Hope he's safe. Keep us updated when you hear from him.
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Just playing around with the title. xD You said "my heart goes out", so how are you alive? :P
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And that's why BR users get that bad rep. Because of insensitive pricks like him. I'd like to apologize on behalf of all the decent BR users, but sadly we're surrounded by trolls here.
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I suppose we have improved over the years. You should see back when Tibia was a thing. Devs even created a BR dedicated server so they could procreate and stop harassing row players.
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the guy clearly is upset about the situation there. 'it's just a joke' is the lame excuse for most of the shit that happens in brazil these days. suppose it was you telling people how sad you were because of someone you know or whatever. If you don't have nothing to say, just don't do anything.
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I'm upset as well, doesn't mean we should stop living our lives and lose any sense of humor. Stop trying to make this a Brazil issue, it's embarrassing. Now you're comparing apples to oranges, nowhere in the post does the OP state they know anyone in Puerto Rico to make this a personal tragedy for them. If it was me I'd laugh. And the joke wasn't even remotely related to the tragedy. It was simply an observation about the English language and how some things we say make no sense at all. So get over yourselves, both of you over-sensitive pricks.
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80 percent of the island’s crops have been destroyed
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After the total devastation in Puerto Rico, I switched up my Humble Bundle charity specifically for disaster relief and donating 100% from each bundle I buy. It's not much, but it helps in some small way. Hopefully they, and the other isles, recover quickly once this unusual hurricane season ends to give them that chance.
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glad you reminded me of that possibility. wasn't that interested in the present bundles, but that sounds like a good reason to buy it.
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I'll tell you, man. I am so mentally and physically fatigued from stressing over this. It takes all I can not to be constantly freaking out. Our federal response to the disaster (or rather, lack thereof) has been infuriating. Our president is more concerned with NFL kneeling and Wall Street repercussions of the PR state of emergency than the actual state of emergency itself. Relief for Texas and Florida was ten-fold what the millions of Americans (that's right, Puerto Ricans are American too) on the island are currently receiving.
I have many friends and family in San Juan, including my brother, who is the human being I love most on this planet. It is so incredibly hard to be apart from him right now. Communication has been very spotty.
Please offer your support in any way you can. In today's world, there is a crisis forgotten weekly and PR will unfortunately become another one soon. If you can't offer financial help, please help spread the word and continue to spread it. This is truly a disaster of unprecedented proportions, expounded greatly by the dire economic state of the island before any of these storms began.
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Unfortunately, I don't think he really cares. Just lifted the Jones act weeks late-- Houston and Miami both had it lifted immediately. People are literally getting filthy rich off of this.
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Jesus christ, it's not about sides. Seriously, stop trying to deflect this from Trump. He is clearly prioritizing other things over this matter, there is no debate on this. There is no excusable reason for Texas/Florida receiving ten-fold the resources and getting immediate federal relief while PR waits for over a week for something as simple as lifting the Jones Act (which anyone will tell you is SOP for any natural disaster). Military presence is absolutely sub-par. Puerto Rico has an American population greater than 21 states. It is pure ignorance and the situation on the island is playing out almost exactly as Katrina did.
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Oh my god, you are doing it again. I never said it wasn't anyone else's fault! Stop deflecting!
Pointing out one thing does not mean you disregard every other thing. I am not even trying to make this political. I am saying that the one guy, who has more power to change this situation than any human being on the planet, isn't paying enough attention. It has nothing to do with parties, or sides, or anything other than the President of the United States not doing his job.
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you have your points and they come from Seth Meyers which only blames one person
Holy shit, it was a humorous video that my brother, who is currently suffering in Puerto Rico, posted for a bit of levity. Linking a Seth Meyers video does not mean I subscribe to his politics, or even like him as a performer or person.
mine on the other hand come from extensive research on both sides and how they brainwash all of us to thinking it's only one man's fault or one party's fault for this and that, when the whole damn government failed to get these people the help they need.
Really? Because all it's seemed like so far is your stubborn insistence that no one is to blame for anything, except this nebulous "all sides" that seems to be destroying everything. All I said was that the US President, truly the person who singularly holds the most power to change such a situation, could be doing a much better job handling the disaster. Instead of acknowledging that rather measured consideration, you immediately shift the responsibility to "all sides," ramping up this political rhetoric that I am seriously not agitating here. It's a crisis scenario, my comments on the President are directly about his reaction to said scenario.
Anything the president does has to be approved by congress.
Any laws, acts etc that are passed has to be ratified by congress.
Anything that is temporarily lifted has to go through congress.
This is how it works.
Sort of.
It's always been that way.
Not in the slightest.
And each party is equally responsible. It's not just one man. That's my point.
Again, this has nothing to do with parties. I am not, and have not, been talking about "sides" or "parties," that's squarely on you. I truly don't understand why you insist on being so apologist. You say that it's not one man, which in one respect is true. However, that man does indeed helm the largest and most powerful governmental and military force on the planet (of which the denizens of Puerto Rico are equal citizens) . And when he chooses not to prioritize the people I hold most dear to my heart, I am unquestionably allowed to criticize his performance. His views and opinions shape the face of our country, most especially in times of crisis. To refuse critical analysis on the political grounds of "fairness between sides," to immediately shift the narrative back to party wars, is to buy into the exact brainwashed bullshit you decry.
That's my point.
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MissDefi, stop putting words in my mouth. Seriously, stop.
I never said that I blame "all of this" on the President. What I blame him for is his own personal reaction to the situation. I blame him, the person-- not the businessman or the politician, for failing American citizens by doing his job poorly. There is no "other side" to include in this as I am simply talking about the country's leader and his own words. I am exclusively criticizing his job performance as a leader in supporting his own citizens inadequately. If any President reacted the way he has, I would be shitting all over them as well. Trump sits there like he's fucking explaining what an island is to a kindergarten class, it's beyond insulting.
Some other points:
And for your information, stuff was coming in slow to Puerto Rico because of the lack of ships and manpower to move everything in a timely manner..
Yes, because we inadequately prepared our response. Unlike the heavy effort put toward Texas and Florida.
So they decided to temporarily lift the Jones Act.
Yes, as I said earlier, it was lifted over a week late. Unlike Texas and Florida who had it lifted immediately.
Congress wants to completely remove it (which might effect our economy and American Workers because it might may go to foreign companies like everything else did).
LOL, guess who has been raping Puerto Rico's economy for decades?
I don't know why they didn't fly stuff in. I see nothing about them flying anything in unless I am missing something.
I told you, it wasn't a priority.
I said it's everyone in government who is at fault.. I said we can't just solely blame it on on Trump
Again, I can most certainly blame Trump for his own personal reaction to the crisis. There is no argument about this.
Blame one not see the bigger picture. blah blah blah..
To expand on this, you are really doing the same thing when you generalize with statements such as "the entire government is to blame." By this same token, you yourself, the voter who has participated in over 40 years of national development, is also to blame. To generalize is to promote ignorance. As we have seen, ignorance can be deadly.
This false equivalence of the "all sides" bullshit, is that now people won't even let you criticize the President on the grounds of his own office anymore. They immediately backpedal into this apologist stance, as if they're somehow being criticized for their voting choice. We are the President's employers. Above all, we must be critical-- it's imperative.
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San Juan's mayor, Carmen Yulín Cruz:
"I will do what I never thought I was going to do: I am begging. I am begging anyone that can hear us to save us from dying. If anybody out there is listening to us, we are dying. And you are killing us with the inefficiency and bureaucracy."
"We’re doing a great job. Everybody has said it’s amazing the job we have done in Puerto Rico. This was a place that was destroyed. I think we’ve done a very good job."
You can't make this shit up.
Edit: Also, nice goalpost shifting.
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LOL at that massive, unattributed, and unnecessary copy/paste.
I'm done arguing with you MissDefi, you're clearly set in your beliefs. But, know that you do constantly shift goalposts and it makes it very difficult to converse with you. Often, I don't even think you realize you do it. I know that I am not the only person on this site who had said the same to you. I think you are passionate about your beliefs, but not very good at articulating them. I also think you are much less informed than you pretend to be, and are very defensive of this. I do hope you eventually gain some perspective, as I'd like to believe you are a decent, if confused, person.
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Two Months Since Hurricane Maria, Terrible Suffering Continues in Puerto Rico
If The Developing World Can Go Solar, Maybe Puerto Rico Can Too
Some more good news: Local (Chicago, Ill) schools ease enrollment to help Puerto Rican students get back to class
Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren Propose $146 Billion “Marshall Plan” for Puerto Rico
Thank you to my friend doctorofjournalism for keeping people abreast of continuing developments in Puerto Rico, providing this tragedy with a human voice lends importance to what is truly happening and reminds every decent person of the evil that humanity performs on itself but also the ways in which people can truly take care of one another.
Some good news from David B:
Anyway, here's some more bad:
Groups you can donate to that are verifiable as being on the ground and helping:
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