I had it pre-ordered on steam. Day 1, on campaign, I ran into 3 game-breaking bugs in a matter of minutes. I raged pretty hard because there is no excuse to not thoroughly test a big budget title like that. It was also ridiculously annoying that I felt like I was more or less watching a fucking movie rather than playing a game. I couldn't help but compare the game to Halo 2, by which this game couldn't compare. Finally, I gave up campaign.
I knew that the selling point of the series was multiplayer anyway, and it didn't let me down. The game's multiplayer is great. Nothing ground-breaking here... but a huge community and fun maps for the most part. My only REAL complaint is that all the little kiddies rather play Team Deathmatch over CTF which is sad. Heaven forbid you have to use strategy over just sticking to small spaces with an automatic shotgun.
TL;DR - Halo 2 was better.
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what lies are these i played cod bo2 at pc not only these all cod games day one and there was no bug
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Because it's the 'cool' thing to do?
I don't hate on it as a game. Just not a big fan of the CoD series but I don't try and enforce my opinion onto others, which is what some people do.
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you have no idea what you are saying, even though most of it is true you didn't read the post you responded to making you a over zealous fool. As for COD 2 you'd be wrong there's allot of 'crap' that would fill a barn. It's has more then most games out there right now and people like you have their head so far up their ass that they judge a book before it's cover.
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Like if cod players wasn't zealous fools anyway :P It has more than other games? Sorry? Multiplayer? It's always the same, just with different backgrounds/skins, the gameplay might be different until all the crybabies moan about the new mechanics that they don't want to learn because they are so used to previous titles it hurts them. They prefer blaming the game than their skill or willingness to learn new ways of dealing with new things. Take for example gears of war 3, it was amazing at the start when you could choose whatever weapon you want because they had their pro/cons, until gow2 players started crying on sawedoff players. They were so used to shotgun/walldancing that they couldn't deal with new weapons. In the end the game become gow2.0, every single weapon but shotguns became crap, and again, the same game over and over
And anyway I hate FPS multiplayer oriented games since the golden era of counterstrike. Why? because I used to play on a cibercafé and I HATED all those kids bitching and bullying each other because they didn't know how to loose. I don't know if pc online gaming is any kind of different, but cod/bf games on consoles are fully crowded with retards that shield themselves with anonimacy and love to insult others like if it was something normal.
And I don't want to start talking on DLC's, because it's retarded seeing the massive amount of rehashed maps/skins they like to release. And I still find weird they are giving cod2 elite for free, seeing how many people paid before. I think they could even charge 70eur instead of 60 for the game, anyway everyone would still buy it
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Because all or most of them are either Straight up RTS fanboys and girls or BF3 Fanboys boys and girls
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when ppl ask on a forum for opinions ill give it. i dont hate call of duty but i think they are flooding the market and overcharging their loyal customers for a few small upgrades on the same game they've been selling for the past 3 or whatever years
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People are accusing others of being kiddy CoD fanboys etc., just because they think sth different. That's really retarded hate. Ofc they called me like that too and I played only 2 single player campaigns + zombie mode (CoD1, WaW, MW2) and they are far away from being my favorites :)
You know that situation, when you play MP game and some kids start screaming that you are hacker, because you kick their asses? It's similar x)
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What? You don't understand, what you read. I never told that CS fanboy = CoD hater, I said that many of CoD haters are CS fans, because I actually checked their Steam profiles and saw dozens or even hundreds hours of playtime. (some guys had even thousands, sic!). I can't do this with BF3, so can't say same.
Btw. I thought they were teaching this in elementary school: "every square is rectangle, but not every rectangle is square" ;)
EDIT: oh I forgot - CS:GO is on my wishlist for some time already, so, tell me again, what did you say... x)
EDIT2: what an irony. You are CoD hater, which you proved many times, and you got over 300 hours in CS, heh
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"it's like", read again this sequence "it's like" and then make a proper post. read my post again, slowly and show me where did i use word "you" or "wojtek" or w/e that is related to you. i thought u passed reading exams but now i can asume u still doing them, sadly. now read your posts and make a conclusion, cuz as far as i can see from here, u are not different than these haters/fanboys below.
edit2: now read through this and look how idiotic u sound.
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Then you better hate EA and 2K sports for the yearly roster updates as well.
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and how you pay for skins or items at different f2p games?
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How about FIFA? Pro Evolution Soccer, NHL, NBA, Worms, Train Simulators, Counter-Strike, Mortal Kombat, etc. etc.
Some of them don't come out every year, but they have so few changes, then even CoD looks like brand new game.
How anybody can say, that CoD series got less changes than FIFA etc. sports game? I don't see hating them so much as CoD, we can just check Metacritic:
Also, check this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Star_Wars_video_games
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Nah , you speak about sports. You can't be bored out of any.COD is the game when you play some weeks or less and you will say "its enough from it"!
I can offer you many fps game which not that unrealistic like cod.(Battlefield 3 for example, and i dont have the game)
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Train Simulator 2013 was given to everyone who owned 2012 for free. I guess this would never happen with COD. CS:S came out long time ago. Sports games are getting newer engines every couple of years. Worms are getting a lot of new things (just look at Revolution) And all those said games don't cost 60€.
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People who own Train Simulator 2012 got free upgrade to 2013, and the same will happen with the 2014 version.
And about Counter-Strike... 3 games in 12 years does not seem that much really, and they actually have major differences between themselves.
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cod same in what play all cod in order from cod 1 until cod bo2 and you will see the changes expept you have crappy pc and you have textures at low which makes all cod games same
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I don't go around spreading my disdain, but I'm not a fan of modern or near-future shooters. Only issue I have with Blops 2 is the fans, not the game itself. Many fans hail it as the best game ever, due to not playing anything else, or for other reasons. CoD in general is fun, don't get me wrong, but I wouldn't put it up there with any of the classics in terms of quality. Also, many aren't a fan of Activision (I'm not, they just have some practices that are blatant cash grabs, but so do most major publishers). Hope that sheds some light.
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this guy is reasonable try and learn from this guy
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Because they dont have anything to do and they insult CoD games to kill time. I personally like CoD games (MW3, black ops), havent tried BO2 yet.
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the series is good at what it does, shooting stuff
people just complain the it doesn't change much from one to the other but i don't think mario changes much either and no one complains about that
then again, mario doesn't have a $60 price tag
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Actually, Mario typically adds new power-ups, enemies, bosses, and/or significant changes in levels. Yes, the core gameplay stays the same, jumping on enemies and over hazards, but the number of changes in variables is greater than the Modern Warfare series. Black Ops looks like it actually changes a good bit, so good for it, core gameplay is the same but you have a new setting, new gear, etc. Fantastic, though a decent chunk of gamers don't want to play another modern shooter.
A side note: Super Mario Galaxy, Galaxy 2, New Super Mario Bros, and a bunch of others launched at $60. Don't know what Mario you've been playing.
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Because they are bad games for 60$
I bought XCOM for that money, 70 hours of play.
Dishonored, 45 hours of play
AC3 52 hours of play
Borderlands 2 40 hours of play
any cod game? 5 hours of play.
aside from that; any gripping story? no. care for characters? no. any mission where you actually think? no. only the music is good, which is because composers are something else entirely.
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Because all what CoD developers do is adding new sounds, textures, write a poor story and wrap it up into a 60€ package. Every year. MW1, WaW, BO and BO2 use the same engine, so basically each new release could be a DLC, but no, why make cheap dlc's if we can make a "full" game and milk naive players every year again and again. Last CoD i liked was 2 btw.
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it seems you are ww2 fun.Ok i will not critize this but like i said at a topic of mine engine is not the mater gameplay and fun is that count for example play cod split srceen with 4 friends it is much better.Oh and something else if the engine is the same then we must sell all the unreal 3 engine games cheap they use the same engine why not?
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the new cod is just like the other games. In fact some cod fans comment it's worse.
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I don't hate COD, they're pretty fun, but why does Activition keep releasing a COD annually? It's the same fucking game with a few updates and a new campaign...
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Cos people will continue to buy them every year. Call of Duty is like the Madden, NCAA or FIFA franchises, a yearly update that only really changes the roster, makes the graphics a little prettier and adds a few new features nobody asked for.
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I don't quite understand FPS game, most of the time they give me headaches which is the reason why I don't play them. CoD is okay... I haven't played any of the series ever in my life, but from what I hear it's too generic. Meaning, too much of the series are the same over and over, slight changes are made to gameplay and whatnot.
Whether or not they use a new Visual Engine doesn't seem to matter either, the franchise is so big that they'll make millions from doing the same thing over and over. Not that I know since I don't even play FPS games :p
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^ became games like this one aren't made anymore, instead games are made with your casual console gamer in mind.
another funny thing to note is that this game with extreme mods like this one make it look significantly better than black ops 2
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extremely late reply but i just noticed yours, so i'll reply now.
I'm not trying to use better graphics as an argument at all actually, I said games aren't made like this anymore after I linked a Quake video, obviously referring to the style of game play reminiscent of old-school shooters such as Quake, DOOM, Half-Life 1, etc. I just threw in that it's funny that a modded Quake (pushing 17 years old) looks significantly better than Black ops 2.
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I personnaly don't blame the game, i blame the company for 2 things:
-Release of the exact same product every year without kindness for the player and any interest of making games. For them gaming is only a story of marketing or trend, but video game must also be an art, yo shouldn't treating the gamers/customers like milk cows .
-The fact that with the popularity of those games, is that the others companies are lowering the difficulty of their games with auto regeneration and more guided objectives, it's treating the gamer like an idiot. Seriously i saw a few reviews of young guys playing Half Life in 2012, they complain because it's too hard to find his way in the game. Come on i finished the game when i was a kid and it was challenging but not impossible, well today for the average gamer it is...
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old games are old games now the most hardcore games become casual games.Yes the company try to milk us but you will see when the change will become and all the haters will stay haters
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Why? I enjoyed the Campaing pretty much and the Multiplayer was better than BO1 and MW3
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