Their bundled price should be about equal - 5 games in a 3$ bundle ends up each costing 0.6$. I don't know what you would consider fair - obviously for example Batman AA was bundled, but still worth more than let's say... Lucius. It's just better. But nowherenear it's full price, but rather in a 1-2$ range, if it comes to trading.
Afterall, if you feel like the trade is unfair, you can always counter-offer or decline the trade, just make sure that you're rejecting a truly onesided offer.
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Yeah, I've been looking up bundle prices and Steam prices if it's on sale/free. Generally I've found games that are regularly about $5 being worth under $1 while higher tier bundled games (about $15-20 unbundled/not on sale) to be worth more than the cheaper games. However, if they ask for 1 of my higher tier, they only wanna trade the lower tiered games for it 1:1.
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There are a lot of people who are only trading to profit - so you will always get a lot of low offers (especially games that were given away for free). As long as you aren't being unreasonable then you will eventually get the trades you want - but you may need to be patient, there aren't always people there right away with the games you want who also want your games.
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being in bundle already means losing value. if game you have and game you want has been in bundle, trade shouldn't be hard. if you mean that, for example, you're bundle game is worth $15 and you want game worth the same, it won't happen if you're game has been in bundle and other one haven't. even with bundle game being much more expensive than non-bundle game in store, for example, will most likely not succeed in trade
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I've been looking at value because I noticed the cheaper games are also in cheaper bundles, while more expensive games are either in more expensive bundles or higher tiers. So I estimate 2 games that are regularly priced at $5 or cheaper would be worth a game that has an original $15 value if all games are bundled. But so far I have been rejected in more than one trade for trying this rather than trading one cheap game for a more expensive game, which I find to be unmatched.
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If you're getting in to trading, of course you're going to be approached by vast numbers of people trying to take advantage of you to gain a profit from trades, offering higher number of low value games etc. It's up to you to determine whether the trade is to your benefit or not. Never accept a trade that you have doubts do, do your research on current market values, and continue to follow your instinct like you are. If you're not close friends with someone offering you a trade, expect them to be trying to get the upper hand on a deal. You're more than likely right, the majority of the time, people will indeed be trying to rip you off. That's just something you'll have to continue to identify.
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That sort of thing is common in nearly every trade forum, there'll be always people trying to made awful deals like trading copies of 15 cent games for CS keys 1:1 or random throwaway bundle games for the latest fotm 60$ game
Just keep an eye out for like minded people who are also up to reasonable trades, and you'll eventually find some good deals
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Steam is full of kids. Noone with real understanding of actual life. Sure you trade for profit, but they take it too far and think they can trade a hand full of warm shit for a chunk of gold. All those people want to trade 1:2 or even 1:3 while trading 1:1 when they want something.
Don't go with lowballers! It takes time but there are decent traders out there!
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That's the way to go! You don't trade for money, you trade for games you wanna play and trading for something of equal value is just fair.
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some people love using store prices for their bundles and bundled prices for others' games :3
like putting together 20 bundled keys worth $3 and trading it for an arkham knight gift. "hey, all these games together are worth $260 in the steam store!"
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It can be time-consuming and annoying to find someone willing to make an equitable trade, but eventually...
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not that your actual logic is flawed at all but your want list compared to your have list is quite a bit one sided.. i'd guess roughly 75% of your want list is higher value never bundled games (or higher tier bundled) versus 100% of your have list is bundle spares.. seems you will accept most fair offers of bundle 4 bundle games too though from reading thru the comments, but it might just be a little bit of a deterrent for some people to see that kind of want list they dont even bother with fair offers..
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Yeah, I added the want list from my wish list, but I don't expect to see them. I would be willing to trade multiple games for the higher tiered games on my list, but that's probably not readily visible. Thanks for your advice; I might get rid of my list and just go back to it saying "unowned game offers". Do you think it would be a good idea to mention I'm willing to trade multiple lower tiered games for a higher tiered game and vice-versa?
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yeah that sounds like a great idea, at least being more open will get more offers and wouldnt really cause anyone to run away thinking you want to much.. like i said u seem to make fair trades, your want list looked just a little to hard to please was all =)
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I bought a four pack of Screen Cheat before it was part of the recent Humble Bundle. I CONSTANTLY had people trying to offer me games that Indiegala gave away for free for a copy of the game. A lot of people here either dont have or choose to ignore the concept of value. Offers like that I just politely reject and wait for something better to come along. SC getting bundled hurt me a bit, I'm likely not going to be able to get what I wanted for those when I first bought the four pack, but so it goes. Eventually a fair offer will come up and both me and the other party will be happy
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It isn't too big of a deal to me. The vast majority of my trading inventory comes from bundles. Whenever a good trade does come along it's worth it
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I looked at value expecting you were listing bundled games since the games you listed are all cheap Steam games. The Witcher is also cheap on GOG, and I've seen GOG have cheap sales/bundles. You asked for higher tiered games, so I asked for multiple lower tiered games.
Other than this, it's a little awkward you searched for my forum...
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This is why I don't trade. I have spent only about $300 for my ~500 game library plus a lot of DLCs and all of it was either through the profit received from farming cards, free games given by websites, winnings from here, a few bundle purchases, and many on sale on Steam. Way less stress and I don't end up with a bunch of unwanted junk unless it's from a bundle that I had only wanted a game or two out of. I have seen too many people getting ripped of by "reputable" traders and it's just not worth the grief and effort to me.
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Last summer I got a bunch of free games, but I found I filled my Steam library with games I don't want. So I got bundled games instead, but I ended up with a bunch of leftover games. Despite my complaining, I did find some traders that were fair and I made a mental note of them.
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I've tried trading a few times, and I still intend to get some games that are missing from my library with trades in the future, but you should definitely expect people to try and take advantage of others, especially strangers on the internet they will never meet in person. That's not to say there aren't some truly golden traders here; one especially memorable trader was kind enough to point out that some of the games I was requesting from him were available for purchase in a very cheap bundle on DIG. The trade was definitely in his favor, and yet he decided not to take advantage of me when he had the opportunity. I thanked him for the information, thought about it for a day, and went through with the trade anyway because of his honesty. But that was a one-time event for me. I haven't traded many times on this forum, but for the one time that someone was honest to the point of almost hurting themselves in a trade, there have been (at least) three times that people have taken advantage of my lack of knowledge and/or pressured me into a trade that was unfair to me. I obsessed about those losses for a while, but ultimately, they were valuable learning experiences.
Take your time to consider a trade, and don't let someone else pressure you into making a decision before you are ready. Websites like Is There Any Deal? are invaluable tools for making a decision that's fair to everyone. Don't be afraid to say "No" to a trade, and don't be afraid to make a counter-offer if you think the trade is unfair. And try to make sure that any offers, counter-offers, and agreements are clear, explicit, and made on the trading forum here or on some other public forum on the internet, and not just through Steam chat. I haven't had anyone renege on an agreement, fortunately, but I have made deals with people through Steam chat, and then took the time to make sure that the agreement was copied to the trade forums on this site (with both people posting their agreement), so there was a public record of the agreement in case the other party ever did renege, and I needed to leave negative feedback that could be supported with evidence. That hasn't happened to me yet, and I hope it never does, but it's better to plan for the worst while still hoping for the best.
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That was really nice of them. I've made a couple gaming friends through trading because of how well the trade went for both parties. So far, I have been scammed only once by someone that had a collection of free games and asked for bundle games. I got too excited during the trade, but they seemed fishy, so I looked it up afterward. I really should have looked it up then and there. I also saw that anyone who gives them negative feedback for scamming or potentially scamming, they give negative feedback and claim never to have had contact with the person. For that, I made sure to screenshot our trading agreement. Thank you for your story and advice. That tool looks pretty handy. :)
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It depends on what you consider as the value. Steam store price? Bundle price divivded to the number of games? Overall length and quality of the game? Or a sum of this factors with added coefficients? And don't forget to take rarity and average ref/cards price among traders into consideration.
So yes, I also value some games from my H-list more than the others and want some games of my W-list less than others, but I don't try to pretend there's some universal objective value scale. If you like the trade offered then do it. If you don't - refuse or ask to add something.
Also a good idea is to make a realistic wishlist in your thread (no AAA/unbundled games there). And don't count too much on bulk trades - generally, it is pretty rare to find a person interested in even one of your games while having at least one game you need at the same time.
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That's how trading works.
9 lowballs in every 10 trade offers, 8 of them are probably Russians. Russians make no sense in anything in this world.
Note that, RARITY of being in a bundle of the game and BTA price affects the real value of the game. Like some guy said earlier, Batman AA was bundled ONCE and is a great game so it worths a lot more than normal bundle games. But for example, Mechanic Escape was bundled a lot and even given away for free everywhere so it doesn't worth anything at all.
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I'm only going to add one thing to this conversation. When you DO find a decent trader, one who is fair and straightforward with you, make sure you keep track of them. A circle of good traders is invaluable because you have specific people you know will deal with you fairly. After a couple of years, I now have trader friends in most regions. This allows me to check with someone to see what is fair market price, and whether a deal sounds good or not.
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I have had many people offer for trade low value/free games for games that I have bought in bundles - some bundles more expensive/cheaper than others. Rather than paying attention to value, the number of games seems to be what people trade for, so I feel like these people are trying to rip me off. I don't want to lose a bunch of money I spent on games with these trades. I want to be able to trade games that someone else wants for a game that I want with a similar value so that neither of us loses value. Does that make sense? Am I missing something here because this doesn't seem to be how other people are trying to trade. It seems to be a common thing on this site.
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