wishlist the few other things. I've wound up stumbling across some interesting finds simply because they never make it to the front page. But I've also seen some things... terrible things which cannot be unseen...
Anyone else manage to do this? The empty box on my home page that normally includes "featured and recommended" titles is like standing on the edge of the abyss, staring into eternity.
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