When you visit a Steamgifts group page (example) there is a "users" link on the left side. In it there are several statistics for each group member including:

Gift Difference
Value Difference

But while they sound useful, in reality they're almost useless in their current form. Sent, Received, and Value Difference are all based on the face value amount of the gifts instead of the real CV amount. Gift Difference is just the number at the front of Sent minus the number at the front of Received, but what those numbers actually represent doesn't seem to be explained anywhere.

No where does it say the actual number of gifts someone has sent or received, and again real CV amount is also not shown anywhere (not even in popups like on the general statistics in user profiles). Why? It feels like these statistics were implemented without any care for how they might be used by group admins.

Anyone else think the group user statistics should get an update?

5 years ago*

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More stats is always nice, imo.

5 years ago

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Your post may belong more in the Bugs/Suggestions discussions category.

Sent, Received, and Value Difference are all based on the face value amount of the gifts instead of the real CV amount.

That is correct - They use regular CV and not real CV.

Gift Difference is just the number at the front of Sent minus the number at the front of Received, but what those numbers actually represent doesn't seem to be explained anywhere.

That is true. As for Value Difference, it is a user's in-group Sent CV minus Received CV (NOT real CV).

No where does it say the actual number of gifts someone has sent or received

The only time Sent and Received gift counts deviate from whatever might be considered "actual" is if someone posts a giveaway to multiple groups, at which point the Sent gift count is divided among the number of groups (0.5 count = 2 groups, 0.3 = 3 groups, etc). Such gift count division does not appear to happen with Received gifts.

...real CV amount is also not shown anywhere. Why? It feels like these statistics were implemented without any care for how they might be used by group admins.

I support your SG suggestion of making more group stats available through the site, but my educated guess at answering your question is that many groups have such unique rules that there are very few (if any) additional stats that SG could provide that would be used by most groups. The most common rules or definitions of fairness relate to sent & received ratios (gift count and/or CV) and periodic mandatory giveaways. Both of these things can already be determined by periodically checking the existing Group User stats.

Every other way in which Steam groups on SG define giveaway fairness or worthiness of group membership appears to be very different.

Also, some groups either create their own tools or use existing tools such as ESGST, and SG doesn't seem to often develop stuff that other community members have developed tools for. I have personally lobbied ESGST for enhancing group related stats, and it has been great to see it become powerful over the past year for pulling more group user and group giveaway details. By cross referencing it with Steam DB and barter.vg data, you can pull stats on group giveaways' review stats and whether a game has No CV (like when previously given away by a dev).

My observation is based on some months of me reviewing other group's rules in order to start a group myself. I haven't been on SG long enough to notice any support/mod/admin response to feedback like yours regarding group stats.

5 years ago

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User suggestions do seem to be taken into account on rare occasions. I made a thread at some point asking for there to be a way to turn off the 'manually filtered' games feature, and shortly after it was implemented. So if you'd like to see something improved it may be worth speaking up about it.

Either way though you're right I did put this thread in the wrong section (oops), and since it hasn't got much traction either I think I'll just close it for now and maybe re-make it later under Bugs/Suggestions. Thanks for the thorough response :)

5 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

5 years ago

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About not showing RealCV on group pages - group pages were made years before cg decided to show actual sent and won CV on user profile pages. So it is not directly connected.

Don't know if there is a reason why groups were not updated as well, or how it would impact database performance (real sent CV was already calculated, so only real won CV was added).

5 years ago

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Thanks for the brief history on group page and Real CV features.

Adding Real CV to user group stats would be used by many non-public groups since it provides a much clearer picture of group users' gifting tendencies via group recognition of full value and no value gifting. Considering DB performance is certainly understandable.

Absent Real CV in group stats, exposing an endpoint for either Full Value or No Value games on SG would be beneficial to group admins like myself since SG currently only exposes a list of Bundle Games. Therefore, any third party tools like ESGST cannot easily determine which games are no or full value. Currently, only the Create a Giveaway page's "Select a Game" search results provide this data 5 records at a time, which ESGST individually scrapes when users create giveaways & authorize ESGST accordingly.

5 years ago

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