Would you like to see users on your Blacklist more clearly indicated?
How does a whitelist work?
If you view a user profile, you'll see a button with a heart icon in the left column. If you click this button, the user will be added to your whitelist. If you click this button again, the user will be removed from your whitelist. When creating a giveaway, you have the option to limit the giveaway to users on your whitelist. By doing so, the giveaway will only be visible to these users, and only they will have permission to access the giveaway and be able to enter for a chance to win. If you add new users to your whitelist after the giveaway is created, they will instantly gain access to the giveaway as well, and it'll appear on the giveaway list on their homepage. If you remove a user from your whitelist, they will no longer have access to your whitelist giveaways, but their entries will remain valid for any previous giveaways they might have entered.
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Dammit ! A userscript would do that, maybe.
I personally would pick an icon of a turd or a Jar Jar Binks portrait.
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Having her face crudely photoshopped onto a Stay Puft Marshmallow Man or Slimer would be amazing.
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Don't know how this blacklist system works (besides blocking them out giveaways), but at least I hope its like an "ignore" feature found in other forums. The one that makes all posts from the selected user to be hidden.
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No, it prevents blacklisted users from entering your giveaways. There was an "ignore" feature on SG (or was it SG+ ?) but it's gone for now.
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Yeah that ignore feature was what I was looking for. Hopefully it will make a comeback.
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It's not that big at all at the moment as I haven't carried anyone over from my v1 manual list except those I'd personally reported. I haven't kept a list of reasons but typically I'll add people for dud giveaways (the current one mainly being two worlds) or just generally being an ass or shitposting on the forums. In your case I'm guessing I've just poked the wrong person so I've taken you off of it.
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Thanks for clarifying - and removing. Someone else suggested having the possibility to put down a reason as why a person is on the list but I don't think one must justify his entries on the list.
Usually I wouldn't mind being on ones blacklist. I tend to state my opinions and guess some people don't agree with me. If they think that is reason enough to put someone on the list that's OK with me. The only thing is, I didn't make that sort of comments on SGv2 - yet ;)
I guess most of the times one wouldn't notice anyway if one is excluded by blacklist, since these giveaways are filtered.
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I have only a few users in my blacklist, and I hope this didn't change, but I'm quite agree that such feature would be very convenient.
Also, thank you for the bonus)
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Prevent people who you think don't deserve to win from entering your giveaways.
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Would be useful for people with hundreds on their blacklists
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You probably shouldn't be there anymore. You just managed to piss me off on a couple of different threads in a matter of minutes, but I've seen other posts from you since them being really helpful to other members.
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Yea, I do the same thing out of spite, I do know why I blacklist people. It just feels good to push a button and place someone on a list. Most likely it is just a thing we all have in us to make ourselves feel better at any given point in time. No matter how meaningless.
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Ah, I see. But that was a whole other thing. SG+ allowed you to tag users and even block them out completely if I remember correctly. the blacklist here, on the other hand, applies to giveaways.
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Blacklist me please. It makes my already black heart even blacker!
ALSO this thread is fucking HERESY! - http://www.steamgifts.com/about/guidelines
Use the appropriate avenues for support. If you have an issue with another user, submit a ticket with a user report, rather than calling them out within the community or on the forum.
You cannot ask users to perform any special action in order for their entry to be considered valid, such as liking a Facebook page, or following a Twitter account.
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On SG v1 (or maybe SG+?) there was an option called "ignore user" which would then collapse all giveaways and posts by that user and (if I recall correctly) put a red outline around it. I would find it useful if blacklisting someone would do the same.
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Bumping this up as I would be interested in seeing it too.
Is there some user script now that makes this possible?
Or a way to filter if any members of a certain group are on your BL/WL?
I was searching, but couldn't find anything.
I will be clearing out my BL and am trying to check if any members of some groups I am in are on my BL, and it would be helpful if it showed a border around users profile picture or a way to filter them in groups.
(Especially since I've seen before that some groups have a no BL members rule)
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ESGST isn't for everyone, but it does have an extensive array of features to give it multiple points of appeal.
On the other hand, If you're looking for something more basic and straightforward, there's this.
It's never given me any issues in the years I've used it. ^.^
It doesn't offer any filter options, however, so definitely look to ESGST for something like that.
Might be a consideration for later use, however, if you decide you don't want to keep the larger ESGST script running non-stop.
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Thank you very much Sooth!!! I have used ESGST before but I found it hard to get few of the features I tried working (it seems some options contradict one another/don't work together), so this will come in handy nicely!
Thank you both very much! No wonder both of you are already on my WL ! :D
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I think they've improved ESGST to make some of the features clearer and more compatible, but there are so many features that it's easy to be overwhelmed, and many of the descriptions of how features work are still clear as mud. :)
Honestly, I think the best blacklist related feature of ESGST is being able to hide your personal blacklist stat. "Click here to remove a negative indicator that that I can't do anything about and makes me feel terrible?" Yes, please!
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In case you missed it, Sooth pointed out that this script adds icons that basically do what you're looking for: https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/Fr39L/userscript-blacklistwhitelist-indicator-v076
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I posted this almost 4 years ago as a QOL suggestion for what was then a new system. The system was implemented because the userbase wanted it and were already maintaining external blacklists and you can see from the poll results and some of the comments here that the suggestion wasn't lacking merit.
I'm not sure where you get the idea that it's an obsession.
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If there was a feature like that, I would've never entered this post :)
Indeed useful +1
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The intention here was to more easily see who the user had blacklisted not who had blacklisted the user.
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Frankly speaking, I don't understand the difference.
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Why people want to see, who blacklisted them?
thegodoftitsandwine's idea wasn't: being able to see who blacklisted you, but to easily spot who you blacklisted instead.
You answered that you don't understand the difference.
If you know they're blacklisted, you will be less likely to react to their stupid comment, etc, because you know they had a history of pissing you off or making stupid remarks in discussions previously.
You could ignore them and their bs and also not wasting your time in pointless argument.
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people are blacklisted for many reasons.
e.g - if they're a jerk in chat.
If you know they're blacklisted, you will be less likely to react to their stupid comment, etc, because you know they had a history of pissing you off or making stupid remarks in discussions previously.
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That's good explanation. Now I got it. Disagree, that this stuff is useful, and that SG devs need to use their time to make this stuff, but at least I understand, what with I disagree.
Sad, that I can't add you to WL, because your explanation deserves it. =)
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Also at the time this was posted blacklists were one way so I could blacklist you but still enter your giveaways which most felt was a dick move and wanted to avoid doing.
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What a shitty idea.
I sometimes remove people from my blacklist after seeing that they are actually good people in the comments and that I was mistaken to blacklist them in the first place (I only blacklisted 10 dudes or so thus far anyways (Now including you), really unnecessary feature tbh). But with this, you would mark them for all eternity.
OP fuck off. You should feel really bad for bringing this up. This will only lead to more tension. SG is supposed to be wholesome and not some ignorance and hatred-fueled community.
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OP fuck off.
You seem to be missing all the context here. I posted this almost four years ago as a QOL improvement suggestion to what was then a newly implemented feature. Someone else brought this up by bumping the thread. My blacklist has been mostly empty for years now and only gets used temporarily for the occasional obnoxious shitposter that pops up from time to time, and if you look through the initial comments from when the thread was first posted you can see that even at the time I was actively removing using from my blacklist that I'd mistakenly added.
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Man, I should learn to look at the dates first..
I am sorry. I acted too quickly with too little thought. I removed you from my blacklist. Please excuse my boorish behaviour.
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Geez, first I thought that's a really unnecessarily shitty comment, but then I see you've owned it and actually apologised rather than doubling down (a rare occurrance on the internet these days). I would whitelist you for that, but it seems you are already.
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Your vocabulary and particularly the last sentence is quite ironic.
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Ha! It's funny because that was my very first thought reading his comment as well!
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This post is almost five years old, it doesn't really reflect my current site usage.
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I considered that but decided to leave it since a solution was actually provided that some didn't seem to be aware of.
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Why are people arguing over a post made almost 5 years ago, that at the time perhaps had legitimacy, but not really anymore?
Are we really this lacking in stuff to be upset about online?
OP: You should just close this discussion, and it will go quiet again.
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True for userscripts, but I'm almost certain that as a browser extension ESGST has a setting for showing a popup (on SG pages only) with embedded or linked release notes when an update is ready.
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So to recap after 4 years:
80% of people polled want to see who is on their blacklist (or whitelist) without having to view individual user pages or their entire black/whitelist for various reasons like...
Because some groups request that you dont blacklist any members.
SG hasnt added any such functionality since the first post.
ESGST has settings to see white/black list indicator next to every username shown
Blacklisting can be a sensitive topic.
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Blacklisting can be a sensitive topic.
Indeed, merely mentioning "blacklist" in any context is likely going to get you in trouble.
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So it's only been a day and already all them rule breakers are starting to feed my blacklist. It'd be nice if there was an at a glance method of determining if I'd already added a user to my blacklist. A few ways it could be done would be to change the colour of the border around the users profile pic (and possibly have user configurable colours for white/blacklist), to grey out the user pic as is done with entered giveaways or to have a no smoking style crossed circle over the user pic.
BONUS: http://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/SKRi5/viking-battle-for-asgard
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