Don't like the giveaways, don't enter them. Seems a bit silly to complaint about free games.
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But is it how it works, or is it just observation bias? Personally, I see and (more importantly) winning a lot more AAA and high end indie than I did 3 years ago. But I've also hidden most of the games I'm not interested in, so there's less clutter. The nice titles stand out.
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Maybe they take offence to being told their giveaways are "Shit" even bundles aren't free you know?
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You're not a very nice person, are you? How old are you, because you come across as a petulant teenager.
Pro tip kid: A little bit of manners will get you a long way in life.
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I really don't see a problem with that. A lot of those games are simply bundle leftovers. And at least those people are giving away games. There are a lot of people that only enter or win a lot but don't give much (if anything). I personally think that's a bigger problem (and it's still not really a problem).
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While there absolutely are terrible games (like whatever DigiHom made), where do you draw the line? What about people who find certain bad games fascinating (I've given away 3 copies of Ride to Hell Retribution, that's a notoriously bad game, but also a game so bad it's worth playing a few levels of).
If you make a habit out of hiding games you're not interested in when you see them, then the problem will solve itself after a little while. You won't get flooded with games you don't want to see, and it does not take much effort. That way other people will get the games they want, or at least are a bit interested in, and you'll find the games you want. The other option would be to have someone saying "no, you can't have these games because we don't think they're good enough", and that sounds far worse.
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I would rather give something in the off-chance that someone will like it than waste the key. Even if 98% of the community thinks the game is bad, there might still be a few who actually are interested in it. And those who don't want it, can just hide it.
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Define "generally perceived as bad" in such a way that is a)easy to apply b) covers big enough number of titles to make difference (think thousands) and c) majority of contributors will agree on it. IMO it's impossible.
Last but not least: who am I to decide what anyone should be enjoying and what not? And vice-versa.
As a side note. Games that are absolute crap from the craftmanship perspective, show up for a few days when included in somewhat decent bundle. Then disappear (nearly) completly
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For most indies it's what? 30? 50? reviews tops. Insignificant statistically, even more so when you take paid reviews into account.
Then there come games that did not grow up to the expectations hype. Good ones but trashed because "it's not what I thought it would be" or because ppl don't like the dev policies (skyrim and mods comes to mind)
So it's very far from perfect.
Then there are subjective reasons. If I was a member of "we don't giveaway trash games" society I'd have done maybe 50-100 giveaways. Majority for groups/whitelist. Simply because I don't know if the game is trash or not - for example all platformers look the same to me. Good, bad, all the same. I'm not going to research subjects I'm not interested in nor use my name to confirm opinions of some random people I don't even know (and therefore trust very little)
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I'm entitled to my opinion of OP's thread just as much as OP is entitled to their opinion of SG.
Isn't it fine to judge OP for their opinion if they judge SG users for their choice of giveaways?
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They changed it so that bundle games give you CV (15% if their value), no matter how many non-bundled games you've given away. So now you see more giveaways in general. You can hide games you don't want to enter for (click on the small eye next to its name).
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People are just cheap now a days, even an observation like yours is frowned upon, "be silent and accept free stuff, even when it's all shit"
At least you're reasonable when talking about it, seen plenty of others just bashing any type of commenting about the status of SG
Hiding games, as well as utilizing the wishlist and recommended tabs helps a lot with clutter.
Keep in mind that, while yes, there are (negatively reviewed) junk games put up for CV purposes alone, a lot is also just a difference in taste- I mean, you may not like a 60% review score RPGMaker game, but RPGMaker fans may not be so picky.
Also, the SG++ script has a few organization options, including hiding games you've entered from showing. There's some other useful scripts out there as well, if you want to further customize how the site functions for you.
While some users on SG are outright rude, I imagine most of the negative response to any observations you've made would be due to your unfamiliarity with the site functions (after all, if you can't see it, it can't hurt anything- right?) and a site-wide exasperation with the very, very entitled comments of users far more rude and disagreeable than the comments you and the OP have made here- which unfortunately then gets knee-jerked as a response to more civil comments, due to that expectation of disagreeability.
But, at 2 months on this site, "people are just cheap these days" does come across.. a bit like you're intending to be insulting, and nothing else. And, heck- even if they are cheap, free stuff is free. There's really no complaining about it- even if you consider the spam factor a legitimate concern, the different lists and hide function completely bypass that [even if the hide function takes a bit of effort to clear through things- expect to hide at least 5000 games and packages and DLCs before your main list is mainly games of interest].
Most users on this site have an exceedingly low opinion of shovelware- but that doesn't mean they necessarily take well to the implication that the character of those giving away free things on the site is to be derided. Yes, there's a certain exploitative vibe to some of the giveaways- but then, there's enough users on the site that only want +1 to their libraries, that you can't really view those giveaways as problematic.
Meanwhile, there's enough absurdly generous users on this site, that a site-wide "people.." comment is.. in rather poor taste.
We can appreciate your sentiment, but your reaction is a bit overly harsh, and that's what's going to be getting you negative responses, not your sentiment itself. (Excluding responses from people that are just rude in general, of course.)
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To be honest, I didn't think that's what you meant; but a lot of reaction is how things come across, and generalized statements tend to do poorly in that regard. Or, put another way, I did interpret your comment as rude (mostly due to the phrasing following the "people" part), even though I wasn't sure you intended it to be that way.
Keep in mind, a lot of people do a "Ew, bundle trash sucks! If it's been bundled, it's low quality!" routine, regardless of how good (or AAA) the game actually is. For those of us that have the site filtered to our tastes, it's often a delicious array of tasty offerings, bundled or not. Slamming on that seems discourteous to the generous users that offer us so much, open-handedly.
Again, none of us [other than the +1 library addicts] really care for shovelware- but then, that's why it typically gets emphasized at lower levels, where bots and "ooh, free stuff" mentality are dominant. With that sheer quantity, I'm sure it makes it seem as though there aren't as many good games- but even if the ratio of desirable games to undesirable games is poor, the base quantity of such being offered is still admirable.
You can either view the site as one where "a majority of games are cheap," or you can view it as "many users are extremely generous", or even as "most users are generous, with what they can afford to give". Complaining about the parts of the site that you can filter out seems an odd waste of your attentions, but I don't think most people'd react negatively to you having those sentiments, except when it starts to seem like you're criticizing (users who give what they can, and users that clearly give with a jaw-dropping degree of generosity),
As I noted, you're going to bump into outright rude users at times. But most people on the site aren't going to argue your sentiments, so long as they don't get an impression that you're being ungracious or needlessly hostile toward other users.
tl;dr It's not what you say, it's how you say it. :)
(And in that, we all have our pitfalls. :X)
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The problem is in your interpretation, which is inaccurate:
Noone here is shoving things in your face- SG is just a medium for posting giveaways, regardless of their quality or scope of interest.
If someone had a market stall at a fair with free things that were cheap or you didn't care for, you (hopefully) wouldn't stop to insult them, but just move on past.
It's not that we're saying it being free legitimizes it, it's that we're saying stopping to get upset over it is an irrational response, since it's not removing anything good from being presented- it's just being added in on top of everything else, and you can easily walk past it to get what you want. (In fact, since each giveaway generates P for every user, you can even argue that it's benefiting you to have such giveaways be posted.)
I mean, yes, in a fair, finding most of the stalls to be un-fun would be disappointing- but here, you can easily prevent those stalls from showing up in your vision at all.
Again, we're not legitimizing those giveaways [except, of course, where difference in preferences apply]- but we're giving benefit of the doubt toward user's generosity (hence the free reference), and we're acknowledging that stressing over someone else's giveaway habits is a waste of our time, energy, and peace of mind. If there's legitimate exploitation going on, report it to staff- otherwise, just hide the game and move on. Insulting a specific user can be dubious enough, but making site-wide statements critical of the user-base is especially problematic: As staff and other users have mentioned, there's plenty of generous giveaways on the site, and having to actually filter out a few games to spot those giveaways doesn't negate their existence or prevalence.
And, y'know, I'm not even telling you how you should act, or anything. I'm just saying that if you're getting negative comments, it's more likely due to how you're presenting your considerations, than any argument that some games aren't awful quality and "unworthy" of being posted to this site. Though, even at that point, it becomes an argument against what Valve allows on Steam [ie, anything they can make a profit off of], not against the SG community.
And as far as people being self-serving, short-sighted, or cheap- that's not a recent thing, that's just typical human behavior, furthered or hindered by specific cultural expectations.. which often don't apply as strongly to digital conduct, which can also further how negatively such behaviors come across.
Try out the different site functions and scripts, and see if the giveaways still bother you, or seem as problematic as they once did.
Because, I see dozens of highly desirable games posted daily. Yeah, you can't see but a small portion at your level (since people tend to avoid making level 0 and even level 1 public giveaways for desirable games, due to the overwhelming amount of multi-accounting, bot-use, and other negative elements at that range), but that doesn't mean they're not out there.
My recommendation: Reach level 2, and browse the forums for giveaways. That combination'll likely see you the most notable bump in game access. Also, be active (and respectful, where possible) on the forums, and you'll find yourself with better access to group giveaways.
Basically, while many users give without concern to the problematic elements of low level public site use, if you can show yourself to be a member of the community more interested in participating respectfully with the community than with complaining about it, the community tends to reciprocate your postivity.
Of course, some users on the site are just outright negative, no matter your approach- and that's where blacklisting [and the blacklist/whitelist icon indicator script] comes in handy (for showing you the people you don't want to interact with on the forums).
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You basically have to use external services in order for SG to be a pleasant experience, whether it be sg tools or something else, it does indicate an underlying problem.
Another thing site users likely won't argue with.. :X
What might've already occured to you is that I'm purposfully acting obnoxious as it tends to bring out the worse in people
I can't say I haven't done the same, but I feel it's important to try and do such in a way that doesn't cast doubt on your own perspective. In other words, aim for snarky and sarcastic, rather than outright rude and aggressive. If nothing else, it makes it easier for others to laugh along with you, rather than just throw their hands up at the entire exchange. :X
Hey, don't look at me to support Steam or Valve. I started with Steam a few months after its launch, and it was.. well, I didn't expect it to manage to survive, at that level of quality. I checked back every so often, and it didn't get reasonably functional until just 2 or 3 years ago, when they revamped the store and resolved some (still) lingering stability issues. It's still a mess in some respects, however, and even with all that aside, there's no defending basically any of Valve's approaches to things.
If it hadn't been for the amazing cost-benefit of bundles, and then later SG and trading, I definitely would never have moved over any of my attentions from GOG. ~.~
The main problem I see these days, is that Valve seems to actively support trading-card-exploiter developers, which rely on users to be concerned only with immediate gain rather than putting any thought into their actions. Both Valve and shovelware developers benefit, while the users sabotage themselves. It's.. distasteful.
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Yes, though a small number won't enter giveaways of people they've blacklisted, so it's not always one-sided.
No, not unless you happen upon their profile or forum giveaways and notice that you can't enter.
Blacklists aren't typically worth taking to heart, as anyone who'd blacklist you, you'll likely end up blacklisting eventually anyway, or be unlikely to bump into their giveaways to begin with. Of course, some people get crazy obsessive about it and check the profiles of everyone they bump into on the forums, but that's just an absurdly stressful and fruitless way to go about it.
If you're especially concerned over it, you can just focus your efforts toward group or forum giveaways, where it's easier to control/check who is entering, both in terms of rule-breakers/exploiters, as well as in terms of those who have blacklisted you.
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Typically, it's not about elitism or exclusion, but about avoiding the stress of dealing with the kinds of problems that hover around level 0 publics. Forum giveaways especially are based more on an appreciation for the site community, rather than any other sentiment, and definitely shouldn't be dismissed so easily [though, too many people associate invite-only giveaways with being those kinds of forum giveaways as a rule, when invite-only can also be exploited or used for elitist purposes even more easily than group giveaways can be- so invite-only does vary a lot in its merits].
Also, many groups are open entry [check the Group Recruitment forum], and are based on certain concepts [for example, I'm part of a HOG group, a Roguelike group, and an Otome (visual novel) group]. It's not about elitism, but about sharing in and appreciating common interests. Like invite-only gibs, the merits vary a lot from group to group, giveaway to giveaway.
While I'm not saying the elitist mentality doesn't exist in places, the majority of the time I see it mentioned it's being espoused by those who have been excluded from something due to their behavior, or in reference to one of the small handful of ratio-based groups, and not due to actual rational basis. [It comes across in much the manner of people who slam F2P games as being P2W (just due to them being F2P) without even giving the game a fair shot, or because they find the game so hard that they just assume it has to be P2W.]
Now, you should most definitely do giveaways in the way you want, and damn anything said to the contrary- but, with that in mind, you have to lend some acknowledgement to people who do their giveaways in ways that they wish, even if those don't match to your own ideas of what is best.
Most of us don't do giveaways in certain ways to exclude people [other than, of course, rule-breakers (and potentially leeches)]. For example, I enjoy doing little events on the forums because I like engaging with people through them, and I know many participants enjoy the events. Meanwhile, I avoid low level public giveaways because nearly all of my giveaways ended up with super-rude auto-join rulebreakers that only view GA creators as gib-dispensing machines, not as people to afford even a bare minimum of respect. I'd rather do forum giveaways with easy-to-bypass filters and great (and thus presumably more exciting) odds for those entering, than "throw my games away to bots and terrible people".
Unfortunately, while low level users are certainly not to be scorned for their level alone, the company that they're unfortunately bound to overshadows the existence of more deserving users of that level range, when many of us are making our giveaway considerations.
Plus side, many users have the sentiment you do, where they don't mind "risking" games for just a +1 into a multi-account or game collector's library (though that's a risk at any level, it's just more likely at low levels), and with most giveaways on the site being overwhelmingly emphasized toward lower levels [scroll down to 'Per Level', on this page:, and you'll see that the claims of site-wide elitism are more than a bit silly, even if you are willing to automatically associate higher level with being elitist. (Notably, level 0 has far more gibs than all other levels combined, and level 1 about as many as the following levels combined.)], it all evens out in the end.
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around a quarter of all GAs are group GAs, IE 75% of the SG "population" is excluded.
I don't think that math works. :X
It's also worth noting that a sizable number of group giveaways are related to events, or common groups like the site-related S. Gifts group. Whitelist giveaways also count as group giveaways, so that's another factor, especially as everyone uses whitelists very differently from one another.
You'd actually be surprised how many "junk" games get thrown out at higher levels [which is nice, since interest in them tends to be very low compared to the +1-library-emphasized lower levels, so if you want the game, you do get pretty great odds, compared to AAA/high-interest games], but I can't argue your general sentiment, especially as I do tend to use level to reflect quality, outside of puzzle events (which, like most of my non-public giveaways, I as a rule try to keep at level 2).
That said, I do still see far, far more high interest games at lower levels than at higher ones- of course, the benefit of high levels is not in the quantity of giveaways, but the fact that there are less entries in them, giving you better odds when those games do pop up.
Once you reach level 2, you really do have access to nearly all giveaways on the site- even if their odds aren't typically as good as those of higher level giveaways (though most of my forum gibs end up with less than 40 entries, and many barely break 5 entries- so forum gibs tend to offer the best odds, regardless of your level).
I get that the feeling of being excluded comes across as there being an elitist emphasis- and again, I don't argue there may be some elitist elements here and there- but really, most it comes down to how much attention you're willing to give the site. Basically all the high-winners I've encountered ended up being so through forum events (hell, I've had people win 6 games at once from my events). While I do encounter the occasional high-win library-size-emphasizing group-oriented user, they're a much smaller portion. And, larger than either group, are the auto-bot joiners that leech public giveaways, or join as many groups as they can (and again, they're all mostly public groups) to leech off them. [So, rather than worrying about elitists that only benefit a few, it seems better to worry about exploiters that hinder the many- and that, of course, is the mentality that shys people away from (the already well-saturated) low level public giveaways.]
This mentality of "groups are bad and elitist" is nonsensical. If you view SG as the sole expression of giveaways of note, and groups as a secluded, esoteric separation of that, I can get why you'd think they're a negative factor. But typically, groups are either event-based, or a way for actual Steam Groups focusing on certain concepts (like game genres), or certain sites, to give away games through the SG interface. In other words, it's not to the exclusion of SG as a whole, it's simply using the site as the resource that it is, for purposes outside of SG.
Again, not arguing that elitist factors exist- just noting that they're a minority of the site, and the site is a rich and vibrant place where many different perspectives and utilizations of the site thrive. Unfortunately, some of those are explotative or elitist- but they're certainly only a small minority of the site (and are factors that in no way hinder our utilization of the remainder of the site).
Really, if your usage of the site works for you, don't waste your energy worrying about what certain small groups are doing. They're not reflective of the site as a whole, and there's really nothing to do about groups like that, be it on SG, or in any other context.
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When I looked at the stats for types of GAs, whitelists were separated from group GAs, dunno if you missed it of it's an error in the statistics.
That's odd. I'm used to whitelist giveways being sorted within group giveaways, since they use the same functionality. I wonder if the stats page got changed, or if I simply misremembered. Sorry about that, either way!
what is a forum giveaway?
When you create an invite-only giveaway and link it through the forums- it's what gives invite-only giveaways their positive image on SG, as these giveaways tend to be very open [often only having a no-rule-breaking filter on them, and sometimes not even that], and have very low entries [with, in my experience, no-level-restriction AAA games typically capping by 900, and other games typically by 250- though, as I noted before, it's common to see entries even for unbundled/high-interest games not even reach 50, as well.].
These range in presentation from giveaways locked behind both moderate filters and puzzles, to less retrictive, but somewhat hidden giveaways, to straightforward links.
There are also more elaborate events, which are often very lax in restrictions, and there are also occasionally giveaways behind more demanding puzzles and filters.
(And on the topic of group elitism (or lack thereof), you'll note that many easily recognizable SG-centric groups have been known to display very generous contributions toward the forum community as a whole.)
There's also some bad eggs, like puzzle creators that make elitist or "mind-reading" puzzles seemingly just so they can deride people for being "too stupid" to figure them out; but for the most part, the forums are an endless supply of generously offered, engaging giveaway events, ranging from the simple ones trying to promote casual fun, to the more inspiring efforts of the community.
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Number of level 0 giveaways is special. First, it includes GAs from times before the CV was introduced, obviously all were for level 0. Second, big chunk of whitelist and group giveaways is for level 0, because setting the limit is redundant.
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Good points :)
Still, level 1 is larger than the subsequent levels combined, and we can assume level 0 is comparable. Certainly, 0-2 seems to form the bulk of the giveaways I see for public and private both. My point was more that you don't gain quantity of access at higher levels, simply better odds per giveaway that does pop up. It's a complex thing to calculate out in detail, to be sure, but in the context of 'does doing higher level giveaways necessarily detract from more easily accessible lower level giveaways', it doesn't seem to lean in that direction.
I'm just not seeing the elitist bent, especially given that the avoidance of lower-level giveaways is based less in intent to depart from them, and more in avoidance of the complications that come along with them. Honestly, I just find it unfathomable that people would rather come across as entitled, claiming elitism for the things they can't reach without effort [my determination being that the groups that outright lock out members are in a very tiny minority, and most other groups/restrictions can be reached with the intent to do so], rather than delight in just how very many free things they have access to from the start.
Again, whether there is elitism or not, what the actual stats are- it doesn't affect my consideration that most claims toward elitism are founded in self-centered resentment or inaccurate information, rather than in fact.
Likewise, with low level forum giveaways being so solid with their limited entry count, there's definitely a way to get good odds even without focusing on leveling up; and likewise, most groups seem to be entirely open and unmoderated. Some of the promotional groups especially seem to run rather good odds for unbundled games, while bundle games tend to do well in specialized groups [eg, HOGs in the HOG group, for example].
The problem with most being unmoderated is that there's little encouragement to make giveaways to the group yourself, outside of a feeling of reciprocation, as the usual public giveaway issues linger about them; but in the case of promotional giveaway groups, only one person is typically responsible for making giveaways, so there's no obligation or risk there.
I had my share of frustrations with SG from the start, before I grasped the nuances, so I can hardly fault any sentiments to that effect- but I think, once you get familiarized, there's an approach for everyone on this site. fact, even rule-breaking, exploitative, leeching individuals with abusive personalities can make a remarkable good show of wins on this site (often exceeding that of more scrupulous members), so if there is elitism, we're definitely utilizing it inefficiently. :S
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Meh, sole high level brings more flak than gains. So farming it is useless. But when level comes (and ofc is perceived) as side-effect of your actions, you may gain access to some of "underground" groups. Ones that don't do public recruitments but look for members that would fit in nicely. Kind of exclusive places but I'd not call them elitist (most of them at least). And while they won't give you quantity, they give quality - games like Underrail (7Eur for $2.xx CV) and other rare gems. It feels good when gift goes to someone who most likely will appreciate it and not just +1 it to library.
Another reason of ppl hiding in closed "elitist" groups is all the crap thrown at them ("you spoiled rich brat..."). Everyone needs place of peace...
I've just finished sending 66 level 0 publics. It's not a very nice place, poor support was flooded with 24 reroll requests (sorry!). Good sides are, one abusive individual left the site for good and three people won for the first time :)
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They are still there but there are lot more giveaways overall now, a lot for bundle games since there are more bundles than a few years ago (I think), so I guess it feels like there are less big titles. Stats.
Also just because you can't see it doesn't mean it's not there, maybe you just can't access the giveaways. Check the archive.
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People rarely give out AAA titles publicly. It goes to someone you don't know, that may or may not be interested in it. Your Dishonored 2 may have simply +1'd someone-you-don't-know's library that already contains 4000 games ;x.
I mean it's super generous to do, but you'll more often see super cool titles given away to friends on white lists or specific groups, and I think that it's understandable too ^^
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Level up and you'll see more. Also they are usually more often in private and group giveaways than public.
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Probably people started doing them privately or for their whitelists / groups. Not many people like to create public giveaways because of the hassle they have to go through 99% of the time.
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I don't like making high level giveaways, because I don't agree with the CV system. I'm much better making whitelist giveaways the way I'm currently doing. I make sure I'm giving the game to someone who truly wants it and also avoid having to deal with any rule breakers.
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There are a lot more trashy games on Steam now than a few years ago and a lot more cheap bundle sites, and that means in turn there are a lot more cheap games being given away due to surplus keys and people wanting cheap CV. I have most of them filtered because I wouldn't ever play them and I still see a lot of nice giveaways - but I'm fairly high level and somehow on a lot of whitelists. I think another issue may certainly be that there are less public giveaways for top titles due to the rise of the bots, but there are often still plenty of good giveaways hidden in discussions for anybody. I'll have some more of those up myself in a few hours and I apologise in advance in they don't meet your high standards.
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Didn't you notice some changes on steam during these years, like, for example, the implementation of region locks? If people can't buy games from Russia to make ROW giveaways, then they have to pay the full price of a game and that's a bit hard to do, especially if you consider the fact that we're in the middle of an financial crisis.
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I have region lock problems so giving away for my group only and we have strict rules about prices and quality
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Honestly, I think that in the end it just comes down to personal preference. There's people who don't like indie or small games and consider them trash and therefore only look and go for AAA titles and that's completely fine, it's their choice after all, but there's also people who like and enjoy indie and small games just as much as they like AAA titles and are happy to be given the chance to win them on here. I know, there's a lot of bundles out there these days but believe it or not, there's still people who can't afford to get every bundle there is or simply don't want to buy an entire bundle of 5+ games if they only really want one or two of the games in it. You can't please everyone. =)
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Personally, I'm all over the place with games that I like. I'm also one of those people who doesn't really care much about ratings. Just because something received superb ratings doesn't mean that I'll like it and just because something got horrendous ratings doesn't mean I won't like it. It all comes down to trying something out and then deciding whether I like it or not. I never buy AAA games at full price though, because I feel like they usually charge way too much for what the game is actually worth just because it's a AAA title.
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1,254 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Hogan09890
112 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by JMM72
220 Comments - Last post 4 hours ago by Guard1aNRB
16,555 Comments - Last post 4 hours ago by Masafor
14 Comments - Last post 6 hours ago by Akylen
47,280 Comments - Last post 6 hours ago by Wolterhon
26 Comments - Last post 8 hours ago by Tinfricchiu
12 Comments - Last post 8 minutes ago by Chance21
29,199 Comments - Last post 12 minutes ago by ManOman
7 Comments - Last post 13 minutes ago by Yamaraus
9,802 Comments - Last post 19 minutes ago by Fluffster
30 Comments - Last post 20 minutes ago by JMM72
419 Comments - Last post 46 minutes ago by canis39
46 Comments - Last post 51 minutes ago by ferszabi
I used to do steamgifts a lot a couple years ago and I remember that the giveaways were full of AAA titles and good games. All I see now are indie games (not even good ones at that) and humble bundles. I'm not complaining. Just wondering what happened especially since there's a couple sales going on for really good games I would have expected to see those on SG.
Maybe there's been rule changes I don't know about or something.
Anyways. Have a good one.
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