so i was having this discussion, and no matter how hard i tried i couldnt come up with more than one answer, just one wish is all i could think of, so i was curious, what else can someone wish for?
im extremely sorry for not including a giveaway.

EDIT: i have been blacklisted alot after this post, if im being offensive to anyone, i apologize

EDIT 2: i have seen so many wonderful wishes, some made me really watch and think, a question though, would you guys... abandon your wish, for someone's else wish to come true?

7 years ago*

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i wish i could have unlimited wishes

7 years ago

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I mean, we're all thinking it.

7 years ago

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after that'? i know youd wish for stuff like a sandwich or something,but what else out of your power can you wish for

7 years ago

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The Batmobile.

Biweekly paychecks of $5,000.

7 years ago

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interesting, wishes are a tool to happiness, money and batmobile will bring you joy?

7 years ago

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I tried to keep it respectable. I feel like a genie wouldn't bat an eye at those two requests.

7 years ago

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Anybody who says money can't buy you happiness never had a a million bucks

7 years ago

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more sandwiches? lol. but when u have unlimited wishes u could always wish you had something to wish for, which is wishful thinking i know....

7 years ago

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After getting unlimited wishes I'd wish for immortality and the ability to control minds. That's all I need out of life.

7 years ago

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pretty cute, youd want to see everyone around you die, as you rot away in your body, cutest thing i heard all day

7 years ago

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No i never leave my computer so I wouldn't see anyone die =) I'd just get to play videogames forever.

7 years ago

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there are limited games , and you are immortal... whats next?

7 years ago

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Assuming video games never go out of style, they are potentially as unlimited as an immortal flesh-being's life.

Note when i say immortality I do not mean the ability to never die, but more similar to an elf's immortality in fantasy. Simply not dying of old age. A nice gunshot to the face or asteroid to the earth would do it quite well. I don't know if there's a separate word for that though.

7 years ago

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Also you can learn to code and make your games eternally, assuming there will be electric power or some other energy to power up your computer all the eternity.

7 years ago

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He could wish unlimited energy

7 years ago

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Eternal youth? I thought of you as a mummy when I read immortality without it ^^

7 years ago

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Seems more accurate than immortality, yes.

7 years ago

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You could wish for new games :D

7 years ago

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"That's all I need out of life". You're not asking for much! I'd grand you your wish if I could <3

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I would be happy to just be healthy and able to get out of this bed I have spent the last decades in.

7 years ago

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Unlimited wishes as first wish is the only logical explanation and everything else is stupid or lies!

7 years ago

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To end it all; quickly, painlessly, and without affecting others.
That, or the possibility to start all over again, in the mind and body of someone successful, free, and socially functional.

7 years ago

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ah...i know its not much, but if you need someone, im here

7 years ago

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Thank you, but don't worry. I was over dramatic.

7 years ago

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that still doesnt change the fact that you need someone.. ill add you just incase

7 years ago

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To have superpowers!!! Change my body like Mystique, read minds, healing powers, fly, all of them

7 years ago

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thats really interesting!

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I wish i could fly ~

7 years ago

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with wings on your back like an angel? or like superman just flying?

7 years ago

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I prefer like Superman.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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To be rich. Because being rich is the only true happiness!

7 years ago

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actually, studies shows that money IS depression, the more money you have the more likely you are to be depressed

7 years ago

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It's because their is no stats about people without money because they die quickly :)

7 years ago

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not really true;

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Life is stressful, with or without money. If you can't handle being poor, you're probably going to have trouble being rich, too.

7 years ago

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I used to be really poor. Then i went to really high paying job. I found out how good life is when you have more than you need. Now i plan to get back to that rank. :)

7 years ago

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Studies can go suck a fuck, struggling to pay for food and rent does not make people happy.

7 years ago

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I thought studies said that, once you have enough money to not worry about your basic needs (food, rent, mortgage...) and some extra money for little whims, more money doesn't imply more happiness. It reaches a limit. Of course you are fucked if you can barely pay for food or your medicines

7 years ago

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If only that were true.

7 years ago

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If you disagree, you don't make enough money!

7 years ago

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I disagree because I know better. I have been rich, and I have been poor, and I have learned that being happy has everything to do with attitude and little to do with material possessions.

7 years ago*

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This is true, and should be obvious but I've come to accept that it is not for everyone :)

7 years ago

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i don't want to revise for my exams and just jump straight to summer holidays.

7 years ago

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ah... exams >.<

7 years ago

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To always be able to say exactly what someone needs to hear

7 years ago

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study psychology then, my friend :D

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

7 years ago

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ah, even if we removed that, we would still fight over personal opinions like, "you shitty pc gamer, i the ps4 player is better than you"
"no, xbox is better"
"pc master race"
i know these are memes, but i actually saw people fight , fist fight over these stuff

7 years ago

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Yes, that!
(And whitelisted for being the first one to wish for something not self-centered)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

7 years ago

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whats wrong?

7 years ago

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Maybe someone said Devil Daggers wasn't that great.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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ah, thats something sweet cats are always welcome!

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

7 years ago

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in war nobody wins, so, im pretty sure it would be good (overcrowded though)

7 years ago

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I like the way you think. I will now brood about all the ideas you have planted in my mind.

7 years ago

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i didnt see your wish, phonenix19, what is it?

7 years ago

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Oh boy! Don't tempt me...
I work in the sustainable field, so I guess I would wish for companies to be responsible for the true costs of their products, not only the material costs of production, but also the costs to environment, to human and animal lives. That would really make me quite happy.
Also world peace!
Gender equality, an end to racism, a higher moral awareness, a world currency, a world government... ad infinitum
No more unregulated palm oil! And please an end to the bio petrol scheme.

7 years ago

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i see... , thank you

7 years ago

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Erm... Is world peace too much to ask? Responsible humanity? Restoring (saving) the planet? Space travels? Space cats for everyone? Fine, I'll just have more cats too...

View attached image.
7 years ago

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why not wish for space traveling hero cats that bring peace , and plants trees everywhere?

7 years ago

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View attached image.
7 years ago

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a responsible humanity could be the obly need for make the other wishes true, including the space cats :)

7 years ago

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wish i could go into an ANIME world and live there :D then next then next and so on

7 years ago

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30 billion € is gold on a Swiss Bank account. I would not spend it all, i would use only the interests, and but i would not need to work anymore, only if i want to, and i could do almost anything...

7 years ago

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"World peace", "more cats", "no work" ... I see where this thread is going

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Unlimited wishes, And this next :

View attached image.
7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Burn me like kings of old.

7 years ago

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Maybe immortal/indestructible or both if i wish it right this way i could watch all humanity till the end of times

7 years ago*

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You'd also have to watch everyone you love die. Even if you don't love anyone right now, eternity is a long time. One day you'd love someone and then they'd die.

Also, there's a possibility that humanity wipes itself out within the next century due to some global nuclear war. If you're indestructible, you'd have to live alone forever on an empty barren planet.

7 years ago

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True but not being immortal doesnt mean i wont ever see a loved one die , since i already seen a few and with the thought that i could love new poeple i might be ok

Also who knows in the future maybe space travel is possible (not a fast one with the speed of light but a more normal long one) in that scenario i could move planets and probably i could afford a spaceship since being immortal also means richies through time

7 years ago

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I think you mean "immortal," with a "t" in it.

7 years ago

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ROFL. I like it better the way it is.

I was LMAO

7 years ago

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View attached image.
7 years ago

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yeah a t is added :P

7 years ago

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I'd wish that everyone in the world had unlimited wishes but with the condition that those wishes didn't interfere with wishes of others.

7 years ago

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then someone would wish for everyone to forget the word "wish" but him. stealing everything for himself! mwahaha

7 years ago

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To instinctively know the best solution and the way to implement it to any problem I come across.

7 years ago

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but there is never a "Best solution"

7 years ago

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There always is. Just the best solution for someone may not be good for someone else.

7 years ago

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then is it really best?

7 years ago

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Since the wish is about me, and from my point of view they would be the best, then yes.

7 years ago

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What you'll get might be "no real solutions" or "the solution is undefined" for a lot of problems.
Also, don't you think, the decisions you make, define who you are?
For instance, you might know the best solution is studying/working x thousand hours on the subject, will you do it?
Does it make it any easier to do, knowing what the best solution is?

7 years ago

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Studying thousands of hours is not instinctively knowing, it is knowing by experience. Instinctively knowing is that I want to get home from work fast, so I will know from a gut feeling which route to take to avoid a traffic jam, get a green wave, and so on. Something you may do if you read enough traffic information and time the traffic lights at certain hours, but I would skip it and just know it instantly without thinking about it. And I wouldn't have to hold this information in my brain, I would always just know it each day I start to travel.

7 years ago

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Would you do it tho?
We humans, usually know what the best solution is to many problems but still refuse to do it.

7 years ago

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Doing it is another question. But at least I would not have to contemplate all the time on problems, spending hours on contemplating, and I could just use my time in a better manner.

7 years ago

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I wish for peace in the world. ;)

7 years ago

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I guess I'd like a boat. Maybe space monkeys to do my bidding?

7 years ago

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why a boat, when you can wish for a SPACE SHIP THAT CAN BE A BOAT?!

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

7 years ago

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To have unlimited wishes.
Is this off the table? Then I opt for: To be healthy again.

7 years ago

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Get well soon! From one Nordrhein-Westfale to another.

7 years ago

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That's impossible. But thank you very much :)

7 years ago

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Aw man! That sucks. Still, I wish you all the best.

7 years ago

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