Copy the giveaway into an incognito window or sign out and get to the giveaway page from there :D
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lol ... yes of course ... it is early in the morning here and i had some drinks last night ...
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copy the name of the game
go to your won games site
look for it^^
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Yes it was you. But what was your reason? Are you giving people a chance as mentioned above or in what case do you blacklist? Just interested ...
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This might help:
"Maybe because I didn't say thanks or what the hell why."
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Okay thanks for your answer. Interesting how people see things. I personally am bugged by too many messages on the giveaways. Thanks anyway. I appreciate it. Also with not saying thanks.
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Well, interesting to see ... I am here to create GA ... I am here to win GA ... but I am not here to earn "thanks" for what I do ... people are very different ...
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It's not about earning gratefulness. Sometimes it's about etiquette. People who take the time to at least say thanks feel like people who appreciate your efforts more and are people who I'd willingly give more to. It just speaks more about the person's character and manners for me.
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Not saying thank you after winning a game to the creator of the giveaway by simply posting a little message on the giveaway after you have won is bad manners. I have adopted that practice as well. It literally takes you two seconds to say thanks to the person to show gratitude
Many people are adopting this stance so soon you will find your choices of entering giveways will slowly and surely be limited.
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This. I don't comment thanks when entering, which doesn't mean I don't comment but I always try and remember to go back and thank the creator when I do win whether it be replying to the email they sent me, commenting on the giveaway or in steam chat if they added me to send a gift.
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If you enter one of my GAs and don't say thanks, I don't mind. You're just entering for the possibility.
If you enter and win and then don't thank me for providing an opportunity where you won, that's a different story.
That's just rude. It's like if you were walking down the street and someone just randomly came up to you and was like, "Here, have $20."
If you didn't say thanks and took it and went on your way, that'd be very rude.
The least you can do is enter a GA. The least you can do if you win a GA is thank the creator for giving you an opportunity to get a game for free that you won from them.
Just be nice, it's polite. :D
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Now that you can put keys directly on the giveaway, there's usually no email to reply to in order to say thanks, or there's no friending and chat on Steam to say thanks, so I try to comment on the giveaways I win to say thank you for the game. I like to see that as well, myself, on giveaways I create.
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When I'm in a restaurant I'm there to get food and pay for it. But you know what? I still say "thank you" to the waiter when e brings the meal or takes away the empty plate, not because I have to (he would do so even if didn't say anything), but because it is the right thing to do.
This is a community and not a Giveaway-trading-machine. So you deal with real people. And therefore it is the right thing to do, to treat them nicely which includes saying thanks if you receive something from them, they paid for and made the effort to let you get it.
And for me as a GA-creator it's simpel as that: If you win something and don't bother to say "thank you", I decide, that you're not grateful for what you receive and that I rather want to make people happy who have gratefulnes.
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Aber nicht innerhalb weniger Stunden --> Blacklist
It took 12 hours to get on th BL
I also say thanks in a restaurant and I also wanted in this case but already was on the blacklist ... so I wondered ...
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Ich habe erst nachher gelesen, dass es innerhalb weniger Stunden geschah. Das ändert für mich die Sachlage. Es klang halt so, als würdest du gar nicht "Danke" sagen und das fände ich störend (hast ja weiter unten geschrieben, war etwas missverständlich formuliert.)
Aber ich finde auch, man darf durchaus etwas Zeit geben. Ich habe eine Evernote-Notiz mit meinen Keys und dort notiere ich mir auch die GA die zu Ende sind. Wenn jemand gedankt hat, dann streiche ich das Spiel durch und habe so den Überblick. Im Normalfall gebe ich einem User immer rund eine Woche Zeit, wenn dann aber noch keine Reaktion gekommen ist, dann ist es für mich Zeit für die Blacklist.
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Since this thread obviously out of the rails I venture to ask a question too. Could you please tell me why you blacklisted me. I don't ask to unblacklist me, just asking to prevent that in the future if it's possible.
And also I do believe steamgifts would be better with the option to write a reason for that, so people knew what to do to eschew that in the future. That would be quite helpful for those who blacklist too, no need to remember all the cases.
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I really don't want people harassing me just because I blacklisted them, and I doubt anyone else does, either. Just move on.
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What means harass in this case? I just don't want to give people that blacklisted me the ability to win games from me ... as I don't have ...
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My main reason for using the blacklist feature is for having a poor ratio. If your ratio falls below 0.8 (so 10 wins per 8 hiveaways), I'll blacklist the user till it has been corrected. Your ratio seems fine, so I doubt it's that, but you mustn't take this personally. Most of the time, it is either for something silly or because they just want to give other peeps a better shot at winning.
Grats on the win and have a good weekend :).
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Schau weiter oben ... ich denke, das ist was individuelles ... mich nerven zu viele Nachrichten eher, als dass sie mich freuen. Ich meine, wir kennen alle die Voraussetzungen wie das hier funktioniert und haben die Funktionsweise der Seite verstanden. Weswegen ich mir nicht sicher bin, ob wir das unbedingt brauchen mit dem Danke sagen. Das ist wie Weihnachten, etwas inhaltsleer. Das heißt nicht, dass ich es weniger wertschätze
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es geht nicht darum, dass jeder die inbox zuspammt. aber du solltest dich wenigstens nachträglich bedanken, wenn du gewonnen hast.
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Mach ich ja ... auch ich kann Höflichkeit ... aber wenn man nach paar Stunden zurückkehrt und direkt auf der Blacklist ist, dann fällt einem das mitunter schwer ...
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Wie meinst du das? Ein paar Stunden, nachdem du gewonnen hast? Oder ein paar Stunden, nachdem du das Spiel schon aktiviert hast (in dem Fall hat Bongo Recht, du solltest dich dann halt einfach sofort bedanken; dann gibt's auch keine Missverständnisse)?
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Na in dem Fall habe ich es fix noch auf Arbeit aktiviert und markiert und bin dann los nach Hause. Weil ich los wollte und eh schon spät dran war. Und zu Hause kam ich zurück und war direkt auf der BL ... das ist doch Mist. Darüber hinaus ist es wirklich so wie ich schreibe, dass ich es nicht so wichtig finde. Aber ich denke, das ist meine Eigenheit.
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Das Problem mit jetzt aktivieren, irgendwann später bedanken ist, dass Bongo dann theoretisch tagelang immer wieder checken müsste, ob du dich bedankt hast. So eine Nacharbeit will keiner haben. Stell dir das mal mit 50 Giveaways vor. Und dass es dir nicht so wichtig ist, verstehe ich (mir auch nicht, habe noch nie jemanden auf die Blacklist gesetzt, weil er sich nicht bedankt hat). Aber es geht halt nicht nur um dich. Es gibt hier viele, denen das wichtig ist. Da muss man sich halt auch mal ein bisschen nach dem richten, der das Spiel verschenkt. Eventuell könnten ein nachträgliches Danke und eine Entschuldigung ja Wunder wirken in diesem Fall. ;)
EDIT: Was ich aber schon sagen muss ist, dass Bongo sowas in der Beschreibung erwähnen sollte.
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Naja, ich nehme es einfach mal als neues Wissen mit und werde das dann demnächst nicht mehr getrennt handhaben ;) Normalerweise hätte er es ja in den Nachrichten mitbekommen ... hab da kein Problem gesehen.
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Manners aren't related to the functioning of the site, and blacklists are fully due to user preferences.
And saying thank you beforehand is meaningless, but saying thank you after is certainly not, especially since it's used in part to signify to the creator that you successfully redeemed the key.
And if you didn't say 'thank you' at Christmas, I think your considerations for proper use of thank you are a bit different than most of ours.
Thanking people frivolously devalues the sentiment and is aggravating in the same way any spammed, meaningless sentiment is. Some people need that sort of validation, and that's their prerogative.
But when someone goes through the hassle of making sure you get a gift, not expressing gratitude for actually receiving something comes across as very self-centered.
Now, I don't personally blacklist for it, I find it a bit similarly self-centered to demand gratitude of people- I want it to be honest, if it happens, after all.
But I can get why someone'd take that negatively, especially in a site filled with leechers, bots, and mindless, obsessive collectors- would not taking a bit of time to acknowledge the gift imply you're more in line with that group, than with users more enthused about the games?
As far as the rest of your sentiments... woo boy.
First off, you should probably not write posts while still intoxicated, the tone of your OP is very self-absorbed and petulant, and is liable to increase the number of blacklists you're on.
Revenge blacklisting is somewhat frowned upon, since you DID get a game from the person already.
Flip side, most users seem to be in favor of automatic mutal-blacklisting, so it's kinda a weird blend, there.
But both acknowledging you did something socially inappropriate and then casually, offensively dismissing the act, rather than a less offensive statement declaring you simply don't agree with the approach, sets a bad tone.
But when you start saying you're "pissed off about this behavior", that takes it over the top, given that blacklisting is for most users a more casual, simple affair, where you try to emphasize things so that the most respectful, dedicated users get more chances.
Getting 'pissed off' because you got a game with no hassle and then were restricted from future giveaways is a bit extreme, especially since the lack of notification or mutual blacklisting is a flaw of the site, not the user; and the user can blacklist for any reason, and most aren't going to be intended as offensive toward you.
So yeah. A bit much, that. :X
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Thanks for your view in this, especially on blacklisting. I in gerneral don't use it or in very few cases ... so it was a little bit disturbing. Words weren't chosen well by me.
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Yeah, no. I had a bad opinion of you from the OP, but your replies have mostly been considerate, so I've a better opinion of you since.
Forget blaming intoxication, I don't think a single bit of poor phrasing and tone should count against us, if we make it early in the morning: It's totally the worst time of the day :'P
Seriously, props on the good conduct through the replies, so far.
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He's lucky it's not in English otherwise he would really be blacklisted more.
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Didn't you realize?
The whole reason for learning other languages is so you can speak in one, and speak your actual thoughts in the other.
"You're a great boss! ..hasse dich."
People's lack of education, lack of knack for languages, or just basic general apathetic natures, are all your friends in being able to mock them under your breath, without having to actually speak under your breath. ^.^
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you not said thanks? if you say thanks many will blacklist because of that, nothing is safe nowadays:-)
but a feature which lists who blacklisted you would be nice so you can reblacklist them so they cant win your games if they hate you?
not sure they can see it however, my blacklist has just a few fake giveaway creator.
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Nothing is safe? The difference is spamming thanks when entering and saying thanks when winning.
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I in general do, but sometimes there are situations when you cannot do right after winning. There is a liife outside. And when you check back later, maybe to leave a "thanks", and you are blacklisted then this is a little bit disturbing ...
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I understand people have a life but what I find is odd that one has time to activate the game yet cant type a couple of letters?
I've had people in your situation but instead they try to contact me. Some ask why they've been BL'd, I ignore those. Others say thanks and move on, I apologize to those and remove them from my BL.
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I've had people in your situation but instead they try to contact me. Some ask why they've been BL'd, I ignore those. Others say thanks and move on, I apologize to those and remove them from my BL.
Well put.
I'm definitely not as favorable toward public rants, in any case, and I imagine I might not be entirely alone in that.
Of course, in fairness, if your steam comments are disabled and you've got the person blacklisted, there's no easy, respectable way to leave such feedback anymore, so..
Not entirely a clear-cut matter.
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Bongo, I understand ... but in my case I activated and marked as received at work, went home and checked back later to say thanks. Although it isn't very important to me, I know that people appreciate it. I am not as impolite as suggested above and I always say thanks. This was not possible in this case.
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Probably safer in the future to wait to do it all at once, though I'm not going to say you were 'in the wrong', either.
Just a circumstance of how the site works, really.
Good on you for remembering, at least, I'd never be able to remember after I marked received, so I always do it all at once.
Which I guess saves me from this kind of hassle, huh? :D
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Ah, well, that does suck.
Sometimes blacklisting can be a bit hasty, but that's more humans being overstressed on the whole, than any indication of the creator being deliberately negative.
I'm not at all a fan of how blacklists prevent future communication- I feel that blacklisting from gibs and from communication should be separate markers, since there are times where further discussion would be beneficial.
That being said, 'thanks' is usually an indicator that you've successfully received the game, and many people probably'd expect you to only accept the game once you're able to say such.
Flip side, some people want fast acceptance, so they get their slot cleared and the pressure to watch over the giveaway removed fast-
So in this case, clearly not a black and white situation.
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Thanks for your feedback. Didn't know how important it is for people as I don't care for myself.
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I send gifts to the winner's email. This makes it easier than sending a friend request and waiting it to be accepted. The flip side of this is that people seem to be more inclined to not to thank for the gift as there is no direct connection between members.
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I also send by email and then usually message to make sure they add it to their library. lol
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Blacklisting nowadays is widely overused. I don't know why, but people are blacklisting others for no logical reason. So, maybe he blacklisted you just because you won. xD Maybe you didn't follow his rules? Maybe he expected you to play the game immediately? Nobody knows. xD
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Hello people,
I just reviewed a gift I won and I saw that the creator blacklisted me. Maybe because I didn't say thanks or what the hell why.
I am pissed off because of this behavoir and want to blacklist him as well.
But I cannot see who created the giveaway.
Why not change it?
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