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Because EA has been quite alright as of late? Giving away free games, releasing some good ones, not treating their customers in a bad way? Still plenty of room for improvement, but EA seem to be rather average on the "Good-bad scale" these days.
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exactly this. valve is getting worse, ubisoft is getting worse, but ea seems to improve lately.
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I must actually disagree with Valve getting worse.
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in what way?
they limit us more and more regarding trading. their support didn't get any better, as far as i know. the game quality on the store got a lot worse (they seem to be fine to let just any garbage in the store). and if i ask myself, which improvements they have made - well, except for some nice client features i can't think of any.
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yeeeeahhhhhhh NOT EVEN Rochelle muahahahahahhaha ;D
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I'd like to hear this but rather that Origin is dissolved and all libraries will be transferred to steam and all future EA games handled through Steam.
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Please no. That would mean only one thing - Origin would become as shitty as steam. And I'm not even kidding. I actually quite like origin now, Their client is nice, download speeds are awesome and you can cheat them by buying games from other cheaper regions :D
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The download speeds all depend on where you live (note I have really awful internet either way), I can get 150 kb/s average download on Steam and less than 30 kb/s average on Origin.
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This + removing region lock.
And then probably Source 2.
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remove Source 2 Engine ? VALVE Needs the new engine for HALFLIFE 3
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This above all else as I'm not crying over not being able to exploit RU prices, but this would fix Steam's main flaw.
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that ive got free 1000000000€ in my wallet for being awesome?
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so that you can take him hostage until they remove the region locks?
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"You can now download any and every game from your library as a single executable that can be installed and played offline. Steam is still required for updating, online multiplayer, cloud sync and other online features."
Also, people are blowing the whole regional lock thing way out of proportion.
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no, they don't. you are no trader. i don't think you are as affected as many others are.
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sorry, but that's just bullshit. you are saying, that i should not use the features valve implemented in steam, because they didn't implemented them to be... used? really? i think now you just say something for the sake of saying something.
besides, i don't know in which country you live. but there are extreme differences in pricing. trading kind of compensated for that. i have to pay a lot more in germany than other people in let's say the US. but i don't earn more money. and for other's this is even way worse. there are people in europe who earn maybe 1/4 of what i get, but have to pay the same price. trading makes it possible so that these people can buy legit game copies for a reasonable price. another point is that i can get games that are censored here or not even sold. importing those games is not illegal in germany, but valve prevents it in their store. trading made it possible so that i could get those games anyway. trading has lots of benefits. and it is my right to get angry, now that valve suddenly decides to kill trading.
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Trading was never meant to be abused in a way "buy for 10, sell for 30". Besides, not ALL regions are restricted. You have German income, you pay German prices. At least be glad you're not in Australia.
Applying your logic to real world goods, people should buy grocieries in bulk from countries with lower standard because it's multiple times cheaper, but there are tolls and taxes that prevent that. Similar thing happens on Steam.
If you find German prices too high, wait for sales and buy within your means. I live in a country where average salary is maybe €600 and AAA games are €60 and you don't see me complaining. I bought ~15 games for €30 during the holiday sale.
I'm not trying to defend Valve here because I'm against unnecessary price increases and $=€, but this region locking thing really IS blown out of proportion.
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There are limits on how much you can take over the border for a good reason. If everyone did it in large quantities, it would damage the economy. Same goes for Valve, if everyone bought from Russia, it would damage their income, that's why they prevented it. They're a company looking to make a profit. Welcome to capitalism and stop being so unreasonable.
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"You can now download any and every game from your library as a single executable... "
Uhm you can do that right now. Currently that executable is called Steam.exe
"... that can be installed .."
My steam and games are installed ;)
"... and played offline"
Steam also has an offline mode ^^
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You're completely missing the point. Try installing a game without Internet connection or without Steam client and maybe you'll see what I mean.
I might have worded it differently, but I'm sure most people got the meaning. I'm of course talking about your library essentially being DRM free as far as offline installing and playing goes. Something like GOG. If Valve goes belly up, you can still have your games.
Or you're just deliberately trying to be a smartass.
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Dont worry it was just me having a bit fun ;). Yes I know what you meant in general but you still need to download the setup befor you can install the game therefor you cant just simply install without the internet connection.
Yet you cant make it really drm free but have steam keep track of the achivements / drops and so on. The executables have a steam hook attached to them to have that connection. I doubt they would want to change that to get drm free games out while keeping the non bought copies that got shared in check.
What I personally would prefer that is not even on steams side is that if you buy a game you get it on all platforms. Like ps3, ps4, xbox, xbox 360, pc ... and what else the game could run on.
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I know, that's why I said you would need Steam client running for all online services. But within the client, it would be great if there were an option to right click on the game in your library and download the executable setup for the game (no matter if it's already installed or not) specifically for offline use. Needless to say, you would have to be online to download it in first place so you could use it later on.
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I had good experience with the Steam Support team, they have been quite helpful.
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Dear xxxx, your job application has been approved, welcome to the mafia.
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"Congratulations UraniumFalconPunch, you have won our one-time only contest to receive as many free marketable items as you choose whenever you want them. Just visit the marketplace, click to buy whatever you want and the items will appear in your inventory with no charge to you.
We're also sending you our latest version of a Steam machine which is yours to keep.
One last thing, every game, DLC and piece of software that has ever been purchasable on Steam has been added to your library free of charge, this includes titles that are no longer avaialble to buy. We will continue to add all new releases to your account automatically from this point onwards."
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"You can now purchase game soundtracks without having to own the base game."
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Nah, imagine the amount of used games on the market then.
Use demo-versions instead, aka get-it-outside-steam-first
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I can't see how that's a bad thing, though.
Used games were all I bought on console -- except, in this scenario, you're not getting a scratched up disc and a broken case. :P
Either way. With family sharing now, I don't have the problem as often, I just kidnap a friend's library if they have something I'm on the fence about... but that's the only way I'll 'try' a PC game before buying. :v
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"You have received a free copy of Metal Gear Solid V The Phantom Pain + Metal Gear Online 3, click here to reedem it!"
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Reading is hard, which is surely why I managed to read the thread title as "what is the best bad news" so I'll answer that question instead. The best bad news would be "We're sorry that every time you order anything from us you are charged $0. We have forwarded this issue to our copypastabot support team who we're certain will n̶e̶v̶e̶r̶ ̶l̶i̶f̶t̶ ̶a̶ ̶f̶i̶n̶g̶e̶r̶ give this matter their usual diligence."
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Well for me is the removal of the region lock restrictions.
It feels like breaking out from a prison although I haven't done any crimes.
How about you?
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