I have gotten scammed once. It was my first time trading, and for whatever reason, I was being overly trusting of Reddit traders. I think I paid 5-10 dollars for a skin code (I went first and never got the code). On the plus side though, since then, I've been smarter and had plenty of successful trades. :D
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I lost a $110 knife due to not realizing how steam trading worked years ago, so the person went and blocked me, super disappointing. But shit happens I guess.
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Jeez, I'm sorry to hear that. That's crazy. I'm lucky I was only scammed out of $10. But hey, at least we learned. :')
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No that's not even close to crazy. A Souvenir AWP Dragonlore Factory New sells for about $10,000.
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As someone who has currently over 35€ in her Steam wallet just from selling trading cards alone (I only have 400 games more than you) don't come at me with that nonsense.
You could have also gifted some of those games that you traded with keys away. Hell you have 6 gifts in your inventory right now that you could easily give away. Also SG updated their region lock system for a reason.
But you said it yourself that you are a horrible person. I would add selfish af to that even more since you haven't played a single game you won here aka you are taking away games that someone else might actually have played ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Oh, I never doubted that you weren't saying the truth about how you got your games. I do believe you that you got them that way.
Well honestly everything I won on SG is shovelware
Yea no, I have played quite a few games that you have won myself or they are on my to-play-soon list. Hell I couldn't live without DisplayFusion, tho I do realize thats software and you can't actually play that. One mans trash is another mans treasure so are legitimately taking away games from people who would actually play them and shoving them in a dark corner.
I do fully realize you are not obligated to. I am just pointing out what you are doing is extremely extremely selfish and I honestly wouldn't even commented or really cared in the first place if you would actually play the games you won and not just use them to grow your epenis.
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Not really. I mistakenly blacklisted you when I wanted to whitelist you. I did like your answers and the way you think.
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Ohhh, yea that blacklist threw me off because I knew you didn't have me blacklised before because I was cleaning my whitelist 2 weeks ago and nobody on my whitelist had me blacklisted. But I can't say I havn't done the exact same mistake at least twice before.
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I would add selfish af to that even more since you haven't played a single game you won here aka you are taking away games that someone else might actually have played ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Wow, that's.... pretty sad actually.
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Just stop the whining wall of text and talk the usual "BL4CKL1ST3D!!!1111111LOLOL" stuff, since nobody gives a damn about what you think, they have the same meaning and it's faster for everyone.
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Where the hell did you come from now? And what are you even going on about? This doesn't concern you at all so I am not even sure why you are bothering commenting.
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I write comments all the time on this forum, so it shouldn't be such a surprise. I'm just tired of all the people here whining about what other people do with their money/gifts/won games. There are enough means to ignore and make your giveaways don't reach people whose behavior you don't like.
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Someone "tired of people whining about what other people do with their money" coming from a person with a substantial amount more wins then sents (alot of them freebies).
Yeah go figure. Maybe reverse it and some getting tired of certain substantial leechers?
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Seeing your comment now made me go look back on his profile. Yet another person with 0 wins played... no wonder he seems to have a problem with me with pointing this kinds of people out...
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Well, maybe I don't have money. Maybe I don't think that more than a paid giveaway a month is mandatory, since it's not zero. It doesn't matter, since it's not your business. Just keep on thinking you're from some kind of generous elite of humanity.
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And i do have money? I haven't for years, with the effects that has on my life, but i managed to do pretty well in the gifting department, as others stated having no money is usually a bs reason not being to gift something, but most of all if certain people do find the money to have over 1000+ games themselves or even more. yet not for 1 thing to give away.
It is my business if you go whine about it on the forum. I am not generous, there are plenty with x10 more sents then wins, people even that have a salary of a few hundred dollar, and yet still wanting to gift, those are the generous ones.
I just give something back when i can, big dffierence, if you can't, you can't but op has the games, and he can't even let go of 1.
But wanting and winning games is not even that bad, if you play them, but you and op don't even while upholding "i don't give a shit" attitude. That's just low towards the gifters.
Anyway reading your comment above me stating you don't care, i don't care about any more of your comments either.
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"Dollars". Not everyone have access to the currencies that can buy stuff that can be given away.
For me, being generous is making something really worth for the world, like... donating for charity. Not giving games away to a lot of nerds who waste their time whining about how other people don't give games away.
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Oh i just named a currency, doesn't matter which one someone has, same prinicipal, someone willing to skip a meal to being able to gift something, that is generosity, no matter how you spin it.
And you keep adressing one half of the issue, the other is both your cocky attitudes about it, which you also keep at mousewithbeer.
And yeah i see you hold that nonsense charity arguement below too, one doesn't rule out the other, and i actually like gifting games to people not like you or op, yes, and fortunately there is still a large majority of those here.
Do you gift to charity then? Don't think so.
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Of couse I would, if I did have that money I mentioned.
The point is: SG is a community to give games away. If you give games, you do 'cause you want. If you give games, you don't own them any longer, so you can't make rules what people should do with them.
But you have the right of choosing people you want to give games away. So just do it and stop whining about the other ones. That's my problem with some people here.
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No noone is gonna show up at your door and force someone to play a won game, but if you have some brain, or sense, you would understand it's a thing called common courtesy to atleast try a few and not enter for 1's and cards only, and noone can know unless they admit it here without regrets. Think that is actually far worse then the leeching part.
Same as just thinking about it a little, you don't always have a choice, blacklists only go so far with limits (mine is actually small but some do reach their limit), certain people always win things first before getting noticed.
You call it whining, but it's adressing someone on their faults, something you do too, hoping perhaps to let someone see what they are doing, offcourse you rather go on with your ways silently, and let others do too.
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Too bad for your then? Unless it becomes against the rules you will always find someone who while whine (I would personally not call it whining, but thats besides the point) about it. I am not the first who has done it nor I will not be the last. Hell I didn't even start with it in this thread.
And you should take your own advice about ignoring it.
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Ok, first of all I don't see how any of this is related to my comment you are replying to but ok, My reply with mainly focus on your 3rd point.
people responds " lol what is yemen"
Everyone who lives in a smaller/more unknown country gets to listen to this shit, it is not just you. Trust me, I live in a tiny country nobody gives a shit about. I have met people from Italy who we have a fucking border with that didn't know where Slovenia was. I wish I was making this up, I really do. You really shouldn't take this personally, some people just don't care about learning stuff outside their own little bubble.
he whole world absolutely not giving a single fuck about this war and innocent civilians dying for no reason and UN And all those turned their backs on us
No, everyone doesn't know or doesn't give a fuck. The thing that there is absolutely nothing most people can do about it. Mind you it is definitely not an excuse to stay ignorant about it and I do give you that people should know about it, but I am really not sure what do you want us to do about it.
when you're a 1st world happy person you'll never understand and I will never expect you to.
True, I will never know how it is or will I ever claim that. I am really lucky to be born in my country after it gained independence, but just because the word is a fucked up place it doesn't mean you have to be (and no, I am not calling you fucked up, I just mean in general).
And no it doesn't make you look pathetic. It just shows that people can live in very different conditions and some of us really take it for granted what we have. But I do think you are angry at people who did absolutely nothing wrong.
I don't know if any of this even make any sense, my English sucks and it took me way too long to write. I am going to go play some videogames instead.
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people responds " lol what is yemen"
Everyone who lives in a smaller/more unknown country gets to listen to this shit, it is not just you. Trust me, I live in a tiny country nobody gives a shit about.
I'd say not everyone who lives in a smaller country "that nobody gives a shit about" is also directly affected by what is arguably the world's worst humanitarian crisis?
I get what you're saying but I think in this case, OP does have a point as his case is, sadly, unique.
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I know what is going on in Yemen is bad and I do agree people should know and care about it. I just was just kinda trying to say that he shouldn't take it personally that most people are ignorant about it as those people . Kinda. I can't really explain what I am trying to say in English so everything together might sound super weird and not make any sense ... blah >,<
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Nope, I just don't applicate being told what I should or shouldn't be commenting from someone who was notorious for shitposting on SG, thats it. Otherwise I would be rude to the other people who replied too.
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Well, I think people who are really generous would make some regular donations for charity instead of giving games away to nerds all the time
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Who said you can not do both?
And can you for the love of god stop replying to every single comment I have made in this thread. Every time I refresh SG I have one more notification from you. I am not replying to any more of you comments anymore.
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Why do people think that a broken person should give games away in the only moments that they get some money? Those people would obviously buy something for themselves, or else they won't ever have anything.
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I don't care if he gives away games or not. But when he tries to justify why he doesn't, finding lame excuses and whatnot, that is what triggers me. Same with pirating games - torrent them all you want, I don't have a horse in that race. But then occassionally I read stuff like - "I pirate games because they have Denuvo", or "pirating is not stealing, I am not hurting anybody", or "I am living in a 3rd world country, no money so I must pirate it" - and that is whining and complete bs. Do what you want, but don't come up with this trying to validate your actions so you can feel better.
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but you apparently had a free game to give to the scammer, just saying
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I don't understand all the pressure tactics. How much of a "gift" is something if you've forced it out of the person giving it?
Gifting is not mandatory on this site.
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To expect something in exchange for a gift is to turn it into extortion instead of gifting. Even so, people are usually held accountable for their actions, not their intentions. If you don't feel he is generous enough to deserve your gifts, you are entitled to your opinion. You are not required to give him anything, and adding him to your blacklist will ensure that.
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I have absolutly no problem with him, or the way he gives (or not), so I don't see a reason
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I got scammed a couple of times, but I just asked the retailer if they could generate a new key and disable the old one. It didn't happen too often so they happily helped me out. One scammer got pretty pissed though because he lost an AAA game thanks to his fake key. But all thar happened was that I got a negative rating on an unpopular trading site that I'm not using anymore anyway. Now I just stick with Steamtrades and safe trades.
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this site really needs to remove the shaming rule it just leads to people getting scammed its kinda sad
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SteamTrades and Barter feedback, and SteamRep are all available for warning people of scammers.
The forums aren't a place for the kind of spam and negativity that removing the calling out rule would introduce.
Moreover, anyone who'd benefit from such calling out, is presumably already utilizing ST (and its integrated SteamRep section) and refusing to trade with people unlisted there [other than us Barter users, who typically are willing to go off good Barter feedback (and SteamRep status) alone], and thus wouldn't benefit from call-outs anyway.
So no, there's absolutely no benefit to removing the rule, especially as it already makes all the necessary exceptions (eg, public figures and impersonators aren't protected, nor is responding to someone who has called themselves out), giving us pretty free rein to reference negative things on the forums when there's basis to actually do such.
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The rule is there to prevent other bad things from happening. Meanwhile, there are multiple ways to help people avoid being scammed.
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sadly education is all that would stop scammers, you cant know EVERY scammer thats out there, they just make new accounts, pretend to be someone new who has rep and target another newbie who has never encounter this level of deception.
its a shame they dont include warnings on steamtrades like you would see most places like "we wont ever ask for your password", "click their profile link from blah blah blah to make sure its the real person and not an impersonator"
i mean even a little "use caution" goes a long way. the site as it is now is the perfect hunting grounds for scammers, its almost tailor made for them. users shouldnt have to warn other users like i have in my trades threads
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Could always post the chatlog and censor the usernames? sheepish grin
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sounds exactly like the time one tried to get me. i was just like yeah whatever kid, my rep is more than enough to stand on so get lost
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He was so quick to activate the freebie game i gave him and didn't even see that it wasn't the game we talked about
So technically you're just as much a scammer as they are.
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I disagree. If the person had been legit, they would have gotten that for which they asked. Instead, he broke the deal and ran off with a free game, instead.
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If you had been given the free game, you would have spoken up. "This is not the game for which I am trading." And then he would have been able to respond, "No, it isn't. That's a free game for you. This is the key to the game for which you were trading." And then you would have received the game you wanted.
A more likely scenario, however, would have been you simply paying him and him simply giving you the key. Both of you have sufficient Rep that any trade between you should have been quick and easy. I don't expect you would have been treated like a well-known scammer, although you could ask Fire Keeper about that.
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Nicely done. )
My favorite scam attempt was when an impersonator contacted me pretending to be CG. (Yes, CG was online at the time.) The guy had no idea who I was, so we had a little fun while he tried to entice me into donating games (to him) for the site while offering me a job as Moderator.
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You are 0/5 on your assertions about me. Either you want to be more astute in the reasoning by which you draw your conclusions, or you want to be more perspicacious while trying to glean information from what is written.
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Hey, it was a group full of steam friends/people I played with, it had a couple of months when it was extremely active and I think I did fine making giveaways from it, specially because I won a lot on that group too and, during that time, it was super positive and nice (laterit was a shistorm).
Also, just a few of them were for one unique group, and most of the groups were made on the SG forum (for example eurocup or the Toast, who is an user, groups), so a lot of people could participate.
Private giveaways were mostly on the forum threads too, and a couple of jigidis.
I am not going to feel bad for it, using a steamgroup is a good filter as any sgtools post, if anyone thinks I'm a cheater or an elitist is free to add me to their blacklists (because any reason is valid, I guess).
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Hey, wow... Steamgifts, chill the fuck out. Stop harassing the poor guy because his wins trigger you. There are no rules stating that users can't enter and win giveaways without creating any giveaways. If you don't like it, blacklist and move on, but don't act like a jerk over it in a thread that's entirely irrelevant. There are multiple ways to keep leeches out of your giveaways - blacklist, level restrictions, SGTools.
What happened to Steamgifts being a "nice" community?
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They didn't say shit until people brought it along, though. I'm just saying, it's kinda shitty that anyone who doesn't fit in the "perfect SG criteria" can't make a thread on the forum without getting attacked over ratio etc. This is the exact reason the forum is slowly dying.
Don't get me wrong, I don't approve of OP's practice, and I respect every single opinion - However, this thread is not the place to be pissy about OP's ratio. They made a thread about a topic which had nothing to do with giveaways and ratio, and nearly every user jumped on the bandwagon of irrelevance.
Just my opinion, of course. Seems OP doesn't mind, and everyone is having a jolly good time arguing, so why not carry on I suppose. :P
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There is something to be said about if you want to be taken seriously, then take the site and it's people serious, what he clearly showed he doesn't, both in actions and in words.
People first only just joked about it, then he responded with some cocky comments, then he admits he just enters for cards and +1, which noone forced it out of him.
I think there was more with him before, that i can't remember, but anyone handy with google can atleast find 1 other thing
He starts with "i got nothing better to do". Well maybe he would have had something better to do if he would actually played one of his games. To take it on a serious note, what did the thread bring new to the table? Another 100th scam thread?
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Well, I honestly haven't read the whole thing - I just entered the thread and saw most comments complaining about OP not making enough giveaways. Maybe I'm wrong in thinking that the community's attitude is no better than OP's in this thread. Take my comment with a grain of salt I guess. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Well you want a place with not everyone getting attacked for a thread they make, i can understand that too.
If someone is acting like a jerk, i think in most communities (real life or on a forum) people will say something about it, just like parents (usually) teach their kids things on what to do, but also what to not do, you know etiquette.
Maybe some here are just trying to "parent" certain people too, maybe hoping they will see certain things differently, but i guess to be honest some of us got to accept not everyone can be "helped".
What i need to learn too, just stay out of it.
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What i need to learn too, just stay out of it.
Agreed. I should have probably just hit the back button when I saw what was going on in this thread. :P
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There is something to be said for just ducking out once people start flinging mud.
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Well full text is: Why do people depend on each other?) (In the end, you're on your own.) (I've made it this far by myself.) (Sure, I couldn't do a thing when I was a kid...) (I've depend on others, but...) (I'll be the first one to admit that I'm here because of other people.)...(I'm fine by myself now. I have all the skills I need to survive. I'm not a child anymore.) (That's a lie. I don't know anything. I'm confused.) (I don't want to depend on anyone. How can I do that?) (Someone tell me...) (Someone? So I'll end up depending on others after all.)
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For me, it was mostly about pressing triangle until I got a Renzokuken.
Still, was my first FF title I played.
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As long as the majority of users here drop the words "leecher/leeching" in casual conversation with a straight face as if it were nothing, we will continue to see this kind of behaviour, unfortunately.
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This place was already a "verbal battleground" when I joined the discussions,. Also you´re using quotation marks so maybe It was like this since the beginning?...
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Days ago a guy summoned me for a trade and i stole his soul. I don't like it, but it were so easy that i had to try.
The bad fella was pretending to be someone in my friend list and i told him after reporting the scam.
My friend said that it's very common and we can't do anything about that.
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