You can hardly compare these two games. AoE is an RTS game, while Civ series is a turn-based strategy. If you're into turn-based 4X Civ V is the most expanded one you can get and really fun to play, so surely - go for it. But if you expect AoE feeling - you won't get it, as it's totally different genre.
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I think I'm gonna go for it. It seems like something I might get into, and if I don't like it, well....$12.50 lost is better than $50 lost. :/
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Age of Empires 2 can have a game finished in 30-60 min regularly, 20 or less in deathmatch or other scenarios. Civ V for a regular game can take 24 hours or more. Civ is turn based, Age of Empires games are real time strategy. AoE is more reactive, Civ is more proactive in its strategy and combat. While they are both strategy games, it's like comparing Chess to LoL, both require strategy but they are vastly different. It's comparing apples to oranges. I have enjoyed both immensely, I would recommend AoE 2 (with the expansion) and Civ V (with at least Gods and Kings, the scenario packs and so on don't add much). AoE 3 is also good, but many consider AoE 2 a classic, partially because of when it came out but also the number of changes that AoE 3 made (shipping in units, experience, treasure hunting, revolution).
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Oh, I didn't realize that Civ V and AoE were different sub genres of Strategy games. I enjoyed AoE III more than II, but one thing that I really loved about AoE I and II was the huge number of different civilizations you could play as, as opposed to your typical European settlers (excluding expansion packs that added Asian Dynasties and War Chiefs). I think I'll give Civ V a purchase and see how it goes.
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I liked AoE III a lot, but the difficulty of the game compared to AoE I and II was a little frustrating. I'd waste three hours building an entire town just to have a random ship pass me by and blow me away with cannon fire. I miss the days of AoE. :(
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god and kings same as brave new world adds new important game mechanics like new systems, progression trees, win conditions etc expanding the game A LOT. Unlike previous DLCs that simply were adding new faction or terrain maps - these expansions massively expanded the game rules, thus they are essential for full game experience.
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Civ 5 is great game... but it needs all major DLCs (Gods and Kings and Brave New World) to be complete game. Especialy Brave New Word changes gameplay a lot and to better... and it's not included in Civ 5 Complete Edition...
Also it's on free weekend now. You can play base game for free next days and if you like it, buy it plus at least Brave New World.
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Civ 5 is a good game provided you have all the DLC (really it's empty without it). However if you are planning to play online then the earlier Civ games are better because the netcode is terrible on Civ 5. You'll struggle past 4 players.
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Is it a good game? Yes. Definitely.
Is it better than some other game? Maybe. Maybe not. Depends on the gamer. I personally hate turn based games, but I loved Civ5.
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Civ V is a good game. it has fancy graphics and bells and whistles, It is a lot of fun.... But I still prefer civ IV to civ V Perhaps it's just me, but civilization just works better with a square grid. And the tech tree/wonder benefits seem more balanced in civ IV
On a side note, civ V did have a wonderful mod that is on the steam workshop. It was called "a mod of fire and ice" If you pick up civ V I recommend trying it.
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People mix the words "new" and "improved" far too often.
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No, Civilization is in the top 5 of all PC games of all time because they are crap, especially the 90 metacritic score from know nothing so called "pro reviewer" trolls s proof of this.
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I tried Beyond Earth tonight and it wasn't too fun for me. I watched some videos of people playing Civ V and it seemed like a better game. I am going to get Civ V I think.
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and, if you have a touch screen the game is made for it... but not a lot of people have it. i don't
i even tried using teamviewer from my ablet, didn't work well :(
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If you like AoE, try another RTS like Starcraft 2 or something older like Empire Earth.
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As other people said AoE and Civ games are in different genres so I personally cant help you much in there.
Now about 4X games... well I'm not big fan of them but I tried once Civ 5 and liked the genre but since I'm not really big fan of realism in games I wasnt hooked for long. Now if you are more into fantasy games and like RPG elements in your game you can check Endless Legend . Expanding in it is a bit slower than Civ 5( at least for me) and overall I find the game harder than Civ 5 but if you end up liking the 4X genre you should give it a try when its on sale.
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I think Civ V is he Civ I've spent the most time playing since the first or second one. The Galactic Civilization games are great 4X, Master of Orion 1&2, Age of Wonders games, Master of Magic, Heroes of Might and Magic (I'd recommend one of the middle ones, like 2 or 3, since they're good and cheaper). The Guild games are kinda 4X? I had a lot of fun with those. Total War games are good, but I feel like they're much more combat focused than most 4X.
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The Age of Wonders series is something to check out.
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I didn't mean to compare Sims to AoE per se, but I was looking to play a similar game of "Build stuff and live in your own world" kind of thing. Sims is fun, but it gets really boring after a while. :/ Anno 2070 (don't know about the previous titles) was 'okay', but nothing too special apart from being futuristic setting.
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First of all, as others have pointed out Civ V is nothing like those games that you mentioned.
And second of all: Yes, Civ V is quite good. But, and this is important, not the base game alone. When Civ V was released, it was rather lackluster, but with expansions, it became really good, so if you decide to buy it, get the two major expansions as well (the civilizations are also nice, but not needed). Civ V is, in my opinion, competing for the top spot for best Civ game (Civ 2 is the other contender). Still not quite as good as Alpha Centauri though.
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It's a great game however quite different from Age of empires.
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I've been a long time fan of the Age of Empires franchise ever since I first played it back on Windows 98. Unfortunately, Ensemble Studios has been gone for nearly 5 years now and the last good Age of Empires game (Age of Empires III) came out way back in 2007. I tried to get into similar games like Anno 2070 and The Sims 3 and 4, but it just wasn't all that fun.
I see right now that Sid Meier's Civilization V Complete Edition is on sale on Steam, and my question is:
Is it as good or better than Age of Empires II/III?
What are some other good 4X-type games that you guys have enjoyed?
Thanks for your guys' time. :)
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