so i was having this discussion, and no matter how hard i tried i couldnt come up with more than one answer, just one wish is all i could think of, so i was curious, what else can someone wish for?
im extremely sorry for not including a giveaway.

EDIT: i have been blacklisted alot after this post, if im being offensive to anyone, i apologize

EDIT 2: i have seen so many wonderful wishes, some made me really watch and think, a question though, would you guys... abandon your wish, for someone's else wish to come true?

7 years ago*

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I wish to die.

7 years ago

Comment has been collapsed. sorry, im here for you if you wanna talk

7 years ago

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I didn't wished a talk. Also, you don't need to be sorry, it's not your fault)

7 years ago

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A person who loves cats must live.

7 years ago

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cats are evil.

One who loves puppies wants to enjoy them forever

7 years ago

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Fite me 1v1 😠

7 years ago

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Air force,

I'll even go sniper if I have to!

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7 years ago*

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Mind control.

7 years ago

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Just one wish? I suppose being able to grant (and take back) eternal youth and invulnerability. It kind of dodges both the "see everyone you love die" and the "you will eventually want to die some time" points that are usually brought up in these cases.

7 years ago

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mmm i see, makes sense to me more than immortality

7 years ago

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Unlimited power.
That should cover everything

7 years ago

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Turn back time. :)

7 years ago

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i see... may your future be as bright as the present you long for.

7 years ago

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To have all the super powers of every super hero in every comic,game,movie etc.
This would most probably turn me into a dictator/monarch, but I would try to be fair and just. Chances are I would fail but I am sure I would do better than many modern rulers

7 years ago

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so.. a god?

7 years ago

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Something like that. A god on earth

7 years ago

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dont you think its boring? like being a god and all? you know everything, and nothing surprises you, YOU CANT EVEN PLAY GAMES GOD DAMN IT

7 years ago

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I wish I was immortal.

7 years ago

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is life really worth wishing for immortality?

7 years ago

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Heaven's, no, but you only realize that with sufficient life experience.

7 years ago

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Yes it is.

7 years ago

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To be famous on Steamgifts XD

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7 years ago

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instead of skeletons , post cats, the internet is all about cats

7 years ago

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i would wish to get rid off my autoimmune illness or enough money to solve all the problems that my illness brings with.

7 years ago

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I'd love having healing power for me and others.

7 years ago

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I'd be saving it for later and maybe use it on my deathbed. I bet I'd make a wiser choice then.

7 years ago

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thats actually.. a pretty good answer, i like it

7 years ago

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I wish I could understand people better

7 years ago

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mmm...want an advice? when people talk, just close your eyes and listen, with your heart

7 years ago

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Body language, facial expression and eye movement communicate more than the words you use. A big factor is also the pitch of your voice though. So closing your eyes can help but you'd miss out on all the visual input which is usually more true and instinctive.

7 years ago

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No, not really. I also wish people would understand me better

7 years ago

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Money, 1 million or more. Money doesn't bring happyness, but the life altering changes i could make with it sure would make me happy. And a good health (but i don't have certain bad illnesses like some mentioned, that it's a priority).

7 years ago

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1 million is nothing, if you are wishing from a genie you should at least ask for 1 milion and 1 $

7 years ago

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In the event of a great catastrophe, like a nuclear disaster, money would be meaningless and also probably get lost and destroyed.

You'd better wish for something like mastering a skill, that way you'd be indispensable to others and could always earn your living easily.

7 years ago

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What skills would you have in mind?

7 years ago

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Just to be safe, in case some movie-like scenario happens and we revert to a primitive civilization where we don't even have running electricity and everything's destroyed, being great in mechanical and electrical engineering would be something that everyone could use. It's also extremely useful in the present day as well. :)

That's if you want to ensure you will always live a relatively good life without involving some fantastic or abnormal element.

If not, instead of money you could always wish for the ability to freely create and manipulate matter, or some other godly power like that, which you don't always have to use, but can use whenever needed, and which could get you out from basically any pinch or help you conquer the world. It's something for everyone. =)

7 years ago

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Yeah I guess some godly skill would ensure you financial freedom. But you might get a lot of hate and end up getting killed by someone who's jealous or someone who's business you ruined too. :D

7 years ago

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Yeah, that's why superpowers are the safer bet. xD

7 years ago

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Immortality, time machine, get rid of my disability...
I dunno...

7 years ago

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ah, i apologize.

7 years ago

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A good cup of coffee so that I could wake up mentally and be able to think of what I'd have wished for if I could re-do the wish

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Depends on the restrictions...
Assuming I can't do stuff like "unlimited wishes" and any other loopholes with that as a purpose, and as such, I truly have only one wish...

Then I would wish that my life plan/goal is successful.
Simple, not over the top, and gives me freedom.

(Simplified life goal: Earn enough money to not have to work anymore.)

7 years ago

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Or again, possess the ability to earn your money with very much ease, like being the best in a field of work, because you can't know what the future holds and when your money could disappear.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I was waiting for someone to post this :D

7 years ago

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If I had just one wish, I guess it would be to be happy. It is simple as that. Every day, whatever happens. Have this state of mind where you are grateful and full of joy. I know people say it is everyone's choice to be like that but I didn't manage to reach it very often. I don't care about the money or fame or whatever. I just want to look forward to next day and don't feel like crap instead.

7 years ago

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I wish I could teleport.
And not even the "teleport into the bank, steal the money and teleport out" style
More like "teleport to work to avoid traffic; teleport to another country to visit my friend" style.
It's horrible how much of our lives are spent in transit from one place to another, with nothing significant happening along the way. No adventure, nothing to tell stories about, just mindless transition.

7 years ago

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Ok, so if this goes to deep, just ignore me:
I wish I was healthy and able to life live.
After that travel the whole world (with my cats of course!) :]

7 years ago

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=( *hug*

7 years ago

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Thank you rehug

7 years ago

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I would wish that people are more open minded and accepting of people different from themselves and from the majority. I think it would solve a lot of global problems, though of course it wouldn't guarantee complete peace and equality it would help achieving that easier.

7 years ago

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More Jeannies!

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7 years ago

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I'd take off the need to eat.

7 years ago

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To die as a martyr, even if I end up dying of old age, instead.

7 years ago

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At the moment I need money and yes it will make me happy.

7 years ago

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