Games Republic is throwing in a copy of This War of Mine with every pre-order of XCOM 2.

> > > > > Take a look see < < < < <

So, for $59.99 you get XCOM 2, the pre-order bonuses, and This War of Mine.

Normally This War of Mine is $19.99 but has gone as low as $6.49 during sales.

It has a rating of Overwhelmingly Positive - 95% of the 14,666 user reviews for this game are positive.

Does this add enough value to tip the scales for you?

You can also buy the Deluxe Version of XCOM 2, which comes with the Reinforcement Pack DLC for only $54.75 instead of the normal $75.

9 years ago*

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Do you tend to pre-order games? Will you pre-order XCOM 2?

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Yes. Yes.
Yes. No.
No. Yes.
No. No.

Pre-orders are bad/ M'kay?

9 years ago

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i totally agree with this however i might make an exception for xcom2 because iw ant to play the game day 1 and tehre's a 20% discount on gamesplanet.

9 years ago

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I just wrote lengthy reply that got eaten by sg... fuck this.

9 years ago

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i'd really enjoy that lengthy reply. I really think pre-orders are "bad" for the customer.
The last games i pre-ordered were total war attila and XCOM. I have played atiila for around 70h and XCOm for 110h. From the previews xcom 2 seems to be more of the same so i really want to play the game as soon as i can and as cheap as possible.

9 years ago

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xcom 2 deluxe is a bit cheaper in gamesplanet (.de or .fr), you can buy it for 52 euro

9 years ago

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Will include this in the OP. Thanks!

9 years ago

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Bought from Funstock Digital long time ago. Only 33.8$ is much cheap. =D

9 years ago

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I don't like pre-orders, but I must say, this is pre-order done right. No carved out content, re-skin or DLC that you'll get later on the line, its just plain and simple you get same experience as everybody else regardless when you bought the game. Maybe Day patch, and some optimization issues.... XD

9 years ago

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"Pre-Purchase Offer
Customize your squad of resistance fighters with bonus outfits, headgear, and custom facial war paint. Instantly unlock a survivor of the old war as a recruit in your barracks. "

Although if it's like the first game, the extra cosmetics are easily ignored.
The "a survivor of the old war as a recruit in your barracks." might have actual gameplay impact, although again the few pre-made characters you could get in the first game (from the Operation Slingshot and Operation Progeny missions) also didn't make much of a difference despite having higher-than-normal stats.

9 years ago

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XCOM 2 is the first game I've pre-ordered in a long time.
Enemy Unknown/Within is one of my most-played games on Steam for a reason, and the gameplay footage of XCOM 2 that's available so far is enough to make me want to play it on launch day.

9 years ago

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same for me. i think my last preorder was "starcraft - brood war" back in the days

9 years ago

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I think it depends on how much you like XCOM games. I recently preordered Fallout 4 because I love Fallout and Elder Scrolls games but I don't preorder unless it's a VERY special franchise or a REALLY great deal. This doesn't seem like a very good deal but if you like the series enough I'd say go for it, at the end of the day your opinion is the only one that counts.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

9 years ago

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I don't preorder games, but I have already won it ...

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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as a bit of off-topic, they also gaved this war of mine some time ago if you purchased the phone version of it

9 years ago

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Do you tend to pre-order games?

Tend is a touchy word. :p I do it once in awhile, but not very often.

9 years ago

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I pre-order games every now and then.. especially if I have enough card money to cover at least 50% of the price.
Yet to be disappointed by a pre-order but even if it happens it will be a lesson learned, not money wasted :D

Regardding Xcom 2.. well I liked Enemy Unknown mainly because of the combat, but after I played Shadowrun Returns/Dragonfall and waiting for decent sale on Hong Kong, there isnt much of a hunger for the tactical combat of Xcom. Also This War of Mine is good game so its a nice bonus if you dont own it already.

9 years ago

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I like my backlog to be fresh.
That's why I bought Invisible Inc. in early access and never played it.
That's why I preordered XCOM 2 I guess...

9 years ago

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Reminder that XCOM 2 is under 25$ on Nuuvem. Wait for release for purchase to be sure if it's region locked or not - there will be for sure some reddit thread about it.

9 years ago

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Nuveem is usually region locked.
No way they're selling a AAA game for less than half the price before release.

9 years ago

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Not really.. max 20% of nuveem offer is region locked, 80% comes as row keys. It is locked for purchase.. that is another thing and easily solved with any vpn.

9 years ago

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They added a load of regional subs a couple of weeks ago including Brazil only - .

9 years ago

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Will put this in the OP once I return home from work

9 years ago

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I already pre-ordered with GMG :) 45 euro for deluxe edition with -25% voucher

9 years ago*

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Any hints where I can get this voucher ?

9 years ago

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Should still be working

9 years ago

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there is a 27% voucher for xcom2.

9 years ago

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Cheapest i have found so far: 29.89€

9 years ago

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Preorders are always bad except for certain titles for me. Diablo 3 / 4 / franchise being exception. Or Warcraft.

9 years ago

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Meh... To pre-order or not to pre-order ? That is the question ... What would Jesus do ?

9 years ago

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There's plenty of videos from journalists to see a bit of how the game is working, for example, total biscuit made a video of 1h showing the parts of the game.
If you like what you see and your money isn't tight it might be worthy to pre-order to get the discounts; or you can just wait for release/sale so you don't run the risk of the pre-order.

9 years ago

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Yeap, I watched video made by total biscuit, read few reviews and bought it. Had nothing to play lately so ...

View attached image.
9 years ago

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It looks pretty solid from the preview builds people have shared videos of, some occasional bugs here and there with LOS and that - but that's XCOM.

I would pay full price and pre-order this game if I had to, definite buy for me, but I am just not fussed about when I get games. I'll probably wait until all the season pass content is out, and they add the promised controller support - I really liked that in EU/EW.

9 years ago

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I agree. From what I've seen so far looks good for me enought to preorder. First XCOM gave me a lot of fun, so I guess this should give me even more !

9 years ago

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Usually no, but these guys have a pretty good track record and its pc exclusive this time. I'm sure they know what will happen if they mess up.

9 years ago

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I'm slogging through Enemy Unknown until friday, then the real fun will begin. GMG is offering the game for much cheaper.

9 years ago

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I won't be preordering it because I lack the money but I would do it otherwise. The game looks incredible and the reviews have been extremely positive so far.

9 years ago

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I let it be known that I wanted the pre-order of XCOM 2 for Christmas. Somebody gave me Steam cred towards it instead. Now there are all these great pre-orders on other sites and I'm just sitting on my credit wishing Steam would do something worthwhile. It's sort of maddening.

(If somebody has advice, I'm listening.)

9 years ago*

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I don't know Steam's return policy on pre-orders, but maybe since it hasn't come out yet you can return it? Otherwise, you may just be saddled with it, which sucks, but it's better than just not having it at all.

Sorry for not being super helpful

9 years ago

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Thanks for taking the time to respond!

Actually, though, I think you misunderstood: I haven't purchased it yet. I still have my $50 in Steam credit. It's just that I can only spend it on Steam and I don't want to pay $60 for a game that's going for $40 or comes with extras all over the place.

9 years ago

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maybe you can find someone on the trade threads that will buy you the game for the steam wallet?

9 years ago

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That's a thought.

I'd also thought of trying to do it with keys. But people want rather too many keys for it to make this attractive.

9 years ago

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I don't think you can send someone money from your Steam Wallet, but you may as well buy the game and use the Steam credit for something else. (Net loss of $0)

9 years ago

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Already got it from Funstock Digital for £25.19. I look forward to playing it!

9 years ago

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I already have the game. I was the winner of the FanArt tattoo contest they held back in autumn Just gotta boop the guy in an email in next few days and he'll be sending me my steam key. I can wait on the DLC extras and soundtrack, I am buying from Amazon this wkend for $9 when it goes live, to share with my boyfriend, who is an avid XCOM fan and been counting down the days until XCOM2 comes out. Got him the XCOM2 artbook for our anniversary and actually getting that mailed out to him today. So yeah XD all covered. Plus, I've had TWoM since early last year.

9 years ago

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