Yes, you broke a rule. You have to activate it on your own account within 7 days. You will be blacklisted by many and most GAs using sgtools will block you too. So, you have to buy it and activate on your won account if you don't want any problems in future.
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Perfect :-( Will I get banned now or not? Is there anybody I could report this to so that the exception is made?
EDIT: Wow, you are quick. Well, it seems I f****d it up. I can't believe there is no way how to make an exception. I did definitely nothing wrong, at least not intentionally :-(
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If a user reports you, you will get a 5 or 7 day suspension (I believe that's the duration, anyway). I highly doubt they will make an exception for this, since your story could easily be fabricated that you "accidentally" redeemed on another account. Not saying you did, but support doesn't have to believe you.
Edit: Now that I'm checking your account, this is the second time you did not redeem a won game on your account, so the suspension may be longer. Not to mention support will believe your story even less as a repeat offender of breaking SG's rules.
If I were you, I would try to obtain the game in a trade/buy the game during the summer sale so that it shows as an activated win on your account. Might as well, The Forest is a multiplayer game, play with your girlfriend~
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You won't get banned, just suspended for a few days.
After the third offense, however, you'll be permanently suspended.
And this is the second, so be careful in the future!
And obviously, it's not important if you did it unintentionally, rules are rules, and by using this site you acknowledged them.
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Uh, I checked it and now I see. I kept one game in my inventory instead of activating it. My fault. If I activate it now, does it help or not? Will I still have two offenses counted?
I probably confused it with gameminer rules which doesn't care what you do with your property :-/
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Fairly certain it's too late, since you missed your acceptable window. If someone reported you for it, it would mark your record.
I'd be very careful in the future if you wish to continue using the site. I'm not saying you've done it intentionally, but I doubt most people will care and they may report you.
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I understand not wanting to buy a second copy under normal circumstances, since I share libraries with my boyfriend too.. but I'm not understanding the argument here. The Forest is a co-op/multiplayer game, so it should fit right in with your exception (even if it didn't, you have no choice if you don't want to be suspended)~
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Nice, you made your first step towards redemption!
Now if you also activate The Forest, you'll free yourself of the "rule-breaker" red mark.
Otherwise, well... after the 5 days of suspension, no more SGTools giveaways for you, random blacklists everytime your avatar shows up, and giveaway creators might want to re-roll if you win.
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Not banned, you would be suspended, that just means that you wouldn't be able to create or enter giveaways.
A full-fledged ban would forbid you from even logging into the site, and they've been handed out only a couple of times.
As for worse things, well... being banned on Steam would surely be a tragedy...
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It's a co-op multiplayer survival game, it kinda reasonable to get it during the sale if you plan so.
I guess you already figured these out:
Suspension =/= ban, just people are careless about their word. You'll get suspended for a few days, unable to access the site (giveaway, comment) afterwards you can again use these.
Yap, blacklists happened, and probably quite some will
Most of the SGTools-protected forum giveaways(depending on the creator) will be unavailable for you because having an unactivated win. If you're really entering for group giveaways only, it won't even affect you.
And people are probably blacklisting you despite not causing intentional harm because kinda they can. And kind of because knowing the rules and paying attention for them is not hard, just this time not being aware caused problems.
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Then at least explain to the GA creator what happened so he doesn't take you for a thief and has to worry about giving a nice game to somebody who doesn't appreciate it.
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There are no exceptions otherwise people would use the same excuse.
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This is the second time you didn't activate a win. Looks like you don't care for rules much.
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There is no excuse for not activating on your account. Stop looking for an exemption. You are responsible for following the rules and support has enough to do without having to listen to peoples excuses why they didn't activate.
In future check which steam account you're on before activating a key. A simple thing to do, isn't it?
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You most likely will be reported, either from bringing it to people's attention from making this trade or in future giveaways you win. Certain giveaway creators check for activated wins on the person's account before sending the key, since it's grounds for a reroll if they recently broke the rule.
As for your "there is no rational reason why anybody should care about that" line, it's the rules of the site. You acknowledge them by being a member here. If you choose not to care or follow them, you'll get banned, simple as that~
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The chance of you not being reported are lower than non-existant, now that you exposed yourself on the forum (I won't do it myself, though).
You'll also see your blacklist counter rise through the roof (again, not from me, I stopped doing that).
Again, be extra careful with the rules, as the next offense might spell "The End" on your Steam Gifts membership.
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I can imagine a lot of reporters because no-one likes people who think the rules don't apply to them because they're special.
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Well... I can do nothing but say to everybody here who has never made a mistake (which actually did not harm anybody): "you are really good!"
You really think that if I thought rules did not apply to me, I would ask in the discussion? I see that being honest was the worst thing I could do.
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The problem is you think you can get away with it by having a special exemption. As if there is anything special about your case. You have a few days left to get a key and activate it on your account. It's your own fault you didn't check which steam account you were on.
If you don't do that then don't be surprised if you are suspended and eventually banned. It's your decision if you want to follow the rules so carry the consequences.
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Just remember to use a good shovel when you're digging your own grave ;)
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Why does anybody want to punish people for making mistake which doesn't actually harm anybody?
It didn't physically harm anyone, but you robbed someone else of their chance to win by doing that.
Just because it was a rule breaking?
Exactly that.
Rules don't exist solely to punish those who break them, but also to protect those who follow them.
Or, strictly speaking: not activating a win might be considered theft, as there's no way of knowing what did you do with that key.
And theft is a crime... and crimes must be punished.
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"It didn't physically harm anyone, but you robbed someone else of their chance to win by doing that."
Robbed? I won. It was a matter of luck. The one who wins robs the chance to win of the others? That doesn't make any sense.
"Rules don't exist solely to punish those who break them, but also to protect those who follow them."
Could you please tell me what would be different if I activated it on my account instead of GFs? Nobody else would still have it and it is me who will play it on my PC. There is absolutely no difference.
If this is a theft, who realised the loss? Rules are here to protect people against loss. In this case, there is no loss. I won the game, I have the game and I will play the game.
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Robbed? I won. It was a matter of luck. The one who wins robs the chance to win of the others? That doesn't make any sense.
He do, if he don't activate it on his account.
Could you please tell me what would be different if I activated it on my account instead of GFs? Nobody else would still have it and it is me who will play it on my PC.
If you had activated it in your account, you wouldn't have broken a rule, and we wouldn't be having this conversation.
An unactivated win might have been traded, regifted, or even sold. There is absolutely no difference.
If this is a theft, who realised the loss? Rules are here to protect people against loss. In this case, there is no loss. I won the game, I have the game and I will play the game.
Someone was nice enough to make a giveaway, essentially willing to give the game for free.
People entered the giveaway, wanting to get a chance to play that game.
You, the one who was lucky enough to win, didn't use it on your account, so you basically wasted it.
So, who took a loss in this story? Everyone did:
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"He do, if he don't activate it on his account."
If I win and activate on my account and then play it, I didn't rob the other participants. If I win and activate on my GFs account and then play it, I robbed them? ...ok then... you say that.
"If you had activated it in your account, you wouldn't have broken a rule, and we wouldn't be having this conversation.
An unactivated win might have been traded, regifted, or even sold. There is absolutely no difference."
The difference is I did not do that and it can be easily proved. Anyway, nobody gives a s**t.
"So, who took a loss in this story? Everyone did:
1 the giveaway creator, who sent a game, but can't know where did it end;
2 the other 23 participants, who didn't win;
3 you, who will get reported, suspended, blacklisted, and generally regarded as a "criminal";
4 the overworked support members, who will have a stream of new tickets to look at."
1 I am in touch with creator. Of course, he doesn't care. Obviously no loss.
2 The other participant wouldn't win no matter what I do with the code. Considering the fact I have the game and I will play it, definitely no loss.
3 Well, I hope that this is the worst thing to happen to me today...The only actual loss - mine.
4 I did not invented this system...
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If I win and activate on my GFs account and then play it, I robbed them? ...ok then... you say that.
Your girlfriend's account isn't your account.
The difference is I did not do that and it can be easily proved.
The opposite can't be proven either, the only known fact is that you didn't activate your win.
About the last part:
Anyway, I don't think this conversation will bring us too far... it's better if we just halt it.
Now, click the green button on the top right corner that says "Open", and on the list that pops up, click "Close Discussion".
Then, we should go to sleep, as it's 4:00 AM in our timezone.
Good night!
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Our timezone is the same ;-)
"Your girlfriend's account isn't your account."
Sorry, but it actually is. I created it, it's connected with my e-mail address. Of course, I could let her using my account but I thought this was better.
"The opposite can't be proven either, the only known fact is that you didn't activate your win."
It can be proven easily by screenshots. I have access to both accounts, to both e-mails connected with those accounts.
"Again, the others might just assume you traded or sold the game."
Uhm... if I tell you that 5-3=2 and prove it with abacus, it's definitely your problem that you still believe the result is 3.
"But you accepted its rules when you decided to use it, didn't you?"
Yea, I did. And I would never break it intentionally.
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you can't prove it, even if you show your girlfriend have the game, no one can know for sure it was the same key you got from the gift,
by "your girlfriend account is not yours"... its not yours but if you want to consider that, then for you the meaning is this: "your girlfriend account is not the same as the one you won the game with" ans that's what matters
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After today, no one will know this thread or have any contact with you on this subject. They will just check you with SG Tools and automatically blacklist you, even request rerolls if you win another GA.
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lol the rule breaking is the harm on this site, any rule obviously not caring for rules you are trying to defend yourself too much and if i made a mistake i would try to ask sorry and correct it with the correct part being more important than people would actually forgive me
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well technically you broke the rules and i may have faith in humanity and trust you are saying the truth but on second thought it could easily not be the case and as many said everyone will start make that excuse noone will report you if you just buy the game no harm done but a lot will if you try ask for an exception
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Really, this is your problem to deal with. Just because you "unknowingly" did this (and kept another win in your inventory?) after 4 years of membership does not absolve you of guilt.
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Haha, this guy is such a dick. The level of entitlement is boggling.
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Oh, look at that miserable taker! Yeah, I always liked gameminer more because of their liberal rules (cuz I definitely do not care what the receiver does with his property). I still have quite a lot keys to give away, however I am not sure if I am actually interested to give them here after this.
Regarding trading, I made several offers. Well, demand did not meet supply. Since when it is a sin?
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According to the site rules, every won game must be activated to your Steam account. This requirement is needed in order to prevent regifting and to prove that the game existed in the first place.
If you made a mistake of activating the game to another Steam account, this is something that you will have to address if you want to avoid problems in the future. First of all, we won't be able to "make an exception" in your case because there's nothing that makes your case any more special and eligible for an exception than any other similar situation. Sure, mistakes happen, but we have to treat every user equally if we want things to be fair for everyone.
In addition, your unactivated win might prevent you from joining some giveaways in the future - both because of blacklists and because of certain automated checks performed by websites like SGTools. You might be able to explain your non-activation to those who blacklisted you, but you certainly won't be able to explain it to the SGTools algorithm.
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the part that he asks for an exception tho is wierd to me ...ok the story can have some truth in it but in his shoes i would just buy the game its cheap and if i couldnt affort it i would w8 for the summer sale that is real soon and it would be super cheap and avoid all this heat it would be more logical to create a ticket to support saying that he will buy the game 1st day summer sale then inform the creator about what happened in an old GA of his that noone could ever see , i could see an exception there but he is clearly asking for permition to break the rule
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Problem is that game's lowest price was 10$ (50% off) , and no way that any trader would give him the game from the HB monthly below 6-8$ worth or such. Still not a massive amount, but somebody previously even was throwing around with "it was bundled, buy it for cents". Just wanted to add this - even if the price drops during sale because of the previous bundle, I would way it won't go below 8 or such.
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good point but at least for me a 10 euro or dollar game is affordable and super cheap i know that currencies changing from country to country and it may be a lot where he lives not sure then again it wont be a loss he can play with his gf its a multiplayer game after all
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Thank you for explaining everything. I sent all the necesary information to Steam support. Considering the facts, that:
I have access to both accounts
I have access to both e-mails connected to accounts
The key was activated just a few hours before I sent them the message
The game has never been downloaded or played
I proved everything with screenshots
I think they could possible move it to my account.
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You can try to contact Steam support to ask them to move the game to your account, since you seem to not want to buy another copy of it for yourself.
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It's unlikely that they'll do it, but it never hurts to ask. Especially because OP doesn't want to shell out money.
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I know that it's possible to "pack" the game back into a gift if you accidentally activated the giftable copy to a wrong Steam account via Steam support. I know at least 2 people who did it. But I assume it entirely depends on your ability to explain your reasoning and the support member who reviews your case.
I doubt that contacting them about a key activation will yield the same results, though.
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How is it the only helpful post? You asked if you broke the rules and if it was a problem. The answers people have given you clearly point out that it is a problem.
If you want to enter a lot of GA's and not get banned, get yourself a copy of the Forest. You could probably trade for it, it was in a recent Humble Bundle.
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Vee's comment has sadly been overlooked, let me repeat it:
The problem is not that you made a mistake, that can happen to everybody, the issue that everybody here take offense to is that now that you realized you made a mistake, you don't seem willing to fix it.
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Just buy that game at a site or store where it is cheaper and activate it. If you mark game as received the giver won't have trouble but you will suffer as many people whose GAs you may win in future may refuse to gift you and ask for a re-roll when the missing gift shows up in their activation check. Or you will flunk SGTools protected GAs when the rule of not activated win flags you. You will get bl;acklisted by tons of people too. Just buy a copy, activate and get it over with. Easiest way out. Its sale time now luckily for you and you should find a cheap copy somewhere.
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After a long time, I won a gift. I was so happy that I did not notice my GF is logged in Steam instead of me and I activated the gift in her account. Is it a problem? Did I break the rule or not?
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