I like to think I am a productive gamer, but I am easily sidetracked by other games. Currently, my main problem is lack of time to actually play games from the beginning to the end (of course, I am talking about long games) since I work too many thanks to timezone issues.

In the last months, I started doing the operation "start and end only one game" and it made wonders to my PS4 backlog. PS4 was my choice because I can't play too many of my PC backlog on my notebook while I can play all my PS4 games using remote play. Steam, unfortunately, doesn't perform so well doing the same as the PS4 software does.

Now I am finishing my PS4 backlog and I want to start my PC, but I don't have any idea of where I should start. How do you do to handle a large backlog? Start from bigger games, smaller games or by interest?

7 years ago

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How do you do to handle a large backlog?

View Results
Smaller games first
Longer games first
By interest/game type
Play more than one game at the same time
Obligatory potato answer

I had to reinstall windows which means that I have to install all my games again and I decided to use that to deal with my backlog. I'll install only a few games that I'm currently interested in playing and once I finish them, I'll install new ones. I think you should choose a game that you want to play the most, finish it and the move to another one that you're interested in. Good luck!

7 years ago

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This is why I have my games and my os on seperate drives

7 years ago

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I had the same plan... Now I have 100 games installed :/

7 years ago

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Yep, that never works. I have 699 installed games.
And I have to wipe my pc clean and install windows again. Guess what I did. Moved all game folders to an external drive.
Wanted to uninstall them all and install just a few at a time. So I uninstalled around 100 and I'm at 699. :/
Maybe I can lower that number a little more this week before I reinstall my OS.

7 years ago

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Usually whatever I feel like, although sometimes I look at how much time I have for a relatively continuous gaming block and try to choose something that fits there.

7 years ago

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I generally don't exactly go for this whole "obligatory backlog" thing (which seems to be the big thing, strangely enough). For me, it's more of a "play what you feel like playing right now" kind of thing, although I do dedicate some of my time to playing a selected few games, especially when I've won them on Steamgifts.

I'd suggest going by what feels more interesting/entertaining... however, if you're planning on playing everything, don't do this as you'll be stuck with the boring stuff on the long run. I sometimes play two or three simultaneous games, but that's probably not such a great approach if you actually want to finish them - it'll sidetrack you.

So what option do you have left? By category/type. Again, this may feel a bit tiresome after a while due to repeatedly playing games of the same genre.

Shorter to longer, or vice-versa, seems like a fair option, although you may get bored of the same "style" a short (or lengthy) game has. Most short games are in the same genre, and such is the same with longer games. After playing a few short games, you may feel like playing something more... consistent? In any case, this seems like a smarter choice than the other.

I voted for "By interest/game type", but my honest advice? Vary. Finish one game, then try to pick something semi-randomly. I suggest making a short list of games you want to play, and go through it randomly, finishing each game.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Start an "attack plan". Most people here, myself included, use BLAEO for that. It can be silly like playing in alphabetical order or the usual batches.
I'd recommend you to start with smaller games, so you get hooked on beating games faster. Besides, they're easier to stop and pick up again without losing grip of the story imo. Also, keep adding games that must be played in a set amount of time, in between. It helps adding some flavor and you don't forget them.
Playing more than one game at once can work, but it's risky. It might make you bored and unmotivated easier.

7 years ago

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I second this recommendation. Since learning of and joining BLAEO, I've been playing through many more PC games than I was before. The great community, and the monthly challenges, provide the motivation and support to get you playing and keep you playing.

7 years ago

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+1 BLAEO has helped me immensely

7 years ago

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I joined BLAEO a long time ago but being honest, didn't helped me at all. Maybe I'm not used to the tool, but my problem is to find a way to categorize my games.

7 years ago

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I start a new list every month and I keep adding the games I've played throughout the month to that list. I do the same for challenges, themes and games with a deadline. It helps me a lot to always find something to play and to keep a goal to reach.
My list for September so far:

"Serial Killer" is the current monthly theme about beating games that are part of a series
"Challenge me!" is a challenge about beating games others pick for you.
"ABC Challenge" is a challenge about beating games in alphabetical order.

View attached image.
7 years ago*

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Going to work through it... Maybe it works well for me.

I am finishing my PS4 backlog, so I have to find a way to start my PC soon... Oh well :P

7 years ago

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I Installed 7 games "for playing" + 3 "for playing/farming inventory items". Don't install new games, while i finish any 3 of 7 games "for playing" 😄

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I usually have several "small" games installed. Something that doesnt really have a story (Dirt Rally, ETS) or is some indie type of game. Something you can play around for half an hour and leave it at that. And one or two big games. That has captivating and long story or just has awesome gameplay - some FPS or 3rd person RPG. Love those.. (e.g. right now - Rise of the tomb rider and Shadow of Mordor)

And driving around a lot on weekdays I dont really get time to get on my PC. But I have my laptop with me. Its quit old and not really powerful, so nothing much runs on it. I use that to finish some older games or not that requiring performance wise.

7 years ago

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I tried the "play only one game at a time until you beat it" thing, and while it worked for diminishing my backlog, I started to have less fun as time went on. I'd start playing a game, and then a bit later I'd want to play something else, and making myself focus only on that first game made me begin to resent it, even if I tried using the other game as a reward. It got to where I didn't even want to play games because I'd have to play that one.

So now I play whatever I want to play. My backlog isn't shrinking as much (especially since "what I want to play" seems to be 50+ hour games a lot of the time XD), but I'm having more fun. And one way I try to make my backlog smaller is this: If I go too long without playing a game I've started, and I still have no interest when I notice and contemplate playing it, it goes in a separate "Stalled" category. It's not technically complete, but I consider it as such for the sake of my backlog.

7 years ago

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That's the same position I'm in right now. Also, I have the problem to always seek to get all trophies, which makes me lose a lot of time at the same game.

It is sad :P

7 years ago

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I dont have a backlog... I just play w/e I want which often means.. replaying games or focusing on online games.

7 years ago

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Sounds like me except not so much online games anymore. I'm actually surprised and relieved with all the answers leaning towards this option instead of something more rigorous

7 years ago

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well the only online games I play atm are Gwent and Planetside 2(just got back to it). With university starting I just dont see myself focusing on any campaign(apart from co-op play DOS 2).

Time is limited to play a game just for the sake of beating it.. especially if you arent having fun... I pretty much ended up hiding 1k of my steam library.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Slowly. Very slowly.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I don't. I just play CK II.

7 years ago

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I firstly beat short agames, and then beat long RPGs (like Witcher 3, Fallour 4).

7 years ago

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I outline q couple of parameters, say maybe "20-30 hours, single player only, no difficulty related achievements", "rogue like, short runs, pick up and play" or "dedicated grind, co-op enabled" depending on what takes my fancy at the time and then have friends suggest games that fit. I'll play those games until I've beaten the game or feel it's done if it doesn't have a traditional ending. If a given game really grabs me I'll keep at it till it's as complete as I can get it. Other stuff I'll uninstall and go back to at a later date. If I really don't enjoy something I'll just shelve it and pick something else, though that doesnt mean I won't give it another go sometime down the line.

7 years ago

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Why not start with your won games? And if you want to try it by starting small/short games first, use HowLongToBeat or Astats.

7 years ago

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Slowly. Slooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowly, and usually they multiply by that time D:
I usually try to prioritize SG wins to gifted games, and those to the remaining bought ones, but it's quite stupid tbh. It's good to take the first look at my wins when I'm indecisive, but to actually play it - no. Playing what grabs your attention and you're curious is a faster and more enjoyable way than forcing yourself to start with one pile. So I'm not always doing what I feel like I should be doing, making myself way too slow with my backlog.

7 years ago

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I always play only 2 games at a time + cs. It works fine for me to complete all games. I don't like to play more than 2 "story" games at once because I just end up leaving one behind, and then forgetting what's going on in the game and even some controls. I also don't like to think I have a "backlog", I just have some reserve games to play when I finish the ones I'm playing.

7 years ago

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It's still there waiting for me, I'm goint through it slowly but steady. My problem is I need a new Hard drive, no more free space on my desktop computer so have to install just a couple of games, play them and go for other two, but it's sloooow. Nowadays games eat so much hard drive space.

7 years ago

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first by wins on steamgifts, because it's rude to not play and finish them.
then gifts, same reason for wins.
last i put all the games i bought or got for free, unless i buy something i wana play immediately (if i ever do this again, like a preorder).

category doesn't affect me a lot, unless i already beat all my wins which are top priority for me.

7 years ago

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I do the fairly well-known "batch" method on BLAEO.

I go through my backlog titles and throw together whatever gives me a warm fuzzy at the time I make the list. Then I more or less play that group of games until finished. The list sometimes gets modified a few days/weeks later when some of the unplayed titles don't give me that fuzzy anymore, so I swap in new ones.

The tougher part can be trying to find a balance: not all the same type of game, make sure to throw SG wins into each batch, try to have at least one big game and one smaller one, pick games that are part of BLEAO themes, etc. My batches typically align with playing those titles within a calendar month, but it doesn't always work out.

7 years ago

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