Does goty sound like a dumb word?
Astroneer,Animal Crossing,Sekiro,Elite Dangerous and all Deus Ex.
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Nice. I played the second one through game pass and didn't enjoy it too much.
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Good game but awful enemy design. And DMC 3 is my favorite game of all time, so I have some insight on the series. Probably 90% of the enemies in DMC 5 are just boring and annoying to fight against. When I think about DMC 5, which I finished 100%, most of what comes to mind is the frustration in fighting dumb enemies that run away from you. I'll probably never replay it because of this feeling I get when I think about it. What's the point of a great combat system if you mostly can't use it.
Edit: not to mention the fanfic level story.
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Every DMC is the best to some people. Except for DMC 2.
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Tales from the Borderlands is amazing. I really wish to play the Uncharted series someday. Hopefully they bring the remastered trilogy to pc.
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That Alan Wake expansion sure makes me want to play Control even more.
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I think the most significant games for me this year were Crush Crush (which I quit after realizing that completing the game would take decades without giving them money, not exaggerating) and Coloring Game.
I don't even know about games released in 2020, is there a way to find out about when your Steam games were released without checking every game manually?
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Crush Crush is a bit merciful because of not doing achievements that cost money to get though. I played the game properly for a few months, it was nice logging in every day to see how things had progressed. However eventually when I had to wait weeks to progress I just did the date manipulation thing to get 100%. I think I spent enough proper time on it anyway lol
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I know GOG Galaxy is great but I don't really want to download it just for this haha. Weird that no website has this function...
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Just go to your Steam Library and click on the Sort By in the All Games shelf and choose Release Date.
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I enjoyed Hollow Knight but it was just too frustratingly hard to figure things out for me. I literally spent hours going from one side of the map to the other trying to find out what to do and where to go.
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Genshin Impact - the adventuring/exploration, and the music, geez the music. It's so marvelous. Surprisingly good world-building/lore too
Somehow made me suspend gameplay on MGSV: The Phantom Pain AND Crusader Kings III (which was what I expected would be my 2020 GOTY)
I'll get back to them, eventually
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Recently got into genshin too but I feel like I'm starting to lose interest. I love the game but I'm kind of stuck in this spot where my party is too low-leveled to do anything because I don't want to use up exp resources on sub-tier characters, and I only have sub-tier characters because I haven't rolled anything particularly interesting (at least I think). In order to roll more, I'll need to grind for primogems, but my party is too low-leveled, making it feel like a chore. The proper move would probably be for me to stop being stingy with exp resources and level up my current party at least a bit, but I just can't bring myself to T.T sorry for my mini rant
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Yeah, the game is pretty stingy with leveling experience so you generally want to pick one or two main damage dealer/DPS characters and then build teams around them. Consider elemental resonance, healing, and other types of support.
It's quite important to level up your main damage dealer/DPS as high as you can, because there's a damage leveling mechanic present in-game comparing your current character's level vs. enemy level. Utility role characters can be around 10-30 levels (even more?) behind, depending on team role.
Apparently I actually was quite underleveled until around AR 35 or so when I decided to actually commit and level up my characters, so I've been where you are.
Mind sharing what characters you've rolled? Many 4 star characters can get the job done in the game, the team building aspect of gameplay can attest to that. I myself didn't get a 5 star character until AR 42, 5 star characters aren't the be-all/end-all in the game :)
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You have one of the best DPS characters already (Ning Guang)
Here is a guide for her if you want:
According to the characters you have, I'd personally run with Ning Guang (main dps)/Xiang Ling (sub dps/support)/Noelle(support). Final character would be Bennett but since you don't have him, you can run with Amber (for the attack boost fire elemental resonance until you get Bennett, he's 4 stars so shouldn't be too hard... maybe...) or Barbara if you need healing more than damage. (Yes I ditched the main character, didn't really like their set...)
Don't worry if you think you want to replace characters when you do get some good 5-stars later on... you need 2 parties anyway for the end-game content (and yes they have to be different characters so 8 main characters in total). So either way, you still want to level up at least 4 people maximum, even if they aren't your main line-up in the future.
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Thanks a bunch, will look into that guide. I've recently tried Ning through the trial thing and I did enjoy playing with her, so I probably will end up adding her to my main party. I've never tried Barbara so I'm gonna have to test her out first. Thanks a bunch for all the tips.
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Firstly, above everything, you should play characters that are fun for you and fit your playstyle. Weapons are a consideration as well and should help you tailor your team setups.
Also wanted to mention that constellations may steer you towards playing a specific character more. Some of them are quite strong. With that said:
Xiangling = Recommended by many as a damage dealer/DPS for F2P/low spending players. As a DPS, the craftable 4-star weapon Crescent Pike is VERY strong for her. Can slot into a support character later as you acquire more pure damage dealers (but as a support she's best using other weapons aside from Crescent Pike), dropping her elemental burst for persistent damage while you switch to your main damage dealer. Guoba for fire element coverage.
Ningguang = Damage dealer/DPS candidate. I'm not too familiar with her yet but she appears to reward a high-skill playstyle via animation canceling attacks (dash cancels, jump cancels). Hits like a truck.
Sucrose = Don't have her, but she's quite strong support. As anemo element, she also gets access to Viridescent Venerer which is a strong set overall
Noelle = Provides shields and healing. At constellation 6 she becomes a powerful, overpowered super tank because her defense converts into attack stat.
Diona = Great support character. Bow attacks give her range for pesky flying enemies, plus burst, shield, and heal on elemental burst. Versatile.
Barbara = Traditional healer role. As a catalyst, she has access to the pullable 3-star weapon Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers, which provides an ATK damage boost to the character you switch to.
Kaeya = Good elemental burst. Elemental skill has decently low cooldown.
Lisa = Elemental skill (press) has a 1 second cooldown and can be spammable. Elemental skill (hold) is risky and takes a while to charge, but Thanos snaps enemies. Autoattacks can hit airborne enemies. Personally, I love her playstyle.
Amber = Good for exploration puzzles. Bow is good for hitting enemy weak points
Beidou = Big sword + counter enemies. You can use her elemental skill counter as a burst by switching to her and timing a counter for good damage. Also not too familiar with her just yet but she might have my #1 overall favorite playstyle so far from the event trials.
Main Character/MC = Will gain access to more elements as the game updates so keep that in mind :). Okay-ish as a DPS apparently, not too familiar yet
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Wow, thanks a bunch, a lot of info to unpack. I'm gonna have to try out some of the character a bit more like Beidou, Diona, and Barbara. Would Ning as main DPS and Xiang as sub DPS work on the same team? Also thinking of adding Noelle/Barbara/Sucrose as utility. Thanks a lot once again.
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You're welcome, and yes, have fun!
Yes, those 2 can be on the same team.
BTW, if you've unlocked Spiral Abyss, starting at a certain floor you're going to need 2 teams to advance so keep that in mind :). Highly recommend a minimum of 2 DPS and 2 healers for that area.
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Ill stick to 2020 releases only.
card: Monster Train
tower defense: Gemcraft: Frostborn Wrath
rpg: still waiting
VN: still waiting, Nekopara 4 perhaps? not released yet:-)
Story: Luna the shadow dust
Puzzle: Relicta
scifi: Cloudpunk
I might forgot about some game, i played many good games from this year, but nearly zero from AAA, i like indie more.
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I'm still salty at Supergiant for releasing this first exclusively on EGS. It was among the first batch of big/important games that did this. Seems to be a good game, though. It's like 100x more popular than their previous games. And I enjoyed all of their previous games very much.
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Yeah I am pretty anti EGS myself and would of been salty had Hades been on my radar early on, luckily? I only gained interest after seeing 1.0 release gameplay and grabbed it on steam. I'd definitely recommend playing it if you enjoyed their previous games, I only played Bastion myself and although I LOVED Bastion I still think Hades does better
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You should definitely also play Transistor. Brilliant game. Way better than Bastion in my opinion.
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thanks for the recommendation! I own the game luckily but my game backlog in at least 1million games long. I will probably get to it one day :D
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NieR:Automata is not only the best game I've played in 2020, it's also one of the best games I've ever played.
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Looks awesome but the way Bethesda is doing their damnest to turn this perfectly fine single-player game into a live service disgusts me.
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I did not care for the multiplayer, haven't even tried it once, so I can't comment on that. But I don't really see the harm in it, the singleplayer aspect is not affected and as far as I can see, live service is only there to create more content for the multiplayer to keep people who care for that sort of thing engadged.
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Popup Dungeon. A very underrated RPG with a ton of potential, thanks to its custom content system.
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Not gonna lie, that name makes me thing of an rpg involving popcorn.
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Morrowind has been my game of the year since 2002. Though I play more WoW than anything else :(
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Easy choice, indeed. Which reminds me that The Witcher series was the best series I've watched this year. Granted I have plenty of regular shows of mine that I haven't caught up with their current (this year's) seasons. But The Witcher is amazing.
♫ Toss a coin to your Witcher
Oh, Valley of Plenty! ♫
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For me that's probably Kentucky Route Zero. I gave up on it long ago, and I guess, nobody really expected it to ever be finished, but fortunately we were wrong.
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Wargroove. It's like Advance Wars, but your CO is a unit on the field, and certain campaign missions require strategic use of them to turn the tide in your favor. There's also a puzzle mode separate from the campaign, where you really need to think about what each unit can do and what they're effective against. Arcade mode sucks, though.
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I tried Wargroove on gamepass and it's certainly not for me. But it's a gorgeous looking game. Have you tried coop? I can't fathom coop working in a turn-based strategy game like Wargroove.
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I did play the 2-player campaign, but I played it solo. It's a little tricky at times, but overall the difficulty curve was pretty stagnant and it never reached the heights that the main campaign did. Maybe it was to keep things relatively simple so the co-op wouldn't have the issues you're fathoming; who knows.
By the way, can you go into more detail on what you didn't like about Wargroove? How far did you make it before quitting? Did you try the other modes, or just the single-player campaign?
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It's not so much about Wargroove. It's that I have a hard time getting into these types of strategy games. It goes like this: I suck at them, so I try a battle and I lose. Then I don't have the patience to go through the (often lengthy) battles again. So I just quit. With Wargroove, I tried probably five or six times to beat the first boss (it was a lady if I remember correctly), but I just kept losing. And then I quit. There's a high chance it was actually the fist real battle in the game, too.
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Good choices. Gunfire Reborn looks to me like an fps version of Dungeon Defenders.
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Nice, a top 5. I can't remember five games I finished this year without peeking into my library. I definitely finished more than five games, that much I know.
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Doesn't need to be released this year. Just a game you played this year and enjoyed.
For me, it was a year with some good contenders, such as Rise of the Tomb Raider and Assassin's Creed Origins. There's still some time to go, but the winner is most likely going to be Cuphead, which I finished 100% just today. That game is just two levels above everything else. It's easily in my top 2 best 2d games I've ever played. What about you?
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