There was an open beta for SGv2 a while ago. There's no estimated release date, but I'm pretty sure cg will create a sticky thread to announce it, whenever it gets released.
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Yeah. I've tried going back many times and just run into memory issues and crashing even without loading it up on extensions. It just seems to go downhill for me. I haven't tried it recently again, though, so I just might see how it's doing. Although having independent processes for tabs is real nice so that if a page does something funky it doesn't take down the whole browser, especially since I tend to do lots of research, branching out on topics, and having way too many tabs as a result (although I figured out I could just multi-select a group of tabs into a new window and then save them all into a folder at once for later).
EDIT: Oh yeah, I forgot that they decided to change their versioning presumably so they don't look like they're way behind Chrome (currently at version 35) or something like that. I was like Firefox 30?! Then I remembered that they were doing whole-number updates where not much seemed to change. :P :P
EDIT2: It's working nicely so far. I've got some minor irks with bookmark management and how it's using about 1GB of memory despite not having only 8 boring tabs open (just text and graphics). But I quite like how it's going, and it's nice to have greasemonkey again too. Group tabs seem interesting to visit. I couldn't get a hang of them before but they look like they could be pretty useful, actually. :)
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Yes, I specified that chrome has an independent process for each tab; I'm well aware of that. That is quite irrelevant with regards to memory footprint on its own. Many lightweight processes can easily consume far less memory than one bloated process. For example, I loaded Chrome up to compare with Firefox, which I've been using exclusively for the last week. With various extensions and userscripts loaded, and 21 tabs split over a few windows, Chrome used a total of 800MB (that's rounding up each of the processes, btw). When I opened up Firefox, vanilla, with just 8 tabs, it was already at 1GB (~30% more memory). And now with a whopping 34 tabs it's sitting around 2.1GB, which is over 2.5 times the memory footprint of Chrome with only 60% more tabs. So no, more processes does not definitely mean more memory. I've compared the two many times over many years and Firefox's hefty footprint (even without any addons as stated, previously) is one of the factors that has turned me away repeatedly.
Thankfully I've got a lot more RAM at my disposal now so it's a diminished problem, and I've only been irked by minor issues, like not having confirmation to quit when the preferences are set to restore the session on startup (really inane), occasional hangs of the whole browser because of a single troublesome tab (one of the really nice perks to having those separate processes), and really petty things such as: wanting to tweak tabs more (and in ways not available through TMB, e.g.), having to click the star to bookmark and then again to edit it directly after and then having to find where I want to put it by browsing through folders instead of just being able to type the name, having the refresh button fixed at the right end of the url bar, and having to remember to search with the search bar sometimes since the location bar will interpret input as a path rather than query in cases such as having a period in it, despite having a completely invalid format for a would-be URL. So all-in-all I'm having a good time, especially since it IS more customizable than Chrome and has some extensions that I reaaally missed, such as Tree Style Tab and GreaseMonkey (makes developing/editing userscripts way easier since I don't have to reinstall them every time I make changes); also, this Self-Destructing cookies is really cool and a much slicker solution than Vanilla Cookie Manager, in that it waits to terminate cookies after the domain's tabs are closed, so I don't run into issues where they're deleted prematurely on a site that I don't need permanent cookies for. :)
Apologies for the far-too-long comment. The browsing experience is a big deal for me, and I wanted to illustrate how it's usually not necessarily a simple case of something being better than something else. There are so many factors, both personal and objective that must be weighed to find what is preferable. And because it can be a really close call with such numerous and complex factors, it's easy to simply keep both around and switch back and forth to just use them and see which feels better in the end (or at least for a given time), you know?
Cheers, haha! :D
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Instead of Google, you should have used the Steamgifts forum. :P
The solution (using Tampermonkey) was posted a month ago
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Recently Chrome updated and decided to disable any extensions that weren't from the Chrome store. I don't use a lot of extensions, so ultimately this only meant the SG+ Alternative. I googled a solution but apparently the only way was to download another browser.
Anyway, I don't really want to do this, so I'm wondering if there's been anything recently released RE: SGV2. Settings, an open beta, ETA, anything? Or if there's a thread where discussion about that takes place.
Thanks guys. :)
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