"Recently, though, we’ve seen a few cases of players using the personal trade function to sell items using third party sites. This is essentially an abuse of the system. To prevent this, we're temporarily turning off personal trades while we search for a better solution. Once we figure out a way to prevent abuse, the restriction will be lifted."
Traders who switched to PUBG key trading instead of CSGO just got rekt even harder lel
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"we’ve seen a few cases of players using the personal trade function to sell items using third party sites. This is essentially an abuse of the system"
"Players found a way to trade items without paying us the PUBG tax" 👀
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Well, this is circumstantial evidence that PUBG was one of the 4 titles the Dutch government sent warning...
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This. The official announcement from the gambling authorities explicitly did not name the titles. It only stated that those would become public if the companies involve would not comply in the set term. (And I believe that still has a few days left)
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Phew, just did a trade for keys and was offered either one. Glad I went with CSGO--I don't play either game so I just went with the currency I saw most often used.
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Glad I didn't start accepting those keys for trading...
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This is a trick to make PUBG players to turn on third party selling sites. Lets be honest, they don't have any cure to prevent players from selling their items on third party sites, so they are punishing all of us, to turn on them. They were losing money from people selling on third sites, now they r losing money, becouse none able to sell/buy items, in my opinion this wont take longer than till monday.
Btw I'm really hurt by this, becouse PUBH crates were the only way I could earn money for new games.
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u can sell pubg crates through steam and still buy games,m?
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Or they might be scared by the Netherlands taking legal actions against them. It's been speculated that PUBG was one of the 10 games that they looked at. No conclusive evidence, but PUBG seems like one of the most likely candidates, seeing how big it is, and how much media attention it has got.
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People who use keys as currency (for instance on Steamtrades to buy games) are greedy? How so?
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yeah, sorry, people acquire those keys as a result of hard work towards making world safer place! my bad! not for profit at all, and denying profit for the providers of said infrastructure...which was the reason for that decision I believe?
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What I am saying is that there is collateral damage. There are lots of people out there who simply use keys as currency, nothing else. They don't turn a profit, they have nothing to do with gambling, they don't hurt the game, they don't even play the game. I don't play Counterstrike or TF2. Never used a key in any of these games. But they make trading much easier. So I sometimes have some. If those would be disabled suddenly, I would bbe quite angry, since I am not the reason for this move at all.
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Well, quite opposite in my view. While collateral to sites that sells keys off-steam, they still 'abuse' the system for profit (a lot less but still). Official purpose AFAIK of those keys are to open dropped cases. Keys can be obtainable for hard cash only. So get drop ->buy key -> use it -> repeat. Moving around bunch of keys, outside of steam market does not make moneyz for anyone who provided infrastructure. And even when you buy game from trader for key off site, he is profiting (maybe selling keys offsite later on), and 'you' buying that game most of the time are also profiting few possible ways. Yes, there are exceptions (key in my inv is for game that I bought because other guy did not have price tag in steam store /but dont get me wrong, I am no saint/). Why would you be angry if someone prevented not intended use/missuse of their own product and infrastructure? It's their right to do so. And it seems it is going this way - CS trading cooldown, here block (maybe just temp)
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Well, quite opposite in my view. While collateral to sites that sells keys off-steam, they still 'abuse' the system for profit (a lot less but still).
I didn't buy on sites. I bought keys from traders on ST. Sure, they (sometimes) make a small profit then. But who cares. Those keys are bought on Valve's platform, they already got their share. Shouldn't it be alright to use those items as we see fit, within the bounds that Valve created themselves?
I sometimes sell games for keys and then either use the keys to trade for other games or just sell them on the market for wallet. So those keys were bought with a fee from Valve, and they came back with another fee to Valve. This cycle can happen several times with the same key. So, Valve really shouldn't complain, since they already sell every key x times and get a fee for every transaction (in addition to the base price of the key!). I actually think Valve does not complain. They probably make decent profit from us traders, trading "outside" of Steam (which always involves trading inside Steam and paying Valve). The PUBG devs probably get way less out of all this, so they don't care as much. Bottom line: every key that exists was bought on Steam in the first place. Trading "outside" Steam does not mean they get any less money per key. I believe it actually means they get less per key, since it's unlikely to get more than one sale per key without outside trading.
Official purpose AFAIK of those keys are to open dropped cases.
Then why create the whole trading system in the first place, if we are not supposed to trade?
Why would you be angry if someone prevented not intended use/missuse of their own product and infrastructure? It's their right to do so.
Because they gave us the trading system and let us use it for years. Of course I can be angry about it when they suddenly shut it down. Especially if they do it without warning, so worst case scenario is I have lots of keys in my inventory that I suddenly can't use for what I bought them for. I don't have any PUBG keys. But if I had some, it wouldn't be to use them in the game (that I don't own). I probably would have gottem them in a trade. Making them use- and worthless without warning is just not a nice move. They should at least give people a month or so to adapt to the new rules.
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humm, it is not valve that is complaining, but pubg. and no, the keys are not sold few times for their (and valve profit), they are traded in trade window, which have nothing to profit from. Traders (especially those for not so small profit, ,with bots and offsteam websites) do not sell them directly on steam market to often, either sell them on their websites or trade them for further margin. I am guessing (I am not dev/employee of pubg/volvo) that trade system in first place was created for more casual trades and maybe cases/skins etc rather than key for empty window on other side.). If you would ended with bunch of keys which you bought not for /normal/ use, that would be only your problem and fault. Like there would be slot machine, and you bought bunch tokens for and resell for kids who couldnt buy themselves. Than venue would start enforcing 18+ rule, no one would want to buy them anymore from you and you are not interested in playing. Got scrap ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. When there is no guarantees, person takes risk. I am not condemning the trading for games, just saying it is profiteers on both sides (you trade key for bundle leftover, even the dev from traded game is bit fuked over)
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and no, the keys are not sold few times for their (and valve profit), they are traded in trade window, which have nothing to profit from.
What I meant is that If I got keys in a trade and sell them on the market, there is a decent chance that the buyers will also use them for trading, and eventually they will land on the market again. So they were bought the first time (1. transaction fee), then I got them in trading and sold them (2. fee), and maybe another guy uses them for trading again (3. fee). So yeah, they definitely benefit multiple times from the same key in some cases. Now, if trading would go away completely, they would only get one fee (except for very, very few cases where people accidentally buy too many keys and then resell them again). I would even argue they would make less money than before. If trading was dead, people like me would have no reason at all to get keys. They would only be interesting to the gamers who use them for opening crates - the gamers who already do that today. They would simply lose the extra money they make from trading.
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Well, i guess another game that i´m not have to play... not just because of that... it´s because i´m not have a great computer (LOL).
Talking seriously, now i see this game going off the tops in the future... I see a lot of people playing just to get money with that skins...
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thank god i got 17 fps in that game so i already dont play it
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As expected. I knew that PUBG would be next after CS:GO. They're trying to prohibit any selling/trading of items outside steam. Don't worry, more rules are sure to follow. Think about that the next time you sanctify steam and steam games. And I really wonder how did traders not predict that and just switched from CS:GO items to PUBG items. xD
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Well, Rocket League is safe because the items can't be sold. :P TF2 isn't much into the trading and gambling scene.
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I know that they are trading TF2 items - I just don't think that they are trading TF2 items more than CS:GO items (at least not before the new CS:GO trading rule).
TF2 raffles aren't gambling. o.O Which raffles are you talking about?
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depends on what you meant exactly...trade directly via steam to 100% TF2 (normal trading) ...outside of steam for cash okay then csgo^^
The ones where you had to pay a fee to enter - Example Pot - 20 Ref ... 50 slots available - fee for 1 Slot = 2 ref
I dont want to say it's as extreme as csgo and stuff but there is gambling too
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but the interest has fallen sharply
small traders will have more problems with the change than big ones
If you have or want to exchange only one item then the 7 days are really disturbing and there is no reason to take CSGO if you could have something else with which you can continue right now
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But you have to wait 7 days to trade after you have received them in a trade, so it totally destroys gambling purposes and slows trading purposes.
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Yeah, but massive amount of people stoped playing this game, hence they are loosing out on some money.
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death to these games XD they made living of some people i m sorry for those
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oh noooooo...i do not care.... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ban also csgo trading, make makret bought souvenirs not tradeble :D
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Yes its the same thing.
I talked over PUBG because it was now the "main theme".
And maybe the knive skins don't go for that high price in the, near, future... ^^
(i am sure a lot of people will sell now, very fast, there skins stuff that they are not use for themself)
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So many people acting like the skins/keys/crates from PUBG is useless now.. You can still sell them on steam market you know? I got around 17-20 euros from selling PUBG crates/skins during the last few months by playing a few games each week with friends.
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Idk If you wanted to reply him but I got the notification. Just for the record, I'm not into that. Wonder what he wrote.
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I think its more likely that Valve and now PUBG want to avoid new betting scandal that could hit then via mainstream media, many countries are already declaring laws or trying to fight against lootboxes after SWBF2 scandal, so Valve who has their marketplace, trading, almost all games working via crate lootbox system plus trading and selling wants to stay in shadow, to avoid storm that is happening right now or to at leas to look like it doing something against betting sites incase storm and scandals hit them again like old csgo betting scandal, same goes with PUBG (altho they didnt go with Valve apporach, Valve didn't kill trading, just slowed it down), think they are scared of being pulled into some scandal.
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More specifically the Netherlands targeted lootboxed where you could in some way (officially or not) cash out the things for money. While we don't know if PUBG was one of the games that was targeted by the government in the Netherlands, what PUBG was doing does fall under their definition of gambling, based on what they stated about lootboxed recently. But by not allowing trades, you make it impossible to cash your your winnings, other than in steam "funbucks" (although this is just money earmarked for using on steam, so we'll still have to see what they say about that).
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