There's a tree which is toxic almost in every way Manchineel. You can't eat it's fruit, stand under it in rain, not burn it or chop it away.
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You can't burp in space. The reason is, gravity holds liquids and solids in your stomach while letting gas go out. However, without gravity, burping turns into just puking instead.
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It turns out ketchup’s origins are anything but American. Ketchup comes from the Hokkien Chinese word, kê-tsiap, the name of a sauce derived from fermented fish. It is believed that traders brought fish sauce from Vietnam to southeastern China.
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Dolphins Keep an Eye Out While Sleeping:
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There is a medical condition called Ondine's Curse that causes your body to forget how to breathe. If you fall asleep, you die.
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Oh ok that much variations! But it is a cool fact!
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The Sun is immensely loud. The surface generates thousands to tens of thousands of watts of sound power for every square meter. That's something like 10x to 100x the power flux through the speakers at a rock concert, or out the front of a police siren.
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We actually don't know the speed of light.
Every measurement of the speed of light was measuring the round trip it takes light to move from one point to the other and back. The fact that it has the same speed both ways it just a convention, but it's equally as possible that light might be travelling slower one way and much faster the other and we currently have no way to measure one-way speed of light.
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Wouldn't that break Newton's 1st law? There is no reason for different forces to be acting on the photons one way and different forces on it's way back.
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Einstein's been breaking those laws for more than a hundered years now :P
From what I understood Newton's laws are a special case of special relativity when talking about "slow" moving objects where spacetime curvature is essentially nonexistent. When objects are getting close to speed of light and/or very heavy, different approach must be taken with relativity in mind. And in Einstein's laws, constant speed of light is just an axiom and there are internally consinstent theories where speed of light is different forwards and in reverse. Our current laws of physics don't break as long as round trip of light is exactly c, even if it wildly varies in different directions.
I am by no means an expert in physics so the answer was just me googling and trying to comprehend people much smarter than me. Relativity's hard.
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ok i agree, I had forgotten that light probably doesn't behave like an apple in Newton's example.
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Tree squirrels can rotate their ankles 180 degrees allowing them to have better grip on tree bark while climbing.
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Many of us were taught that the komodo dragon had toxic bacteria in it's mouth, and so their prey died very shortly after a bite as a reaction to the bacteria. In truth, the dragons are venomous, with venom glands between their shark-like teeth, which was discovered in 2009.
They're also fairly intelligent, and in captivity they are taught to distinguish colors and shapes. Zookeepers present a specific colored shape when delivering food, and so the dragons do not always expect food whenever a human being enters their exhibit.
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Not drinking water cuz you're dieting will actually cause you to gain weight.But drinking lots of water while dieting will help you lose weight. Discovered this when I thought of dieting to reduce weigh and one of my google searches revealed this fact.Never could start that weight loss diet tho.
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Hydrogen-7 has a half life of 23 yoctoseconds. Yoctoseconds are one septillionth of a second. While on the other hand, Tellurium-128 has a half life of 2.3 septillion years
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Tell me a scientific fact, and if I don't know it I will add you to my WL
Will be including shortly 5 GAs
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Slinger VR
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edit: I have a calculus exam tomorrow so I have to study for the rest of the day, keep the good facts coming can't wait to learn more, and thanks to everybody who contributed to make me less dumb :3
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