Or he could go ahead and try to steal the dude's account ... ;)
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And this reminds me the ending of Small Gods, by Terry Prachett. Pretty much an spoiler, but is great:
The protagonist Brutha dies and Death himself leads him to the afterlife, there they encounter the main antagonist of the book. He is now a poor soul trapped in the verge of a huge desert
“Vorbis?” he said.
He looked at Death.
“But Vorbis died a hundred years ago!”
“He’s been here for a hundred years?”
“Ah. You mean a hundred years can pass like a few seconds?”
The black-on-black eyes stared imploringly at Brutha, who reached out automatically, without thinking … and then hesitated.
“Yes. I know. He’s Vorbis,” said Brutha. Vorbis changed people. Sometimes he changed them into dead people. But he always changed them. That was his triumph.
He sighed.
“But I’m me,” he said.
Vorbis stood up, uncertainly, and followed Brutha across the desert. Death watched them walk away.
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One of (if not the) Terry Prachett's best books in my opinion.
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Barbie and Bad rats? I would have accused you as well. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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Remember there is a lot of people with large paranoia. You got one of those.
i have been in the same position as you, but this person just ran away, and never ever saw him again
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You have been here for 3 years and you haven't seen others getting suspended for making comments similar to yours? Lucky you. The warning was valid. I would delete your first comment before the SG police snitch you off by filing a report with Support which will sit in queue for months before being addressed. Nothing like getting suspended for an infraction several months after it happened and when you can't even remember the incident that earned you the infraction anymore.
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No stalking required. I have installed the userscripts that many of the fine members of this site have created. All I have to do is hover my mouse over your name and it shows the info.
We were just trying to warn you. Many others have been suspended for saying the same thing as you did. You can either take the warnings or ignore them but if you get suspended for ignoring them at least I can say that I tried to prevent a fellow gamer from getting into trouble here.
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The last and probably the only time I did that, I was called a creep. Rather than starting an argument, I'd suggest to just ignore and let them learn the hard way. No harm will come from that "joke" anyway.
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There's a zero tolerance rule for begging on this site, that includes begging as a "joke".
And lets be real, it wasn't just a joke, it's one of those "jokes" where you're hoping you'll get something but if you don't you can just say it's a joke and nobody will hate you for it.
We're not stupid.
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Yeah, I've been a position before too where when sending a legitimate link to someone who you've just met is met with suspicion. I had to tell them they didn't have to click the link and could navigate there an alternate way. Some people are just more paranoid than others, maybe as they've been burned before or don't have as much experience.
By the way it's kinda cool to meet someone who's almost completely new to Steam. Often they're not so jaded already that when you offer them a game for free they really are very grateful. It's nice to make people feel welcome. I gave someone Race 07 and to this day it's still the game at the top of their most played list, now having more than 70 games owned.
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When you consider that one of the account-hijack trojans going around is a disguised under an innocent looking link, you understand where the paranoia comes from. The most prolific account hijacker (or rather, inventory hijacker) is disguised as a link to a .jpg on what appears to be an image hosting website.
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I once gifted Badrats to one of my friends. He said "Are you kidding me ?" and unfriended me.
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I wonder what goes through the minds of those people *oh a free game. ITS NOT GTA 5 *** YOU Proceeds to block and report.
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Here, game + dlc. They're free f*cking gratis.
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I guess he was warned about scammers and didn't think about his reaction deeply enought.
I'd say: don't take it personally. Scammers really ruined Steam and usually you can't trust anyone.
I mean, 10 days ago my Paypal was hacked from someone I gifted a game to. My trust for this community is still high, but of course that was really something to consider. I recovered all my money and the account itself, but still I can't easily trust people like I wanted and used to on this site.
Your contact made and error, but it may be justified; don't be sad about him, be sad about scammers.
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"10 days ago my Paypal was hacked from someone I gifted a game to"
I'm now super duper curious as to what exact method they used to do so...?
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I have no idea, I was on my holiday and found this email on my phone that stated I paid money to this guy for no reason.
Called Paypal support to find out there have been an unauthorized access from China on my account.
Probably what was hacked was just my password and... I'm not so expert about hacking, I don't actually know anything about it.
The problem is... Money was transferred to an account signed exactly the same way as the account name of the guy I gifted the game to.
I got angry and sad about it, can't even find him around again. Not that I expected to.
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Hmm, well that's rather perplexing indeed...nonetheless thanks for explaining what you could tho.
But yup, can never be too paranoid on Steam these days. All kinds of scammers running wild.
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Oh so your one of those... nice guys who helps out new users :D Whiltelisted
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Some are grown with silverspoon fed. And that kind of act only enforces their view of this world. Sorry to say, even though your kindness and effort was over the limit what anyone could expect from the other.
Although I won't say more as I don't know the full story. Would love to hear the other person's view and opinion on this case.
Hope in future you will have better interactions and time in the community.
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That's unfortunate, OP.
Though I wouldn't take it personally.
There was a very effective trojan that was hijacking people's inventories not too long ago, that was disguised as a link to a .jpg on an image hosting website. The hosting website instead tries to inject a trojan that gives a remote person access to your inventory (which is promptly emptied), and then replicates the link to your entire friends list. It sounds like something that is blatant and easy to spot, but when you consider how often good friends link each other to image macros, memes or online articles and screenshots, it was surprisingly effective. I think it depending heavily on what antivirus package you were using, as the more reputable ones apparently caught it outright, whereas other ones let it slip by but as a prompted download instead of outright injection.
It's sad that it drove this person to paranoia, especially given you were just trying to be kind, though I'm sure you can appreciate how a stranger bearing gifts seems like a huge red flag, right? Their remark about the games not being very good was totally uncalled for though, especially after how they reacted to your offer. :/
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OP deserves the best. about a month ago I received a key by a new friend as welcome gift with my topic about "most common newbie mistakes" and then, here I am level 6 still giving away...
great part of this came by patience of some guys here on forums and loops benevolence. much respect for that bro. keep going.
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calling out is for support/issues porpouses. (guidelines words) :)
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ops! thought you were serious about calling out and joking about ban... my bad :(
I'll let him know if he wants to remove the link. thanks for the heads up.
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makes me think of this time I was in a game of dota and two players on my team kept trolling another player on my team. I tried to help him get an item he needed to get back to the main base. He accused me of trying to troll him and blocked me on steam. Oh well he was a douche anyhow!
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340 Comments - Last post 54 minutes ago by RePlayBe
So, I created a particular Steam group for players of a particular game who are speakers of a particular language, to try and establish a small community to meet and play online etc.
Then a guy added me, asked to join, and as I was checking his profile I noticed he only owned 7 games and I thought he must be new and I'd give him a game from my trading list (on this very website) as a welcome present. I linked him the url to my steamtrades thread so he could pick the one he wanted, and he basically accused me of being "one of those guys" who was trying to steal his account, and unfriended me.
Me being the fool that I am, wanted to defend my honor, told him that he was wrong, and it took some long explaining + 2 free games to convince him that I wasn't a thief. He kind of apologized later, but said apology was somewhat offset by a remark along the lines of "well, those games aren't very good after all, are they?".
I'm not even mad at him. And I don't give the slightest f*ck about the games. I just feel sad.
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